本文整理汇总了C#中UnityEngine.AnimationCurve.AddKey方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# AnimationCurve.AddKey方法的具体用法?C# AnimationCurve.AddKey怎么用?C# AnimationCurve.AddKey使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类UnityEngine.AnimationCurve
示例1: defineCurve
//Create default curve for the dynamic bias
private AnimationCurve defineCurve()
AnimationCurve temp = new AnimationCurve();
temp.AddKey(-1, -1);
temp.AddKey(-0.55f, -0.95f);
temp.AddKey(-0.001f, -0.5f);
temp.AddKey(0.001f, 0.5f);
temp.AddKey(0.55f, 0.95f);
temp.AddKey(1, 1);
temp.SmoothTangents(2, 1);
temp.SmoothTangents(3, -1);
return temp;
示例2: AbstractForceController
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
public AbstractForceController()
: base(ControllerType.AbstractForceController)
Enabled = true;
Strength = 1.0f;
Position = new Vector2(0, 0);
MaximumSpeed = 100.0f;
TimingMode = TimingModes.Switched;
ImpulseTime = 0.0f;
ImpulseLength = 1.0f;
Triggered = false;
StrengthCurve = new AnimationCurve();
Variation = 0.0f;
Randomize = new System.Random(1234);
DecayMode = DecayModes.None;
DecayCurve = new AnimationCurve();
DecayStart = 0.0f;
DecayEnd = 0.0f;
StrengthCurve.AddKey(0, 5);
StrengthCurve.AddKey(0.1f, 5);
StrengthCurve.AddKey(0.2f, -4);
StrengthCurve.AddKey(1f, 0);
示例3: Interpolators
static Interpolators()
// See: http://www.alsacreations.com/tuto/lire/876-transitions-css3-transition-timing-function.html
LinearCurve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
EaseOutCurve = new AnimationCurve();
EaseOutCurve.AddKey(new Keyframe(0f, 0f)
inTangent = 2,
outTangent = 2,
tangentMode = 0
EaseOutCurve.AddKey(new Keyframe(1f, 1f)
inTangent = 0,
outTangent = 0,
tangentMode = 0
EaseInCurve = new AnimationCurve();
EaseInCurve.AddKey(new Keyframe(0f, 0f)
inTangent = 0,
outTangent = 0,
tangentMode = 0
EaseInCurve.AddKey(new Keyframe(1f, 1f)
inTangent = 2,
outTangent = 2,
tangentMode = 0
EaseInOutCurve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
示例4: Start
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
m_InitialPosition = gameObject.transform.localPosition;
m_RelPosition.Set(0, 0, 0);
m_Translations = new Vector3[3];
m_Translations[0].Set(m_Speed, 0, 0);
m_Translations[1].Set(0, m_Speed, 0);
m_Translations[2].Set(0, 0, m_Speed);
gameObject.animation.animatePhysics = true;
m_Forward = new AnimationClip();
var curvex = new AnimationCurve();
var curvey = new AnimationCurve();
var curvez = new AnimationCurve();
var minpos = m_InitialPosition+m_MinIncrement;
var maxpos = m_InitialPosition-m_MaxIncrement;
float dist = (minpos-maxpos).magnitude;
m_MaxTime = dist/m_Speed;
curvex.AddKey(0f, minpos.x);
curvex.AddKey(dist/m_Speed, maxpos.x);
curvey.AddKey(0f, minpos.y);
curvey.AddKey(dist/m_Speed, maxpos.y);
curvez.AddKey(0f, minpos.z);
curvez.AddKey(dist/m_Speed, maxpos.z);
m_Forward.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
m_Forward.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", curvex);
m_Forward.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", curvey);
m_Forward.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", curvez);
this.animation.AddClip(m_Forward, "Forward");
m_ForwardState = this.animation["Forward"];
示例5: GetNewCurve
AnimationCurve GetNewCurve()
AnimationCurve newCurve = new AnimationCurve();
newCurve.AddKey(0f, 0f);
newCurve.AddKey(1f, 1f);
return newCurve;
示例6: Init
public override void Init()
m_FlyCurve = new AnimationCurve();
m_FlyCurve.AddKey(new Keyframe() { time = 0f, value = 0f });
m_FlyCurve.AddKey(new Keyframe() { time = 1f, value = 1f });
示例7: Rebuild
/// <summary>
/// Rebuild all Lookup tables for the path... This should be called when ever the samples number changes or any points are moved
/// </summary>
public void Rebuild()
// Scrap old curves
uvLUT = new AnimationCurve();
xLUT = new AnimationCurve();
yLUT = new AnimationCurve();
zLUT = new AnimationCurve();
// Add known start and end points to uvLUT
samples = Mathf.Max(samples, 2); // Force samples to always be greater than 1
float uvStepSize = (1.0f / (controlPoints.Length - 1)) / samples; // This is how much we increase our iTween.PointOnPath amount by each evaluation
float pathLength = length; // Get length of path from iTween
float distanceTraveled = 0; // Keep track of actual distance traveled along the path
float sampleUV = uvStepSize; // Set initial sample point to uvStepSize, there is no need to sample position 0
Vector3 sampleCurrent = controlPoints[0]; // Current point sampled
Vector3 sampleLast = controlPoints[0]; // Previous point sampled - used to get distance and normal
Vector3 normal = Vector3.forward; // Normal from last point to current point
while(sampleUV < 1)
sampleCurrent = iTween.PointOnPath(controlPoints, sampleUV); // Sample point from iTween
distanceTraveled += Vector3.Distance(sampleLast, sampleCurrent); // Increment distance traveled
float factor = distanceTraveled / pathLength; // Get percentage in actual distance that distanceTraveled = of pathLength
uvLUT.AddKey(factor, sampleUV); // Add key on Lookup table
normal = (sampleCurrent - sampleLast).normalized; // Normal from last sample point to current
xLUT.AddKey(sampleUV, normal.x); // Save each component of the normal to their own curves
yLUT.AddKey(sampleUV, normal.y);
zLUT.AddKey(sampleUV, normal.z);
sampleUV += uvStepSize; // Increament sampleUV by uvStepSize
sampleLast = sampleCurrent; // Save current point as last
if (controlPoints[0] == controlPoints[controlPoints.Length-1]) // Check if first and last points are equal... if so make sure the normal LUTs loop as well
looping = true;
sampleCurrent = iTween.PointOnPath(controlPoints, 1);
normal = (sampleCurrent - sampleLast).normalized;
xLUT.AddKey(0, normal.x);
yLUT.AddKey(0, normal.y);
zLUT.AddKey(0, normal.z);
xLUT.AddKey(1, normal.x);
yLUT.AddKey(1, normal.y);
zLUT.AddKey(1, normal.z);
looping = false;
示例8: DefaultCurve
private static AnimationCurve DefaultCurve()
AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve();
curve.AddKey(0, 0);
curve.AddKey(0.5f, 1);
curve.AddKey(1, 0);
curve.preWrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
curve.postWrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
return curve;
示例9: SineCurve
public static AnimationCurve SineCurve(float length, float magnitude) {
AnimationCurve a = new AnimationCurve();
a.preWrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
a.postWrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
a.AddKey(0 , 0);
a.AddKey(.25f * length , -magnitude);
a.AddKey(.5f * length , 0);
a.AddKey(.75f * length , magnitude);
a.AddKey(length , 0);
return a;
示例10: Init
public override void Init()
m_FlyCurve = new AnimationCurve();
m_FlyCurve.AddKey(new Keyframe() { time = 0f, value = 0f });
m_FlyCurve.AddKey(new Keyframe() { time = 1f, value = 1f });
m_FSMManager.RegisterCondition("IsFarEnoughFly", IsFarEnoughFly);
示例11: CalculateCurve
static void CalculateCurve(Vector3 pos1, Vector3 pos2, AnimationCurve curve, out float distance)
var t1 = pos1;
t1.y = 0f;
var t2 = pos2;
t2.y = 0f;
distance = Vector3.Distance( t1, t2 );
curve.AddKey( 0f, pos1.y );
curve.AddKey( 0.5f, distance * Constants.instance.jumpCurveHeightDifference + Mathf.Max( pos1.y, pos2.y ) );
curve.AddKey( 1f, pos2.y );
示例12: createAnimation
public static void createAnimation()
GameObject go = GameObject.Find(GAME_OBJECT_NAME);
if (go != null)
Animator animator;
go = createGameObjects(out animator);
AnimationClip animationClip = new AnimationClip();
AnimationUtility.SetAnimationType(animationClip, ModelImporterAnimationType.Generic);
AnimationCurve activeCurve = new AnimationCurve();
AnimationCurve positionLineCurve = new AnimationCurve();
AnimationCurve positionSmoothCurve = new AnimationCurve();
for (int i = 0; i < stepValues.Length; i++) {
float time = stepTime * i;
activeCurve .AddKey(KeyframeUtil.GetNew(time, stepValues[i] , TangentMode.Stepped));
positionLineCurve .AddKey(KeyframeUtil.GetNew(time, stepValues[i] + 2, TangentMode.Linear));
positionSmoothCurve.AddKey(KeyframeUtil.GetNew(time, stepValues[i] - 2, TangentMode.Smooth));
//this will be linear curve, so need to update tangents (should be after keyframes assignments)
animationClip.SetCurve(CUBE1_NAME, typeof(GameObject),"m_IsActive", activeCurve);
animationClip.SetCurve(CUBE2_NAME, typeof(Transform),"localPosition.x", positionLineCurve);
animationClip.SetCurve(CUBE2_NAME, typeof(Transform),"localPosition.y", positionSmoothCurve);
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(animationClip, ANIMATION_CLIP_PATH);
AddClipToAnimatorComponent(go, animator, animationClip);
示例13: Start
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
Animation anim = GetComponent<Animation> ();
AnimationCurve curve = new AnimationCurve();
curve.AddKey (0, 1);
//curve.AddKey (1, 2);
//curve.AddKey (2, 3);
curve.AddKey (3, 4);
curve.AddKey (6, -4);
AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip ();
clip.legacy = true;
clip.SetCurve ("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", curve);
anim.AddClip (clip, "test");
//anim.PlayQueued ("test2", QueueMode.CompleteOthers);
//anim ["test"].speed = 3;
anim.Play ("test");
示例14: FromXMLtoAnimationCurve
public static AnimationCurve FromXMLtoAnimationCurve(XmlNode node)
AnimationCurve output = new AnimationCurve();
if(node == null || !node.HasChildNodes)
output.AddKey(0, 1);
output.AddKey(1, 1);
return output;
foreach(XmlNode keyframeNode in node.SelectNodes("keyframe"))
Keyframe keyFrame = new Keyframe();
keyFrame.inTangent = float.Parse(keyframeNode["inTangent"].FirstChild.Value);
keyFrame.outTangent = float.Parse(keyframeNode["outTangent"].FirstChild.Value);
keyFrame.time = float.Parse(keyframeNode["time"].FirstChild.Value);
keyFrame.value = float.Parse(keyframeNode["value"].FirstChild.Value);
return output;
示例15: Start
void Start()
m_InitialPosition = gameObject.transform.localPosition;
m_WorldControler = GameObject.Find("GameWorld").GetComponent<WorldControllerScript>();
m_CurrentWorldNumber = m_WorldControler.GetCurrentWorldNumber();
m_RelPosition.Set(0, 0, 0);
m_Translations = new Vector3[3];
m_Translations[0].Set(m_Speed, 0, 0);
m_Translations[1].Set(0, m_Speed, 0);
m_Translations[2].Set(0, 0, m_Speed);
m_BumpersRenderer = new Renderer[2];
m_BumpersRenderer[0] = gameObject.transform.FindChild("bumperLeft").GetComponent<Renderer>();
m_BumpersRenderer[1] = gameObject.transform.FindChild("bumperRight").GetComponent<Renderer>();
m_LastUpdateWorldNumber = 0;
m_IsMoving = true;
gameObject.animation.animatePhysics = true;
m_Forward = new AnimationClip();
var curvex = new AnimationCurve();
var curvey = new AnimationCurve();
var curvez = new AnimationCurve();
var minpos = m_InitialPosition+m_MinIncrement;
var maxpos = m_InitialPosition-m_MaxIncrement;
float dist = (minpos-maxpos).magnitude;
m_MaxTime = dist/m_Speed;
curvex.AddKey(0f, minpos.x);
curvex.AddKey(dist/m_Speed, maxpos.x);
curvey.AddKey(0f, minpos.y);
curvey.AddKey(dist/m_Speed, maxpos.y);
curvez.AddKey(0f, minpos.z);
curvez.AddKey(dist/m_Speed, maxpos.z);
m_Forward.wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
m_Forward.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", curvex);
m_Forward.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.y", curvey);
m_Forward.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.z", curvez);
this.animation.AddClip(m_Forward, "Forward");