本文整理汇总了Golang中hearts/logic/card.Card类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Card类的具体用法?Golang Card怎么用?Golang Card使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: AnimateTableCardPlay
// Animation for the 'play' action, when app is in the table view
func AnimateTableCardPlay(animCard *card.Card, playerInt int, quit chan bool, u *uistate.UIState) {
BringNodeToFront(animCard.GetNode(), u)
destination := u.DropTargets[playerInt]
destinationPos := destination.GetCurrent()
destinationDim := destination.GetDimensions()
ch := make(chan bool)
animateCardMovement(ch, animCard, destinationPos, destinationDim, u)
onDone := func() { animCard.SetFrontDisplay(u.Eng) }
SwitchOnChan(ch, quit, onDone, u)
示例2: SetCardPositionHand
// Given a card object, populates it with its positioning values and sets its position on-screen for the player hand view
func SetCardPositionHand(c *card.Card, indexInSuit int, suitCounts []int, u *uistate.UIState) {
suitCount := float32(suitCounts[c.GetSuit()])
heightScaler := float32(4 - c.GetSuit())
diff := suitCount*(u.Padding+u.CardDim.X) - (u.WindowSize.X - u.Padding)
x := u.Padding + float32(indexInSuit)*(u.Padding+u.CardDim.X)
if diff > 0 && indexInSuit > 0 {
x -= diff * float32(indexInSuit) / (suitCount - 1)
y := u.WindowSize.Y - heightScaler*(u.CardDim.Y+u.Padding) - u.BottomPadding
pos := coords.MakeVec(x, y)
c.Move(pos, u.CardDim, u.Eng)
示例3: dropCardOnTarget
// checks all drop targets to see if a card was dropped there
func dropCardOnTarget(c *card.Card, t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
for _, d := range u.DropTargets {
// checking to see if card was dropped onto a drop target
if touchingStaticImg(t, d, u) {
lastDroppedCard := d.GetCardHere()
if lastDroppedCard != nil {
reposition.ResetCardPosition(lastDroppedCard, u.Eng)
reposition.RealignSuit(lastDroppedCard.GetSuit(), lastDroppedCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
oldY := c.GetInitial().Y
suit := c.GetSuit()
c.Move(d.GetCurrent(), c.GetDimensions(), u.Eng)
// realign suit the card just left
reposition.RealignSuit(suit, oldY, u)
return true
return false
示例4: dropCardHere
// checks one specific drop target to see if a card was dropped there
func dropCardHere(c *card.Card, d *staticimg.StaticImg, t touch.Event, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
if !touchingStaticImg(t, d, u) {
return false
lastDroppedCard := d.GetCardHere()
if lastDroppedCard != nil {
reposition.ResetCardPosition(lastDroppedCard, u.Eng)
reposition.RealignSuit(lastDroppedCard.GetSuit(), lastDroppedCard.GetInitial().Y, u)
oldY := c.GetInitial().Y
suit := c.GetSuit()
u.CurCard.Move(d.GetCurrent(), c.GetDimensions(), u.Eng)
// realign suit the card just left
reposition.RealignSuit(suit, oldY, u)
return true
示例5: AnimateSplitCardPlay
// Animate playing of a card in the split view
// Should not be called when the player whose hand is being displayed is the player of the card
func AnimateSplitCardPlay(c *card.Card, player int, quit chan bool, u *uistate.UIState) {
dropTarget := u.DropTargets[(player-u.CurPlayerIndex+u.NumPlayers)%u.NumPlayers]
toPos := dropTarget.GetCurrent()
toDim := dropTarget.GetDimensions()
texture.PopulateCardImage(c, u)
switch player {
case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 1) % u.NumPlayers:
c.Move(coords.MakeVec(-toDim.X, 0), toDim, u.Eng)
case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 2) % u.NumPlayers:
c.Move(coords.MakeVec((u.WindowSize.X-toDim.X)/2, -toDim.Y), toDim, u.Eng)
case (u.CurPlayerIndex + 3) % u.NumPlayers:
c.Move(coords.MakeVec(u.WindowSize.X, 0), toDim, u.Eng)
ch := make(chan bool)
animateCardMovement(ch, c, toPos, toDim, u)
SwitchOnChan(ch, quit, func() {}, u)
示例6: LogPlay
// Formats play command and sends to Syncbase
func LogPlay(u *uistate.UIState, c *card.Card) bool {
key := getKey(u.CurPlayerIndex, u)
value := Play + Bar + strconv.Itoa(u.CurPlayerIndex) + Colon
value += cardType + Space + c.GetSuit().String() + c.GetFace().String() + Colon + End
return logKeyValue(u.Service, u.Ctx, key, value)
示例7: PopulateCardImage
// Given a card object, populates it with its image
func PopulateCardImage(c *card.Card, u *uistate.UIState) {
var texKey string
switch c.GetSuit() {
case card.Club:
texKey = "Clubs-"
case card.Diamond:
texKey = "Diamonds-"
case card.Spade:
texKey = "Spades-"
case card.Heart:
texKey = "Hearts-"
switch c.GetFace() {
case card.Jack:
texKey += "Jack"
case card.Queen:
texKey += "Queen"
case card.King:
texKey += "King"
case card.Ace:
texKey += "Ace"
texKey += strconv.Itoa(int(c.GetFace()))
texKey += ".png"
n := MakeNode(u)
u.Eng.SetSubTex(n, u.Texs[texKey])
示例8: touchingCard
func touchingCard(t touch.Event, c *card.Card, u *uistate.UIState) bool {
withinXBounds := t.X/u.PixelsPerPt >= c.GetCurrent().X && t.X/u.PixelsPerPt <= c.GetDimensions().X+c.GetCurrent().X
withinYBounds := t.Y/u.PixelsPerPt >= c.GetCurrent().Y && t.Y/u.PixelsPerPt <= c.GetDimensions().Y+c.GetCurrent().Y
return withinXBounds && withinYBounds
示例9: SetCardPositionTable
// Given a card object, populates it with its positioning values and sets its position on-screen for the table view
// cardIndex has an X of the total number of cards in hand, and a Y of the position within the hand of the current card
// padding has an X of the padding along the top edge, and a Y of the padding along each other edge
func SetCardPositionTable(c *card.Card, playerIndex int, cardIndex *coords.Vec, u *uistate.UIState) {
pos := CardPositionTable(playerIndex, cardIndex, u)
c.Move(pos, u.TableCardDim, u.Eng)
示例10: animateCardNoChannel
func animateCardNoChannel(animCard *card.Card, endPos, endDim *coords.Vec, u *uistate.UIState) {
node := animCard.GetNode()
startPos := animCard.GetCurrent()
startDim := animCard.GetDimensions()
iteration := 0
node.Arranger = arrangerFunc(func(eng sprite.Engine, node *sprite.Node, t clock.Time) {
if iteration < animationFrameCount {
curXY := animCard.GetCurrent()
curDim := animCard.GetDimensions()
XYStep := endPos.MinusVec(startPos).DividedBy(animationFrameCount)
dimStep := endDim.MinusVec(startDim).DividedBy(animationFrameCount)
newVec := curXY.PlusVec(XYStep)
dimVec := curDim.PlusVec(dimStep)
animCard.Move(newVec, dimVec, eng)
} else if iteration == animationFrameCount {
animCard.Move(endPos, endDim, eng)
示例11: determineDestination
func determineDestination(animCard *card.Card, dir direction.Direction, windowSize *coords.Vec) *coords.Vec {
switch dir {
case direction.Right:
return coords.MakeVec(animCard.GetCurrent().X+windowSize.X, animCard.GetCurrent().Y)
case direction.Left:
return coords.MakeVec(animCard.GetCurrent().X-windowSize.X, animCard.GetCurrent().Y)
case direction.Across:
return coords.MakeVec(animCard.GetCurrent().X, animCard.GetCurrent().Y-windowSize.Y)
case direction.Down:
return coords.MakeVec(animCard.GetCurrent().X, animCard.GetCurrent().Y+windowSize.Y)
// Should not occur
return coords.MakeVec(-1, -1)
示例12: ResetCardPosition
// Resets the position of card c to its initial position, then realigns the suit it was in
func ResetCardPosition(c *card.Card, eng sprite.Engine) {
c.Move(c.GetInitial(), c.GetDimensions(), eng)