本文整理汇总了C#中Thing.GetLocation方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Thing.GetLocation方法的具体用法?C# Thing.GetLocation怎么用?C# Thing.GetLocation使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Thing
示例1: AddToInventory
// Protected //
/// <summary>
/// This method allows the derived class, <see cref="Person"/>, and any
/// other derived classes I end up making, to modify their
/// <see cref="Inventory"/> via other functions. For example,
/// <see cref="Person.TakeOff"/> needs to be able to move an item of
/// <see cref="Clothing"/> from a <see cref="Person"/>'s
/// <see cref="Clothes"/> to their <see cref="Inventory"/>.
/// This method is completely unchecked, save for the checks performed
/// by any of the functions it calls.
/// This method does all three parts of moving the item:
/// it removes the item from its old location,
/// adds the item to the new location,
/// and updates the item's location.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">
/// the <see cref="Thing"/> to add to the <see cref="Actor"/>'s
/// <see cref="Inventory"/>
/// </param>
protected void AddToInventory(Thing item)
示例2: Take
/// <summary>
/// Has the <see cref="Actor"/> try to take a <see cref="Thing"/>
/// that they can see.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> to take</param>
/// <exception cref="TakingItemFlaggedUntakeableException">
/// if the <see cref="Thing"/> has been flagged as untakeable
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="TakingThingNotVisibleException">
/// if the <see cref="Actor"/> cannot see the <see cref="Thing"/>
/// </exception>
public void Take(Thing item)
// if the actor can't see the item, throw an exception
if (!GameManager.CanSee(this, item)) {
throw new InteractingWithUnseenThingException(); }
// if the item can never be taken, throw an exception
else if (!item.CanBeTaken()) {
throw new TakingItemFlaggedUntakeableException(); }
// if the actor is already carrying the item, throw an exception
else if (this.Carries(item)) {
throw new TakingItemAlreadyHeldException(); }
// if the actor is a person who is wearing the item,
// throw an exception for now
else if (typeof(Person).IsAssignableFrom(this.GetType())
&& ((Person)this).Wears(item)) {
throw new Exception("Taking off is not coded for yet."); }
// if the item is worn by someone else or is inside something
// worn by someone else, throw an exception, for now
else if (typeof(Clothes) == GameManager.GetTopMostVisibleContainer(item.GetLocation()).GetType()) {
throw new Exception("Theft has not been coded yet."); }
// The actor can see the item, and it is not being worn or carried.
// This is the "happy path." Execute as normal.
else {
GameManager.ReportIfVisible(this, StringManipulator.CapitalizeFirstLetter(this.GetQualifiedName()) + ' ' + VerbSet.GetForm(VerbSet.ToTake, this.pronouns) + ' ' + item.GetSpecificName() + '.'); }
示例3: PutInto
/// <summary>
/// Has the <see cref="Actor"/> try to put
/// a given <see cref="Thing"/> into a given
/// <see cref="Container"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> to place</param>
/// <param name="container">the <see cref="Container"/> to put it into</param>
public void PutInto(Thing item, Thing container)
// if the actor can't see the item, throw an exception
if(!GameManager.CanSee(this, item)) {
throw new InteractingWithUnseenThingException(); }
// if the actor can't see the container, throw an exception
if(!GameManager.CanSee(this, container)) {
throw new InteractingWithUnseenThingException(); }
// if the container is not actually a Container, throw an exception
if(!typeof(Container).IsAssignableFrom(container.GetType())) {
throw new PuttingIntoNonContainerException(); }
// if the item is already in the containter, throw an exception
if (item.GetLocation() == container) {
throw new PuttingItemAlreadyInsideException(); }
// if the item is the container, throw an exception
if (item == container) {
throw new PuttingItemIntoItselfException(); }
// if the actor isn't carrying the item, try taking it instead
if(!this.Carries(item)) {
// if the actor is the player, report the auto-correction
if (GameManager.IsPlayer(this)) {
GameManager.ReportIfVisible(this, "((You aren't carrying " + item.GetSpecificName() + ". Trying to take it instead...))"); }
return; }
// if the container is closed, try to open it instead
if (typeof(OpenableContainer).IsAssignableFrom(container.GetType()) && !((OpenableContainer)container).IsOpen()) {
// if the actor is the player, report the auto-correction
if (GameManager.IsPlayer(this)) {
GameManager.ReportIfVisible(this, "((" + StringManipulator.CapitalizeFirstLetter(container.GetSpecificName()) + " is currently closed. Trying to open it instead..."); }
return; }
// TODO: Should actors automatically try to unlock containers?
// if nothing went wrong, execute normally
GameManager.ReportIfVisible(this, VerbSet.ToPut, item, " into ", container);
示例4: Wear
// Actions //
/// <summary>
/// Has the <see cref="Person"/> try to wear the given
/// <see cref="Thing"/>.
/// If the <see cref="Person"/> is not carrying the
/// <see cref="Thing"/>, it has them try to take the
/// <see cref="Thing"/> instead.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> to try wearing</param>
/// <exception cref="InteractingWithUnseenThingException">
/// if the <see cref="Person"/> can't see the <see cref="Thing"/>
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="WearingSomethingAlreadyWornException">
/// if the <see cref="Person"/> is already wearing the
/// <see cref="Thing"/>
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="WearingSomethingBesidesClothingException">
/// if the <see cref="Thing"/> is not <see cref="Clothing"/>
/// </exception>
public void Wear(Thing item)
// if the actor can't see the item, throw an exception
if (!GameManager.CanSee(this, item)) {
throw new InteractingWithUnseenThingException(); }
// if the actor is already wearing the item, throw an exception
else if (this.Wears(item)) {
throw new WearingSomethingAlreadyWornException(); }
// if the item isn't actually clothing, throw an exception
else if (!typeof(Clothing).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) {
throw new WearingSomethingBesidesClothingException(); }
// if the actor is not carrying the item, try taking it instead
else if (!this.Carries(item)) {
if (GameManager.IsPlayer(this)) {
GameManager.ReportIfVisible(this, "((You aren't carrying "
+ item.GetSpecificName() + "; trying to take it instead...))");
this.Take(item); }
} // end "if the actor is not carrying the item"
// "happy path"
else {
GameManager.ReportIfVisible(this, this.GetSpecificName() + ' ' + this.GetConjugatedVerb(VerbSet.ToPut) + " on " + item.GetSpecificName() + '.');
示例5: Wear
/// <summary>
/// Has the <see cref="Person"/> try to wear the given
/// <see cref="Thing"/>.
/// If the <see cref="Person"/> is not carrying the
/// <see cref="Thing"/>, it has them try to take the
/// <see cref="Thing"/> instead.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> to try wearing</param>
/// <exception cref="InteractingWithUnseenThingException">
/// if the <see cref="Person"/> can't see the <see cref="Thing"/>
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="WearingSomethingAlreadyWornException">
/// if the <see cref="Person"/> is already wearing the
/// <see cref="Thing"/>
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="WearingSomethingBesidesClothingException">
/// if the <see cref="Thing"/> is not <see cref="Clothing"/>
/// </exception>
public void Wear(Thing item)
// if the actor can't see the item, throw an exception
if (!GameManager.CanSee(this, item)) {
throw new InteractingWithUnseenThingException(); }
// if the actor is already wearing the item, throw an exception
if (this.Wears(item)) {
throw new WearingSomethingAlreadyWornException(); }
// if the item isn't actually clothing, throw an exception
if (!typeof(Clothing).IsAssignableFrom(item.GetType())) {
throw new WearingSomethingBesidesClothingException(); }
// if the actor is not carrying the item, try taking it instead
if (!this.Carries(item)) {
if (GameManager.IsPlayer(this)) {
GameManager.ReportIfVisible(this, "((You aren't carrying "
+ item.GetSpecificName() +
"; trying to take it instead...))"); }
return; }
// if thr actor is wearing something that can't be worn at the
// same time as the item, throw an exception
foreach(Clothing wornItem in this.clothes.GetContents()) {
if (wornItem.CannotBeWornWith((Clothing)item)) {
throw new WearingWithConflictingItemException(wornItem,
item); } }
// "happy path"
GameManager.ReportIfVisible(this, this.GetSpecificName() + ' '
+ this.GetConjugatedVerb(VerbSet.ToPut) + " on " +
item.GetSpecificName() + '.');
示例6: Take
// Actions //
/// <summary>
/// Has the <see cref="Person"/> try to take a <see cref="Thing"/>
/// that they can see.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">the <see cref="Thing"/> to take</param>
/// <exception cref="InteractingWithUnseenThingException">
/// if the <see cref="Person"/> cannot see the <see cref="Thing"/>
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="TakingItemFlaggedUntakeableException">
/// if the <see cref="Thing"/> has been flagged as untakeable
/// </exception>
/// <exception cref="TakingWithHandsFullException">
/// if the <see cref="Person"/>'s hands are too full
/// </exception>
public override void Take(Thing item)
// if the person can't see the item, throw an exception
if (!GameManager.CanSee(this, item)) {
throw new InteractingWithUnseenThingException(); }
// if the item can never be taken, throw an exception
else if (!item.CanBeTaken()) {
throw new TakingItemFlaggedUntakeableException(); }
// if the person is already carrying the item, throw an exception
else if (this.Carries(item)) {
throw new TakingItemAlreadyHeldException(); }
// if the personis wearing the item, try taking it off instead
else if (this.Wears(item)) {
// if the person is the player, report the auto-correction
if(GameManager.IsPlayer(this)) {
"((I think you meant \"take off\" instead of " +
"\"take.\" Trying that instead...))"); }
this.TakeOff(item); }
// if the item is worn by someone else or is inside something
// worn by someone else, throw an exception, for now
else if (typeof(Clothes) == GameManager.GetTopMostVisibleContainer(
item.GetLocation()).GetType()) {
throw new Exception("Theft has not been coded yet."); }
// if neither hand is free or if only one hand is free and the item
// requires two hands, throw an exception
else if (!hands.HasFreeHand() ||
(item.IsTwoHanded() && !hands.IsEmpty())) {
throw new TakingWithHandsFullException(); }
// No problems encountered; execute normally.
else {
this.GetQualifiedName()) + ' ' +
this.GetConjugatedVerb(VerbSet.ToPickUp) + ' ' +
item.GetSpecificName() + '.'); }