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C++ CBuffer::ConvertViewColToBufferCol方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中CBuffer::ConvertViewColToBufferCol方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ CBuffer::ConvertViewColToBufferCol方法的具体用法?C++ CBuffer::ConvertViewColToBufferCol怎么用?C++ CBuffer::ConvertViewColToBufferCol使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在CBuffer的用法示例。


示例1: SetView

void CSelection::SetView( CEditView *pView, BOOL bSilent )
    if ( m_pView != pView )
        CBuffer *pBuffer = m_pCtrl->GetBuffer();
        int nRow = pView->GetTopIndex();
        int nCol = pBuffer->ConvertViewColToBufferCol( nRow, pView->GetLeftIndex() );
        nCol = pBuffer->ConvertBufferColToViewCol( nRow, nCol );

        if ( !bSilent )
            SetEmptySelection( nCol, nRow );
        m_pView = pView;

示例2: Extend

                bStartRowChanged = ( m_nStartRow != nOldStartRow );

        int nTemp = nLineCount - 1;
        m_nEndRow = min( m_nEndRow, nTemp );
        m_nEndRow = max( 0, m_nEndRow );

        m_nEndCol = ( nLineCount == 0 ) ? 0 : max( 0, m_nEndCol );
        BOOL bEndViewColUpToDate = FALSE;

        // keep cursor within the line's bounds if requested to
        if ( bEnforceSelBounds )
            // special case: if moving left one char and beyond the end of the line,
            // do the fixup now or else the one-char move will be nullified by
            // EnforceSelBounds()
            if ( nLineCount && eDirection == eLeft && eAmount == eChar )
                int nEndRowLen = pBuffer->GetLineLength( m_nEndRow );
                if ( m_nEndCol >= nEndRowLen )
                    m_nEndCol = nEndRowLen - 1;
                    m_nEndCol = max( 0, m_nEndCol );

            if ( bUsePreferredCol && nSaveEndRow != m_nEndRow )
                m_nEndCol = pBuffer->ConvertViewColToBufferCol( m_nEndRow, m_nEndViewColPreferred );

            BOOL bFixup = EnforceSelBounds();

            // if we didn't have to fix-up the selection, remember this new col position
            // as the preferred position.
            if ( !bFixup )
                if ( bUsePreferredCol && nSaveEndRow != m_nEndRow )
                    // moved vertically -- need to translate view col from one row to another
                    int nBuffCol = pBuffer->ConvertViewColToBufferCol( m_nEndRow, m_nEndViewColPreferred );
                    m_nEndViewCol = pBuffer->ConvertBufferColToViewCol( m_nEndRow, nBuffCol );
                    m_nEndCol = pBuffer->ConvertViewColToBufferCol( m_nEndRow, m_nEndViewCol );
                else if ( nSaveEndCol != m_nEndCol )
                    m_nEndViewCol = pBuffer->ConvertBufferColToViewCol( m_nEndRow, m_nEndCol );
                    m_nEndViewColPreferred = m_nEndViewCol;
                bEndViewColUpToDate = TRUE;

        // since m_nEndCol may have changed, we need to recalc the view position and re-snap m_nEndCol to the current row
        if ( !bEndViewColUpToDate )
            m_nEndViewCol = pBuffer->ConvertBufferColToViewCol( m_nEndRow, m_nEndCol );
            m_nEndCol = pBuffer->ConvertViewColToBufferCol( m_nEndRow, m_nEndViewCol );

        if ( eDirection == eOutward )

示例3: SetSelectionFromPoint

void CSelection::SetSelectionFromPoint( CEditView *pView, int x, int y, BOOL bEmpty, BOOL bAllowLineSel )
    if ( m_pView != pView )
        CEditView *pLastView = m_pView;
        m_pView = pView;
        if ( !IsEmpty() )
            // switching views -- erase the selection in the other view
            pLastView->DamageView( min( m_nEndRow, m_nStartRow ), max( m_nEndRow, m_nStartRow ) );

    int nCol, nRow;
    RECT rcChar;
    m_pView->GetCharPosFromPoint( x, y, nCol, nRow, &rcChar );

    RECT rcView;
    m_pView->GetViewRect( &rcView );
    CBuffer *pBuffer = m_pCtrl->GetBuffer();
    int nLineCount = pBuffer->GetLineCount();

    if ( !bEmpty && bAllowLineSel && ( x > rcView.left && x < ( rcView.left + m_pView->GetLeftMargin( TRUE ) ) ) )
        // line selecting
        nCol = 0;
        if ( nRow < m_nStartRow )
            m_nStartCol = CEditView::MAXCOL;
            m_nStartCol = 0;
        nRow = min( nRow, nLineCount - 1 );
        nRow = max( 0, nRow );
        // selecting the last line should just go to the end of the line since
        // there is no line below nRow.
        if ( nLineCount && ( nRow == nLineCount - 1 ) )
            nCol = pBuffer->GetLineLength( nRow );
        nRow = min( nRow, nLineCount - 1 );
        nRow = max( 0, nRow );
        nCol = pBuffer->ConvertViewColToBufferCol( nRow, nCol );

    // since the column might have changed above, let's refetch the
    // char rect.
    m_pView->GetCharBoundingRect( nCol, nRow, &rcChar );

    if ( !IsRectEmpty( &rcChar ) && ( x > ( ( rcChar.left + rcChar.right ) / 2 ) ) )
        // cursor is closer to the next char
        nCol += pBuffer->GetCharSize( nRow, nCol );

    if ( bEmpty )
        SetEmptySelection( nCol, nRow );
        if ( nCol != m_nEndCol || nRow != m_nEndRow )
            ExtendTo( nCol, nRow );
