本文整理汇总了C#中NPC类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# NPC类的具体用法?C# NPC怎么用?C# NPC使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: startQuest
//When the quest gets given out it takes in the NPC it is being given to
public void startQuest (NPC person, NPC person2)
inUse = true;
questGiver = person;
questGiver2 = person2;
speechCounter = 0;
示例2: AttackAction
public AttackAction (Player p, NPC attacker, NPC target)
base.name = ATTACK;
base.p = p;
this.attacker = attacker;
this.target = target;
示例3: MoveAction
public MoveAction (Player p, NPC npc, int position)
base.name = MOVE;
base.p = p;
this.position = position;
this.npc = npc;
示例4: init
public void init(Transform newTarget)
target = newTarget;
if (target.GetComponent<NPC>() != null) {
isNPC = true;
npc = target.GetComponent<NPC>();
} else {
isNPC = false;
player = target.GetComponent<Player>();
if (isNPC) {
name.text = npc.name;
if (npc.isFriendly) {
name.color = NamePlate.COLOR_SELECTED;
} else {
name.color = NamePlate.COLOR_ENEMY;
} else {
name.text = player.name;
if (player.isFriendly) {
name.color = NamePlate.COLOR_SELECTED;
} else {
name.color = NamePlate.COLOR_ENEMY;
InvokeRepeating("updateHealth", 1f, 1f);
示例5: Start
void Start()
var audios = gameObject.GetComponents<AudioSource>();
screamAudio = audios[1];
npcPrefab = Resources.Load<NPC>("Prefabs/NPC");
var basementPrefab = Resources.Load<Basement>("Prefabs/Basement");
npcBodiesPrefabList = new List<GameObject>();
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
npcBodiesPrefabList.Add(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/NPC/NPCBody_" + i));
basement = Instantiate<Basement>(basementPrefab);
var respawners = basement.transform.FindChild("Respawners");
npcs = new List<NPC>();
respawnPoints = new List<Transform>();
var allChildren = respawners.transform.Cast<Transform>().Select(t => t.gameObject).ToArray();
foreach (GameObject t in allChildren)
示例6: DecrementPassiveChatTimer
private void DecrementPassiveChatTimer(NPC npc)
currentTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
timeToDecrement = Mathf.Abs(currentTime - previousTime);
npc.timeTillPassiveChatAgain -= timeToDecrement;
previousTime = currentTime;
示例7: activate
public IEnumerator activate(NPC npc, int difficulty, string[] won, string[] lost)
if (npc.defeated) {
StartCoroutine(GameEventManager.conversation.speak(new string[] { "You already defeated this challenge!" }));
} else {
while (GameEventManager.player.isTalking) {
yield return null;
if (this.challenges.Length > 0) {
Challenge challenge = this.challenges[Random.Range(0, this.challenges.Length)];
GameEventManager.player.inChallenge = true;
StartCoroutine(challenge.play(this, difficulty));
while (challenge.active()) {
yield return null;
GameEventManager.player.inChallenge = false;
if (challenge.won()) {
if (won.Length > 0) {
npc.defeated = true;
} else {
if (lost.Length > 0) {
yield return 0;
示例8: PsychopathegeneQuest
public PsychopathegeneQuest (GameObject questprefab)
this.questPrefab = questprefab;
numPsycho = 0;
inUse = false;
waitPeriod = 0;
speechCounter = 0;
hints = new String[5];
hints [0] = "If you come close to a true" + "\n" + "psychopath they'll follow you" +
"\n" + "around.";
hints [1] = "True psychopaths don't look" + "\n" + "crazy like other psychopaths.";
hints [2] = "If you see someone become" + "\n" + "psychotic then the person they were" +
"\n" + "last near is a psychopath!";
hints [3] = "I hope my pig Wilbur is" + "\n" + "doing okay in the Wizard Realm.";
hints [4] = "True pyschopaths will follow" + "\n" + "people close to them.";
//Find psychos
GameObject[] npcs = World.map.npcs.ToArray();
for (int count = 0; count < npcs.Length; count++) {
NPC temp = npcs [count].GetComponent<NPC>();
if (temp.personality == Personality.psychotic && !temp.states.Contains (State.psychotic)) {
if (numPsycho == 0) {
psycho1 = temp;
} else {
psycho2 = temp;
count = npcs.Length;
示例9: addNpcToList
//add data from NPC.xml to NPC list
public void addNpcToList(XDocument doc)
string name;
int strength, weaponSkill, attack, speed, health, level;
bool isHostile;
var data = from item in doc.Descendants("NPC")
select new
name = item.Element("name").Value,
strength = item.Element("strength").Value,
weaponSkill = item.Element("weaponSkill").Value,
attack = item.Element("attack").Value,
speed = item.Element("speed").Value,
health = item.Element("health").Value,
level = item.Element("level").Value,
isHostile = item.Element("isHostile").Value
foreach (var p in data)
name = p.name;
strength = Convert.ToInt32(p.strength);
weaponSkill = Convert.ToInt32(p.weaponSkill);
attack = Convert.ToInt32(p.attack);
speed = Convert.ToInt32(p.speed);
health = Convert.ToInt32(p.health);
level = Convert.ToInt32(p.level);
isHostile = Convert.ToBoolean(p.isHostile);
NPC n = new NPC(name, strength, weaponSkill, attack, speed, health, level, isHostile);
示例10: ClearAndReplace
public void ClearAndReplace(NPC npc, Schedule newSchedule)
current = null;
Add(new DefaultSchedule(npc));
示例11: InitialEmotionState
public InitialEmotionState(NPC toControl, string currentDialogue)
: base(toControl, currentDialogue)
gaveRose = new Reaction();
gavePendant = new Reaction();
gaveSeashell = new Reaction();
randomMessage = new Reaction();
gaveRose.AddAction(new NPCCallbackAction(SetSeashell)); // DELETE
gaveRose.AddAction(new NPCCallbackAction(SetPendant)); // DELETE
gaveRose.AddAction(new NPCTakeItemAction(toControl));
gaveRose.AddAction(new NPCCallbackAction(SetRose));
//gaveRose.AddAction(new UpdateDefaultTextAction(toControl, "new default"));
gaveRose.AddAction(new UpdateCurrentTextAction(toControl, "My bedroom window when I was little had this bed of peach colored roses, they made my room smell wonderful in the summers."));
_allItemReactions.Add(StringsItem.Apple, new DispositionDependentReaction(gaveRose)); // change item to rose
gavePendant.AddAction(new NPCTakeItemAction(toControl));
gavePendant.AddAction(new NPCCallbackAction(SetPendant));
gavePendant.AddAction(new UpdateCurrentTextAction(toControl, "I know this seems just like a silly necklace but your father worked for weeks when we were young to buy this for me. It still makes me smile."));
_allItemReactions.Add("pendant", new DispositionDependentReaction(gaveRose));
gaveSeashell.AddAction(new NPCTakeItemAction(toControl));
gaveSeashell.AddAction(new NPCCallbackAction(SetSeashell));
gaveSeashell.AddAction(new UpdateCurrentTextAction(toControl, "Your father and I would spend afternoons looking for shells. He loved to find the shiniest ones he could for me."));
_allItemReactions.Add("seashell", new DispositionDependentReaction(gaveRose));
randomMessage.AddAction(new NPCCallbackAction(RandomMessage));
SetOnOpenInteractionReaction(new DispositionDependentReaction(randomMessage));
TempFarmerReturnReaction.AddAction(new UpdateCurrentTextAction(toControl, "Blah"));
TempFarmerReturnReaction.AddAction(new NPCCallbackAction(TempResponse));
_allChoiceReactions.Add(TempFarmerReturnChoice,new DispositionDependentReaction(TempFarmerReturnReaction));
示例12: MakeSomeDecisions
void MakeSomeDecisions()
float sqrDist = ( target.position - myTransform.position ).sqrMagnitude;
if ( sqrDist > maximumRangeSqr ){
if ( isNpcChasing ){
myState = NPC.Chasing;
myState = NPC.FreeRoam;
else if ( sqrDist < minimumRangeSqr ){
if ( isNpcChasing ){
myState = NPC.Idle;
myState = NPC.RunningAway;
if ( isNpcChasing ){
myState = NPC.Chasing;
myState = NPC.RunningAway;
示例13: Awake
// Use this for initialization
void Awake()
myTransform = transform;
myRigidbody = rigidbody;
myRigidbody.freezeRotation = true;
startSpeed = moveSpeed;
startNextFoot = nextFoot;
runningSpeed = startSpeed + 2.0f;
runningNextFoot = nextFoot - 0.25f;
myState = NPC.Chasing;
GameObject targetObject = GameObject.Find( "Player" );
if ( targetObject )
target = targetObject.transform;
lanternScript = target.GetComponentInChildren< Lantern >();
Debug.Log( "no object named player was found" );
示例14: Start
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
animator = this.gameObject.GetComponent<Animator> ();
nodeQueue = new Queue<Vector3> (nodeList);
prevNode = this.transform.position;
npcScript = this.gameObject.GetComponent<NPC> ();
示例15: ApplyEffect
public override void ApplyEffect()
if (isNPC==false)
{//Apply to player
if (GameWorldController.instance.playerUW==null)
GameWorldController.instance.playerUW= this.GetComponent<UWCharacter>();
if (npc==null)
state = this.GetComponent<NPC>().state;
anim = this.GetComponent<NPC>().anim;
if (anim!=null)