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C++ std::isinf方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中std::isinf方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ std::isinf方法的具体用法?C++ std::isinf怎么用?C++ std::isinf使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在std的用法示例。


示例1: luaV_tostring

int luaV_tostring (lua_State *L, StkId obj) {
  if (!ttisnumber(obj))
    return 0;
  else {
    lua_Number n = nvalue(obj);
    // SPRING -- synced safety change
    //        -- need a custom number formatter?
    if (isfinite(n)) {
      lua_number2str(s, n);
    else {
      if (isnan(n)) {
        strcpy(s, "nan");
      else {
        const int inf_type = isinf(n);
        if (inf_type == 1) {
          strcpy(s, "+inf");
        } else if (inf_type == -1) {
          strcpy(s, "-inf");
        } else {
          strcpy(s, "weird_number");
    setsvalue2s(L, obj, luaS_new(L, s));
    return 1;

示例2: while

/* solve a multi contact problem by using a global successive overrelaxation method
 * with a local nonlinear solver
prox_result reference_sequential_g_sor_prox::solve_multi_contact_problem_sor() {
  bool converged          = false;
  bool diverged           = false;
  unsigned int iteration  = 0;
  while(!converged && !diverged && iteration < m_max_global_iterations) {
    converged = true;
    for(index_t i = 0; i < m_contacts.size(); ++i) {
      contact & ci = m_contacts[i];
      vec3 rhs = ci.c;
      index_t cbegin = m_gij_rows[i];
      index_t cend   = m_gij_rows[i + 1];
      //step 0. get contributions from all the other contacts (gij off-diagonal terms)
      for(index_t j = cbegin; j < cend; ++j) {
        index_t cj = m_gij_columns[j];
        rhs = rhs + m_gij_blocks[j] * m_percussions[cj];
      vec3 pold = m_percussions[i];
      //step 1. solve a single contact under the assumption, that all others are known
      vec3 pnew = solve_one_contact_problem_alart_curnier(ci, pold, rhs, m_tol_rel, m_tol_abs);
      using std::abs;
      //step 2. check for global convergence
      converged &= 
      abs(pnew[0] - pold[0]) <= m_tol_rel * abs(pnew[0]) + m_tol_abs
      &&  abs(pnew[1] - pold[1]) <= m_tol_rel * abs(pnew[1]) + m_tol_abs
      &&  abs(pnew[2] - pold[2]) <= m_tol_rel * abs(pnew[2]) + m_tol_abs;
      //and check whether a force became infinite or NaN
      using std::isinf; using std::isnan;
      |= isinf(pnew[0]) || isnan(pnew[0])
      || isinf(pnew[1]) || isnan(pnew[1])
      || isinf(pnew[2]) || isnan(pnew[2]);
      m_percussions[i] = pnew;
  std::cout << "done\n    # iterations = " << iteration << std::endl;
  converged ? CONVERGED
  : (diverged ? DIVERGED
     : (!(iteration < m_max_global_iterations) ? ITERATION_LIMIT_REACHED
        /*: (time_limit_reached ? TIME_LIMIT_REACHED */: OOPS/*)*/));

示例3: requestRate

double Stat::requestRate(const uint64_t elapsed_t) const {
  double rate = (getCount() / (double)elapsed_t);
  if (isinf(rate)) {
    return 1.0;
  } else {
    return rate;

示例4: solve_one_contact_problem_alart_curnier

 std::pair<bool, bool> multicolor_parallel_g_sor_prox::work_function(
                                            sub_problem const & sub,
                                            index_t & l_i,
                                            index_t & g_i,
                                            index_t l_end,
                                            std::vector<vec3> & percussions,
                                            real tol_rel, real tol_abs,
                                            index_t max_local_iterations
                                            ) {
   bool diverged   = false;
   bool converged  = true;
   for(; l_i < l_end; ++l_i, ++g_i) {
     contact const & ci = sub.contacts[l_i];
     vec3 rhs = ci.c;
     index_t cbegin = sub.gij_rows[l_i];
     index_t cend   = sub.gij_rows[l_i + 1];
     //step 0. get contributions from all the other contacts (gij off-diagonal terms)
     for(index_t j = cbegin; j < cend; ++j) {
       index_t g_j = sub.gij_columns[j];
       rhs = rhs + sub.gij_blocks[j] * percussions[g_j];
     vec3 pold = percussions[g_i];
     //step 1. solve a single contact under the assumption, that all others are known
     vec3 pnew = solve_one_contact_problem_alart_curnier(ci, pold, rhs, tol_rel, tol_abs, max_local_iterations);
     using std::abs;
     //step 2. check for global convergence
     converged &= 
     abs(pnew[0] - pold[0]) <= tol_rel * abs(pnew[0]) + tol_abs
     && abs(pnew[1] - pold[1]) <= tol_rel * abs(pnew[1]) + tol_abs
     && abs(pnew[2] - pold[2]) <= tol_rel * abs(pnew[2]) + tol_abs;
     //and check whether a force became infinite or NaN
     using std::isinf; using std::isnan;
     |= isinf(pnew[0]) || isnan(pnew[0])
     || isinf(pnew[1]) || isnan(pnew[1])
     || isinf(pnew[2]) || isnan(pnew[2]);
     percussions[g_i] = pnew;
   return std::make_pair(converged, diverged);

示例5: if

// function that standarize printing NaN and Inf values on
// Windows (where they are in 1.#INF, 1.#NAN format) and all
// others platform
inline void
safe_double_print (double val)
    if (isnan (val))
        std::cout << "nan";
    else if (isinf (val))
        std::cout << "inf";
        std::cout << val;
    std::cout << '\n';

示例6: isinf

void R2d2lri::setBoundary(const Boundary& boundary)
		const double a = boundary.l(0);
		const double b = boundary.u(0);
		this->a = isinf(a) ? copysign(INFINITE, a) : a;
		this->b = isinf(b) ? copysign(INFINITE, b) : b;

		adapterSetFunctor(g, Constant(boundary.l(1)));
		adapterSetFunctor(h, Constant(boundary.u(1)));

		this->a = NaN;
		this->b = NaN;

示例7: update

void EntityFollowSystem::update() {
    for (Entity& e : this->getEntities()) {
        // For each entity we have...
        EntityFollowComponent& ef = e.getComponent<EntityFollowComponent>();
        if (isinf(ef.maxSpeed) && ef.target.isValid() && ef.target.hasComponent<PositionComponent>()) {
            // If the entity we're trying to face exists and has a position...

            PositionComponent& pos = e.getComponent<PositionComponent>();
            PositionComponent& follow_pos = ef.target.getComponent<PositionComponent>();

            pos.position = follow_pos.position;

示例8: fromAscii

String::String(const double d) {
    if (isinf(d)) {
        if (copysign(1.0, d) == -1.0) {
        } else {
    } else if (isnan(d)) {
    } else {
        char * buf = static_cast<char*>(GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(20));

示例9: math_modf

static int math_modf (lua_State *L) {
  // FIXME -- streflop does not have modf()
  // double fp = math::modf(luaL_checknumber(L, 1), &ip);
  const float in = (float)luaL_checknumber(L, 1);
  if (isnan(in)) {
    lua_pushnumber(L, in);
    lua_pushnumber(L, in);
  else if (isinf(in)) {
    lua_pushnumber(L, in);
    lua_pushnumber(L, 0.0f);
  else {
    const float fp = math::fmod(in, 1.0f);
    const float ip = (in - fp);
    lua_pushnumber(L, ip);
    lua_pushnumber(L, fp);
  return 2;

示例10: multi_student_t_log

    typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<T_y,T_dof,T_loc,T_scale>::type
    multi_student_t_log(const Eigen::Matrix<T_y,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& y,
                        const T_dof& nu,
                        const Eigen::Matrix<T_loc,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& mu,
                                      Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic>& Sigma) {
      static const char* function = "stan::prob::multi_student_t(%1%)";

      using stan::math::check_size_match;
      using stan::math::check_finite;
      using stan::math::check_not_nan;
      using stan::math::check_symmetric;
      using stan::math::check_positive;      
      using boost::math::tools::promote_args;
      using boost::math::lgamma;
      using stan::math::log_determinant_ldlt;
      using stan::math::mdivide_left_ldlt;
      using stan::math::LDLT_factor;
      typename promote_args<T_y,T_dof,T_loc,T_scale>::type lp(0.0);
      if (!check_size_match(function, 
          y.size(), "Size of random variable",
          mu.size(), "size of location parameter",
        return lp;
      if (!check_size_match(function, 
          y.size(), "Size of random variable",
          Sigma.rows(), "rows of scale parameter",
        return lp;
      if (!check_size_match(function, 
          y.size(), "Size of random variable",
          Sigma.cols(), "columns of scale parameter",
        return lp;
      if (!check_finite(function, mu, "Location parameter", &lp))
        return lp;
      if (!check_not_nan(function, y, "Random variable", &lp)) 
        return lp;
      if (!check_symmetric(function, Sigma, "Scale parameter", &lp))
        return lp;

      LDLT_factor<T_scale,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> ldlt_Sigma(Sigma);
      if (!ldlt_Sigma.success()) {
        std::ostringstream message;
        message << "Scale matrix is not positive definite. " 
        << "Sigma(0,0) is %1%.";
        std::string str(message.str());
        stan::math::dom_err(function,Sigma(0,0),"Scale matrix",str.c_str(),"",&lp);
        return lp;

      // allows infinities
      if (!check_not_nan(function, nu, 
                         "Degrees of freedom parameter", &lp))
        return lp;
      if (!check_positive(function, nu, 
                          "Degrees of freedom parameter", &lp))
        return lp;
      using std::isinf;

      if (isinf(nu)) // already checked nu > 0
        return multi_normal_log(y,mu,Sigma);

      double d = y.size();

      if (include_summand<propto,T_dof>::value) {
        lp += lgamma(0.5 * (nu + d));
        lp -= lgamma(0.5 * nu);
        lp -= (0.5 * d) * log(nu);

      if (include_summand<propto>::value) 
        lp -= (0.5 * d) * LOG_PI;

      using stan::math::multiply;
      using stan::math::dot_product;
      using stan::math::subtract;
      using Eigen::Array;

      if (include_summand<propto,T_scale>::value) {
        lp -= 0.5*log_determinant_ldlt(ldlt_Sigma);

      if (include_summand<propto,T_y,T_dof,T_loc,T_scale>::value) {
        Eigen::Matrix<typename promote_args<T_y,T_loc>::type,
                      1> y_minus_mu = subtract(y,mu);
        Eigen::Matrix<typename promote_args<T_scale,T_y,T_loc>::type,
                      1> invSigma_dy = mdivide_left_ldlt(ldlt_Sigma, y_minus_mu);
        lp -= 0.5 
          * (nu + d)
          * log(1.0 + dot_product(y_minus_mu,invSigma_dy) / nu);
      return lp;

示例11: ContactCondition


            // transform meshes
            NodeList transformNodes = bodyNode.getChildrenByName("transform");
            for(auto& transformNode: transformNodes)
                string transformType = transformNode["type"];
                if ( transformType == "translate" )
                    real x = lexical_cast<real>(transformNode["moveX"]);
                    real y = lexical_cast<real>(transformNode["moveY"]);
                    real z = lexical_cast<real>(transformNode["moveZ"]);
                    LOG_DEBUG("Moving body: [" << x << "; " << y << "; " << z << "]");
                    localScene.transfer(x, y, z);
                if ( transformType == "scale" )
                    real x0 = lexical_cast<real>(transformNode["x0"]);
                    real y0 = lexical_cast<real>(transformNode["y0"]);
                    real z0 = lexical_cast<real>(transformNode["z0"]);
                    real scaleX = lexical_cast<real>(transformNode["scaleX"]);
                    real scaleY = lexical_cast<real>(transformNode["scaleY"]);
                    real scaleZ = lexical_cast<real>(transformNode["scaleZ"]);
                    LOG_DEBUG("Scaling body: [" << x0 << "; " << scaleX << "; " 
                                        << y0 << "; " << scaleY << "; " << z0 << "; " << scaleZ << "]");
                    localScene.scale(x0, y0, z0, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ);
            LOG_DEBUG("Mesh preloaded. Mesh size: " << localScene << " Number of nodes: " << numberOfNodes);

            engine.getDispatcher()->addBodyOutline(id, localScene);
            engine.getDispatcher()->addBodySlicingDirection(id, slicingDirection);
            engine.getDispatcher()->addBodyNodesNumber(id, numberOfNodes);

            if( isinf(globalScene.maxX) )
                globalScene = localScene;
                for( int k = 0; k < 3; k++ )
                    if( globalScene.min_coords[k] > localScene.min_coords[k] )
                        globalScene.min_coords[k] = localScene.min_coords[k];
                    if( globalScene.max_coords[k] < localScene.max_coords[k] )
                        globalScene.max_coords[k] = localScene.max_coords[k];

        // add body to scene

    LOG_DEBUG("Total scene: " << engine.getScene());

    // run dispatcher
    engine.getDispatcher()->prepare(engine.getNumberOfWorkers(), &globalScene);
    for( int i = 0; i < engine.getNumberOfWorkers(); i++)
        LOG_DEBUG("Area scheduled for worker " << i << ": " << *(engine.getDispatcher()->getOutline(i)));

    // read meshes for all bodies
    for(auto& bodyNode: bodyNodes)

示例12: multi_student_t_log

    typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<T_y,T_dof,T_loc,T_scale>::type
    multi_student_t_log(const Eigen::Matrix<T_y,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& y,
                        const T_dof& nu,
                        const Eigen::Matrix<T_loc,Eigen::Dynamic,1>& mu,
                                      Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic>& Sigma,
                        const Policy&) {
      static const char* function = "stan::prob::multi_student_t(%1%)";

      using stan::math::check_size_match;
      using stan::math::check_finite;
      using stan::math::check_not_nan;
      using stan::math::check_symmetric;
      using stan::math::check_positive;      
      using stan::math::check_pos_definite;
      using boost::math::tools::promote_args;

      typename promote_args<T_y,T_dof,T_loc,T_scale>::type lp(0.0);
      if (!check_size_match(function, 
          y.size(), "Size of random variable",
          mu.size(), "size of location parameter",
          &lp, Policy()))
        return lp;
      if (!check_size_match(function, 
          y.size(), "Size of random variable",
          Sigma.rows(), "rows of scale parameter",
          &lp, Policy()))
        return lp;
      if (!check_size_match(function, 
          y.size(), "Size of random variable",
          Sigma.cols(), "columns of scale parameter",
          &lp, Policy()))
        return lp;
      if (!check_finite(function, mu, "Location parameter", &lp, Policy()))
        return lp;
      if (!check_not_nan(function, y, "Random variable", &lp, Policy())) 
        return lp;
      if (!check_symmetric(function, Sigma, "Scale parameter", &lp, Policy()))
        return lp;
      if (!check_pos_definite(function, Sigma, "Scale parameter", &lp, Policy()))
        return lp;

      // allows infinities
      if (!check_not_nan(function, nu, 
                         "Degrees of freedom parameter", &lp,
        return lp;
      if (!check_positive(function, nu, 
                          "Degrees of freedom parameter", &lp,
        return lp;
      using std::isinf;

      if (isinf(nu)) // already checked nu > 0
        return multi_normal_log(y,mu,Sigma,Policy());

      Eigen::LLT< Eigen::Matrix<T_scale,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> > LLT = Sigma.llt();
      if (LLT.info() != Eigen::Success) {
        lp = stan::math::policies::raise_domain_error<T_scale>(function,
                                              "Sigma is not positive definite (%1%)",
        return lp;
      Eigen::Matrix<T_scale,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> L = LLT.matrixL();
      double d = y.size();

      if (include_summand<propto,T_dof>::value) {
        lp += lgamma(0.5 * (nu + d));
        lp -= lgamma(0.5 * nu);
        lp -= (0.5 * d) * log(nu);

      if (include_summand<propto>::value) 
        lp -= (0.5 * d) * LOG_PI;

      using stan::math::multiply;
//      using stan::math::dot_self;
      using stan::math::dot_product;
      using stan::math::subtract;
      using Eigen::Array;
//      using stan::math::mdivide_left_tri;
      using stan::math::mdivide_left;
      using stan::math::log_determinant;

      if (include_summand<propto,T_scale>::value) {
//        lp -= L.diagonal().array().log().sum();
        lp -= 0.5*log_determinant(Sigma);

      if (include_summand<propto,T_y,T_dof,T_loc,T_scale>::value) {
//      Eigen::Matrix<T_scale,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> I(d,d);
//      I.setIdentity();
        Eigen::Matrix<typename promote_args<T_y,T_loc>::type,

示例13: WsolveWKT

int WsolveWKT(double *W, double *gamma, double *T,
              double qdotn, double qdotb, double Q2, double B2, double D)
  Iterations = 0;

  int fail   = 0;
  int count  = 0;
  int Nmax   = 30;
  int Nmax2  = 30;
  int Nmaxsafe = 100;
  int Nextra = 5;

  double x = *W;
  double y = pow(*gamma,2.0)-1.0;
  double z = *T;
  double Told = z;
  double err1,err2,err3;

  double error = 1.0;
  double deltax,deltay,deltaz;

  while (error>NR_TOL && fail==0) {

    error = NR_ERROR;

    if (verbose) {
      printf("W=%e K=%e T=%e dx=%e dy=%e dz=%e error=%e\n",

    if (isnan(deltax) || isinf(deltax)) { deltax=0.0; error=1.0; }
    if (isnan(deltay) || isinf(deltay)) { deltay=0.0; error=1.0; }
    if (isnan(deltaz) || isinf(deltaz)) { deltaz=0.0; error=1.0; }

    x += deltax;
    y += deltay;
    z += deltaz;

    if (y < 0.0) y = 0.0;

    if (y>YMAX || count>=Nmax) {
      fail = 1;

  if (fail==1) {
    if (verbose) {

    count = 0;
    fail  = 0;
    error = 1.0;
    y = (qdotb*qdotb + 2.0*Q2*D)/(B2*D*D + 2.0*D*D*D);
    z = Told;
    double a =  qdotn + .5*B2*(y+2.0)/(y+1.0);
    double b = -qdotb;
    x = - (b + a*a*a)/(pow(b*b,1./3.)+a*a);

    while (error>NR_TOL && fail==0) {

      error = NR_ERROR;

      if (verbose) {
        printf("W=%e K=%e T=%e dx=%e dy=%e dz = %e error = %e\n",

      if (isnan(deltax) || isinf(deltax)) { deltax=0.0; error=1.0; }
      if (isnan(deltay) || isinf(deltay)) { deltay=0.0; error=1.0; }
      if (isnan(deltaz) || isinf(deltaz)) { deltaz=0.0; error=1.0; }

      x += deltax;
      y += deltay;
      z += deltaz;

      if (y < 0.0) y = 0.0;

      if (y>YMAX || count>=Nmax2) {
        fail = 1;

  if (fail==1) {

    if (verbose) {

    count = 0;
    fail  = 0;
    z = eos->Temperature_u(D / *gamma, -qdotn-D-.5*B2);
    double P = eos->Pressure(D, z);

示例14: hasInf

 bool hasInf() const {
     using std::isinf;
     return isinf(this->x) || isinf(this->y) || isinf(this->z);
