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C++ std::fprintf方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中std::fprintf方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ std::fprintf方法的具体用法?C++ std::fprintf怎么用?C++ std::fprintf使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在std的用法示例。


示例1: main

  LineReaderImpl line_reader("quickstep> ",
                             "      ...> ");
  std::unique_ptr<SqlParserWrapper> parser_wrapper(new SqlParserWrapper());
  std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> start, end;

  for (;;) {
    string *command_string = new string();
    *command_string = line_reader.getNextCommand();
    if (command_string->size() == 0) {
      delete command_string;


    bool quitting = false;
    // A parse error should reset the parser. This is because the thrown quickstep
    // SqlError does not do the proper reset work of the YYABORT macro.
    bool reset_parser = false;
    for (;;) {
      ParseResult result = parser_wrapper->getNextStatement();
      if (result.condition == ParseResult::kSuccess) {
        if (result.parsed_statement->getStatementType() == ParseStatement::kQuit) {
          quitting = true;

        if (result.parsed_statement->getStatementType() == ParseStatement::kCommand) {
          try {
                *(query_processor->getDefaultDatabase()), stdout);
          } catch (const quickstep::SqlError &sql_error) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s",
            reset_parser = true;

        std::unique_ptr<QueryHandle> query_handle;
        try {
        } catch (const quickstep::SqlError &sql_error) {
          fprintf(stderr, "%s", sql_error.formatMessage(*command_string).c_str());
          reset_parser = true;

        DCHECK(query_handle->getQueryPlanMutable() != nullptr);


        try {
          start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
          end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

          const CatalogRelation *query_result_relation = query_handle->getQueryResultRelation();
          if (query_result_relation) {

示例2: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int test = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
    int verbose = argc > 2;
    int veryVerbose = argc > 3;

    printf("TEST " __FILE__ " CASE %d\n", test);

    switch (test) { case 0:
      case 2: {
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // USAGE EXAMPLE
        // Concerns:
        //: 1 The usage example provided in the component header file compiles,
        //:   links, and runs as shown.
        // Plan:
        //: 1 Incorporate usage example from header into test driver, remove
        //:   leading comment characters, and replace 'assert' with 'ASSERT'.
        //:   (C-1)
        // Testing:
        //   USAGE EXAMPLE
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (verbose) printf("\nUSAGE EXAMPLE\n"

// In this section we show intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Removing The 'const'-qualifier of A Type
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose that we want to remove any top-level 'const'-qualifier from a
// particular type.
// First, we create two 'typedef's -- a 'const'-qualified type ('MyConstType')
// and the same type without the 'const'-qualifier ('MyType'):
        typedef int       MyType;
        typedef const int MyConstType;
// Now, we remove the 'const'-qualifier from 'MyConstType' using
// 'bsl::remove_const' and verify that the resulting type is the same as
// 'MyType':
        ASSERT(true == (bsl::is_same<bsl::remove_const<MyConstType>::type,

      } break;
      case 1: {
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // 'bsl::remove_const::type'
        //   Ensure that the 'typedef' 'type' of 'bsl::remove_const' has the
        //   correct type for a variety of template parameter types.
        // Concerns:
        //: 1 'bsl::remove_const' leaves types that are not 'const'-qualified
        //:   at the top-level as-is.
        //: 2 'bsl::remove_const' remove any top-level 'const'-qualifier.
        // Plan:
        //   Verify that 'bsl::remove_const::type' has the correct type for
        //   each concern.
        // Testing:
        //   bsl::remove_const::type
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (verbose) printf("\n'bsl::remove_const::type'\n"

        // C-1
        ASSERT((is_same<remove_const<int>::type, int>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<remove_const<int *>::type, int *>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<remove_const<TestType>::type, TestType>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<remove_const<int const *>::type,
                                                         int const *>::value));

        // C-2
        ASSERT((is_same<remove_const<int const>::type, int>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<remove_const<int * const>::type, int *>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<remove_const<TestType const>::type, TestType>::value));

        ASSERT((is_same<remove_const<int const volatile>::type,
                                                        int volatile>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<remove_const<int * const volatile>::type,
                                                      int * volatile>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<remove_const<TestType const volatile>::type,
                                                   TestType volatile>::value));

      } break;
      default: {

        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: CASE `%d' NOT FOUND.\n", test);
        testStatus = -1;

示例3: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int test = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
    int verbose = argc > 2;
    int veryVerbose = argc > 3;

    (void) verbose;
    (void) veryVerbose;

    printf("TEST " __FILE__ " CASE %d\n", test);

    switch (test) { case 0:
      case 2: {
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // USAGE EXAMPLE
        // Concerns:
        //: 1 The usage example provided in the component header file compiles,
        //:   links, and runs as shown.
        // Plan:
        //: 1 Incorporate usage example from header into test driver, remove
        //:   leading comment characters, and replace 'assert' with 'ASSERT'.
        //:   (C-1)
        // Testing:
        //   USAGE EXAMPLE
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (verbose) printf("\nUSAGE EXAMPLE\n"

// In this section we show intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Transform Type to Pointer Type to that Type
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose that we want to transform a type to a pointer type to that type.
// First, we create two 'typedef's -- a pointer type ('MyPtrType')
// and the type pointed to by the pointer type ('MyType'):
        typedef int   MyType;
        typedef int * MyPtrType;
// Now, we transform 'MyType' to a pointer type to 'MyType' using
// 'bsl::add_pointer' and verify that the resulting type is the same as
// 'MyPtrType':

      } break;
      case 1: {
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // 'bsl::add_pointer::type'
        //   Ensure that the 'typedef' 'type' of 'bsl::add_pointer' has the
        //   correct type for a variety of template parameter types.
        // Concerns:
        //: 1 'bsl::add_pointer' transforms a non-reference type to a pointer
        //:   type pointing to the original type.
        //: 2 'bsl::add_pointer' transforms a reference type to a pointer
        //:   type pointing to the type referred to by the reference type.
        // Plan:
        //   Verify that 'bsl::add_pointer::type' has the correct type for
        //   each concern.
        // Testing:
        //   bsl::remove_pointer::type
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (verbose) printf("\nbsl::add_pointer::type\n"

        // C-1
        ASSERT((is_same<add_pointer<int>::type, int *>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<add_pointer<int const>::type, int const *>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<add_pointer<int *>::type, int **>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<add_pointer<TestType>::type, TestType *>::value));

        // C-2
        ASSERT((is_same<add_pointer<int &>::type, int *>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<add_pointer<int const &>::type, int const *>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<add_pointer<TestType &>::type, TestType *>::value));

        ASSERT((is_same<add_pointer<int &&>::type, int *>::value));
        ASSERT((is_same<add_pointer<int const &&>::type, int const *>::value));
      } break;
      default: {
        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: CASE `%d' NOT FOUND.\n", test);
        testStatus = -1;

示例4: main

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int test = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
    int verbose = argc > 2;
    int veryVerbose = argc > 3;

    printf("TEST " __FILE__ " CASE %d\n", test);

    switch (test) { case 0:
      case 2: {
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // USAGE EXAMPLE
        // Concerns:
        //: 1 The usage example provided in the component header file compiles,
        //:   links, and runs as shown.
        // Plan:
        //: 1 Incorporate usage example from header into test driver, remove
        //:   leading comment characters, and replace 'assert' with 'ASSERT'.
        //:   (C-1)
        // Testing:
        //   USAGE EXAMPLE
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (verbose) printf("\nUSAGE EXAMPLE\n"

// In this section we show intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Verify 'Const' Types
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose that we want to assert whether a particular type is a
// 'const'-qualified.
// First, we create two 'typedef's -- a 'const'-qualified type and a
// unqualified type:
        typedef int        MyType;
        typedef const int  MyConstType;
// Now, we instantiate the 'bsl::is_const' template for each of the
// 'typedef's and assert the 'value' static data member of each instantiation:
        ASSERT(false == bsl::is_const<MyType>::value);
        ASSERT(true == bsl::is_const<MyConstType>::value);

      } break;
      case 1: {
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // 'bsl::is_const::value'
        //   Ensure that the static data member 'value' of 'bsl::is_const'
        //   instantiations having various (template parameter) 'TYPES' has the
        //   correct value.
        // Concerns:
        //: 1 'is_const::value' is 'false' when 'TYPE' is a (possibly
        //:   'volatile'-qualified) type.
        //: 2 'is_const::value' is 'true' when 'TYPE' is a 'const'-qualified or
        //:    cv-qualified type.
        // Plan:
        //   Verify that 'bsl::is_const::value' has the correct value for
        //   each (template parameter) 'TYPE' in the concerns.
        // Testing:
        //   bsl::is_const::value
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------

        if (verbose) printf("\nbsl::is_const::value\n"

        // C-1
        ASSERT(false == is_const<int>::value);
        ASSERT(false == is_const<int volatile>::value);

        ASSERT(false == is_const<TestType>::value);
        ASSERT(false == is_const<TestType volatile>::value);

        // C-2
        ASSERT(true == is_const<int const>::value);
        ASSERT(true == is_const<int const volatile>::value);

        ASSERT(true == is_const<TestType const>::value);
        ASSERT(true == is_const<TestType const volatile>::value);
      } break;
      default: {
        fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: CASE `%d' NOT FOUND.\n", test);
        testStatus = -1;

    if (testStatus > 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error, non-zero test status = %d.\n", testStatus);

示例5: myMessageOutput

void myMessageOutput(QtMsgType type, const char* msg){
               fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", msg);
