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C++ AbstractKart::getInitialPosition方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AbstractKart::getInitialPosition方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AbstractKart::getInitialPosition方法的具体用法?C++ AbstractKart::getInitialPosition怎么用?C++ AbstractKart::getInitialPosition使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AbstractKart的用法示例。


示例1: updateRacePosition

/** Find the position (rank) of every kart. ATM it uses a stable O(n^2)
 *  algorithm by counting for each kart how many other karts are ahead of
 *  it.
void LinearWorld::updateRacePosition()
    // Mostly for debugging:
    const unsigned int kart_amount = (unsigned int) m_karts.size();

#ifdef DEBUG
    bool rank_changed = false;

    // NOTE: if you do any changes to this loop, the next loop (see
    // DEBUG_KART_RANK below) needs to have the same changes applied
    // so that debug output is still correct!!!!!!!!!!!
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<kart_amount; i++)
        AbstractKart* kart = m_karts[i];
        // Karts that are either eliminated or have finished the
        // race already have their (final) position assigned. If
        // these karts would get their rank updated, it could happen
        // that a kart that finished first will be overtaken after
        // crossing the finishing line and become second!
        if(kart->isEliminated() || kart->hasFinishedRace())
            // This is only necessary to support debugging inconsistencies
            // in kart position parameters.
            setKartPosition(i, kart->getPosition());
        KartInfo& kart_info = m_kart_info[i];

        int p = 1 ;

        const unsigned int my_id = kart->getWorldKartId();
        const float my_distance  = m_kart_info[my_id].m_overall_distance;

        // Count karts ahead of the current kart, i.e. kart that are
        // already finished or have covered a larger overall distance.
        for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < kart_amount ; j++)
            // don't compare a kart with itself and ignore eliminated karts
            if(j == my_id || m_karts[j]->isEliminated())

            // If the other kart has:
            // - finished the race (but this kart hasn't)
            // - or is ahead
            // - or has the same distance (very unlikely) but started earlier
            // it is ahead --> increase position
            if((!kart->hasFinishedRace() && m_karts[j]->hasFinishedRace()) ||
                m_kart_info[j].m_overall_distance > my_distance            ||
               (m_kart_info[j].m_overall_distance == my_distance &&
                m_karts[j]->getInitialPosition()<kart->getInitialPosition() ) )

        } //next kart

#ifndef DEBUG
        setKartPosition(i, p);
        rank_changed |= kart->getPosition()!=p;
        if (!setKartPosition(i,p))
            Log::error("[LinearWorld]", "Same rank used twice!!");

            Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "Info used to decide ranking :");
            for (unsigned int d=0; d<kart_amount; d++)
                Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "Kart %s has finished (%d), is at lap (%u),"
                            "is at distance (%u), is eliminated(%d)",

            Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "Who has each ranking so far :");
            for (unsigned int d=0; d<i; d++)
                Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "%s has rank %d", m_karts[d]->getIdent().c_str(),

            Log::debug("[LinearWorld]", "    --> And %s is being set at rank %d",
                        kart->getIdent().c_str(), p);

        // Switch on faster music if not already done so, if the
        // first kart is doing its last lap.
        if(!m_faster_music_active                                  &&
            p == 1                                                 &&

示例2: updateRacePosition

/** Find the position (rank) of every kart
void LinearWorld::updateRacePosition()
    // Mostly for debugging:
    const unsigned int kart_amount = m_karts.size();

#ifdef DEBUG
    bool rank_changed = false;
    // NOTE: if you do any changes to this loop, the next loop (see
    // DEBUG_KART_RANK below) needs to have the same changes applied
    // so that debug output is still correct!!!!!!!!!!!
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<kart_amount; i++)
        AbstractKart* kart = m_karts[i];
        // Karts that are either eliminated or have finished the
        // race already have their (final) position assigned. If
        // these karts would get their rank updated, it could happen
        // that a kart that finished first will be overtaken after
        // crossing the finishing line and become second!
        if(kart->isEliminated() || kart->hasFinishedRace())
            // This is only necessary to support debugging inconsistencies
            // in kart position parameters.
            setKartPosition(i, kart->getPosition());
        KartInfo& kart_info = m_kart_info[i];
        int p = 1 ;

        const unsigned int my_id = kart->getWorldKartId();
        const float my_distance  = m_kart_info[my_id].m_overall_distance;

        // Count karts ahead of the current kart, i.e. kart that are 
        // already finished or have covered a larger overall distance.
        for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < kart_amount ; j++)
            // don't compare a kart with itself and ignore eliminated karts
            if(j == my_id || m_karts[j]->isEliminated())

            // If the other kart has:
            // - finished the race (but this kart hasn't)
            // - or is ahead
            // - or has the same distance (very unlikely) but started earlier
            // it is ahead --> increase position
            if((!kart->hasFinishedRace() && m_karts[j]->hasFinishedRace()) ||
                m_kart_info[j].m_overall_distance > my_distance            ||
               (m_kart_info[j].m_overall_distance == my_distance &&
                m_karts[j]->getInitialPosition()<kart->getInitialPosition() ) )

        } //next kart

#ifndef DEBUG
        setKartPosition(i, p);
        rank_changed |= kart->getPosition()!=p;
        if (!setKartPosition(i,p))
            std::cerr << "ERROR, same rank used twice!!\n";

            std::cerr <<  "Info used to decide ranking :\n";
            for (unsigned int d=0; d<kart_amount; d++)
                std::cerr << "   kart " << m_karts[d]->getIdent() 
                          << " has finished(" << m_karts[d]->hasFinishedRace()
                          << "), is at lap (" << getLapForKart(d) 
                          << "), is at distance("
                          << m_kart_info[d].m_overall_distance
                          << "), is eliminated(" << m_karts[d]->isEliminated()
                          << ")" << std::endl;
            std::cerr <<  "Who has each ranking so far :\n";
            for (unsigned int d=0; d<i; d++)
                std::cerr << "    " << m_karts[d]->getIdent() << " has rank " 
                          << m_karts[d]->getPosition() << std::endl;
            std::cerr << "    --> And " << kart->getIdent() 
                      << " is being set at rank " << p << std::endl;

        // Switch on faster music if not already done so, if the
        // first kart is doing its last lap, and if the estimated
        // remaining time is less than 30 seconds.
        if(!m_faster_music_active                                  &&
           kart_info.m_race_lap == race_manager->getNumLaps()-1    &&
           p==1                                                    &&
