本文整理汇总了C#中AI.PieceExistsAt方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# AI.PieceExistsAt方法的具体用法?C# AI.PieceExistsAt怎么用?C# AI.PieceExistsAt使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类AI
示例1: GetMoves
public static List<Coordinate> GetMoves(Coordinate current, AI game)
List<Coordinate> moves = new List<Coordinate>();
int file, rank;
// Up-Right
for (file = current.File + 1, rank = current.Rank + 1; file < 9 && rank < 9; file++, rank++)
Coordinate c = new Coordinate(file, rank);
if (game.PieceExistsAt(c))
// Up-Left
for (file = current.File - 1, rank = current.Rank + 1; file > 0 && rank < 9; file--, rank++)
Coordinate c = new Coordinate(file, rank);
if (game.PieceExistsAt(c))
// Down-Right
for (file = current.File + 1, rank = current.Rank - 1; file < 9 && rank > 0; file++, rank--)
Coordinate c = new Coordinate(file, rank);
if (game.PieceExistsAt(c))
// Down-Left
for (file = current.File - 1, rank = current.Rank - 1; file > 0 && rank > 0; file--, rank--)
Coordinate c = new Coordinate(file, rank);
if (game.PieceExistsAt(c))
return moves;
示例2: GetMoves
public static List<Coordinate> GetMoves(Coordinate current, AI game)
// The pawn, himself
Piece pawn = game.GetPieceAt(current);
// List of moves this pawn can make
List<Coordinate> moves = new List<Coordinate>();
// Rank multiplier dependant on piece color
int color = game.IsWhite(pawn) ? 1 : -1;
// If a pawn is in its corresponding start position (hasn't moved), then we want to handle
// it being able to move forward two spaces in addition to just one.
if (pawn.ExpectedRank == (color == 1 ? 2 : 7))
// There must be no pieces in the way to move forward two
if (!game.PieceExistsAt(new Coordinate(current.File, current.Rank + 1 * color)) &&
!game.PieceExistsAt(new Coordinate(current.File, current.Rank + 2 * color)))
moves.Add(new Coordinate(current.File, current.Rank + 2 * color));
// Straight move forward 1
if (!game.PieceExistsAt(new Coordinate(current.File, current.Rank + 1 * color)))
moves.Add(new Coordinate(current.File, current.Rank + 1 * color));
// Attack!
moves.AddRange(GetAttackMoves(current, game));
// En Passant
moves.AddRange(EnPassant(current, game));
return moves;