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C# TdsParserStateObject.TryReadInt32方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.TryReadInt32方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# TdsParserStateObject.TryReadInt32方法的具体用法?C# TdsParserStateObject.TryReadInt32怎么用?C# TdsParserStateObject.TryReadInt32使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject的用法示例。


示例1: TryGetTokenLength

        // returns the token length of the token or tds type
        // Returns -1 for partially length prefixed (plp) types for metadata info.
        // DOES NOT handle plp data streams correctly!!!
        // Plp data streams length information should be obtained from GetDataLength
        internal bool TryGetTokenLength(byte token, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, out int tokenLength)
            Debug.Assert(token != 0, "0 length token!");

            switch (token)
            { // rules about SQLLenMask no longer apply to new tokens (as of 7.4)
                case TdsEnums.SQLFEATUREEXTACK:
                    tokenLength = -1;
                    return true;
                case TdsEnums.SQLSESSIONSTATE:
                    return stateObj.TryReadInt32(out tokenLength);

                if (token == TdsEnums.SQLUDT)
                { // special case for UDTs
                    tokenLength = -1; // Should we return -1 or not call GetTokenLength for UDTs?
                    return true;
                else if (token == TdsEnums.SQLRETURNVALUE)
                    tokenLength = -1; // In Yukon, the RETURNVALUE token stream no longer has length
                    return true;
                else if (token == TdsEnums.SQLXMLTYPE)
                    ushort value;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out value))
                        tokenLength = 0;
                        return false;
                    tokenLength = (int)value;
                    Debug.Assert(tokenLength == TdsEnums.SQL_USHORTVARMAXLEN, "Invalid token stream for xml datatype");
                    return true;

            switch (token & TdsEnums.SQLLenMask)
                case TdsEnums.SQLFixedLen:
                    tokenLength = ((0x01 << ((token & 0x0c) >> 2))) & 0xff;
                    return true;
                case TdsEnums.SQLZeroLen:
                    tokenLength = 0;
                    return true;
                case TdsEnums.SQLVarLen:
                case TdsEnums.SQLVarCnt:
                    if (0 != (token & 0x80))
                        ushort value;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out value))
                            tokenLength = 0;
                            return false;
                        tokenLength = value;
                        return true;
                    else if (0 == (token & 0x0c))
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out tokenLength))
                            return false;
                        return true;
                        byte value;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out value))
                            tokenLength = 0;
                            return false;
                        tokenLength = value;
                        return true;
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown token length!");
                    tokenLength = 0;
                    return true;

示例2: TryReadSqlValueInternal

        internal bool TryReadSqlValueInternal(SqlBuffer value, byte tdsType, int length, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
            switch (tdsType)
                case TdsEnums.SQLBIT:
                case TdsEnums.SQLBITN:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 1, "invalid length for SqlBoolean type!");
                    byte byteValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Boolean = (byteValue != 0);

                case TdsEnums.SQLINTN:
                    if (length == 1)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT1;
                    else if (length == 2)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT2;
                    else if (length == 4)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT4;
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT8;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT1:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 1, "invalid length for SqlByte type!");
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Byte = byteValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT2:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 2, "invalid length for SqlInt16 type!");
                    short shortValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt16(out shortValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Int16 = shortValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT4:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 4, "invalid length for SqlInt32 type!");
                    int intValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out intValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Int32 = intValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT8:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 8, "invalid length for SqlInt64 type!");
                    long longValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt64(out longValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Int64 = longValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLFLTN:
                    if (length == 4)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLFLT4;
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLFLT8;

                case TdsEnums.SQLFLT4:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 4, "invalid length for SqlSingle type!");
                    float singleValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadSingle(out singleValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Single = singleValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLFLT8:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 8, "invalid length for SqlDouble type!");
                    double doubleValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadDouble(out doubleValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Double = doubleValue;

示例3: TryReadDecimalBits

        // @devnote: length should be size of decimal without the sign
        // @devnote: sign should have already been read off the wire
        private bool TryReadDecimalBits(int length, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, out int[] bits)
            bits = stateObj._decimalBits; // used alloc'd array if we have one already
            int i;

            if (null == bits)
                bits = new int[4];
                for (i = 0; i < bits.Length; i++)
                    bits[i] = 0;

            Debug.Assert((length > 0) &&
                         (length <= TdsEnums.MAX_NUMERIC_LEN - 1) &&
                         (length % 4 == 0), "decimal should have 4, 8, 12, or 16 bytes of data");

            int decLength = length >> 2;

            for (i = 0; i < decLength; i++)
                // up to 16 bytes of data following the sign byte
                if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out bits[i]))
                    return false;

            return true;

示例4: TryProcessSessionState

        private bool TryProcessSessionState(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, int length, SessionData sdata)
            if (length < 5)
                throw SQL.ParsingError();
            UInt32 seqNum;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt32(out seqNum))
                return false;
            if (seqNum == UInt32.MaxValue)
            byte status;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out status))
                return false;
            if (status > 1)
                throw SQL.ParsingError();
            bool recoverable = status != 0;
            length -= 5;
            while (length > 0)
                byte stateId;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out stateId))
                    return false;
                int stateLen;
                byte stateLenByte;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out stateLenByte))
                    return false;
                if (stateLenByte < 0xFF)
                    stateLen = stateLenByte;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out stateLen))
                        return false;
                byte[] buffer = null;
                lock (sdata._delta)
                    if (sdata._delta[stateId] == null)
                        buffer = new byte[stateLen];
                        sdata._delta[stateId] = new SessionStateRecord { _version = seqNum, _dataLength = stateLen, _data = buffer, _recoverable = recoverable };
                        sdata._deltaDirty = true;
                        if (!recoverable)
                            checked { sdata._unrecoverableStatesCount++; }
                        if (sdata._delta[stateId]._version <= seqNum)
                            SessionStateRecord sv = sdata._delta[stateId];
                            sv._version = seqNum;
                            sv._dataLength = stateLen;
                            if (sv._recoverable != recoverable)
                                if (recoverable)
                                    Debug.Assert(sdata._unrecoverableStatesCount > 0, "Unrecoverable states count >0");
                                    checked { sdata._unrecoverableStatesCount++; }
                                sv._recoverable = recoverable;
                            buffer = sv._data;
                            if (buffer.Length < stateLen)
                                buffer = new byte[stateLen];
                                sv._data = buffer;
                if (buffer != null)
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByteArray(buffer, 0, stateLen))
                        return false;

示例5: TryProcessError

        internal bool TryProcessError(byte token, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, out SqlError error)
            ushort shortLen;
            byte byteLen;
            int number;
            byte state;
            byte errorClass;

            error = null;

            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out number))
                return false;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out state))
                return false;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out errorClass))
                return false;

            Debug.Assert(((errorClass >= TdsEnums.MIN_ERROR_CLASS) && token == TdsEnums.SQLERROR) ||
                          ((errorClass < TdsEnums.MIN_ERROR_CLASS) && token == TdsEnums.SQLINFO), "class and token don't match!");

            if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out shortLen))
                return false;
            string message;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadString(shortLen, out message))
                return false;

            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLen))
                return false;

            string server;

            // If the server field is not recieved use the locally cached value.
            if (byteLen == 0)
                server = _server;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(byteLen, out server))
                    return false;

            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLen))
                return false;
            string procedure;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadString(byteLen, out procedure))
                return false;

            int line;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out line))
                return false;

            error = new SqlError(number, state, errorClass, _server, message, procedure, line);
            return true;

示例6: TryRun

                                if (!stateObj.TryStartNewRow(isNullCompressed: false))
                                    return false;

                            if (null != bulkCopyHandler)
                                if (!TryProcessRow(stateObj._cleanupMetaData, bulkCopyHandler.CreateRowBuffer(), bulkCopyHandler.CreateIndexMap(), stateObj))
                                    return false;
                            else if (RunBehavior.ReturnImmediately != (RunBehavior.ReturnImmediately & runBehavior))
                                if (!TrySkipRow(stateObj._cleanupMetaData, stateObj))
                                { // skip rows
                                    return false;
                                dataReady = true;

                            if (_statistics != null)
                                _statistics.WaitForDoneAfterRow = true;
                    case TdsEnums.SQLRETURNSTATUS:
                        int status;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out status))
                            return false;
                        if (cmdHandler != null)
                    case TdsEnums.SQLRETURNVALUE:
                            SqlReturnValue returnValue;
                            if (!TryProcessReturnValue(tokenLength, stateObj, out returnValue))
                                return false;
                            if (cmdHandler != null)
                    case TdsEnums.SQLSSPI:
                            // token length is length of SSPI data - call ProcessSSPI with it

                            Debug.Assert(stateObj._syncOverAsync, "ProcessSSPI does not support retry, do not attempt asynchronously");
                            stateObj._syncOverAsync = true;

                    case TdsEnums.SQLTABNAME:

示例7: TryProcessError

        internal bool TryProcessError(byte token, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, out SqlError error)
            ushort shortLen;
            byte byteLen;
            int number;
            byte state;
            byte errorClass;

            error = null;

            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out number))
                return false;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out state))
                return false;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out errorClass))
                return false;

            Debug.Assert(((errorClass >= TdsEnums.MIN_ERROR_CLASS) && token == TdsEnums.SQLERROR) ||
                          ((errorClass < TdsEnums.MIN_ERROR_CLASS) && token == TdsEnums.SQLINFO), "class and token don't match!");

            if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out shortLen))
                return false;
            string message;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadString(shortLen, out message))
                return false;

            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLen))
                return false;

            string server;

            // If the server field is not received use the locally cached value.
            if (byteLen == 0)
                server = _server;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(byteLen, out server))
                    return false;

            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLen))
                return false;
            string procedure;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadString(byteLen, out procedure))
                return false;

            int line;
            if (_isYukon)
                if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out line))
                    return false;
                ushort shortLine;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out shortLine))
                    return false;
                line = shortLine;
                // If we haven't yet completed processing login token stream yet, we may be talking to a Yukon server
                // In that case we still have to read another 2 bytes
                if (_state == TdsParserState.OpenNotLoggedIn)
                    // Login incomplete
                    byte b;
                    if (!stateObj.TryPeekByte(out b))
                        return false;
                    if (b == 0)
                        // This is an invalid token value
                        ushort value;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out value))
                            return false;

示例8: TryReadCipherInfoEntry

        /// <summary>
        /// <para> Parses the TDS message to read single CIPHER_INFO entry.</para>
        /// </summary>
        internal bool TryReadCipherInfoEntry (TdsParserStateObject stateObj, out SqlTceCipherInfoEntry entry) {
            byte cekValueCount = 0;
            entry = new SqlTceCipherInfoEntry(ordinal: 0);

            // Read the DB ID
            int dbId;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out dbId)) {
                return false;

            // Read the keyID
            int keyId;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out keyId)) {
                return false;

            // Read the key version
            int keyVersion;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out keyVersion)) {
                return false;

            // Read the key MD Version
            byte[] keyMDVersion = new byte[8];
            if (!stateObj.TryReadByteArray(keyMDVersion, 0, 8)) {
                return false;

            // Read the value count
            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte (out cekValueCount)) {
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < cekValueCount; i++) {
                // Read individual CEK values
                byte[] encryptedCek;
                string keyPath;
                string keyStoreName;
                byte algorithmLength;
                string algorithmName;
                ushort shortValue;
                byte byteValue;
                int length;

                // Read the length of encrypted CEK 
                if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16 (out shortValue)) {
                    return false; 

                length = shortValue;
                encryptedCek = new byte[length];

                // Read the actual encrypted CEK
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByteArray (encryptedCek, 0, length)) {
                    return false;

                // Read the length of key store name
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte (out byteValue)) {
                    return false;

                length = byteValue;

                // And read the key store name now
                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(length, out keyStoreName)) {
                    return false;

                // Read the length of key Path
                if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16 (out shortValue)) {
                    return false;

                length = shortValue;

                // Read the key path string
                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(length, out keyPath)) {
                    return false;

                // Read the length of the string carrying the encryption algo
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out algorithmLength)) {
                    return false;

                length = (int)algorithmLength;

                // Read the string carrying the encryption algo  (eg. RSA_PKCS_OAEP)
                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(length, out algorithmName)) {
                    return false;

                // Add this encrypted CEK blob to our list of encrypted values for the CEK
                    databaseId: dbId, 
                    cekId: keyId, 

示例9: TryProcessDone

        private bool TryProcessDone(SqlCommand cmd, SqlDataReader reader, ref RunBehavior run, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) {
            ushort curCmd;
            ushort status;
            int count;

            // Can't retry TryProcessDone
            stateObj._syncOverAsync = true;

            // status
            // command
            // rowcount (valid only if DONE_COUNT bit is set)

            if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out status)) {
                return false;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadUInt16(out curCmd)) {
                return false;

            if (_isYukon) {
                long longCount;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadInt64(out longCount)) {
                    return false;
                count = (int) longCount;
            else {
                if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out count)) {
                    return false;
                // If we haven't yet completed processing login token stream yet, we may be talking to a Yukon server
                // In that case we still have to read another 4 bytes
                // But don't try to read beyond the TDS stream in this case, because it generates errors if login failed.
                if ( _state == TdsParserState.OpenNotLoggedIn) {
                    // Login incomplete, if we are reading from Yukon we need to read another int
                    if (stateObj._inBytesRead > stateObj._inBytesUsed) {
                        byte b;
                        if (!stateObj.TryPeekByte(out b)) {
                            return false;
                        if (b == 0) {
                            // This is an invalid token value
                            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out count)) {
                                return false;

            // We get a done token with the attention bit set
            if (TdsEnums.DONE_ATTN == (status & TdsEnums.DONE_ATTN)) {
                Debug.Assert(TdsEnums.DONE_MORE != (status & TdsEnums.DONE_MORE),"Not expecting DONE_MORE when receiving DONE_ATTN");
                Debug.Assert(stateObj._attentionSent, "Received attention done without sending one!");
                stateObj._attentionReceived = true;
                Debug.Assert(stateObj._inBytesUsed == stateObj._inBytesRead && stateObj._inBytesPacket == 0, "DONE_ATTN received with more data left on wire");
            if ((null != cmd) && (TdsEnums.DONE_COUNT == (status & TdsEnums.DONE_COUNT))) {
                if (curCmd != TdsEnums.SELECT) {
                    if (cmd.IsDescribeParameterEncryptionRPCCurrentlyInProgress) {
                        // The below line is used only for debug asserts and not exposed publicly or impacts functionality otherwise.
                        cmd.RowsAffectedByDescribeParameterEncryption = count;
                    else {
                        cmd.InternalRecordsAffected = count;
                // Skip the bogus DONE counts sent by the server
                if (stateObj._receivedColMetaData || (curCmd != TdsEnums.SELECT)) {

            stateObj._receivedColMetaData = false;

            // Surface exception for DONE_ERROR in the case we did not receive an error token
            // in the stream, but an error occurred.  In these cases, we throw a general server error.  The
            // situations where this can occur are: an invalid buffer received from client, login error
            // and the server refused our connection, and the case where we are trying to log in but
            // the server has reached its max connection limit.  Bottom line, we need to throw general
            // error in the cases where we did not receive a error token along with the DONE_ERROR.
            if ((TdsEnums.DONE_ERROR == (TdsEnums.DONE_ERROR & status)) && stateObj.ErrorCount == 0 &&
                  stateObj._errorTokenReceived == false && (RunBehavior.Clean != (RunBehavior.Clean & run))) {
                stateObj.AddError(new SqlError(0, 0, TdsEnums.MIN_ERROR_CLASS, _server, SQLMessage.SevereError(), "", 0));

                if (null != reader) { // SQL BU DT 269516
                    if (!reader.IsInitialized) {
                        run = RunBehavior.UntilDone;

            // Similar to above, only with a more severe error.  In this case, if we received
            // the done_srverror, this exception will be added to the collection regardless.
            // MDAC #93896.  Also, per Ashwin, the server will always break the connection in this case.
            if ((TdsEnums.DONE_SRVERROR == (TdsEnums.DONE_SRVERROR & status)) && (RunBehavior.Clean != (RunBehavior.Clean & run))) {
                stateObj.AddError(new SqlError(0, 0, TdsEnums.FATAL_ERROR_CLASS, _server, SQLMessage.SevereError(), "", 0));

                if (null != reader) { // SQL BU DT 269516
                    if (!reader.IsInitialized) {

示例10: TryProcessEnvChange

                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLength)) {
                            return false;
                        env.oldLength = byteLength;
                        Debug.Assert(env.oldLength == 0 || env.oldLength == 8, "Improper length for old transaction id!");

                        if (env.oldLength > 0) {
                            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt64(out env.oldLongValue)) {
                                return false;
                            Debug.Assert(env.oldLongValue != SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId, "Old transaction id is null?"); // the server guarantees that zero is an invalid transaction id.
                        else {
                            env.oldLongValue = SqlInternalTransaction.NullTransactionId; // the server guarantees that zero is an invalid transaction id.

                        // env.length includes 1 byte type token
                        env.length = 3 + env.newLength + env.oldLength;

                    case TdsEnums.ENV_LOGSHIPNODE:
                        // env.newBinValue is secondary node, env.oldBinValue is witness node
                        // comes before LoginAck so we can't assert this
                        if (!TryReadTwoStringFields(env, stateObj)) {
                            return false;

                    case TdsEnums.ENV_PROMOTETRANSACTION:
                        Debug.Assert(_isYukon, "Received new ENVCHANGE tokens on pre 9.0 server!");

                        if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out env.newLength)) { // new value has 4 byte length
                            return false;
                        env.newBinValue = new byte[env.newLength];
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByteArray(env.newBinValue, 0, env.newLength)) { // read new value with 4 byte length
                            return false;

                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLength)) {
                            return false;
                        env.oldLength = byteLength;
                        Debug.Assert(0 == env.oldLength, "old length should be zero");

                        // env.length includes 1 byte for type token
                        env.length = 5 + env.newLength;

                    case TdsEnums.ENV_TRANSACTIONMANAGERADDRESS:
                    case TdsEnums.ENV_SPRESETCONNECTIONACK:
                        Debug.Assert(_isYukon, "Received new ENVCHANGE tokens on pre 9.0 server!");
                        if (!TryReadTwoBinaryFields(env, stateObj)) {
                            return false;
                    case TdsEnums.ENV_USERINSTANCE:
                        Debug.Assert(!_isYukon, "Received ENV_USERINSTANCE on non 9.0 server!");
                        if (!TryReadTwoStringFields(env, stateObj)) {
                            return false;
