本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.Object.GetType方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Object.GetType方法的具体用法?C# Object.GetType怎么用?C# Object.GetType使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类UnityEngine.Object
示例1: DestroyObject
public new void DestroyObject(Object target)
if (target.GetType() == typeof(Transform))
else if (target.GetType() == typeof(GameObject))
示例2: OnGUI
public override void OnGUI (Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) {
battribute = attribute as ButtonAttribute;
obj = property.serializedObject.targetObject;
MethodInfo method = obj.GetType().GetMethod(battribute.methodName, battribute.flags);
if (method == null) {
EditorGUI.HelpBox(position, "Method Not Found", MessageType.Error);
} else {
if (battribute.useValue) {
valueRect = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width/2f, position.height);
buttonRect = new Rect(position.x + position.width/2f, position.y, position.width/2f, position.height);
EditorGUI.PropertyField(valueRect, property, GUIContent.none);
if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, battribute.buttonName)) {
method.Invoke(obj, new object[]{fieldInfo.GetValue(obj)});
} else {
if (GUI.Button(position, battribute.buttonName)) {
method.Invoke(obj, null);
示例3: ScreenShotComponent
public static void ScreenShotComponent(Rect contentRect, Object target)
ScreenShots.s_TakeComponentScreenshot = false;
contentRect.yMax += 2f;
ScreenShots.SaveScreenShotWithBorder(contentRect, ScreenShots.kWindowBorderColor, target.GetType().Name + "Inspector");
示例4: OnXGUI
public override void OnXGUI()
DoButton( "OpenMonoScript", OpenMonoScript );
DoButton( "Clear", () => ScriptFile = null );
ScriptFile = CreateObjectField( ScriptFile );
flags = (BindingFlags)CreateEnumPopup( "BindingFlags", flags );
if( null != ScriptFile ) {
Type scriptType = ScriptFile.GetType();
CreateLabel( "Fields" );
if( scriptType == typeof( MonoScript ) ) {
scriptType = ( ScriptFile as MonoScript ).GetClass();
ShowMemberInfo( scriptType.GetFields( flags ) );
CreateLabel( "Properties" );
ShowMemberInfo( scriptType.GetProperties( flags ) );
CreateLabel( "Members" );
ShowMemberInfo( scriptType.GetMembers( flags ) );
示例5: AddInputListener
public static void AddInputListener(Object c)
foreach (var elem in c.GetType().GetFields()) {
if (elem.FieldType==typeof (key))
AddInput((key) elem.GetValue(c), elem.Name);
else if (elem.FieldType==typeof (axis))
AddInput((axis) elem.GetValue(c), elem.Name);
示例6: Init
public void Init(Object targetObject)
this.targetObject = targetObject;
methods = targetObject.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(m =>
m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ButtonAttribute), false).Length == 1 &&
m.GetParameters().Length == 0 &&
示例7: SetSelectedStructure
public void SetSelectedStructure(Object asset)
if(asset != null && asset.GetType() == typeof(TileStructureScriptableObject))
tileStructureScriptableObject = (TileStructureScriptableObject)asset;
tileStructureScriptableObject = null;
示例8: PrintObject
public void PrintObject(Object o, int recursionDepth = 0) {
var asComponent = o as Component;
var asGameObject = o as GameObject;
if (asComponent == null && asGameObject == null) {
_writer.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", o.GetType(), o.name);
if (asComponent != null) {
asGameObject = asComponent.gameObject;
PrintUnityGameObject(asGameObject, recursionDepth);
示例9: ShowInspectorForSerializedObject
public static void ShowInspectorForSerializedObject(UnityObject target)
// Run the editor
// Inspector for the serialized state
var inspectedObject = target as ISerializedObject;
if (inspectedObject != null) {
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) {
示例10: OnTargetAssetChanged
private IEnumerator OnTargetAssetChanged( Object asset )
string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( asset );
EditorSupport.ESUtility.CurRootPath = assetPath.Substring( 0, assetPath.IndexOf( "/res/", StringComparison.Ordinal ) + 1 );//+1是为了把"/"包含进去
if( asset is ScriptableObject ){
Type editorType = Utility.GetCustomEditor( asset.GetType() );
BaseEditor_ = Editor.CreateEditor( asset, editorType ) as BaseEditor;
if( BaseEditor_ ){
RawAsset_ = asset;
BaseEditor_.RawAsset = asset;
LastError_ = "不是自定义格式的资源:" + assetPath;
EditorWww www = EditorWww.Create( assetPath );
while ( !www.Finished ) {
yield return null;
var scriptableObj = www.GetAsset() as ScriptableObject;
if ( !scriptableObj ){
LastError_ = "无法识别的资源: " + assetPath;
yield break;
Type editorType = Utility.GetCustomEditor( scriptableObj.GetType() );
if ( editorType == null || editorType.BaseType != typeof( BaseEditor ) ) {
LastError_ = "没有找到对应的编辑器: " + scriptableObj.GetType();
else {
ScriptableObject tempObj = CreateInstance( scriptableObj.GetType() );
EditorUtility.CopySerialized( scriptableObj, tempObj );
string filePath = Path.ChangeExtension( assetPath, PalmPoineer.Defines.AssetExt.UnityAsset );
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset( tempObj, filePath );
RawAsset_ = tempObj;
BaseEditor_ = Editor.CreateEditor( tempObj, editorType ) as BaseEditor;
BaseEditor_.RawAsset = tempObj;
示例11: OnTargetAssetChanged
private IEnumerator OnTargetAssetChanged(Object asset)
string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(asset);
//Debug.Log("OnTargetAssetChanged(), assetPath : " + assetPath);
EditorSupport.ESUtility.CurRootPath = assetPath.Substring(0, assetPath.IndexOf("/res/", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);//+1是为了把"/"包含进去
//Debug.Log("OnTargetAssetChanged(), CurRootPath : " + EditorSupport.ESUtility.CurRootPath);
if (asset is ScriptableObject) {
Type editorType = Utility.GetCustomEditor(asset.GetType());
BaseEditor_ = Editor.CreateEditor(asset, editorType) as BaseEditor;
if (BaseEditor_) {
ObjFieldShow_ = asset;
BaseEditor_.RawAsset = asset;
else {
LastError_ = "不是自定义格式的资源:" + assetPath;
else {
yield return null;
示例12: EditorTools
static EditorTools()
System.Type internalEditorUtilityType = typeof(InternalEditorUtility);
sortingLayersProperty = internalEditorUtilityType.GetProperty("sortingLayerNames", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
sortingLayerUniqueIDsProperty = internalEditorUtilityType.GetProperty("sortingLayerUniqueIDs", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
getSortingLayerCountMethod = internalEditorUtilityType.GetMethod( "GetSortingLayerCount",BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic );
#if UNITY_5
getSortingLayerUniqueIDMethod = internalEditorUtilityType.GetMethod( "GetSortingLayerUniqueID",BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic );
getSortingLayerUserIDMethod = internalEditorUtilityType.GetMethod( "GetSortingLayerUserID",BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic );
getSortingLayerNameFromUniqueIDMethod = internalEditorUtilityType.GetMethod( "GetSortingLayerNameFromUniqueID",BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic );
getSortingLayerNameMethod = internalEditorUtilityType.GetMethod( "GetSortingLayerName",BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic );
System.Type editorApplicationType = typeof(EditorApplication);
PropertyInfo tagManagerProperty = editorApplicationType.GetProperty( "tagManager",BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
tagManager = (Object)tagManagerProperty.GetValue( null,new object[0] );
defaultExpandedFoldoutField = tagManager.GetType().GetField( "m_DefaultExpandedFoldout" );
示例13: GetObjectType
private static ObjectType GetObjectType(Object activeObject)
if (activeObject == null) return ObjectType.None;
if (activeObject is GameObject)
if (Instance._breadcrumbs != null)
if (activeObject == Instance._breadcrumbs.gameObject) return ObjectType.InspectorBreadcrumbs;
PrefabType pt = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType((GameObject)activeObject);
if (pt == PrefabType.None || pt == PrefabType.DisconnectedModelPrefabInstance || pt == PrefabType.DisconnectedPrefabInstance ||
pt == PrefabType.MissingPrefabInstance || pt == PrefabType.ModelPrefabInstance || pt == PrefabType.PrefabInstance)
return ObjectType.Instance;
if (activeObject as UnityEngine.TextAsset != null)
return ObjectType.TextAssets;
if (activeObject.ToString().Contains("UnityEngine.SceneAsset"))
return ObjectType.Scene;
var asset_path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(activeObject);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset_path))
if (activeObject.GetType().ToString().Contains("AssetStoreAssetInspector"))
return ObjectType.AssetStoreAssetInspector;
return ObjectType.Asset;
if (asset_path.StartsWith("ProjectSettings/")) return ObjectType.ProjectSettings;
System.IO.FileAttributes file_attr = System.IO.File.GetAttributes(Application.dataPath + "/" + asset_path.Replace("Assets/", ""));
if ((file_attr & System.IO.FileAttributes.Directory) == System.IO.FileAttributes.Directory)
return ObjectType.Folder;
catch { }
return ObjectType.Asset;
示例14: WriteUnityObjectData
private void WriteUnityObjectData( string depth, Object uo, bool seen )
// shows some additional info on UnityObjects
writer.WriteLine( depth + "<unityObject type=\"{0}\" name=\"{1}\" seen=\"{2}\" hash=\"{3}\"/>",
SecurityElement.Escape( uo.GetType().GetFormattedName() ),
SecurityElement.Escape( uo ? uo.name : "--missing reference--" ),
uo ? uo.GetHashCode().ToString() : "0");
// todo we can show referenced assets for renderers, materials, audiosources etc
示例15: GetPlaceholder
/// <summary>
/// Create a PlaceHolder object for a given Component. We can reference this component later.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="component"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static Object GetPlaceholder( SubScene subScene, Object originalObj, string hashId )
string name = string.Format( "Cross-Scene Ref ({0})", hashId );
GameObject newGameObj = null;
SceneData sceneData = SceneDataEx.GetSceneData(subScene);
// First try searching by name (old behaviour)
Transform existsChild = sceneData.transform.FindChild( name );
if ( existsChild )
newGameObj = existsChild.gameObject;
if ( !newGameObj )
newGameObj = EditorUtility.CreateGameObjectWithHideFlags( name, HideFlags.None );
newGameObj.transform.parent = sceneData.transform;
SubSceneEx.SetIsDirty( subScene, true );
if ( !AdditiveScenePreferences.DebugShowBookkepingObjects )
newGameObj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
// Create a new, cloned component on the current GameObject.
if ( originalObj is GameObject )
return newGameObj;
else if ( originalObj is Transform )
return newGameObj.transform;
else if ( originalObj is Component )
Component component = (Component)originalObj;
Unsupported.CopyComponentToPasteboard( component );
Component newComp = newGameObj.GetComponent( originalObj.GetType() );
if ( !newComp )
newComp = newGameObj.AddComponent( component.GetType() );
SubSceneEx.SetIsDirty( subScene, true );
Unsupported.PasteComponentValuesFromPasteboard( newComp );
return newComp;
throw new System.ArgumentException( "Placeholders can only be created for GameObjects or Components", "originalObj" );