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C++ FileManager::Opened方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中FileManager::Opened方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ FileManager::Opened方法的具体用法?C++ FileManager::Opened怎么用?C++ FileManager::Opened使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在FileManager的用法示例。


示例1: AddFile

bool AddFile( M_OutputFile& files, const std::string& fileName, Stream stream, ThreadId threadId, bool append )
	Helium::MutexScopeLock mutex (g_Mutex);

	M_OutputFile::iterator found = files.find( fileName );
	if ( found != files.end() )
		if ( found->second.m_StreamType != stream )
			HELIUM_BREAK(); // trying to add the same file, but with a different stream type

		if ( found->second.m_ThreadId != threadId )
			HELIUM_BREAK(); // trying to add the same file with a different thread id

		found->second.m_RefCount++; // another reference
		if (fileName != TXT( "" ))
			File* f = new File;
			if ( f->Open( fileName.c_str(), FileModes::Write ) )
				if ( append )
					f->Seek( 0, SeekOrigins::End );

				g_FileManager.Opened( fileName, f );
				OutputFile info;
				info.m_StreamType = stream;
				info.m_RefCount = 1;
				info.m_ThreadId = threadId;
				files[ fileName ] = info;
				return true;
				delete f;
				f = NULL;

	return false;

示例2: AddFile

bool AddFile( M_OutputFile& files, const tstring& fileName, Stream stream, uint32_t threadId, bool append )
    Helium::MutexScopeLock mutex (g_Mutex);

    M_OutputFile::iterator found = files.find( fileName );
    if ( found != files.end() )
        if ( found->second.m_StreamType != stream )
            HELIUM_BREAK(); // trying to add the same file, but with a different stream type

        if ( found->second.m_ThreadId != threadId )
            HELIUM_BREAK(); // trying to add the same file with a different thread id

        found->second.m_RefCount++; // another reference
        FILE* f = NULL;

        if (fileName != TXT( "" ))
            tchar_t *mode = append ? TXT( "at+" ) : TXT( "wt+" );

            f = _tfopen( fileName.c_str(), mode );

        if ( f )
            g_FileManager.Opened( fileName, f );
            OutputFile info;
            info.m_StreamType = stream;
            info.m_RefCount = 1;
            info.m_ThreadId = threadId;
            files[ fileName ] = info;
            return true;

    return false;
