本文整理汇总了C++中ModelConfig::GetPdf方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ ModelConfig::GetPdf方法的具体用法?C++ ModelConfig::GetPdf怎么用?C++ ModelConfig::GetPdf使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类ModelConfig
示例1: MCStudy
void MCStudy()
string fileName = "h4l_Template_2012_lowmass_unconstrained_new_v00.root";
const char * wsName = "combined"; //"w";
const char * modelSBName = "ModelConfig"; //"modelConfig";
const char * dataName = dataname.c_str();
TFile* file = TFile::Open(fileName);
// get the workspace out of file
RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(wsName);
if (!wsName) {
cout << "workspace not found" << endl;
return -1.0;
// get the modelConfig out of the file
ModelConfig* sbModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelSBName);
// get the data out of file
//RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);
// get toy MC data
TFile *fhist = new TFile("../ToyMC/toyMC_ggF125.root");
TH1F *hsum = (TH1F*) fhist->Get("sumtoy1");
RooRealVar m4l("m4l","m4l",120,130);
RooDataHist* data = new RooDataHist("data","data",x,hsum);
// get pdf
RooAbsPdf* model = sbModel->GetPdf();
RooPlot* xframe = m4l.frame();
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c","c");
示例2: OneSidedFrequentistUpperLimitWithBands_intermediate
// so this is NOT a Feldman-Cousins interval
FeldmanCousins fc(*data,*mc);
fc.AdditionalNToysFactor(additionalToysFac); // improve sampling that defines confidence belt
// fc.UseAdaptiveSampling(true); // speed it up a bit, but don't use for expectd limits
fc.SetNBins(nPointsToScan); // set how many points per parameter of interest to scan
fc.CreateConfBelt(true); // save the information in the belt for plotting
// Feldman-Cousins is a unified limit by definition
// but the tool takes care of a few things for us like which values
// of the nuisance parameters should be used to generate toys.
// so let's just change the test statistic and realize this is
// no longer "Feldman-Cousins" but is a fully frequentist Neyman-Construction.
// ProfileLikelihoodTestStatModified onesided(*mc->GetPdf());
// fc.GetTestStatSampler()->SetTestStatistic(&onesided);
// ((ToyMCSampler*) fc.GetTestStatSampler())->SetGenerateBinned(true);
ToyMCSampler* toymcsampler = (ToyMCSampler*) fc.GetTestStatSampler();
ProfileLikelihoodTestStat* testStat = dynamic_cast<ProfileLikelihoodTestStat*>(toymcsampler->GetTestStatistic());
// test speedups:
// toymcsampler->setUseMultiGen(true); // not fully validated
// Since this tool needs to throw toy MC the PDF needs to be
// extended or the tool needs to know how many entries in a dataset
// per pseudo experiment.
// In the 'number counting form' where the entries in the dataset
// are counts, and not values of discriminating variables, the
// datasets typically only have one entry and the PDF is not
// extended.
cout <<"Not sure what to do about this model" <<endl;
// We can use PROOF to speed things along in parallel
ProofConfig pc(*w, 4, "",false);
cout << "will use global observables for unconditional ensemble"<<endl;
toymcsampler->SetProofConfig(&pc); // enable proof
// Now get the interval
PointSetInterval* interval = fc.GetInterval();
ConfidenceBelt* belt = fc.GetConfidenceBelt();
// print out the iterval on the first Parameter of Interest
cout << "\n95% interval on " <<firstPOI->GetName()<<" is : ["<<
interval->LowerLimit(*firstPOI) << ", "<<
interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI) <<"] "<<endl;
// get observed UL and value of test statistic evaluated there
RooArgSet tmpPOI(*firstPOI);
double observedUL = interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI);
double obsTSatObsUL = fc.GetTestStatSampler()->EvaluateTestStatistic(*data,tmpPOI);
示例3: ComputeTestStat
float ComputeTestStat(TString wsfile, double mu_susy_sig_val) {
TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ;
RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") );
ws->Print() ;
ModelConfig* modelConfig = (ModelConfig*) ws->obj( "SbModel" ) ;
modelConfig->Print() ;
RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "ra2b_observed_rds" ) ;
rds->Print() ;
rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;
RooAbsPdf* likelihood = modelConfig->GetPdf() ;
RooRealVar* rrv_mu_susy_sig = ws->var("mu_susy_all0lep") ;
if ( rrv_mu_susy_sig == 0x0 ) {
printf("\n\n\n *** can't find mu_susy_all0lep in workspace. Quitting.\n\n\n") ;
return ;
} else {
printf(" current value is : %8.3f\n", rrv_mu_susy_sig->getVal() ) ; cout << flush ;
rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant(kFALSE) ;
// check the impact of varying the qcd normalization:
RooRealVar *rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH1 = ws->var("qcd_0lepLDP_ratio_H1");
RooRealVar *rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH2 = ws->var("qcd_0lepLDP_ratio_H2");
RooRealVar *rrv_qcd_0lepLDP_ratioH3 = ws->var("qcd_0lepLDP_ratio_H3");
printf("\n\n\n ===== Doing a fit with SUSY component floating ====================\n\n") ;
RooFitResult* fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(0) ) ;
double logLikelihoodSusyFloat = fitResult->minNll() ;
double logLikelihoodSusyFixed(0.) ;
double testStatVal(-1.) ;
if ( mu_susy_sig_val >= 0. ) {
printf("\n\n\n ===== Doing a fit with SUSY fixed ====================\n\n") ;
printf(" fixing mu_susy_sig to %8.2f.\n", mu_susy_sig_val ) ;
rrv_mu_susy_sig->setVal( mu_susy_sig_val ) ;
rrv_mu_susy_sig->setConstant(kTRUE) ;
fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(0) ) ;
logLikelihoodSusyFixed = fitResult->minNll() ;
testStatVal = 2.*(logLikelihoodSusyFixed - logLikelihoodSusyFloat) ;
printf("\n\n\n ======= test statistic : -2 * ln (L_fixed / ln L_max) = %8.3f\n\n\n", testStatVal ) ;
return testStatVal ;
示例4: splitws
// bool fix = 1;
stringstream inFileName;
inFileName << "workspaces/" << inFolderName << "/" << mass << ".root";
TFile f(inFileName.str().c_str());
RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*)f.Get("combWS");
if (!w) w = (RooWorkspace*)f.Get("combined");
RooDataSet* data = (RooDataSet*)w->data("combData");
if (!data) data = (RooDataSet*)w->data("obsData");
ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*)w->obj("ModelConfig");
RooRealVar* weightVar = w->var("weightVar");
RooRealVar* mu = (RooRealVar*)mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();
if (!mu) mu = w->var("SigXsecOverSM");
const RooArgSet* mc_obs = mc->GetObservables();
const RooArgSet* mc_nuis = mc->GetNuisanceParameters();
const RooArgSet* mc_globs = mc->GetGlobalObservables();
const RooArgSet* mc_poi = mc->GetParametersOfInterest();
RooArgSet nuis = *mc_nuis;
RooArgSet antiNuis = *mc_nuis;
RooArgSet globs = *mc_globs;
RooArgSet antiGlobs = *mc_globs;
RooArgSet allParams;
RooSimultaneous* simPdf = (RooSimultaneous*)mc->GetPdf();
RooCategory* cat = (RooCategory*)&simPdf->indexCat();
RooArgSet nuis_tmp = nuis;
RooArgSet fullConstraints = *simPdf->getAllConstraints(*mc_obs,nuis_tmp,false);
vector<string> foundChannels;
vector<string> skippedChannels;
cout << "Getting constraints" << endl;
map<string, RooDataSet*> data_map;
map<string, RooAbsPdf*> pdf_map;
RooCategory* decCat = new RooCategory("dec_channel","dec_channel");
// int i = 0;
TIterator* catItr = cat->typeIterator();
RooCatType* type;
RooArgSet allConstraints;
while ((type = (RooCatType*)catItr->Next())) {
RooAbsPdf* pdf = simPdf->getPdf(type->GetName());
string typeName(type->GetName());
if (channelNames.size() && channelNames.find(typeName) == channelNames.end()) {
cout << "On channel " << type->GetName() << endl;
// pdf->getParameters(*data)->Print("v");
RooArgSet nuis_tmp1 = nuis;
RooArgSet nuis_tmp2 = nuis;
示例5: slrts
// internal routine to run the inverter
HypoTestInverterResult *
RooStats::HypoTestInvTool::RunInverter(RooWorkspace * w,
const char * modelSBName, const char * modelBName,
const char * dataName, int type, int testStatType,
bool useCLs, int npoints, double poimin, double poimax,
int ntoys,
bool useNumberCounting,
const char * nuisPriorName ){
std::cout << "Running HypoTestInverter on the workspace " << w->GetName() << std::endl;
RooAbsData * data = w->data(dataName);
if (!data) {
Error("StandardHypoTestDemo","Not existing data %s",dataName);
return 0;
std::cout << "Using data set " << dataName << std::endl;
if (mUseVectorStore) {
data->convertToVectorStore() ;
// get models from WS
// get the modelConfig out of the file
ModelConfig* bModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelBName);
ModelConfig* sbModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelSBName);
if (!sbModel) {
Error("StandardHypoTestDemo","Not existing ModelConfig %s",modelSBName);
return 0;
// check the model
if (!sbModel->GetPdf()) {
Error("StandardHypoTestDemo","Model %s has no pdf ",modelSBName);
return 0;
if (!sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest()) {
Error("StandardHypoTestDemo","Model %s has no poi ",modelSBName);
return 0;
if (!sbModel->GetObservables()) {
Error("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","Model %s has no observables ",modelSBName);
return 0;
if (!sbModel->GetSnapshot() ) {
Info("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","Model %s has no snapshot - make one using model poi",modelSBName);
sbModel->SetSnapshot( *sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest() );
// case of no systematics
// remove nuisance parameters from model
if (noSystematics) {
const RooArgSet * nuisPar = sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters();
if (nuisPar && nuisPar->getSize() > 0) {
std::cout << "StandardHypoTestInvDemo" << " - Switch off all systematics by setting them constant to their initial values" << std::endl;
if (bModel) {
const RooArgSet * bnuisPar = bModel->GetNuisanceParameters();
if (bnuisPar)
if (!bModel || bModel == sbModel) {
Info("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","The background model %s does not exist",modelBName);
Info("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","Copy it from ModelConfig %s and set POI to zero",modelSBName);
bModel = (ModelConfig*) sbModel->Clone();
RooRealVar * var = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(bModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first());
if (!var) return 0;
double oldval = var->getVal();
bModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var) );
else {
if (!bModel->GetSnapshot() ) {
Info("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","Model %s has no snapshot - make one using model poi and 0 values ",modelBName);
RooRealVar * var = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(bModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first());
if (var) {
double oldval = var->getVal();
bModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var) );
else {
Error("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","Model %s has no valid poi",modelBName);
return 0;
示例6: compute_p0
void compute_p0(const char* inFileName,
const char* wsName = "combined",
const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
const char* dataName = "obsData",
const char* asimov1DataName = "asimovData_1",
const char* conditional1Snapshot = "conditionalGlobs_1",
const char* nominalSnapshot = "nominalGlobs",
string smass = "130",
string folder = "test")
double mass;
stringstream massStr;
massStr << smass;
massStr >> mass;
double mu_profile_value = 1; // mu value to profile the obs data at wbefore generating the expected
bool doConditional = 1; // do conditional expected data
bool remakeData = 0; // handle unphysical pdf cases in H->ZZ->4l
bool doUncap = 1; // uncap p0
bool doInj = 0; // setup the poi for injection study (zero is faster if you're not)
bool doObs = 1; // compute median significance
bool doMedian = 1; // compute observed significance
TStopwatch timer;
TFile f(inFileName);
RooWorkspace* ws = (RooWorkspace*)f.Get(wsName);
if (!ws)
cout << "ERROR::Workspace: " << wsName << " doesn't exist!" << endl;
ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*)ws->obj(modelConfigName);
if (!mc)
cout << "ERROR::ModelConfig: " << modelConfigName << " doesn't exist!" << endl;
RooDataSet* data = (RooDataSet*)ws->data(dataName);
if (!data)
cout << "ERROR::Dataset: " << dataName << " doesn't exist!" << endl;
cout << "Setting max function calls" << endl;
RooArgSet nuis(*mc->GetNuisanceParameters());
RooRealVar* mu = (RooRealVar*)mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();
RooAbsPdf* pdf = mc->GetPdf();
string condSnapshot(conditional1Snapshot);
RooArgSet nuis_tmp2 = *mc->GetNuisanceParameters();
RooNLLVar* obs_nll = doObs ? (RooNLLVar*)pdf->createNLL(*data, Constrain(nuis_tmp2)) : NULL;
RooDataSet* asimovData1 = (RooDataSet*)ws->data(asimov1DataName);
RooRealVar* emb = (RooRealVar*)mc->GetNuisanceParameters()->find("ATLAS_EMB");
if (!asimovData1 || (string(inFileName).find("ic10") != string::npos && emb))
if (emb) emb->setVal(0.7);
cout << "Asimov data doesn't exist! Please, allow me to build one for you..." << endl;
string mu_str, mu_prof_str;
asimovData1 = makeAsimovData(mc, doConditional, ws, obs_nll, 1, &mu_str, &mu_prof_str, mu_profile_value, true);
if (!doUncap) mu->setRange(0, 40);
else mu->setRange(-40, 40);
RooAbsPdf* pdf = mc->GetPdf();
RooArgSet nuis_tmp1 = *mc->GetNuisanceParameters();
RooNLLVar* asimov_nll = (RooNLLVar*)pdf->createNLL(*asimovData1, Constrain(nuis_tmp1));
//do asimov
if (!doInj) mu->setConstant(1);
int status,sign;
double med_sig=0,obs_sig=0,asimov_q0=0,obs_q0=0;
if (doMedian)
if (doInj) ws->loadSnapshot("conditionalNuis_inj");
else ws->loadSnapshot("conditionalNuis_1");
status = minimize(asimov_nll, ws);
示例7: StandardFeldmanCousinsDemo
void StandardFeldmanCousinsDemo(const char* infile = "",
const char* workspaceName = "combined",
const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
const char* dataName = "obsData"){
// -------------------------------------------------------
// First part is just to access a user-defined file
// or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
const char* filename = "";
if (!strcmp(infile,"")) {
filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code
// if file does not exists generate with histfactory
if (!fileExist) {
#ifdef _WIN32
cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl;
// Normally this would be run on the command line
cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;
filename = infile;
// Try to open the file
TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);
// if input file was specified byt not found, quit
if(!file ){
cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Tutorial starts here
// -------------------------------------------------------
// get the workspace out of the file
RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;
// get the modelConfig out of the file
ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName);
// get the modelConfig out of the file
RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);
// make sure ingredients are found
if(!data || !mc){
cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// create and use the FeldmanCousins tool
// to find and plot the 95% confidence interval
// on the parameter of interest as specified
// in the model config
FeldmanCousins fc(*data,*mc);
fc.SetConfidenceLevel(0.95); // 95% interval
//fc.AdditionalNToysFactor(0.1); // to speed up the result
fc.UseAdaptiveSampling(true); // speed it up a bit
fc.SetNBins(10); // set how many points per parameter of interest to scan
fc.CreateConfBelt(true); // save the information in the belt for plotting
// Since this tool needs to throw toy MC the PDF needs to be
// extended or the tool needs to know how many entries in a dataset
// per pseudo experiment.
// In the 'number counting form' where the entries in the dataset
// are counts, and not values of discriminating variables, the
// datasets typically only have one entry and the PDF is not
// extended.
cout <<"Not sure what to do about this model" <<endl;
// We can use PROOF to speed things along in parallel
// ProofConfig pc(*w, 1, "workers=4", kFALSE);
// ToyMCSampler* toymcsampler = (ToyMCSampler*) fc.GetTestStatSampler();
// toymcsampler->SetProofConfig(&pc); // enable proof
// Now get the interval
PointSetInterval* interval = fc.GetInterval();
ConfidenceBelt* belt = fc.GetConfidenceBelt();
示例8: slrts
// internal routine to run the inverter
HypoTestInverterResult * RunInverter(RooWorkspace * w, const char * modelSBName, const char * modelBName,
const char * dataName, int type, int testStatType,
int npoints, double poimin, double poimax,
int ntoys, bool useCls )
std::cout << "Running HypoTestInverter on the workspace " << w->GetName() << std::endl;
RooAbsData * data = w->data(dataName);
if (!data) {
Error("RA2bHypoTestDemo","Not existing data %s",dataName);
return 0;
std::cout << "Using data set " << dataName << std::endl;
// get models from WS
// get the modelConfig out of the file
ModelConfig* bModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelBName);
ModelConfig* sbModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelSBName);
if (!sbModel) {
Error("RA2bHypoTestDemo","Not existing ModelConfig %s",modelSBName);
return 0;
// check the model
if (!sbModel->GetPdf()) {
Error("RA2bHypoTestDemo","Model %s has no pdf ",modelSBName);
return 0;
if (!sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest()) {
Error("RA2bHypoTestDemo","Model %s has no poi ",modelSBName);
return 0;
if (!sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest()) {
Error("RA2bHypoTestInvDemo","Model %s has no poi ",modelSBName);
return 0;
if (!sbModel->GetSnapshot() ) {
Info("RA2bHypoTestInvDemo","Model %s has no snapshot - make one using model poi",modelSBName);
sbModel->SetSnapshot( *sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest() );
if (!bModel || bModel == sbModel) {
Info("RA2bHypoTestInvDemo","The background model %s does not exist",modelBName);
Info("RA2bHypoTestInvDemo","Copy it from ModelConfig %s and set POI to zero",modelSBName);
bModel = (ModelConfig*) sbModel->Clone();
RooRealVar * var = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(bModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first());
if (!var) return 0;
double oldval = var->getVal();
bModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var) );
else {
if (!bModel->GetSnapshot() ) {
Info("RA2bHypoTestInvDemo","Model %s has no snapshot - make one using model poi and 0 values ",modelBName);
RooRealVar * var = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(bModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first());
if (var) {
double oldval = var->getVal();
bModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var) );
else {
Error("RA2bHypoTestInvDemo","Model %s has no valid poi",modelBName);
return 0;
SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat slrts(*sbModel->GetPdf(),*bModel->GetPdf());
if (sbModel->GetSnapshot()) slrts.SetNullParameters(*sbModel->GetSnapshot());
if (bModel->GetSnapshot()) slrts.SetAltParameters(*bModel->GetSnapshot());
// ratio of profile likelihood - need to pass snapshot for the alt
ropl(*sbModel->GetPdf(), *bModel->GetPdf(), bModel->GetSnapshot());
//MyProfileLikelihoodTestStat profll(*sbModel->GetPdf());
ProfileLikelihoodTestStat profll(*sbModel->GetPdf());
if (testStatType == 3) profll.SetOneSided(1);
if (optimize) profll.SetReuseNLL(true);
TestStatistic * testStat = &slrts;
if (testStatType == 1) testStat = &ropl;
if (testStatType == 2 || testStatType == 3) testStat = &profll;
HypoTestCalculatorGeneric * hc = 0;
if (type == 0) hc = new FrequentistCalculator(*data, *bModel, *sbModel);
示例9: StandardHistFactoryPlotsWithCategories
void StandardHistFactoryPlotsWithCategories(const char* infile = "",
const char* workspaceName = "combined",
const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
const char* dataName = "obsData"){
double nSigmaToVary=5.;
double muVal=0;
bool doFit=false;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// First part is just to access a user-defined file
// or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
const char* filename = "";
if (!strcmp(infile,"")) {
filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code
// if file does not exists generate with histfactory
if (!fileExist) {
#ifdef _WIN32
cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl;
// Normally this would be run on the command line
cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;
filename = infile;
// Try to open the file
TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);
// if input file was specified byt not found, quit
if(!file ){
cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// Tutorial starts here
// -------------------------------------------------------
// get the workspace out of the file
RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;
// get the modelConfig out of the file
ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName);
// get the modelConfig out of the file
RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);
// make sure ingredients are found
if(!data || !mc){
cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// now use the profile inspector
RooRealVar* obs = (RooRealVar*)mc->GetObservables()->first();
TList* list = new TList();
RooRealVar * firstPOI = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first());
// firstPOI->setConstant();
// -------------------------------------------------------
int nPlotsMax = 1000;
cout <<" check expectedData by category"<<endl;
RooDataSet* simData=NULL;
RooSimultaneous* simPdf = NULL;
cout <<"Is a simultaneous PDF"<<endl;
simPdf = (RooSimultaneous *)(mc->GetPdf());
} else {
cout <<"Is not a simultaneous PDF"<<endl;
示例10: outputdir
void ws_constrained_profile3D( const char* wsfile = "rootfiles/ws-data-unblind.root",
const char* new_poi_name = "n_M234_H4_3b",
int npoiPoints = 20,
double poiMinVal = 0.,
double poiMaxVal = 20.,
double constraintWidth = 1.5,
double ymax = 10.,
int verbLevel=0 ) {
gStyle->SetOptStat(0) ;
//--- make output directory.
char command[10000] ;
sprintf( command, "basename %s", wsfile ) ;
TString wsfilenopath = gSystem->GetFromPipe( command ) ;
wsfilenopath.ReplaceAll(".root","") ;
char outputdirstr[1000] ;
sprintf( outputdirstr, "outputfiles/scans-%s", wsfilenopath.Data() ) ;
TString outputdir( outputdirstr ) ;
printf("\n\n Creating output directory: %s\n\n", outputdir.Data() ) ;
sprintf(command, "mkdir -p %s", outputdir.Data() ) ;
gSystem->Exec( command ) ;
//--- Tell RooFit to shut up about anything less important than an ERROR.
RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::ERROR) ;
if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { printf("\n\n Verbose level : %d\n\n", verbLevel) ; }
TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ;
RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") );
if ( verbLevel > 0 ) { ws->Print() ; }
RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "ra2b_observed_rds" ) ;
if ( verbLevel > 0 ) {
printf("\n\n\n ===== RooDataSet ====================\n\n") ;
rds->Print() ;
rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;
ModelConfig* modelConfig = (ModelConfig*) ws->obj( "SbModel" ) ;
RooAbsPdf* likelihood = modelConfig->GetPdf() ;
RooRealVar* rrv_mu_susy_all0lep = ws->var("mu_susy_all0lep") ;
if ( rrv_mu_susy_all0lep == 0x0 ) {
printf("\n\n\n *** can't find mu_susy_all0lep in workspace. Quitting.\n\n\n") ;
return ;
//-- do BG only.
rrv_mu_susy_all0lep->setVal(0.) ;
rrv_mu_susy_all0lep->setConstant( kTRUE ) ;
//-- do a prefit.
printf("\n\n\n ====== Pre fit with unmodified nll var.\n\n") ;
RooFitResult* dataFitResultSusyFixed = likelihood->fitTo(*rds, Save(true),Hesse(false),Minos(false),Strategy(1),PrintLevel(verbLevel));
int dataSusyFixedFitCovQual = dataFitResultSusyFixed->covQual() ;
if ( dataSusyFixedFitCovQual < 2 ) { printf("\n\n\n *** Failed fit! Cov qual %d. Quitting.\n\n", dataSusyFixedFitCovQual ) ; return ; }
double dataFitSusyFixedNll = dataFitResultSusyFixed->minNll() ;
if ( verbLevel > 0 ) {
dataFitResultSusyFixed->Print("v") ;
printf("\n\n Nll value, from fit result : %.3f\n\n", dataFitSusyFixedNll ) ;
示例11: HypoTestInvDemo
void HypoTestInvDemo(const char * fileName ="GausModel_b.root",
const char * wsName = "w",
const char * modelSBName = "model_sb",
const char * modelBName = "model_b",
const char * dataName = "data_obs",
int type = 0, // calculator type
int testStatType = 0, // test stat type
int npoints = 10,
int ntoys=1000,
bool useCls = true )
type = 0 Freq calculator
type = 1 Hybrid
testStatType = 0 LEP
= 1 Tevatron
= 2 PL
if (fileName==0) {
std::cout << "give input filename " << std::endl;
TFile * file = new TFile(fileName);
RooWorkspace * w = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( file->Get(wsName) );
if (!w) {
RooAbsData * data = w->data(dataName);
if (!data) {
Error("HypoTestDemo","Not existing data %s",dataName);
// get models from WS
// get the modelConfig out of the file
ModelConfig* bModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelBName);
ModelConfig* sbModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelSBName);
SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat slrts(*bModel->GetPdf(),*sbModel->GetPdf());
ropl(*bModel->GetPdf(), *sbModel->GetPdf(), sbModel->GetSnapshot());
ProfileLikelihoodTestStat profll(*sbModel->GetPdf());
TestStatistic * testStat = &slrts;
if (testStatType == 1) testStat = &ropl;
if (testStatType == 2) testStat = &profll;
HypoTestCalculatorGeneric * hc = 0;
if (type == 0) hc = new FrequentistCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel);
else new HybridCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel);
ToyMCSampler *toymcs = (ToyMCSampler*)hc->GetTestStatSampler();
if (type == 1) {
HybridCalculator *hhc = (HybridCalculator*) hc;
// hhc->ForcePriorNuisanceAlt(*pdfNuis);
// hhc->ForcePriorNuisanceNull(*pdfNuis);
((FrequentistCalculator*) hc)->SetToys(ntoys,ntoys);
// Get the result
TStopwatch tw; tw.Start();
const RooArgSet * poiSet = sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest();
RooRealVar *poi = (RooRealVar*)poiSet->first();
// fit the data first
double poihat = poi->getVal();
HypoTestInverter calc(*hc);
// GENA: for two-sided interval
// GENA: for 95% upper limit
示例12: StandardTestStatDistributionDemo
void StandardTestStatDistributionDemo(const char* infile = "",
const char* workspaceName = "combined",
const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
const char* dataName = "obsData"){
// the number of toy MC used to generate the distribution
int nToyMC = 1000;
// The parameter below is needed for asymptotic distribution to be chi-square,
// but set to false if your model is not numerically stable if mu<0
bool allowNegativeMu=true;
// First part is just to access a user-defined file
// or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
const char* filename = "";
if (!strcmp(infile,"")) {
filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code
// if file does not exists generate with histfactory
if (!fileExist) {
#ifdef _WIN32
cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl;
// Normally this would be run on the command line
cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;
filename = infile;
// Try to open the file
TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);
// if input file was specified byt not found, quit
if(!file ){
cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl;
// Now get the data and workspace
// get the workspace out of the file
RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;
// get the modelConfig out of the file
ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelConfigName);
// get the modelConfig out of the file
RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);
// make sure ingredients are found
if(!data || !mc){
cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;
// Now find the upper limit based on the asymptotic results
RooRealVar* firstPOI = (RooRealVar*) mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();
ProfileLikelihoodCalculator plc(*data,*mc);
LikelihoodInterval* interval = plc.GetInterval();
double plcUpperLimit = interval->UpperLimit(*firstPOI);
delete interval;
cout << "\n\n--------------------------------------"<<endl;
cout <<"Will generate sampling distribution at " << firstPOI->GetName() << " = " << plcUpperLimit <<endl;
int nPOI = mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->getSize();
cout <<"not sure what to do with other parameters of interest, but here are their values"<<endl;
// create thte test stat sampler
ProfileLikelihoodTestStat ts(*mc->GetPdf());
// to avoid effects from boundary and simplify asymptotic comparison, set min=-max
// temporary RooArgSet
示例13: fitqual_plots
void fitqual_plots( const char* wsfile = "outputfiles/ws.root", const char* plottitle="" ) {
TText* tt_title = new TText() ;
tt_title -> SetTextAlign(33) ;
gStyle -> SetOptStat(0) ;
gStyle -> SetLabelSize( 0.06, "y" ) ;
gStyle -> SetLabelSize( 0.08, "x" ) ;
gStyle -> SetLabelOffset( 0.010, "y" ) ;
gStyle -> SetLabelOffset( 0.010, "x" ) ;
gStyle -> SetTitleSize( 0.07, "y" ) ;
gStyle -> SetTitleSize( 0.05, "x" ) ;
gStyle -> SetTitleOffset( 1.50, "x" ) ;
gStyle -> SetTitleH( 0.07 ) ;
gStyle -> SetPadLeftMargin( 0.15 ) ;
gStyle -> SetPadBottomMargin( 0.15 ) ;
gStyle -> SetTitleX( 0.10 ) ;
gDirectory->Delete("h*") ;
TFile* wstf = new TFile( wsfile ) ;
RooWorkspace* ws = dynamic_cast<RooWorkspace*>( wstf->Get("ws") );
ws->Print() ;
int bins_of_met = TMath::Nint( ws->var("bins_of_met")->getVal() ) ;
printf("\n\n Bins of MET : %d\n\n", bins_of_met ) ;
int bins_of_nb = TMath::Nint( ws->var("bins_of_nb")->getVal() ) ;
printf("\n\n Bins of nb : %d\n\n", bins_of_nb ) ;
int nb_lookup[10] ;
if ( bins_of_nb == 2 ) {
nb_lookup[0] = 2 ;
nb_lookup[1] = 4 ;
} else if ( bins_of_nb == 3 ) {
nb_lookup[0] = 2 ;
nb_lookup[1] = 3 ;
nb_lookup[2] = 4 ;
TCanvas* cfq1 = (TCanvas*) gDirectory->FindObject("cfq1") ;
if ( cfq1 == 0x0 ) {
if ( bins_of_nb == 3 ) {
cfq1 = new TCanvas("cfq1","hbb fit", 700, 1000 ) ;
} else if ( bins_of_nb == 2 ) {
cfq1 = new TCanvas("cfq1","hbb fit", 700, 750 ) ;
} else {
return ;
RooRealVar* rv_sig_strength = ws->var("sig_strength") ;
if ( rv_sig_strength == 0x0 ) { printf("\n\n *** can't find sig_strength in workspace.\n\n" ) ; return ; }
ModelConfig* modelConfig = (ModelConfig*) ws->obj( "SbModel" ) ;
RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*) ws->obj( "hbb_observed_rds" ) ;
rds->Print() ;
rds->printMultiline(cout, 1, kTRUE, "") ;
RooAbsPdf* likelihood = modelConfig->GetPdf() ;
///RooFitResult* fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(0) ) ;
RooFitResult* fitResult = likelihood->fitTo( *rds, Save(true), PrintLevel(3) ) ;
fitResult->Print() ;
char hname[1000] ;
char htitle[1000] ;
char pname[1000] ;
//-- unpack observables.
int obs_N_msig[10][50] ; // first index is n btags, second is met bin.
int obs_N_msb[10][50] ; // first index is n btags, second is met bin.
const RooArgSet* dsras = rds->get() ;
TIterator* obsIter = dsras->createIterator() ;
while ( RooRealVar* obs = (RooRealVar*) obsIter->Next() ) {
for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) {
for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) {
sprintf( pname, "N_%db_msig_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ;
if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), pname ) == 0 ) { obs_N_msig[nbi][mbi] = TMath::Nint( obs -> getVal() ) ; }
sprintf( pname, "N_%db_msb_met%d", nb_lookup[nbi], mbi+1 ) ;
if ( strcmp( obs->GetName(), pname ) == 0 ) { obs_N_msb[nbi][mbi] = TMath::Nint( obs -> getVal() ) ; }
} // mbi.
} // nbi.
} // obs iterator.
printf("\n\n") ;
for ( int nbi=0; nbi<bins_of_nb; nbi++ ) {
printf(" nb=%d : ", nb_lookup[nbi] ) ;
for ( int mbi=0; mbi<bins_of_met; mbi++ ) {
printf(" sig=%3d, sb=%3d |", obs_N_msig[nbi][mbi], obs_N_msb[nbi][mbi] ) ;
示例14: runSig
TH1D* runSig(RooWorkspace* ws,
const char* modelConfigName = "ModelConfig",
const char* dataName = "obsData",
const char* asimov1DataName = "asimovData_1",
const char* conditional1Snapshot = "conditionalGlobs_1",
const char* nominalSnapshot = "nominalGlobs")
string defaultMinimizer = "Minuit"; // or "Minuit"
int defaultStrategy = 2; // Minimization strategy. 0-2. 0 = fastest, least robust. 2 = slowest, most robust
double mu_profile_value = 1; // mu value to profile the obs data at wbefore generating the expected
bool doUncap = 1; // uncap p0
bool doInj = 0; // setup the poi for injection study (zero is faster if you're not)
bool doMedian = 1; // compute median significance
bool isBlind = 0; // Dont look at observed data
bool doConditional = !isBlind; // do conditional expected data
bool doObs = !isBlind; // compute observed significance
TStopwatch timer;
if (!ws)
cout << "ERROR::Workspace is NULL!" << endl;
return NULL;
ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*)ws->obj(modelConfigName);
if (!mc)
cout << "ERROR::ModelConfig: " << modelConfigName << " doesn't exist!" << endl;
return NULL;
RooDataSet* data = (RooDataSet*)ws->data(dataName);
if (!data)
cout << "ERROR::Dataset: " << dataName << " doesn't exist!" << endl;
return NULL;
// cout << "Setting max function calls" << endl;
RooArgSet nuis(*mc->GetNuisanceParameters());
RooRealVar* mu = (RooRealVar*)mc->GetParametersOfInterest()->first();
RooAbsPdf* pdf_temp = mc->GetPdf();
string condSnapshot(conditional1Snapshot);
RooArgSet nuis_tmp2 = *mc->GetNuisanceParameters();
RooNLLVar* obs_nll = doObs ? (RooNLLVar*)pdf_temp->createNLL(*data, Constrain(nuis_tmp2)) : NULL;
RooDataSet* asimovData1 = (RooDataSet*)ws->data(asimov1DataName);
if (!asimovData1)
cout << "Asimov data doesn't exist! Please, allow me to build one for you..." << endl;
string mu_str, mu_prof_str;
asimovData1 = makeAsimovData(mc, doConditional, ws, obs_nll, 1, &mu_str, &mu_prof_str, mu_profile_value, true);
//makeAsimovData(mc, true, ws, mc->GetPdf(), data, 0);
//asimovData1 = (RooDataSet*)ws->data("asimovData_1");
if (!doUncap) mu->setRange(0, 40);
else mu->setRange(-40, 40);
RooAbsPdf* pdf = mc->GetPdf();
RooArgSet nuis_tmp1 = *mc->GetNuisanceParameters();
RooNLLVar* asimov_nll = (RooNLLVar*)pdf->createNLL(*asimovData1, Constrain(nuis_tmp1));
//do asimov
if (!doInj) mu->setConstant(1);
int status,sign;
double med_sig=0,obs_sig=0,asimov_q0=0,obs_q0=0;
if (doMedian)
if (doInj) ws->loadSnapshot("conditionalNuis_inj");
else ws->loadSnapshot("conditionalNuis_1");
status = minimize(asimov_nll, ws);
if (status >= 0) cout << "Success!" << endl;
示例15: new_RA4
void new_RA4(){
// let's time this challenging example
TStopwatch t;
// set RooFit random seed for reproducible results
// make model
RooWorkspace* wspace = new RooWorkspace("wspace");
wspace->factory("Gaussian::sigCons(prime_SigEff[0,-5,5], nom_SigEff[0,-5,5], 1)");
wspace->factory("expr::SigEff('1.0*pow(1.20,@0)',prime_SigEff)"); // // 1+-20%, 1.20=exp(20%)
wspace->factory("Poisson::on(non[0,50], sum::splusb(prod::SigUnc(s[0,0,50],SigEff),mainb[8.8,0,50],dilep[0.9,0,20],tau[2.3,0,20],QCD[0.,0,10],MC[0.1,0,4]))");
wspace->factory("Gaussian::mcCons(prime_rho[0,-5,5], nom_rho[0,-5,5], 1)");
wspace->factory("expr::rho('1.0*pow(1.39,@0)',prime_rho)"); // // 1+-39%
wspace->factory("Poisson::off(noff[0,200], prod::rhob(mainb,rho,mu_plus_e[0.74,0.01,10],1.08))");
wspace->factory("Gaussian::mcCons2(mu_plus_enom[0.74,0.01,4], mu_plus_e, sigmatwo[.05])");
wspace->factory("Gaussian::dilep_pred(dilep_nom[0.9,0,20], dilep, sigma3[2.2])");
wspace->factory("Gaussian::tau_pred(tau_nom[2.3,0,20], tau, sigma4[0.5])");
wspace->factory("Gaussian::QCD_pred(QCD_nom[0.0,0,10], QCD, sigma5[1.0])");
wspace->factory("Gaussian::MC_pred(MC_nom[0.1,0.01,4], MC, sigma7[0.14])");
RooArgSet obs(*wspace->var("non"), *wspace->var("noff"), *wspace->var("mu_plus_enom"), *wspace->var("dilep_nom"), *wspace->var("tau_nom"), "obs");
obs.add(*wspace->var("QCD_nom")); obs.add(*wspace->var("MC_nom"));
RooArgSet globalObs(*wspace->var("nom_SigEff"), *wspace->var("nom_rho"), "global_obs");
// fix global observables to their nominal values
RooArgSet poi(*wspace->var("s"), "poi");
RooArgSet nuis(*wspace->var("mainb"), *wspace->var("prime_rho"), *wspace->var("prime_SigEff"), *wspace->var("mu_plus_e"), *wspace->var("dilep"), *wspace->var("tau"), "nuis");
nuis.add(*wspace->var("QCD")); nuis.add(*wspace->var("MC"));
wspace->var("non")->setVal(8); //observed
//wspace->var("non")->setVal(12); //expected observation
wspace->var("noff")->setVal(7); //observed events in control region
RooDataSet * data = new RooDataSet("data","",obs);
// Now the statistical tests
// model config
ModelConfig* pSbModel = new ModelConfig("SbModel");
// set all but obs, poi and nuisance to const
SetConstants(wspace, pSbModel);
Double_t poiValueForBModel = 0.0;
ModelConfig* pBModel = new ModelConfig(*(RooStats::ModelConfig *)wspace->obj("SbModel"));
RooAbsReal * pNll = pSbModel->GetPdf()->createNLL(*data);
RooAbsReal * pProfile = pNll->createProfile(RooArgSet());
pProfile->getVal(); // this will do fit and set POI and nuisance parameters to fitted values
RooArgSet * pPoiAndNuisance = new RooArgSet();
// pPoiAndNuisance->add(*pSbModel->GetNuisanceParameters());
cout << "\nWill save these parameter points that correspond to the fit to data" << endl;
delete pProfile;
delete pNll;
delete pPoiAndNuisance;