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C# CCSprite.RunAction方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中cocos2d.CCSprite.RunAction方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# CCSprite.RunAction方法的具体用法?C# CCSprite.RunAction怎么用?C# CCSprite.RunAction使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在cocos2d.CCSprite的用法示例。


示例1: SpriteBatchNodeChildren

        public SpriteBatchNodeChildren()
            CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;

            // parents
            CCSpriteBatchNode batch = CCSpriteBatchNode.Create("animations/grossini", 50);

            AddChild(batch, 0, (int)kTags.kTagSpriteBatchNode);


            CCSprite sprite1 = new CCSprite("grossini_dance_01.png");
            sprite1.Position = (new CCPoint(s.Width / 3, s.Height / 2));

            CCSprite sprite2 = new CCSprite("grossini_dance_02.png");
            sprite2.Position = (new CCPoint(50, 50));

            CCSprite sprite3 = new CCSprite("grossini_dance_03.png");
            sprite3.Position = (new CCPoint(-50, -50));


            // BEGIN NEW CODE
            var animFrames = new List<CCSpriteFrame>();
            string str = "";
            for (int i = 1; i < 15; i++)
                string temp = "";
                if (i<10)
                    temp = "0" + i;
                    temp = i.ToString();
                str = string.Format("grossini_dance_{0}.png", temp);
                CCSpriteFrame frame = CCSpriteFrameCache.SharedSpriteFrameCache.SpriteFrameByName(str);

            CCAnimation animation = CCAnimation.Create(animFrames, 0.2f);
            sprite1.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (new CCAnimate (animation)));
            // END NEW CODE

            CCActionInterval action = new CCMoveBy (2, new CCPoint(200, 0));
            CCActionInterval action_back = (CCActionInterval)action.Reverse();
            CCActionInterval action_rot = new CCRotateBy (2, 360);
            CCActionInterval action_s = new CCScaleBy(2, 2);
            CCActionInterval action_s_back = (CCActionInterval)action_s.Reverse();

            CCActionInterval seq2 = (CCActionInterval)action_rot.Reverse();
            sprite2.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (seq2));

            sprite1.RunAction((CCAction)(new CCRepeatForever (action_rot)));
            sprite1.RunAction((CCAction)(new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(action, action_back)))));
            sprite1.RunAction((CCAction)(new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(action_s, action_s_back)))));

示例2: SpriteOffsetAnchorRotation

        public SpriteOffsetAnchorRotation()
            CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;
            CCSpriteFrameCache cache = CCSpriteFrameCache.SharedSpriteFrameCache;
            cache.AddSpriteFramesWithFile("animations/grossini_gray.plist", "animations/grossini_gray");

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                // Animation using Sprite BatchNode
                CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite("grossini_dance_01.png");
                sprite.Position = (new CCPoint(s.Width / 4 * (i + 1), s.Height / 2));

                CCSprite point = new CCSprite("Images/r1");
                point.Scale = 0.25f;
                point.Position = (sprite.Position);
                AddChild(point, 1);

                switch (i)
                    case 0:
                        sprite.AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0, 0);
                    case 1:
                        sprite.AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f);
                    case 2:
                        sprite.AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(1, 1);

                point.Position = sprite.Position;

                var animFrames = new List<CCSpriteFrame>(14);
                string str = "";
                for (int j = 0; j < 14; j++)
                    str = string.Format("grossini_dance_{0:00}.png", j + 1);
                    CCSpriteFrame frame = cache.SpriteFrameByName(str);

                CCAnimation animation = CCAnimation.Create(animFrames, 0.3f);
                sprite.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (new CCAnimate (animation)));
                sprite.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (new CCRotateBy (10, 360)));

                AddChild(sprite, 0);

                //animFrames.release();    // win32 : memory leak    2010-0415

示例3: Test6

        public Test6()
            CCSprite sp1 = new CCSprite(TestResource.s_pPathSister1);
            CCSprite sp11 = new CCSprite(TestResource.s_pPathSister1);

            CCSprite sp2 = new CCSprite(TestResource.s_pPathSister2);
            CCSprite sp21 = new CCSprite(TestResource.s_pPathSister2);

            sp1.Position = (new CCPoint(100, 160));
            sp2.Position = (new CCPoint(380, 160));

            CCActionInterval rot = new CCRotateBy (2, 360);
            var rot_back = rot.Reverse() as CCActionInterval;
            CCAction forever1 = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)CCSequence.FromActions(rot, rot_back));
            var forever11 = (CCAction) (forever1.Copy());

            var forever2 = (CCAction) (forever1.Copy());
            var forever21 = (CCAction) (forever1.Copy());

            AddChild(sp1, 0, CocosNodeTestStaticLibrary.kTagSprite1);
            AddChild(sp2, 0, CocosNodeTestStaticLibrary.kTagSprite2);


            Schedule(addAndRemove, 2.0f);

示例4: SpriteBatchNodeColorOpacity

        public SpriteBatchNodeColorOpacity()
            // small capacity. Testing resizing.
            // Don't use capacity=1 in your real game. It is expensive to resize the capacity
            CCSpriteBatchNode batch = new CCSpriteBatchNode("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", 1);
            AddChild(batch, 0, (int)kTags.kTagSpriteBatchNode);

            CCSprite sprite1 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
            CCSprite sprite2 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
            CCSprite sprite3 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
            CCSprite sprite4 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121));

            CCSprite sprite5 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 0, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
            CCSprite sprite6 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
            CCSprite sprite7 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 2, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
            CCSprite sprite8 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 3, 121 * 1, 85, 121));

            CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;
            sprite1.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 1, (s.Height / 3) * 1);
            sprite2.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 2, (s.Height / 3) * 1);
            sprite3.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 3, (s.Height / 3) * 1);
            sprite4.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 4, (s.Height / 3) * 1);
            sprite5.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 1, (s.Height / 3) * 2);
            sprite6.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 2, (s.Height / 3) * 2);
            sprite7.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 3, (s.Height / 3) * 2);
            sprite8.Position = new CCPoint((s.Width / 5) * 4, (s.Height / 3) * 2);

            CCActionInterval action = new CCFadeIn  (2);
            CCActionInterval action_back = (CCActionInterval)action.Reverse();
            CCAction fade = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(action, action_back)));

            CCActionInterval tintred = new CCTintBy (2, 0, -255, -255);
            CCActionInterval tintred_back = (CCActionInterval)tintred.Reverse();
            CCAction red = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(tintred, tintred_back)));

            CCActionInterval tintgreen = new CCTintBy (2, -255, 0, -255);
            CCActionInterval tintgreen_back = (CCActionInterval)tintgreen.Reverse();
            CCAction green = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(tintgreen, tintgreen_back)));

            CCActionInterval tintblue = new CCTintBy (2, -255, -255, 0);
            CCActionInterval tintblue_back = (CCActionInterval)tintblue.Reverse();
            CCAction blue = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(tintblue, tintblue_back)));


            // late add: test dirtyColor and dirtyPosition
            batch.AddChild(sprite1, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite1);
            batch.AddChild(sprite2, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite2);
            batch.AddChild(sprite3, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite3);
            batch.AddChild(sprite4, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite4);
            batch.AddChild(sprite5, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite5);
            batch.AddChild(sprite6, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite6);
            batch.AddChild(sprite7, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite7);
            batch.AddChild(sprite8, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite8);

            Schedule(removeAndAddSprite, 2);

示例5: addNewSpriteWithCoords

        public void addNewSpriteWithCoords(CCPoint p)
            int idx = (int)(CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1() * 1400.0f / 100.0f);
            int x = (idx % 5) * 85;
            int y = (idx / 5) * 121;

            CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", new CCRect(x, y, 85, 121));

            sprite.Position = p;

            CCActionInterval action;
            float random = CCMacros.CCRandomBetween0And1();

            if (random < 0.20)
                action = new CCScaleBy(3, 2);
            else if (random < 0.40)
                action = new CCRotateBy (3, 360);
            else if (random < 0.60)
                action = new CCBlink (1, 3);
            else if (random < 0.8)
                action = new CCTintBy (2, 0, -255, -255);
                action = new CCFadeOut  (2);
            object obj = action.Reverse();
            CCActionInterval action_back = (CCActionInterval)action.Reverse();
            CCActionInterval seq = (CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(action, action_back));

            sprite.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (seq));

示例6: performanceActions

        private void performanceActions(CCSprite pSprite)
            CCSize size = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;
            pSprite.Position = new CCPoint((Random.Next() % (int) size.Width), (Random.Next() % (int) size.Height));

            float period = 0.5f + (Random.Next() % 1000) / 500.0f;
            CCRotateBy rot = new CCRotateBy (period, 360.0f * Random.Float_0_1());
            var rot_back = rot.Reverse();
            CCAction permanentRotation = new CCRepeatForever (CCSequence.FromActions(rot, rot_back));

            float growDuration = 0.5f + (Random.Next() % 1000) / 500.0f;
            CCActionInterval grow = new CCScaleBy(growDuration, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            CCAction permanentScaleLoop = new CCRepeatForever (new CCSequence (grow, grow.Reverse()));

示例7: Init

        public override bool Init()
            InitWithColor(new CCColor4B(0, 0, 255, 255));

            CCMenuItemFont item1 = CCMenuItemFont.Create("(3) Touch to pushScene (self)", item0Clicked);
            CCMenuItemFont item2 = CCMenuItemFont.Create("(3) Touch to popScene", item1Clicked);
            CCMenuItemFont item3 = CCMenuItemFont.Create("(3) Touch to popToRootScene", item2Clicked);

            CCMenu menu = new CCMenu(item1, item2, item3);


            CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;
            CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite(s_pPathGrossini);

            sprite.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width /2, 40);
            CCActionInterval rotate = new CCRotateBy (2, 360);
            CCAction repeat = new CCRepeatForever (rotate);


            return true;

示例8: addNewSprite

        public void addNewSprite()
            CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;

            CCPoint p = new CCPoint((float)(Random.NextDouble() * s.Width), (float)(Random.NextDouble() * s.Height));

            CCSpriteBatchNode batch = (CCSpriteBatchNode)GetChildByTag((int)kTags.kTagSpriteBatchNode);

            int idx = (int)(Random.NextDouble() * 1400 / 100);
            int x = (idx % 5) * 85;
            int y = (idx / 5) * 121;

            CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(x, y, 85, 121));

            sprite.Position = (new CCPoint(p.X, p.Y));

            CCActionInterval action;
            float random = (float)Random.NextDouble();

            if (random < 0.20)
                action = new CCScaleBy(3, 2);
            else if (random < 0.40)
                action = new CCRotateBy (3, 360);
            else if (random < 0.60)
                action = new CCBlink (1, 3);
            else if (random < 0.8)
                action = new CCTintBy (2, 0, -255, -255);
                action = new CCFadeOut  (2);
            CCActionInterval action_back = (CCActionInterval)action.Reverse();
            CCActionInterval seq = (CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(action, action_back));

            sprite.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (seq));

示例9: StressTest2

        public StressTest2()
            CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;

            CCLayer sublayer = new CCLayer();

            CCSprite sp1 = new CCSprite(TestResource.s_pPathSister1);
            sp1.Position = (new CCPoint(80, s.Height / 2));

            CCActionInterval move = new CCMoveBy (3, new CCPoint(350, 0));
            CCActionInterval move_ease_inout3 = new CCEaseInOut((CCActionInterval) (move.Copy()), 2.0f);
            var move_ease_inout_back3 = (CCActionInterval) move_ease_inout3.Reverse();
            CCFiniteTimeAction seq3 = CCSequence.FromActions(move_ease_inout3, move_ease_inout_back3);
            sp1.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval) seq3));
            sublayer.AddChild(sp1, 1);

            CCParticleFire fire = CCParticleFire.Create();
            fire.Texture = (CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage("Images/fire"));
            fire.Position = (new CCPoint(80, s.Height / 2 - 50));

            var copy_seq3 = (CCActionInterval) (seq3.Copy());

            fire.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (copy_seq3));
            sublayer.AddChild(fire, 2);

            Schedule((shouldNotLeak), 6.0f);

            AddChild(sublayer, 0, CocosNodeTestStaticLibrary.kTagSprite1);

示例10: NodeToWorld

        public NodeToWorld()
            // This code tests that nodeToParent works OK:
            //  - It tests different anchor Points
            //  - It tests different children anchor points

            CCSprite back = new CCSprite(TestResource.s_back3);
            AddChild(back, -10);
            back.AnchorPoint = (new CCPoint(0, 0));
            CCSize backSize = back.ContentSize;

            CCMenuItem item = new CCMenuItemImage(TestResource.s_PlayNormal, TestResource.s_PlaySelect);
            CCMenu menu = new CCMenu(item);
            menu.Position = (new CCPoint(backSize.Width / 2, backSize.Height / 2));

            CCActionInterval rot = new CCRotateBy (5, 360);
            CCAction fe = new CCRepeatForever (rot);

            CCActionInterval move = new CCMoveBy (3, new CCPoint(200, 0));
            var move_back = (CCActionInterval) move.Reverse();
            CCFiniteTimeAction seq = CCSequence.FromActions(move, move_back);
            CCAction fe2 = new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval) seq);

示例11: SpriteBatchNodeAliased

        public SpriteBatchNodeAliased()
            CCSpriteBatchNode batch = CCSpriteBatchNode.Create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas", 10);
            AddChild(batch, 0, (int)kTags.kTagSpriteBatchNode);

            CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;

            CCSprite sprite1 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
            sprite1.Position = (new CCPoint(s.Width / 2 - 100, s.Height / 2));
            batch.AddChild(sprite1, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite1);

            CCSprite sprite2 = new CCSprite(batch.Texture, new CCRect(85 * 1, 121 * 1, 85, 121));
            sprite2.Position = (new CCPoint(s.Width / 2 + 100, s.Height / 2));
            batch.AddChild(sprite2, 0, (int)kTagSprite.kTagSprite2);

            CCActionInterval scale = new CCScaleBy(2, 5);
            CCActionInterval scale_back = (CCActionInterval)scale.Reverse();
            CCActionInterval seq = (CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(scale, scale_back));
            CCAction repeat = new CCRepeatForever (seq);

            CCAction repeat2 = (CCAction)(repeat.Copy());


示例12: IntervalLayer

        public IntervalLayer()
            m_time0 = m_time1 = m_time2 = m_time3 = m_time4 = 0.0f;

            CCSize s = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;

            // sun
            CCParticleSystem sun = CCParticleSun.Create();
            sun.Texture = CCTextureCache.SharedTextureCache.AddImage("Images/fire");
            sun.Position = (new CCPoint(s.Width - 32, s.Height - 32));

            sun.TotalParticles = 130;
            sun.Life = (0.6f);

            // timers
            m_label0 = CCLabelBMFont.Create("0", "fonts/bitmapFontTest4.fnt");
            m_label1 = CCLabelBMFont.Create("0", "fonts/bitmapFontTest4.fnt");
            m_label2 = CCLabelBMFont.Create("0", "fonts/bitmapFontTest4.fnt");
            m_label3 = CCLabelBMFont.Create("0", "fonts/bitmapFontTest4.fnt");
            m_label4 = CCLabelBMFont.Create("0", "fonts/bitmapFontTest4.fnt");


            Schedule(step2, 0);
            Schedule(step3, 1.0f);
            Schedule(step4, 2.0f);

            m_label0.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width * 1 / 6, s.Height / 2);
            m_label1.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width * 2 / 6, s.Height / 2);
            m_label2.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width * 3 / 6, s.Height / 2);
            m_label3.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width * 4 / 6, s.Height / 2);
            m_label4.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width * 5 / 6, s.Height / 2);


            // Sprite
            CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite(s_pPathGrossini);
            sprite.Position = new CCPoint(40, 50);

            CCJumpBy jump = new CCJumpBy (3, new CCPoint(s.Width - 80, 0), 50, 4);

            sprite.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever (
                (CCActionInterval) (CCSequence.FromActions(jump, jump.Reverse())))

            // pause button
            CCMenuItem item1 = CCMenuItemFont.Create("Pause", onPause);
            CCMenu menu = new CCMenu(item1);
            menu.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height - 50);


示例13: TextLayer

        public TextLayer()
            InitWithColor(CCTypes.CreateColor(32, 32, 32, 255));

            float x, y;

            CCSize size = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;
            x = size.Width;
            y = size.Height;

            CCNode node = new CCNode ();
            CCActionInterval effect = getAction();
            AddChild(node, 0, EffectTestScene.kTagBackground);

            CCSprite bg = new CCSprite(TestResource.s_back3);
            node.AddChild(bg, 0);
            bg.AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f);
            bg.Position = new CCPoint(size.Width / 2, size.Height / 2);

            CCSprite grossini = new CCSprite(TestResource.s_pPathSister2);
            node.AddChild(grossini, 1);
            grossini.Position = new CCPoint(x / 3, y / 2);
            CCActionInterval sc = new CCScaleBy(2, 5);
            CCFiniteTimeAction sc_back = sc.Reverse();
            grossini.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(sc, sc_back))));

            CCSprite tamara = new CCSprite(TestResource.s_pPathSister1);
            node.AddChild(tamara, 1);
            tamara.Position = new CCPoint(2 * x / 3, y / 2);
            CCActionInterval sc2 = new CCScaleBy(2, 5);
            CCFiniteTimeAction sc2_back = sc2.Reverse();
            tamara.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(sc2, sc2_back))));

            CCLabelTTF label = new CCLabelTTF(EffectTestScene.effectsList[EffectTestScene.actionIdx], "arial", 32);

            label.Position = new CCPoint(x / 2, y - 80);
            label.Tag = EffectTestScene.kTagLabel;

            CCMenuItemImage item1 = new CCMenuItemImage(TestResource.s_pPathB1, TestResource.s_pPathB2, backCallback);
            CCMenuItemImage item2 = new CCMenuItemImage(TestResource.s_pPathR1, TestResource.s_pPathR2, restartCallback);
            CCMenuItemImage item3 = new CCMenuItemImage(TestResource.s_pPathF1, TestResource.s_pPathF2, nextCallback);

            CCMenu menu = new CCMenu(item1, item2, item3);

            menu.Position = new CCPoint(0, 0);
            item1.Position = new CCPoint(size.Width / 2 - 100, 30);
            item2.Position = new CCPoint(size.Width / 2, 30);
            item3.Position = new CCPoint(size.Width / 2 + 100, 30);

            AddChild(menu, 1);


示例14: OnEnter

        public override void OnEnter()

            float x, y;

            CCSize size = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;
            x = size.Width;
            y = size.Height;

            CCSprite bg = new CCSprite("Images/background3");
            AddChild(bg, 0, EffectAdvanceScene.kTagBackground);
            bg.Position = new CCPoint(x / 2, y / 2);

            grossini = new CCSprite("Images/grossinis_sister2");
            bg.AddChild(grossini, 1, EffectAdvanceScene.kTagSprite1);
            grossini.Position = new CCPoint(x / 3.0f, 200);
            CCActionInterval sc = new CCScaleBy(2, 5);
            CCFiniteTimeAction sc_back = sc.Reverse();
            grossini.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(sc, sc_back))));

            tamara = new CCSprite("Images/grossinis_sister1");
            bg.AddChild(tamara, 1, EffectAdvanceScene.kTagSprite2);
            tamara.Position = new CCPoint(2 * x / 3.0f, 200);
            CCActionInterval sc2 = new CCScaleBy(2, 5);
            CCFiniteTimeAction sc2_back = sc2.Reverse();
            tamara.RunAction(new CCRepeatForever ((CCActionInterval)(CCSequence.FromActions(sc2, sc2_back))));

            CCLabelTTF label = new CCLabelTTF(title(), "arial", 28);

            label.Position = new CCPoint(x / 2, y - 80);
            label.Tag = EffectAdvanceScene.kTagLabel;

            string strSubtitle = subtitle();
            if (strSubtitle != null)
                CCLabelTTF l = new CCLabelTTF(strSubtitle, "arial", 16);
                AddChild(l, 101);
                l.Position = new CCPoint(size.Width / 2, size.Height - 80);

            CCMenuItemImage item1 = new CCMenuItemImage("Images/b1", "Images/b2", backCallback);
            CCMenuItemImage item2 = new CCMenuItemImage("Images/r1", "Images/r2", restartCallback);
            CCMenuItemImage item3 = new CCMenuItemImage("Images/f1", "Images/f2", nextCallback);

            CCMenu menu = CCMenu.Create(item1, item2, item3);

            menu.Position = new CCPoint(0, 0);
            item1.Position = new CCPoint(size.Width / 2 - 100, 30);
            item2.Position = new CCPoint(size.Width / 2, 30);
            item3.Position = new CCPoint(size.Width / 2 + 100, 30);

            AddChild(menu, 1);

示例15: OnEnter

        public override void OnEnter()

            float x, y;

            CCSize size = CCDirector.SharedDirector.WinSize;
            x = size.Width;
            y = size.Height;

            CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite(s_pPathGrossini);
            CCSprite spriteSister1 = new CCSprite(s_pPathSister1);
            CCSprite spriteSister2 = new CCSprite(s_pPathSister2);

            sprite.Scale = (1.5f);
            spriteSister1.Scale = (1.5f);
            spriteSister2.Scale = (1.5f);

            sprite.Position = (new CCPoint(x / 2, y / 2));
            spriteSister1.Position = (new CCPoint(40, y / 2));
            spriteSister2.Position = (new CCPoint(x - 40, y / 2));

            CCAction rot = new CCRotateBy (16, -3600);



            CCActionInterval jump1 = new CCJumpBy (4, new CCPoint(-400, 0), 100, 4);
            CCActionInterval jump2 = (CCActionInterval)jump1.Reverse();

            CCActionInterval rot1 = new CCRotateBy (4, 360 * 2);
            CCActionInterval rot2 = (CCActionInterval)rot1.Reverse();

            spriteSister1.RunAction(new CCRepeat (CCSequence.FromActions(jump2, jump1), 5));
            spriteSister2.RunAction(new CCRepeat (CCSequence.FromActions((CCFiniteTimeAction)(jump1.Copy()), (CCFiniteTimeAction)(jump2.Copy())), 5));

            spriteSister1.RunAction(new CCRepeat (CCSequence.FromActions(rot1, rot2), 5));
            spriteSister2.RunAction(new CCRepeat (CCSequence.FromActions((CCFiniteTimeAction)(rot2.Copy()), (CCFiniteTimeAction)(rot1.Copy())), 5));
