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C++ Cube::PutGroup方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中Cube::PutGroup方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ Cube::PutGroup方法的具体用法?C++ Cube::PutGroup怎么用?C++ Cube::PutGroup使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Cube的用法示例。


示例1: IsisMain

//  Call the processing function
    procStep = "calibration phase";

    // Get the default profile for logging purposes
    hiprof = hiconf.getMatrixProfile();
    const std::string conf_file = hiconf.filepath(conf);

    // Quitely dumps parameter history to alternative format file.  This
    // is completely controlled by the configuration file
    if ( hiprof.exists("DumpHistoryFile") ) {
      procStep = "logging/reporting phase";
      Filename hdump(hiconf.getMatrixSource("DumpHistoryFile",hiprof));
      string hdumpFile = hdump.Expanded();
      ofstream ofile(hdumpFile.c_str(), ios::out);
      if (!ofile) {
        string mess = "Unable to open/create history dump file " + 
        iException::Message(iException::User, mess, _FILEINFO_).Report();
      else {
        ofile << "Program:  " << hical_program << endl;
        ofile << "RunTime:  " << hical_runtime << endl;
        ofile << "Version:  " << hical_version << endl;
        ofile << "Revision: " << hical_revision << endl << endl;

        ofile << "FROM:     " << hifrom->Filename() << endl;
        ofile << "TO:       " << ocube->Filename()  << endl;
        ofile << "CONF:     " << conf_file  << endl << endl;

        ofile << "/* " << hical_program << " application equation */" << endl
              << "/* hdn = (idn - Zd(Zf) - Zz - Zb) */"
              << endl << "/* odn = hdn / Zg * Zgg * Za * Zt / Ziof */" 
              << endl << endl;

        ofile << "****** PARAMETER GENERATION HISTORY *******" << endl;
        ofile << "\nZf   = " << ZfHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZd   = " << ZdHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZz   = " << ZzHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZb   = " << ZbHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZg   = " << ZgHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZgg  = " << ZggHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZa   = " << ZaHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZt   = " << ZtHist << endl;
        ofile << "\nZiof = " << ZiofHist << endl;


//  Ensure the RadiometricCalibration group is out there
    const std::string rcalGroup("RadiometricCalibration");
    if (!ocube->HasGroup(rcalGroup)) {
      PvlGroup temp(rcalGroup);

    PvlGroup &rcal = ocube->GetGroup(rcalGroup);
    rcal += PvlKeyword("Program", hical_program);
    rcal += PvlKeyword("RunTime", hical_runtime);
    rcal += PvlKeyword("Version",hical_version);
    rcal += PvlKeyword("Revision",hical_revision);

    PvlKeyword key("Conf", conf_file);
    key.AddCommentWrapped("/* " + hical_program + " application equation */");
    key.AddComment("/* hdn = (idn - Zd(Zf) - Zz - Zb) */");
    key.AddComment("/* odn = hdn / Zg * Zgg * Za * Zt / Ziof */");
    rcal += key;

    //  Record parameter generation history.  Controllable in configuration
    //  file.  Note this is optional because of a BUG!! in the ISIS label
    //  writer as this application was initially developed
    if ( IsEqual(ConfKey(hiprof,"LogParameterHistory",string("TRUE")),"TRUE")) { 
      rcal += ZfHist.makekey("Zf");
      rcal += ZdHist.makekey("Zd");
      rcal += ZzHist.makekey("Zz");
      rcal += ZbHist.makekey("Zb");
      rcal += ZgHist.makekey("Zg");
      rcal += ZggHist.makekey("Zgg");
      rcal += ZaHist.makekey("Za");
      rcal += ZiofHist.makekey("Ziof");

  catch (iException &ie) {
    delete calVars;
    calVars = 0;
    string mess = "Failed in " + procStep;
    ie.Message(iException::User, mess.c_str(), _FILEINFO_);
// Clean up parameters
  delete calVars;
  calVars = 0;

示例2: IsisMain


  string option = ui.GetString("OPTION");

  // Set attributes (input band number) for the matrix cube(s);
  CubeAttributeInput att("+" + iString(band));

  // Determine the file specification to the matrix file(s) if defaulted
  // and open 
  if (ui.WasEntered ("MATRIX") ) {
    if (option == "GAIN") {
      string matrixFile = ui.GetFilename("MATRIX");
      amatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(matrixFile, att);
    else if (option == "OFFSET") {
      string matrixFile = ui.GetFilename("MATRIX");
      bmatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(matrixFile, att);
    else { //(option == "BOTH")
        msg = "The BOTH option cannot be used if a MATRIX is entered";
      throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Io,msg,_FILEINFO_);
  else {
    int tdi = hilab.getTdi();
    int bin = hilab.getBin();

    if (option == "OFFSET" || option == "BOTH") {
      std::string bmatrixFile = "$mro/calibration";
      bmatrixFile += "/B_matrix_tdi";
      bmatrixFile += iString(tdi) + "_bin" + iString(bin);
      bmatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(bmatrixFile, att);
    if (option == "GAIN" || option == "BOTH") {
       std::string amatrixFile = "$mro/calibration";
       amatrixFile += "/A_matrix_tdi";
       amatrixFile += iString(tdi) + "_bin" + iString(bin);
       amatrixCube = p.SetInputCube(amatrixFile, att);

  // Open the output file and set processing parameters
  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube ("TO");
  p.SetWrap (true);
  p.SetBrickSize ( icube->Samples(), 1, 1);

  // Add the radiometry group if it is not there yet.  Otherwise
  // read the current value of the keyword CalibrationParameters.
  // Then delete the keyword and rewrite it after appending the
  // new value to it.  Do it this way to avoid multiple Calibration
  // Parameter keywords.
  PvlGroup calgrp;
  PvlKeyword calKey;

  if (ocube->HasGroup("Radiometry")) {
    calgrp = ocube->GetGroup ("Radiometry");

    if (calgrp.HasKeyword("CalibrationParameters")) {
      calKey = calgrp.FindKeyword("CalibrationParameters");
      calgrp.DeleteKeyword( "CalibrationParameters" );
    else {
      calKey.SetName ("CalibrationParameters");
  else {
    calKey.SetName ("CalibrationParameters");

  string keyValue = option;
  if (option == "GAIN") {
    keyValue += ":" + amatrixCube->Filename();
  else if (option == "OFFSET") {
    keyValue += ":" + bmatrixCube->Filename();
  else { // "BOTH"
    keyValue += ":"+bmatrixCube->Filename()+":"+amatrixCube->Filename();

  calKey += keyValue;
  calgrp += calKey;

  // Start the processing based on the option
  if (option == "GAIN") {
  else if (option == "OFFSET") {
  else { //(option == "BOTH") 

  // Cleanup

示例3: IsisMain


    // Pull out the lookup table so we can apply it in the second pass
    // and remove it from the labels.
    // Add the UNLUTTED keyword to the instrument group so we know
    // if the lut has been used to convert back to 14 bit data
    PvlGroup &instgrp = ocube->GetGroup("Instrument");
    PvlKeyword lutKey = instgrp["LookupTable"];
    PvlSequence lutSeq;
    lutSeq = lutKey;

    // Set up the Stretch object with the info from the lookup table
    // If the first entry is (0,0) then no lut was applied.
    if ((lutKey.IsNull()) ||
            (lutSeq.Size()==1 && lutSeq[0][0]=="0" && lutSeq[0][1]=="0")) {
        stretch.AddPair(0.0, 0.0);
        stretch.AddPair(65536.0, 65536.0);
        instgrp.DeleteKeyword ("LookupTable");
    // The user wants it unlutted
    else if (ui.GetBoolean("UNLUT")) {
        for (int i=0; i<lutSeq.Size(); i++) {
            stretch.AddPair(i, (((double)lutSeq[i][0] + (double)lutSeq[i][1]) / 2.0));
        instgrp.DeleteKeyword ("LookupTable");
    // The user does not want the data unlutted
    else {
        stretch.AddPair(0.0, 0.0);
        stretch.AddPair(65536.0, 65536.0);

    // Save the calibration and ancillary data as BLOBs. Both get run thru the
    // lookup table just like the image data.
    SaveHiriseCalibrationData (p, ocube, pdsLabel);
    SaveHiriseAncillaryData (p, ocube);

    // Save off the input bit type so we know how to process it on the
    // second pass below.
    Isis::PixelType inType = p.PixelType();

    // All finished with the ImportPds object
    p.EndProcess ();

    // Make another pass thru the data using the output file in read/write mode
    // This allows us to correct gaps, remap special pixels and accumulate some
    // counts
    lsbGap = ui.GetBoolean("LSBGAP");
    ProcessByLine p2;
    string ioFile = ui.GetFilename("TO");
    CubeAttributeInput att;
    p2.SetInputCube(ioFile, att, ReadWrite);
    p2.Progress()->SetText("Converting special pixels");
    section = 4;
    p2.StartProcess((inType == Isis::UnsignedByte) ? FixDns8 : FixDns16);

    // Log the results of the image conversion
    PvlGroup results("Results");
    results += PvlKeyword ("From", inFile.Expanded());

示例4: IsisMain


      //Read the lat and long at the lower right corner
      double b = latBrick.at(0) * PI/180.0;
      double d = lonBrick.at(0) * PI/180.0;

      //Determine the angle between the two points
      double angle = acos(cos(a) * cos(b) * cos(c - d) + sin(a) * sin(b));
      //double angle = acos((cos(a1) * cos(b1) * cos(b2)) + (cos(a1) * sin(b1) * cos(a2) * sin(b2)) + (sin(a1) * sin(a2)));
      angle *= 180/PI;

      //Determine the number of pixels between the two points
      double pixels = sqrt(pow(latCube->Samples() -1.0, 2.0) + pow(latCube->Lines() -1.0, 2.0));

      //Add the scale in pixels/degree to the mapping group
                                        pixels/angle, "pixels/degree"),
      if (mapGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    // If the user decided to enter a resolution then override
    if (ui.GetString("PIXRES") == "MPP") {
                                        ui.GetDouble("RESOLUTION"), "meters/pixel"),
      if (mapGrp.HasKeyword("Scale")) {
    else if (ui.GetString("PIXRES") == "PPD") {
                                        ui.GetDouble("RESOLUTION"), "pixels/degree"),
      if (mapGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    //Create a projection using the map file we created
    int samples,lines;
    Projection *outmap = ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(mapFile,samples,lines,false);

    //Write the map file to the log

    //Create a process rubber sheet
    ProcessRubberSheet r;

    //Set the input cube
    inCube = r.SetInputCube("FROM");

    double tolerance = ui.GetDouble("TOLERANCE") * outmap->Resolution();

    //Create a new transform object
    Transform *transform = new nocam2map (sampSol, lineSol, outmap,
                                          latCube, lonCube,
                                          ui.GetString("LATTYPE") == "PLANETOCENTRIC",
                                          ui.GetString("LONDIR") == "POSITIVEEAST",
                                          tolerance, ui.GetInteger("ITERATIONS"),
                                          inCube->Samples(), inCube->Lines(),
                                          samples, lines);
    //Allocate the output cube and add the mapping labels
    Cube *oCube = r.SetOutputCube ("TO", transform->OutputSamples(),

    //Determine which interpolation to use
    Interpolator *interp = NULL;
    if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "NEARESTNEIGHBOR") {
      interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::NearestNeighborType);
    else if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "BILINEAR") {
      interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::BiLinearType);
    else if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "CUBICCONVOLUTION") {
      interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::CubicConvolutionType);
    //Warp the cube
    r.StartProcess(*transform, *interp);

    // add mapping to print.prt
    PvlGroup mapping = outmap->Mapping(); 

    //Clean up
    delete latCube;
    delete lonCube;

    delete outmap;
    delete transform;
    delete interp;

示例5: IsisMain


      for(int index = 0; index < latitudes.Keywords(); index ++) {
        if(!userMappingGrp.HasKeyword(latitudes[index].Name())) {
          if(((string)userMappingGrp["LatitudeType"]).compare("Planetographic") == 0) {
            outMappingGrp[latitudes[index].Name()] = Projection::ToPlanetographic(
          else {
            outMappingGrp[latitudes[index].Name()] = Projection::ToPlanetocentric(


  // If MinLon/MaxLon out of order, we weren't able to calculate the correct values
  if((double)outMappingGrp["MinimumLongitude"] >= (double)outMappingGrp["MaximumLongitude"]) {
    if(!ui.WasEntered("MINLON") || !ui.WasEntered("MAXLON")) {
      string msg = "Unable to determine the correct [MinimumLongitude,MaximumLongitude].";
      msg += " Please specify these values in the [MINLON,MAXLON] parameters";
      throw iException::Message(iException::Pvl,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  int samples,lines;
  Pvl mapData;
  // Copy to preserve cube labels so we can match cube size
  if (userPvl.HasObject("IsisCube")) {
    mapData = userPvl;
  else {

  // *NOTE: The UpperLeftX,UpperLeftY keywords will not be used in the CreateForCube
  //   method, and they will instead be recalculated. This is correct.
  Projection *outproj = ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(mapData,samples,lines,

  // Set up the transform object which will simply map
  // output line/samps -> output lat/lons -> input line/samps
  Transform *transform = new map2map (icube->Samples(),

  // Allocate the output cube and add the mapping labels
  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube ("TO", transform->OutputSamples(),

  PvlGroup cleanOutGrp = outproj->Mapping();

  // ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube updated mapData to have the correct
  //   upperleftcornerx, upperleftcornery, scale and resolution. Use these
  //   updated numbers.
  cleanOutGrp.AddKeyword(mapData.FindGroup("Mapping",Pvl::Traverse)["UpperLeftCornerX"], Pvl::Replace);
  cleanOutGrp.AddKeyword(mapData.FindGroup("Mapping",Pvl::Traverse)["UpperLeftCornerY"], Pvl::Replace);
  cleanOutGrp.AddKeyword(mapData.FindGroup("Mapping",Pvl::Traverse)["Scale"], Pvl::Replace);
  cleanOutGrp.AddKeyword(mapData.FindGroup("Mapping",Pvl::Traverse)["PixelResolution"], Pvl::Replace);


  // Set up the interpolator
  Interpolator *interp;
  if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "NEARESTNEIGHBOR") {
    interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::NearestNeighborType);
  else if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "BILINEAR") {
    interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::BiLinearType);
  else if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "CUBICCONVOLUTION") {
    interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::CubicConvolutionType);
  else {
    string msg = "Unknow value for INTERP [" + ui.GetString("INTERP") + "]";
    throw iException::Message(iException::Programmer,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  // Warp the cube
  p.StartProcess(*transform, *interp);


  // Cleanup
  delete transform;
  delete interp;

示例6: IsisMain

void IsisMain() {
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  /*Processing steps
  1.  Open and read the jitter table, convert the pixel offsets to angles,
      and create the polynomials (solve for the coefficients) to use to do
      the high pass filter putting the results into a rotation matrix in the jitter class.
  2.  Apply the jitter correction in the LineScanCameraRotation object of the master cube.
  3.  Loop through FROMLIST correcting the pointing and writing out the
      updated camera pointing from the master cube

  int degree = ui.GetInteger("DEGREE");

  // Get the input file list to make sure it is not empty and the master cube is included
  FileList list;

  if (list.size() < 1) {
    string msg = "The input list file [" + ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST") + "is empty";
    throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  int ifile = 0;
  // Make sure the master file is included in the input file list
  while (ifile < (int) list.size() && Filename(list[ifile]).Expanded() != Filename(ui.GetFilename("MASTER")).Expanded()) {

  if (ifile >= (int) list.size()) {
    string msg = "The master file, [" + Filename(ui.GetFilename("MASTER")).Expanded() + " is not included in " + 
      "the input list file " + ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST") + "]";
    throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  bool step2 = false;
  PvlGroup gp("AppjitResults");

  //Step 1:  Create the jitter rotation

  try {
    // Open the master cube
    Cube cube;
    //check for existing polygon, if exists delete it
    if (cube.Label()->HasObject("Polygon")){

    // Get the camera
    Camera *cam = cube.Camera();
    if (cam->DetectorMap()->LineRate() == 0.0) {
      string msg = "[" + ui.GetFilename("MASTER") + "] is not a line scan camera image";
      throw iException::Message(Isis::iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

    // Create the master rotation to be corrected 
    int frameCode = cam->InstrumentRotation()->Frame();
    cam->SetImage(int(cube.Samples()/2), int(cube.Lines()/2) );
    double tol = cam->PixelResolution();

    if (tol < 0.) {
      // Alternative calculation of .01*ground resolution of a pixel
      tol = cam->PixelPitch()*cam->SpacecraftAltitude()*1000./cam->FocalLength()/100.;
    LineScanCameraRotation crot(frameCode, *(cube.Label()), cam->InstrumentRotation()->GetFullCacheTime(), tol );
    crot.SetAxes(1, 2, 3);
    if (ui.WasEntered("PITCHRATE")) crot.ResetPitchRate(ui.GetDouble("PITCHRATE"));
    if (ui.WasEntered("YAW")) crot.ResetYaw(ui.GetDouble("YAW"));
    double baseTime = crot.GetBaseTime();
    double timeScale = crot.GetTimeScale();
    double fl = cam->FocalLength();
    double pixpitch = cam->PixelPitch();
    std::vector<double> cacheTime = cam->InstrumentRotation()->GetFullCacheTime();

    // Get the jitter in pixels, compute jitter angles, and fit a polynomial to each angle
    PixelOffset jitter(ui.GetFilename("JITTERFILE"), fl, pixpitch, baseTime, timeScale, degree);

    // Set the jitter and apply to the instrument rotation
    crot.SetJitter( &jitter );

    // Pull out the pointing cache as a table and write it
    Table cmatrix = crot.Cache("InstrumentPointing");
    cmatrix.Label().AddComment("Corrected using appjit and" + ui.GetFilename("JITTERFILE"));

    // Write out the instrument position table
    Isis::PvlGroup kernels = cube.Label()->FindGroup("Kernels",Isis::Pvl::Traverse);

    // Write out the "Table" label to the tabled kernels in the kernels group
    kernels["InstrumentPointing"] = "Table";
//    kernels["InstrumentPosition"] = "Table";
    gp += PvlKeyword("StatusMaster",ui.GetFilename("MASTER") + ":  camera pointing updated");

示例7: IsisMain

void IsisMain() {
  // Get the camera information
  Process p1;
  Cube *icube = p1.SetInputCube("FROM",OneBand);
  cam = icube->Camera();

  // We will be processing by brick. 
  ProcessByBrick p;

  // Find out which bands are to be created
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  nbands = 0;
  if ((phase = ui.GetBoolean("PHASE"))) nbands++;
  if ((emission = ui.GetBoolean("EMISSION"))) nbands++;
  if ((incidence = ui.GetBoolean("INCIDENCE"))) nbands++;
  if ((latitude = ui.GetBoolean("LATITUDE"))) nbands++;
  if ((longitude = ui.GetBoolean("LONGITUDE"))) nbands++;
  if ((pixelResolution = ui.GetBoolean("PIXELRESOLUTION"))) nbands++;
  if ((lineResolution = ui.GetBoolean("LINERESOLUTION"))) nbands++;
  if ((sampleResolution = ui.GetBoolean("SAMPLERESOLUTION"))) nbands++;
  if ((detectorResolution = ui.GetBoolean("DETECTORRESOLUTION"))) nbands++;
  if ((northAzimuth = ui.GetBoolean("NORTHAZIMUTH"))) nbands++;
  if ((sunAzimuth = ui.GetBoolean("SUNAZIMUTH"))) nbands++;
  if ((spacecraftAzimuth = ui.GetBoolean("SPACECRAFTAZIMUTH"))) nbands++;
  if ((offnadirAngle = ui.GetBoolean("OFFNADIRANGLE"))) nbands++;

  if (nbands < 1) {
    string message = "At least one photometry parameter must be entered"
    throw iException::Message (iException::User, message, _FILEINFO_);

  // Create a bandbin group for the output label
  PvlKeyword name("Name");
  if (phase) name += "Phase Angle";
  if (emission) name += "Emission Angle";
  if (incidence) name += "Incidence Angle";
  if (latitude) name += "Latitude";
  if (longitude) name += "Longitude";
  if (pixelResolution) name += "Pixel Resolution";
  if (lineResolution) name += "Line Resolution";
  if (sampleResolution) name += "Sample Resolution";
  if (detectorResolution) name += "Detector Resolution";
  if (northAzimuth) name += "North Azimuth";
  if (sunAzimuth) name += "Sun Azimuth";
  if (spacecraftAzimuth) name += "Spacecraft Azimuth";
  if (offnadirAngle) name += "OffNadir Angle";
  PvlGroup bandBin("BandBin");
  bandBin += name;

  // Create the output cube.  Note we add the input cube to expedite propagation
  // of input cube elements (label, blobs, etc...).  It *must* be cleared
  // prior to systematic processing.
  (void) p.SetInputCube("FROM", OneBand);
  Cube *ocube = p.SetOutputCube("TO",icube->Samples(), icube->Lines(), nbands);
  p.ClearInputCubes();     // Toss the input file as stated above

  // Start the processing

  // Add the bandbin group to the output label.  If a BandBin group already
  // exists, remove all existing keywords and add the keywords for this app.
  // Otherwise, just put the group in.
  PvlObject &cobj = ocube->Label()->FindObject("IsisCube");
  if (cobj.HasGroup("BandBin")) {
    PvlGroup &bb = cobj.FindGroup("BandBin");
    PvlContainer::PvlKeywordIterator k = bandBin.Begin();
    while (k != bandBin.End()) {
      bb += *k;
  else {

