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C# TdsParserStateObject.TryReadInt16方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.TryReadInt16方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# TdsParserStateObject.TryReadInt16方法的具体用法?C# TdsParserStateObject.TryReadInt16怎么用?C# TdsParserStateObject.TryReadInt16使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject的用法示例。


示例1: TryCommonProcessMetaData

                        byte schemapresent;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out schemapresent))
                            return false;

                        if ((schemapresent & 1) != 0)
                            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLen))
                                return false;
                            if (byteLen != 0)
                                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(byteLen, out col.xmlSchemaCollectionDatabase))
                                    return false;

                            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLen))
                                return false;
                            if (byteLen != 0)
                                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(byteLen, out col.xmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema))
                                    return false;

                            short shortLen;
                            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt16(out shortLen))
                                return false;
                            if (byteLen != 0)
                                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(shortLen, out col.xmlSchemaCollectionName))
                                    return false;

            if (col.type == SqlDbType.Decimal)
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out col.precision))
                    return false;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out col.scale))
                    return false;

            if (col.metaType.IsVarTime)
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out col.scale))
                    return false;

示例2: TryReadSqlValueInternal

        internal bool TryReadSqlValueInternal(SqlBuffer value, byte tdsType, int length, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
            switch (tdsType)
                case TdsEnums.SQLBIT:
                case TdsEnums.SQLBITN:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 1, "invalid length for SqlBoolean type!");
                    byte byteValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Boolean = (byteValue != 0);

                case TdsEnums.SQLINTN:
                    if (length == 1)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT1;
                    else if (length == 2)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT2;
                    else if (length == 4)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT4;
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLINT8;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT1:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 1, "invalid length for SqlByte type!");
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Byte = byteValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT2:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 2, "invalid length for SqlInt16 type!");
                    short shortValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt16(out shortValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Int16 = shortValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT4:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 4, "invalid length for SqlInt32 type!");
                    int intValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt32(out intValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Int32 = intValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLINT8:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 8, "invalid length for SqlInt64 type!");
                    long longValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt64(out longValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Int64 = longValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLFLTN:
                    if (length == 4)
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLFLT4;
                        goto case TdsEnums.SQLFLT8;

                case TdsEnums.SQLFLT4:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 4, "invalid length for SqlSingle type!");
                    float singleValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadSingle(out singleValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Single = singleValue;

                case TdsEnums.SQLFLT8:
                    Debug.Assert(length == 8, "invalid length for SqlDouble type!");
                    double doubleValue;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadDouble(out doubleValue))
                        return false;
                    value.Double = doubleValue;

示例3: TryProcessReturnValue

                byte schemapresent;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out schemapresent))
                    return false;

                if ((schemapresent & 1) != 0)
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out len))
                        return false;
                    if (len != 0)
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadString(len, out rec.xmlSchemaCollectionDatabase))
                            return false;

                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out len))
                        return false;
                    if (len != 0)
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadString(len, out rec.xmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema))
                            return false;

                    short slen;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt16(out slen))
                        return false;

                    if (slen != 0)
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadString(slen, out rec.xmlSchemaCollectionName))
                            return false;
            else if (rec.metaType.IsCharType)
                // read the collation for 8.x servers
                if (!TryProcessCollation(stateObj, out rec.collation))
                    return false;

                int codePage = GetCodePage(rec.collation, stateObj);

                // if the column lcid is the same as the default, use the default encoder
                if (codePage == _defaultCodePage)
                    rec.codePage = _defaultCodePage;
                    rec.encoding = _defaultEncoding;
                    rec.codePage = codePage;

示例4: TryProcessTypeInfo

        private bool TryProcessTypeInfo (TdsParserStateObject stateObj, SqlMetaDataPriv col, UInt32 userType) {
            byte byteLen;
            byte tdsType;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out tdsType)) {
                return false;

            if (tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLXMLTYPE)
                col.length = TdsEnums.SQL_USHORTVARMAXLEN;  //Use the same length as other plp datatypes
            else if (IsVarTimeTds(tdsType))
                col.length = 0;  // placeholder until we read the scale, just make sure it's not SQL_USHORTVARMAXLEN
            else if (tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLDATE) {
                col.length = 3;
            else {
                if (!TryGetTokenLength(tdsType, stateObj, out col.length)) {
                    return false;

            col.metaType = MetaType.GetSqlDataType(tdsType, userType, col.length);
            col.type = col.metaType.SqlDbType;

            // If sphinx, do not change to nullable type
            if (_isShiloh)
                col.tdsType = (col.isNullable ? col.metaType.NullableType : col.metaType.TDSType);
                col.tdsType = tdsType;

            if (_isYukon) {
                if (TdsEnums.SQLUDT == tdsType) {
                    if (!TryProcessUDTMetaData((SqlMetaDataPriv) col, stateObj)) {
                        return false;

                if (col.length == TdsEnums.SQL_USHORTVARMAXLEN) {
                    Debug.Assert(tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLXMLTYPE ||
                                 tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLBIGVARCHAR ||
                                 tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLBIGVARBINARY ||
                                 tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLNVARCHAR ||
                                 tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLUDT,
                                 "Invalid streaming datatype");
                    col.metaType = MetaType.GetMaxMetaTypeFromMetaType(col.metaType);
                    Debug.Assert(col.metaType.IsLong, "Max datatype not IsLong");
                    col.length = Int32.MaxValue;
                    if (tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLXMLTYPE) {
                        byte schemapresent;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out schemapresent)) {
                            return false;

                        if ((schemapresent & 1) != 0) {
                            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLen)) {
                                return false;
                            if (byteLen != 0) {
                                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(byteLen, out col.xmlSchemaCollectionDatabase)) {
                                    return false;

                            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLen)) {
                                return false;
                            if (byteLen != 0) {
                                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(byteLen, out col.xmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema)) {
                                    return false;

                            short shortLen;
                            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt16(out shortLen)) {
                                return false;
                            if (byteLen != 0) {
                                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(shortLen, out col.xmlSchemaCollectionName)) {
                                    return false;

            if (col.type == SqlDbType.Decimal) {
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out col.precision)) {
                    return false;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out col.scale)) {
                    return false;

            if (col.metaType.IsVarTime) {
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out col.scale)) {
                    return false;

                Debug.Assert(0 <= col.scale && col.scale <= 7);

示例5: TryProcessCipherInfoTable

        /// <summary>
        /// <para> Parses the TDS message to read a single CIPHER_INFO table.</para>
        /// </summary>
        internal bool TryProcessCipherInfoTable (TdsParserStateObject stateObj, out SqlTceCipherInfoTable? cipherTable) {
            // Read count
            short tableSize = 0;
            cipherTable = null;
            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt16(out tableSize)) {
                return false;

            if (0 != tableSize) {
                SqlTceCipherInfoTable tempTable = new SqlTceCipherInfoTable(tableSize);

                // Read individual entries
                for (int i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) {
                    SqlTceCipherInfoEntry entry;
                    if (!TryReadCipherInfoEntry (stateObj, out entry)) {
                        return false;

                    tempTable[i] = entry;

                cipherTable = tempTable;

            return true;

示例6: TryProcessReturnValue

            if (tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLUDT) {
                if (!TryProcessUDTMetaData((SqlMetaDataPriv) rec, stateObj)) {
                    return false;

            if (rec.type == SqlDbType.Xml) {
                // Read schema info
                byte schemapresent;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out schemapresent)) {
                    return false;

                if ((schemapresent & 1) != 0) {
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out len)) {
                        return false;
                    if (len != 0) {
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadString(len, out rec.xmlSchemaCollectionDatabase)) {
                            return false;

                    if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out len)) {
                        return false;
                    if (len != 0) {
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadString(len, out rec.xmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema)) {
                            return false;

                    short slen;
                    if (!stateObj.TryReadInt16(out slen)) {
                        return false;

                    if (slen != 0) {
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadString(slen, out rec.xmlSchemaCollectionName)) {
                            return false;

            else if (_isShiloh && rec.metaType.IsCharType) {
                // read the collation for 8.x servers
                if (!TryProcessCollation(stateObj, out rec.collation)) {
                    return false;

                int codePage = GetCodePage(rec.collation, stateObj);

                // if the column lcid is the same as the default, use the default encoder
                if (codePage == _defaultCodePage) {
                    rec.codePage = _defaultCodePage;
                    rec.encoding = _defaultEncoding;
                else {
                    rec.codePage = codePage;
                    rec.encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(rec.codePage);

            // For encrypted parameters, read the unencrypted type and encryption information.
            if (_serverSupportsColumnEncryption && rec.isEncrypted) {

示例7: TryCommonProcessMetaData

                                 tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLBIGVARBINARY ||
                                 tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLNVARCHAR ||
                                 tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLUDT,
                                 "Invalid streaming datatype");
                    col.metaType = MetaType.GetMaxMetaTypeFromMetaType(col.metaType);
                    Debug.Assert(col.metaType.IsLong, "Max datatype not IsLong");
                    col.length = Int32.MaxValue;
                    if (tdsType == TdsEnums.SQLXMLTYPE) {
                        byte schemapresent;
                        if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out schemapresent)) {
                            return false;

                        if ((schemapresent & 1) != 0) {
                            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLen)) {
                                return false;
                            if (byteLen != 0) {
                                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(byteLen, out col.xmlSchemaCollectionDatabase)) {
                                    return false;

                            if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out byteLen)) {
                                return false;
                            if (byteLen != 0) {
                                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(byteLen, out col.xmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema)) {
                                    return false;

                            short shortLen;
                            if (!stateObj.TryReadInt16(out shortLen)) {
                                return false;
                            if (byteLen != 0) {
                                if (!stateObj.TryReadString(shortLen, out col.xmlSchemaCollectionName)) {
                                    return false;

            if (col.type == SqlDbType.Decimal) {
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out col.precision)) {
                    return false;
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out col.scale)) {
                    return false;

            if (col.metaType.IsVarTime) {
                if (!stateObj.TryReadByte(out col.scale)) {
                    return false;

                Debug.Assert(0 <= col.scale && col.scale <= 7);

                // calculate actual column length here
                switch (col.metaType.SqlDbType)
