位於 stats
包(package)。 說明
runmed(x, k, endrule = c("median", "keep", "constant"),
algorithm = NULL,
na.action = c("+Big_alternate", "-Big_alternate", "na.omit", "fail"),
print.level = 0)
x |
數值向量,要平滑的 ‘dependent’ 變量。 |
k |
中值窗口的整數寬度;一定是奇數。 Turlach 的默認值是 |
endrule |
algorithm |
字符串(部分匹配 |
na.action |
print.level |
整數,表示算法的詳細程度;普通用戶很少應該改變。 |
除了最終值之外,結果 y = runmed(x, k)
僅包含 y[j] = median(x[(j-k2):(j+k2)])
( k = 2*k2+1
是由 Berwin Turlach 實現的 Härdle-Steiger 算法(參見參考文獻)。使用樹算法,確保性能
n = length(x)
是漸近最優的。 ,其中 "Stuetzle"
是(較舊的)Stuetzle-Friedman 實現,當一個觀察進入和一個離開平滑窗口時,它利用中值更新。雖然這與 一樣執行,漸近速度較慢,但對於小型 或 來說,速度要快得多。
請注意,兩種算法(和 smoothEnds()
實用程序)現在 “work” 也適用於 x
包含非有限條目( Inf
、 NaN
和 NA
目前隻需應用底層數學庫即可工作(‘庫’) 非有限數的算術;將來這可能會發生變化。
目前 long vectors 僅支持 algorithm = "Stuetzle"
與 x
長度相同的平滑值向量,其中 attr
ibute k
包含 (‘oddified’) k
myNHT <- as.vector(nhtemp)
myNHT[20] <- 2 * nhtemp[20]
plot(myNHT, type = "b", ylim = c(48, 60), main = "Running Medians Example")
lines(runmed(myNHT, 7), col = "red")
## special: multiple y values for one x
plot(cars, main = "'cars' data and runmed(dist, 3)")
lines(cars, col = "light gray", type = "c")
with(cars, lines(speed, runmed(dist, k = 3), col = 2))
## nice quadratic with a few outliers
y <- ys <- (-20:20)^2
y [c(1,10,21,41)] <- c(150, 30, 400, 450)
all(y == runmed(y, 1)) # 1-neighbourhood <==> interpolation
plot(y) ## lines(y, lwd = .1, col = "light gray")
lines(lowess(seq(y), y, f = 0.3), col = "brown")
lines(runmed(y, 7), lwd = 2, col = "blue")
lines(runmed(y, 11), lwd = 2, col = "red")
## Lowess is not robust
y <- ys ; y[21] <- 6666 ; x <- seq(y)
col <- c("black", "brown","blue")
plot(y, col = col[1])
lines(lowess(x, y, f = 0.3), col = col[2])
lines(runmed(y, 7), lwd = 2, col = col[3])
legend(length(y),max(y), c("data", "lowess(y, f = 0.3)", "runmed(y, 7)"),
xjust = 1, col = col, lty = c(0, 1, 1), pch = c(1,NA,NA))
## An example with initial NA's - used to fail badly (notably for "Turlach"):
x15 <- c(rep(NA, 4), c(9, 9, 4, 22, 6, 1, 7, 5, 2, 8, 3))
rS15 <- cbind(Sk.3 = runmed(x15, k = 3, algorithm="S"),
Sk.7 = runmed(x15, k = 7, algorithm="S"),
Sk.11= runmed(x15, k =11, algorithm="S"))
rT15 <- cbind(Tk.3 = runmed(x15, k = 3, algorithm="T", print.level=1),
Tk.7 = runmed(x15, k = 7, algorithm="T", print.level=1),
Tk.9 = runmed(x15, k = 9, algorithm="T", print.level=1),
Tk.11= runmed(x15, k =11, algorithm="T", print.level=1))
cbind(x15, rS15, rT15) # result for k=11 maybe a bit surprising ..
Tv <- rT15[-(1:3),]
stopifnot(3 <= Tv, Tv <= 9, 5 <= Tv[1:10,])
matplot(y = cbind(x15, rT15), type = "b", ylim = c(1,9), pch=1:5, xlab = NA,
main = "runmed(x15, k, algo = \"Turlach\")")
mtext(paste("x15 <-", deparse(x15)))
points(x15, cex=2)
legend("bottomleft", legend=c("data", paste("k = ", c(3,7,9,11))),
bty="n", col=1:5, lty=1:5, pch=1:5)
Martin Maechler, based on Fortran code from Werner Stuetzle and S-PLUS and C code from Berwin Turlach.
Härdle, W. and Steiger, W. (1995) Algorithm AS 296: Optimal median smoothing, Applied Statistics 44, 258-264. doi:10.2307/2986349.
Jerome H. Friedman and Werner Stuetzle (1982) Smoothing of Scatterplots; Report, Dep. Statistics, Stanford U., Project Orion 003.
實現 Tukey 的端點規則,默認從 runmed(*, endrule = "median")
調用。 smooth
的複合平滑器使用運行中位數 3。
- R rWishart 隨機 Wishart 分布式矩陣
- R relevel 因子水平重新排序
- R reorder.default 因子水平重新排序
- R rect.hclust 在層次集群周圍繪製矩形
- R replications 條款的重複次數
- R reshape 重塑分組數據
- R read.ftable 操作平麵列聯表
- R reorder.dendrogram 重新排序樹狀圖
- R residuals 提取模型殘差
- R r2dtable 具有給定邊際的隨機 2 向表
- R stlmethods STL 對象的方法
- R medpolish 矩陣的中值波蘭(穩健雙向分解)
- R naprint 調整缺失值
- R summary.nls 總結非線性最小二乘模型擬合
- R summary.manova 多元方差分析的匯總方法
- R formula 模型公式
- R nls.control 控製 nls 中的迭代
- R aggregate 計算數據子集的匯總統計
- R deriv 簡單表達式的符號和算法導數
- R kruskal.test Kruskal-Wallis 秩和檢驗
- R quade.test 四方測試
- R decompose 移動平均線的經典季節性分解
- R plot.stepfun 繪製階躍函數
- R alias 查找模型中的別名(依賴項)
- R qqnorm 分位數-分位數圖
注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自R-devel大神的英文原創作品 Running Medians – Robust Scatter Plot Smoothing。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。