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C# TdsParserStateObject.SetTimeoutSeconds方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.SetTimeoutSeconds方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# TdsParserStateObject.SetTimeoutSeconds方法的具体用法?C# TdsParserStateObject.SetTimeoutSeconds怎么用?C# TdsParserStateObject.SetTimeoutSeconds使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject的用法示例。


示例1: TdsExecuteSQLBatch

        internal Task TdsExecuteSQLBatch(string text, int timeout, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, bool sync, bool callerHasConnectionLock = false)
            if (TdsParserState.Broken == State || TdsParserState.Closed == State)
                return null;

            if (stateObj.BcpLock)
                throw SQL.ConnectionLockedForBcpEvent();

            // Promote, Commit and Rollback requests for
            // delegated transactions often happen while there is an open result
            // set, so we need to handle them by using a different MARS session, 
            // otherwise we'll write on the physical state objects while someone
            // else is using it.  When we don't have MARS enabled, we need to 
            // lock the physical state object to syncronize it's use at least 
            // until we increment the open results count.  Once it's been 
            // incremented the delegated transaction requests will fail, so they
            // won't stomp on anything.

            // Only need to take the lock if neither the thread nor the caller claims to already have it
            bool needToTakeParserLock = (!callerHasConnectionLock) && (!_connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose);
            Debug.Assert(!_connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose || sync, "Thread shouldn't claim to have the parser lock if we are doing async writes");     // Since we have the possibility of pending with async writes, make sure the thread doesn't claim to already have the lock
            Debug.Assert(needToTakeParserLock || _connHandler._parserLock.ThreadMayHaveLock(), "Thread or caller claims to have connection lock, but lock is not taken");

            bool releaseConnectionLock = false;
            if (needToTakeParserLock)
                _connHandler._parserLock.Wait(canReleaseFromAnyThread: !sync);
                releaseConnectionLock = true;

            // Switch the writing mode
            // NOTE: We are not turning off async writes when we complete since SqlBulkCopy uses this method and expects _asyncWrite to not change
            _asyncWrite = !sync;

                // Check that the connection is still alive
                if ((_state == TdsParserState.Closed) || (_state == TdsParserState.Broken))
                    throw ADP.ClosedConnectionError();

                stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;


                stateObj._outputMessageType = TdsEnums.MT_SQL;

                WriteString(text, text.Length, 0, stateObj);

                Task executeTask = stateObj.ExecuteFlush();
                if (executeTask == null)
                    stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Read;
                    Debug.Assert(!sync, "Should not have gotten a Task when writing in sync mode");

                    // Need to wait for flush - continuation will unlock the connection                    
                    bool taskReleaseConnectionLock = releaseConnectionLock;
                    releaseConnectionLock = false;
                    return executeTask.ContinueWith(t =>
                        Debug.Assert(!t.IsCanceled, "Task should not be canceled");
                            if (t.IsFaulted)
                                FailureCleanup(stateObj, t.Exception.InnerException);
                                throw t.Exception.InnerException;
                                stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Read;
                            if (taskReleaseConnectionLock)
                    }, TaskScheduler.Default);

                // Finished sync
                return null;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))

示例2: TdsExecuteRPC

        internal Task TdsExecuteRPC(_SqlRPC[] rpcArray, int timeout, bool inSchema, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, bool isCommandProc, bool sync = true,
          TaskCompletionSource<object> completion = null, int startRpc = 0, int startParam = 0)
            bool firstCall = (completion == null);
            bool releaseConnectionLock = false;

            Debug.Assert(!firstCall || startRpc == 0, "startRpc is not 0 on first call");
            Debug.Assert(!firstCall || startParam == 0, "startParam is not 0 on first call");
            Debug.Assert(!firstCall || !_connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose, "Thread should not already have connection lock");
            Debug.Assert(firstCall || _connHandler._parserLock.ThreadMayHaveLock(), "Connection lock not taken after the first call");
                _SqlRPC rpcext = null;
                int tempLen;

                // Promote, Commit and Rollback requests for
                // delegated transactions often happen while there is an open result
                // set, so we need to handle them by using a different MARS session, 
                // otherwise we'll write on the physical state objects while someone
                // else is using it.  When we don't have MARS enabled, we need to 
                // lock the physical state object to syncronize it's use at least 
                // until we increment the open results count.  Once it's been 
                // incremented the delegated transaction requests will fail, so they
                // won't stomp on anything.

                if (firstCall)
                    _connHandler._parserLock.Wait(canReleaseFromAnyThread: !sync);
                    releaseConnectionLock = true;
                    // Ensure that connection is alive
                    if ((TdsParserState.Broken == State) || (TdsParserState.Closed == State))
                        throw ADP.ClosedConnectionError();

                    // This validation step MUST be done after locking the connection to guarantee we don't 
                    //  accidentally execute after the transaction has completed on a different thread.
                    if (firstCall)
                        _asyncWrite = !sync;

                        stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;


                        stateObj._outputMessageType = TdsEnums.MT_RPC;

                    for (int ii = startRpc; ii < rpcArray.Length; ii++)
                        rpcext = rpcArray[ii];

                        if (startParam == 0 || ii > startRpc)
                            if (rpcext.ProcID != 0)
                                // Perf optimization for Shiloh and later,
                                Debug.Assert(rpcext.ProcID < 255, "rpcExec:ProcID can't be larger than 255");
                                WriteShort(0xffff, stateObj);
                                WriteShort((short)(rpcext.ProcID), stateObj);
                                Debug.Assert(!ADP.IsEmpty(rpcext.rpcName), "must have an RPC name");
                                tempLen = rpcext.rpcName.Length;
                                WriteShort(tempLen, stateObj);
                                WriteString(rpcext.rpcName, tempLen, 0, stateObj);

                            // Options
                            WriteShort((short)rpcext.options, stateObj);

                        // Stream out parameters
                        SqlParameter[] parameters = rpcext.parameters;

                        for (int i = (ii == startRpc) ? startParam : 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
                            //                Debug.WriteLine("i:  " + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                            // parameters can be unnamed
                            SqlParameter param = parameters[i];
                            // Since we are reusing the parameters array, we cannot rely on length to indicate no of parameters.
                            if (param == null)
                                break;      // End of parameters for this execute

                            // Validate parameters are not variable length without size and with null value. 
                            param.Validate(i, isCommandProc);

                            // type (parameter record stores the MetaType class which is a helper that encapsulates all the type information we need here)
                            MetaType mt = param.InternalMetaType;

                            if (mt.IsNewKatmaiType)
                                WriteSmiParameter(param, i, 0 != (rpcext.paramoptions[i] & TdsEnums.RPC_PARAM_DEFAULT), stateObj);

示例3: TdsExecuteTransactionManagerRequest

        internal SqlDataReader TdsExecuteTransactionManagerRequest(
                    byte[] buffer,
                    TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType request,
                    string transactionName,
                    TdsEnums.TransactionManagerIsolationLevel isoLevel,
                    int timeout,
                    SqlInternalTransaction transaction,
                    TdsParserStateObject stateObj
            Debug.Assert(this == stateObj.Parser, "different parsers");

            if (TdsParserState.Broken == State || TdsParserState.Closed == State)
                return null;

            // Promote, Commit and Rollback requests for
            // delegated transactions often happen while there is an open result
            // set, so we need to handle them by using a different MARS session, 
            // otherwise we'll write on the physical state objects while someone
            // else is using it.  When we don't have MARS enabled, we need to 
            // lock the physical state object to syncronize it's use at least 
            // until we increment the open results count.  Once it's been 
            // incremented the delegated transaction requests will fail, so they
            // won't stomp on anything.

            Debug.Assert(!_connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose || _connHandler._parserLock.ThreadMayHaveLock(), "Thread claims to have parser lock, but lock is not taken");
            bool callerHasConnectionLock = _connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose;   // If the thread already claims to have the parser lock, then we will let the caller handle releasing it
            if (!callerHasConnectionLock)
                _connHandler._parserLock.Wait(canReleaseFromAnyThread: false);
                _connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose = true;
            // Capture _asyncWrite (after taking lock) to restore it afterwards
            bool hadAsyncWrites = _asyncWrite;
                // Temprarily disable async writes
                _asyncWrite = false;

                stateObj._outputMessageType = TdsEnums.MT_TRANS;       // set message type

                stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;

                const int marsHeaderSize = 18; // 4 + 2 + 8 + 4
                const int totalHeaderLength = 22; // 4 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 4
                Debug.Assert(stateObj._outBytesUsed == stateObj._outputHeaderLen, "Output bytes written before total header length");
                // Write total header length
                WriteInt(totalHeaderLength, stateObj);
                // Write mars header length
                WriteInt(marsHeaderSize, stateObj);
                WriteMarsHeaderData(stateObj, _currentTransaction);

                WriteShort((short)request, stateObj); // write TransactionManager Request type

                bool returnReader = false;

                switch (request)
                    case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Begin:
                        Debug.Assert(null != transaction, "Should have specified an internalTransaction when doing a BeginTransaction request!");

                        // Only assign the passed in transaction if it is not equal to the current transaction.
                        // And, if it is not equal, the current actually should be null.  Anything else
                        // is a unexpected state.  The concern here is mainly for the mixed use of 
                        // T-SQL and API transactions. 

                        // Expected states:
                        // 1) _pendingTransaction = null, _currentTransaction = null, non null transaction
                        // passed in on BeginTransaction API call.
                        // 2) _currentTransaction != null, _pendingTransaction = null, non null transaction
                        // passed in but equivalent to _currentTransaction.

                        // #1 will occur on standard BeginTransactionAPI call.  #2 should only occur if
                        // t-sql transaction started followed by a call to SqlConnection.BeginTransaction.
                        // Any other state is unknown.
                        if (_currentTransaction != transaction)
                            Debug.Assert(_currentTransaction == null || true == _fResetConnection, "We should not have a current Tx at this point");
                            PendingTransaction = transaction;


                        stateObj.WriteByte((byte)(transactionName.Length * 2)); // Write number of bytes (unicode string).
                        WriteString(transactionName, stateObj);
                    case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Commit:

                        Debug.Assert(transactionName.Length == 0, "Should not have a transaction name on Commit");
                        stateObj.WriteByte((byte)0); // No xact name

                        stateObj.WriteByte(0);  // No flags

                        Debug.Assert(isoLevel == TdsEnums.TransactionManagerIsolationLevel.Unspecified, "Should not have isolation level other than unspecified on Commit!");
                        // WriteByte((byte) 0, stateObj); // IsolationLevel

示例4: TdsExecuteRPC

      internal Task TdsExecuteRPC(SqlCommand cmd, _SqlRPC[] rpcArray, int timeout, bool inSchema, SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, bool isCommandProc, bool sync = true, 
          TaskCompletionSource<object> completion = null, int startRpc = 0, int startParam = 0) {
          bool firstCall = (completion == null);
          bool releaseConnectionLock = false;

          Debug.Assert(cmd != null, @"cmd cannot be null inside TdsExecuteRPC");
          Debug.Assert(!firstCall || startRpc == 0, "startRpc is not 0 on first call");
          Debug.Assert(!firstCall || startParam == 0, "startParam is not 0 on first call");
          Debug.Assert(!firstCall || !_connHandler.ThreadHasParserLockForClose, "Thread should not already have connection lock");
          Debug.Assert(firstCall || _connHandler._parserLock.ThreadMayHaveLock(), "Connection lock not taken after the first call");
          try {
              _SqlRPC rpcext = null;
              int tempLen;

              // SQLBUDT #20010853 - Promote, Commit and Rollback requests for
              // delegated transactions often happen while there is an open result
              // set, so we need to handle them by using a different MARS session, 
              // otherwise we'll write on the physical state objects while someone
              // else is using it.  When we don't have MARS enabled, we need to 
              // lock the physical state object to syncronize it's use at least 
              // until we increment the open results count.  Once it's been 
              // incremented the delegated transaction requests will fail, so they
              // won't stomp on anything.

              if (firstCall) {
                  releaseConnectionLock = true;
              try {
                  // Ensure that connection is alive
                  if ((TdsParserState.Broken == State) || (TdsParserState.Closed == State)) {
                      throw ADP.ClosedConnectionError();

                  // This validation step MUST be done after locking the connection to guarantee we don't 
                  //  accidentally execute after the transaction has completed on a different thread.
                  if (firstCall) {
                      _asyncWrite = !sync;


                      if ((!_fMARS) && (_physicalStateObj.HasOpenResult)) 
                          Bid.Trace("<sc.TdsParser.TdsExecuteRPC|ERR> Potential multi-threaded misuse of connection, non-MARs connection with an open result %d#\n", ObjectID);
                      stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;

                      if (_isYukon) {

                          WriteRPCBatchHeaders(stateObj, notificationRequest);

                      stateObj._outputMessageType = TdsEnums.MT_RPC;

                  for (int ii = startRpc; ii < rpcArray.Length; ii++) {
                      rpcext = rpcArray[ii];

                      if (startParam == 0 || ii > startRpc) {
                          if (rpcext.ProcID != 0 && _isShiloh) {
                              // Perf optimization for Shiloh and later,
                              Debug.Assert(rpcext.ProcID < 255, "rpcExec:ProcID can't be larger than 255");
                              WriteShort(0xffff, stateObj);
                              WriteShort((short)(rpcext.ProcID), stateObj);
                          else {
                              Debug.Assert(!ADP.IsEmpty(rpcext.rpcName), "must have an RPC name");
                              tempLen = rpcext.rpcName.Length;
                              WriteShort(tempLen, stateObj);
                              WriteString(rpcext.rpcName, tempLen, 0, stateObj);

                          // Options
                          WriteShort((short)rpcext.options, stateObj);

                      // Stream out parameters
                      SqlParameter[] parameters = rpcext.parameters;

                      for (int i = (ii == startRpc) ? startParam : 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) {
                          //                Debug.WriteLine("i:  " + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                          // parameters can be unnamed
                          SqlParameter param = parameters[i];
                          // Since we are reusing the parameters array, we cannot rely on length to indicate no of parameters.
                          if (param == null)
                              break;      // End of parameters for this execute

                          // Throw an exception if ForceColumnEncryption is set on a parameter and the ColumnEncryption is not enabled on SqlConnection or SqlCommand
                          if (param.ForceColumnEncryption && 
                              !(cmd.ColumnEncryptionSetting == SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting.Enabled || 
                              (cmd.ColumnEncryptionSetting == SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting.UseConnectionSetting && cmd.Connection.IsColumnEncryptionSettingEnabled))) {
                              throw SQL.ParamInvalidForceColumnEncryptionSetting(param.ParameterName, rpcext.GetCommandTextOrRpcName());

                          // Check if the applications wants to force column encryption to avoid sending sensitive data to server
                          if (param.ForceColumnEncryption && param.CipherMetadata == null
                              && (param.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input || param.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)) {
                              // Application wants a parameter to be encrypted before sending it to server, however server doesnt think this parameter needs encryption.

示例5: TdsExecuteTransactionManagerRequest

        internal SqlDataReader TdsExecuteTransactionManagerRequest(byte[] buffer, TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType request, string transactionName, TdsEnums.TransactionManagerIsolationLevel isoLevel, int timeout, SqlInternalTransaction transaction, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, bool isDelegateControlRequest)
            SqlDataReader reader2;
            if ((TdsParserState.Broken == this.State) || (this.State == TdsParserState.Closed))
                return null;
            bool lockTaken = false;
            lock (this._connHandler)
                        if (this._isYukon && !this.MARSOn)
                            Monitor.Enter(this._physicalStateObj, ref lockTaken);
                        if (!isDelegateControlRequest)
                        stateObj._outputMessageType = 14;
                        stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;
                        if (this._isYukon)
                            this.WriteMarsHeader(stateObj, this._currentTransaction);
                        this.WriteShort((short) request, stateObj);
                        bool flag = false;
                        switch (request)
                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.GetDTCAddress:
                                this.WriteShort(0, stateObj);
                                flag = true;
                                goto Label_0193;

                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Propagate:
                                if (buffer == null)
                                this.WriteShort(buffer.Length, stateObj);
                                this.WriteByteArray(buffer, buffer.Length, 0, stateObj);
                                goto Label_0193;

                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Begin:
                                if (this._currentTransaction != transaction)
                                    this.PendingTransaction = transaction;
                                this.WriteByte((byte) isoLevel, stateObj);
                                this.WriteByte((byte) (transactionName.Length * 2), stateObj);
                                this.WriteString(transactionName, stateObj);
                                goto Label_0193;

                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Commit:
                                this.WriteByte(0, stateObj);
                                this.WriteByte(0, stateObj);
                                goto Label_0193;

                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Rollback:
                                this.WriteByte((byte) (transactionName.Length * 2), stateObj);
                                this.WriteString(transactionName, stateObj);
                                this.WriteByte(0, stateObj);
                                goto Label_0193;

                            case TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Save:
                                this.WriteByte((byte) (transactionName.Length * 2), stateObj);
                                this.WriteString(transactionName, stateObj);
                                goto Label_0193;

                                goto Label_0193;
                        this.WriteShort(0, stateObj);
                        stateObj._pendingData = true;
                        SqlDataReader reader = null;
                        stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Read;
                        if (flag)
                            reader = new SqlDataReader(null, CommandBehavior.Default);
                            _SqlMetaDataSet metaData = reader.MetaData;
                            this.Run(RunBehavior.UntilDone, null, null, null, stateObj);
                        if ((request == TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Begin) || (request == TdsEnums.TransactionManagerRequestType.Propagate))
                            if ((transaction != null) && (transaction.TransactionId == this._retainedTransactionId))
                                return reader;
                            this._retainedTransactionId = 0L;

示例6: TdsExecuteSQLBatch

 internal void TdsExecuteSQLBatch(string text, int timeout, SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
     if ((TdsParserState.Broken != this.State) && (this.State != TdsParserState.Closed))
         if (stateObj.BcpLock)
             throw SQL.ConnectionLockedForBcpEvent();
         bool lockTaken = false;
         lock (this._connHandler)
                 if (this._isYukon && !this.MARSOn)
                     Monitor.Enter(this._physicalStateObj, ref lockTaken);
                 if (!this._fMARS && this._physicalStateObj.HasOpenResult)
                     Bid.Trace("<sc.TdsParser.TdsExecuteSQLBatch|ERR> Potential multi-threaded misuse of connection, non-MARs connection with an open result %d#\n", this.ObjectID);
                 stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;
                 if (this._isYukon)
                     this.WriteMarsHeader(stateObj, this.CurrentTransaction);
                     if (notificationRequest != null)
                         this.WriteQueryNotificationHeader(notificationRequest, stateObj);
                 stateObj._outputMessageType = 1;
                 this.WriteString(text, text.Length, 0, stateObj);
                 stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Read;
             catch (Exception exception)
                 if (!ADP.IsCatchableExceptionType(exception))
                 this.FailureCleanup(stateObj, exception);
                 if (lockTaken)

示例7: TdsExecuteRPC

 internal void TdsExecuteRPC(_SqlRPC[] rpcArray, int timeout, bool inSchema, SqlNotificationRequest notificationRequest, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, bool isCommandProc)
     if ((TdsParserState.Broken != this.State) && (this.State != TdsParserState.Closed))
         _SqlRPC lrpc = null;
         bool lockTaken = false;
         lock (this._connHandler)
                 if (this._isYukon && !this.MARSOn)
                     Monitor.Enter(this._physicalStateObj, ref lockTaken);
                 if (!this._fMARS && this._physicalStateObj.HasOpenResult)
                     Bid.Trace("<sc.TdsParser.TdsExecuteRPC|ERR> Potential multi-threaded misuse of connection, non-MARs connection with an open result %d#\n", this.ObjectID);
                 stateObj.SniContext = SniContext.Snix_Execute;
                 if (this._isYukon)
                     this.WriteMarsHeader(stateObj, this.CurrentTransaction);
                     if (notificationRequest != null)
                         this.WriteQueryNotificationHeader(notificationRequest, stateObj);
                 stateObj._outputMessageType = 3;
                 for (int i = 0; i < rpcArray.Length; i++)
                     int length;
                     lrpc = rpcArray[i];
                     if ((lrpc.ProcID != 0) && this._isShiloh)
                         this.WriteShort(0xffff, stateObj);
                         this.WriteShort((short) lrpc.ProcID, stateObj);
                         length = lrpc.rpcName.Length;
                         this.WriteShort(length, stateObj);
                         this.WriteString(lrpc.rpcName, length, 0, stateObj);
                     this.WriteShort((short) lrpc.options, stateObj);
                     SqlParameter[] parameters = lrpc.parameters;
                     for (int j = 0; j < parameters.Length; j++)
                         SqlParameter param = parameters[j];
                         if (param == null)
                         param.Validate(j, isCommandProc);
                         MetaType internalMetaType = param.InternalMetaType;
                         if (internalMetaType.IsNewKatmaiType)
                             this.WriteSmiParameter(param, j, 0 != (lrpc.paramoptions[j] & 2), stateObj);
                             bool flag2;
                             if (((!this._isShiloh && !internalMetaType.Is70Supported) || (!this._isYukon && !internalMetaType.Is80Supported)) || (!this._isKatmai && !internalMetaType.Is90Supported))
                                 throw ADP.VersionDoesNotSupportDataType(internalMetaType.TypeName);
                             object coercedValue = null;
                             if (param.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output)
                                 bool paramaterIsSqlType = param.ParamaterIsSqlType;
                                 param.Value = null;
                                 coercedValue = null;
                                 param.ParamaterIsSqlType = paramaterIsSqlType;
                                 coercedValue = param.GetCoercedValue();
                             bool isNull = ADP.IsNull(coercedValue, out flag2);
                             string parameterNameFixed = param.ParameterNameFixed;
                             this.WriteParameterName(parameterNameFixed, stateObj);
                             this.WriteByte(lrpc.paramoptions[j], stateObj);
                             this.WriteByte(internalMetaType.NullableType, stateObj);
                             if (internalMetaType.TDSType == 0x62)
                                 this.WriteSqlVariantValue(flag2 ? MetaType.GetComValueFromSqlVariant(coercedValue) : coercedValue, param.GetActualSize(), param.Offset, stateObj);
                                 int actualSize;
                                 int num4 = internalMetaType.IsSizeInCharacters ? (param.GetParameterSize() * 2) : param.GetParameterSize();
                                 if (internalMetaType.TDSType != 240)
                                     actualSize = param.GetActualSize();
                                     actualSize = 0;
