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C++ AbstractKart::finishedRace方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中AbstractKart::finishedRace方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ AbstractKart::finishedRace方法的具体用法?C++ AbstractKart::finishedRace怎么用?C++ AbstractKart::finishedRace使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在AbstractKart的用法示例。


示例1: Message

/** De-serialises a race result message and sets the appropriate results in 
 *  the kart and the race manager.
 *  \param pkt The enet message paket.
RaceResultMessage::RaceResultMessage(ENetPacket* pkt) 
                 : Message(pkt, MT_RACE_RESULT)
    World *world = World::getWorld();
    const unsigned int num_karts = world->getNumKarts();
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<num_karts; i++)
        AbstractKart *kart = world->getKart(i);
        float time  = getFloat();
        char position = getChar();
}   // RaceResultMessage

示例2: endRaceEarly

/** Ends the race early and places still active player karts at the back.
 *  The race immediately goes to the result stage, estimating the time for the
 *  karts still in the race. Still active player karts get a penalty in time
 *  as well as being placed at the back. Players that already finished keep
 *  their position.
 *  End time for the punished players is calculated as follows
 *  end_time = current_time + (estimated_time - current_time)
 *                          + (estimated_time_for_last - current_time)
 *           = estimated_time + estimated_time_for_last - current_time
 *  This will put them at the end at all times. The further you (and the last in
 *  the race) are from the finish line, the harsher the punishment will be.
void StandardRace::endRaceEarly()
    const unsigned int kart_amount = (unsigned int)m_karts.size();
    std::vector<int> active_players;
    // Required for debugging purposes
    for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= kart_amount; i++)
        int kartid = m_position_index[i-1];
        AbstractKart* kart = m_karts[kartid];
        if (kart->hasFinishedRace())
            // Have to do this to keep endSetKartPosition happy
            setKartPosition(kartid, kart->getPosition());

        if (kart->getController()->isPlayerController())
            // Keep active players apart for now
            // AI karts finish
            setKartPosition(kartid, i - (unsigned int) active_players.size());
    } // i <= kart_amount
    // Now make the active players finish
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < active_players.size(); i++)
        int kartid = active_players[i];
        int position = getNumKarts() - (int) active_players.size() + 1 + i;
        setKartPosition(kartid, position);
    } // Finish the active players
    if (!isNetworkWorld() || NetworkConfig::get()->isServer())
} // endRaceEarly

示例3: newLap

/** Is called by check structures if a kart starts a new lap.
 *  \param kart_index Index of the kart.
void LinearWorld::newLap(unsigned int kart_index)
    KartInfo &kart_info = m_kart_info[kart_index];
    AbstractKart *kart  = m_karts[kart_index];

    // Reset reset-after-lap achievements
    StateManager::ActivePlayer *c = kart->getController()->getPlayer();
    PlayerProfile *p = PlayerManager::getCurrentPlayer();
    if (c && c->getConstProfile() == p)

    // Only update the kart controller if a kart that has already finished
    // the race crosses the start line again. This avoids 'fastest lap'
    // messages if the end controller does a fastest lap, but especially
    // allows the end controller to switch end cameras

    const int lap_count = race_manager->getNumLaps();

    // Only increase the lap counter and set the new time if the
    // kart hasn't already finished the race (otherwise the race_gui
    // will begin another countdown).
    if(kart_info.m_race_lap+1 <= lap_count)
        m_kart_info[kart_index].m_overall_distance =
              m_kart_info[kart_index].m_race_lap * m_track->getTrackLength()
            + getDistanceDownTrackForKart(kart->getWorldKartId());
    // Last lap message (kart_index's assert in previous block already)
    if (raceHasLaps() && kart_info.m_race_lap+1 == lap_count)
        m_race_gui->addMessage(_("Final lap!"), kart,
                               3.0f, video::SColor(255, 210, 100, 50), true);
        if(!m_last_lap_sfx_played && lap_count > 1)
            if (UserConfigParams::m_music)
                m_last_lap_sfx_played = true;
                m_last_lap_sfx_playing = true;

                // In case that no music is defined
                if(music_manager->getCurrentMusic() &&
                    music_manager->getMasterMusicVolume() > 0.2f)
                m_last_lap_sfx_played = true;
                m_last_lap_sfx_playing = false;
    else if (raceHasLaps() && kart_info.m_race_lap > 0 &&
             kart_info.m_race_lap+1 < lap_count)
        m_race_gui->addMessage(_("Lap %i", kart_info.m_race_lap+1),
                               kart, 3.0f, video::SColor(255, 210, 100, 50),

    // The race positions must be updated here: consider the situation where
    // the first kart does not cross the finish line in its last lap, instead
    // it passes it, the kart reverses and crosses the finishing line
    // backwards. Just before crossing the finishing line the kart will be on
    // the last lap, but with a distance along the track close to zero.
    // Therefore its position will be wrong. If the race position gets updated
    // after increasing the number of laps (but before tagging the kart to have
    // finished the race) the position will be correct (since the kart now
    // has one additional lap it will be ahead of the other karts).
    // Without this call the incorrect position for this kart would remain
    // (since a kart that has finished the race does not get its position
    // changed anymore), potentially resulting in a duplicated race position
    // (since the first kart does not have position 1, no other kart can get
    // position 1, so one rank will be duplicated).
    // Similarly the situation can happen if the distance along track should
    // go back to zero before actually crossing the finishing line. While this
    // should not happen, it could potentially be caused by floating point
    // errors. In this case the call to updateRacePosition will avoid
    // duplicated race positions as well.

    // Race finished
    if(kart_info.m_race_lap >= race_manager->getNumLaps() && raceHasLaps())

示例4: countdownReachedZero

/** Called when a kart must be eliminated.
void FollowTheLeaderRace::countdownReachedZero()

    // If the leader kart is not the first kart, remove the first
    // kart, otherwise remove the last kart.
    int position_to_remove = m_karts[0]->getPosition()==1
                           ? getCurrentNumKarts() : 1;
    AbstractKart *kart = getKartAtPosition(position_to_remove);
    if(!kart || kart->isEliminated())
        fprintf(stderr,"Problem with removing leader: position %d not found\n",
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_karts.size(); i++)
            fprintf(stderr,"kart %d: eliminated %d position %d\n",
                    i,m_karts[i]->isEliminated(), m_karts[i]->getPosition());
        }   // for i
    }  //
            printf("[ftl] Eliminiating kart '%s' at position %d.\n",
                kart->getIdent().c_str(), position_to_remove);

        // In case that the kart on position 1 was removed, we have
        // to set the correct position (which equals the remaining
        // number of karts) for the removed kart, as well as recompute
        // the position for all other karts
            // We have to add 1 to the number of karts to get the correct
            // position, since the eliminated kart was already removed
            // from the value returned by getCurrentNumKarts (and we have
            // to remove the kart before we can call updateRacePosition).
            // Note that we can not call WorldWithRank::setKartPosition
            // here, since it would not properly support debugging kart
            // ranks (since this kart would get its position set again
            // in updateRacePosition). We only set the rank of the eliminated
            // kart, and updateRacePosition will then call setKartPosition
            // for the now eliminated kart.
        // Time doesn't make any sense in FTL (and it is not displayed)

        // Move any camera for this kart to the leader, facing backwards,
        // so that the eliminated player has something to watch.
        if (race_manager->getNumPlayers() > 1)
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<Camera::getNumCameras(); i++)
                Camera *camera = Camera::getCamera(i);
            }   // for i<number of cameras
    }   // if kart to eliminate exists

    // almost over, use fast music

    if (isRaceOver())
        // Handle special FTL situation: the leader is kart number 3 when
        // the last kart gets eliminated. In this case kart on position 1
        // is eliminated, and the kart formerly on position 2 is on
        // position 1, the leader now position 2. In this case the kart
        // on position 1 would get more points for this victory. So if
        // this is the case, change the position
            // Adjust the position of all still driving karts that
            // are ahead of the leader by +1, and move the leader
            // to position 1.
            for (unsigned int i=1; i<m_karts.size(); i++)
                if(!m_karts[i]->hasFinishedRace() &&
                    !m_karts[i]->isEliminated()   &&
