位於 stats
包(package)。 說明
(S3) 通用函數 density
density(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
density(x, bw = "nrd0", adjust = 1,
kernel = c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular",
"triangular", "biweight",
"cosine", "optcosine"),
weights = NULL, window = kernel, width,
give.Rkern = FALSE, subdensity = FALSE,
warnWbw = var(weights) > 0,
n = 512, from, to, cut = 3, ext = 4,
old.coords = FALSE,
na.rm = FALSE, ...)
x |
用於計算估計值的數據。對於默認方法,數字向量:不支持長向量。 |
bw |
要使用的平滑帶寬。對內核進行縮放,使其成為平滑內核的標準差。 (請注意,這與下麵引用的參考書以及S-PLUS不同。)
adjust |
使用的帶寬實際上是 |
kernel , window |
weights |
非負觀察權重的數值向量,因此與 請注意,自動帶寬規則不考慮權重,即當 |
width |
這是為了與 S 兼容而存在的;如果給定,而 |
give.Rkern |
邏輯性;如果為 true,則不估計密度,而是返回所選 |
subdensity |
僅當指定 |
warnWbw |
n |
要估計密度的等距點的數量。當 |
from , to |
要估計密度的網格的最左邊和最右邊的點;默認值是 |
cut |
默認情況下, |
ext |
正擴展因子,默認為 |
old.coords |
na.rm |
邏輯性;如果 |
... |
(非默認)方法的進一步參數。 |
中使用的算法將經驗分布函數的質量分散在至少 512 個點的規則網格上,然後使用快速傅裏葉變換將此近似值與核的離散版本進行卷積,然後使用線性近似來評估指定點處的密度。
是核的標準差)和 .
MSE-equivalent 帶寬(針對不同內核)與 這是尺度不變的,對於我們的內核來說等於 。當以下情況時返回該值give.Rkern = TRUE
假定 x
中的無限值對應於 +/-Inf
處的點質量,並且密度估計是 (-Inf, +Inf)
上的 sub-density 的。
如果 give.Rkern
為 true,則為數字 ,否則為類 "density"
x |
估計密度的點的 |
y |
估計的密度值。這些將為非負數,但可以為零。 |
bw |
使用的帶寬。 |
n |
消除缺失值後的樣本量。 |
call |
產生結果的調用。 | |
| |
邏輯,為了兼容性(始終 |
方法報告 x
和 y
組件上的 summary
plot(density(c(-20, rep(0,98), 20)), xlim = c(-4, 4)) # IQR = 0
# The Old Faithful geyser data
d <- density(faithful$eruptions, bw = "sj")
plot(d, type = "n")
polygon(d, col = "wheat")
## Missing values:
x <- xx <- faithful$eruptions
x[i.out <- sample(length(x), 10)] <- NA
doR <- density(x, bw = 0.15, na.rm = TRUE)
lines(doR, col = "blue")
points(xx[i.out], rep(0.01, 10))
## Weighted observations:
fe <- sort(faithful$eruptions) # has quite a few non-unique values
## use 'counts / n' as weights:
dw <- density(unique(fe), weights = table(fe)/length(fe), bw = d$bw)
utils::str(dw) ## smaller n: only 126, but identical estimate:
stopifnot(all.equal(d[1:3], dw[1:3]))
## simulation from a density() fit:
# a kernel density fit is an equally-weighted mixture.
fit <- density(xx)
N <- 1e6 <- rnorm(N, sample(xx, size = N, replace = TRUE), fit$bw)
lines(density(, col = "blue")
## The available kernels:
(kernels <- eval(formals(density.default)$kernel))
## show the kernels in the R parametrization
plot (density(0, bw = 1), xlab = "",
main = "R's density() kernels with bw = 1")
for(i in 2:length(kernels))
lines(density(0, bw = 1, kernel = kernels[i]), col = i)
legend(1.5,.4, legend = kernels, col = seq(kernels),
lty = 1, cex = .8, y.intersp = 1)
## show the kernels in the S parametrization
plot(density(0, from = -1.2, to = 1.2, width = 2, kernel = "gaussian"),
type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "",
main = "R's density() kernels with width = 1")
for(i in 2:length(kernels))
lines(density(0, width = 2, kernel = kernels[i]), col = i)
legend(0.6, 1.0, legend = kernels, col = seq(kernels), lty = 1)
##-------- Semi-advanced theoretic from here on -------------
## Explore the old.coords TRUE --> FALSE change:
set.seed(7); x <- runif(2^12) # N = 4096
den <- density(x) # -> grid of n = 512 points
den0 <- density(x, old.coords = TRUE)
summary(den0$y / den$y) # 1.001 ... 1.011
summary( den0$y / den$y - 1) # ~= 1/(2n-2)
summary(1/ (den0$y / den$y - 1))# ~= 2n-2 = 1022
corr0 <- 1 - 1/(2*512-2) # 1 - 1/(2n-2)
all.equal(den$y, den0$y * corr0)# ~ 0.0001
plot(den$x, (den0$y - den$y)/den$y, type='o', cex=1/4)
title("relative error of density(runif(2^12), old.coords=TRUE)")
abline(h = 1/1022, v = range(x), lty=2); axis(2, at=1/1022, "1/(2n-2)", las=1)
## The R[K] for our kernels:
(RKs <- cbind(sapply(kernels,
function(k) density(kernel = k, give.Rkern = TRUE))))
100*round(RKs["epanechnikov",]/RKs, 4) ## Efficiencies
bw <- bw.SJ(precip) ## sensible automatic choice
plot(density(precip, bw = bw),
main = "same sd bandwidths, 7 different kernels")
for(i in 2:length(kernels))
lines(density(precip, bw = bw, kernel = kernels[i]), col = i)
## Bandwidth Adjustment for "Exactly Equivalent Kernels"
h.f <- sapply(kernels, function(k)density(kernel = k, give.Rkern = TRUE))
(h.f <- (h.f["gaussian"] / h.f)^ .2)
## -> 1, 1.01, .995, 1.007,... close to 1 => adjustment barely visible..
plot(density(precip, bw = bw),
main = "equivalent bandwidths, 7 different kernels")
for(i in 2:length(kernels))
lines(density(precip, bw = bw, adjust = h.f[i], kernel = kernels[i]),
col = i)
legend(55, 0.035, legend = kernels, col = seq(kernels), lty = 1)
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988). The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole (for S version).
Scott, D. W. (1992). Multivariate Density Estimation. Theory, Practice and Visualization. New York: Wiley.
Sheather, S. J. and Jones, M. C. (1991). A reliable data-based bandwidth selection method for kernel density estimation. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 53, 683-690. doi:10.1111/j.2517-6161.1991.tb01857.x.
Silverman, B. W. (1986). Density Estimation. London: Chapman and Hall.
Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002). Modern Applied Statistics with S. New York: Springer.
; fft
和 convolve
- R dendrapply 將函數應用於樹狀圖的所有節點
- R dendrogram 一般樹結構
- R deriv 簡單表達式的符號和算法導數
- R decompose 移動平均線的經典季節性分解
- R deviance 模型偏差
- R delete.response 修改術語對象
- R df.residual 剩餘自由度
- R dummy.coef 提取原始編碼中的係數
- R dist 距離矩陣計算
- R diffinv 離散積分:差分的逆
- R stlmethods STL 對象的方法
- R medpolish 矩陣的中值波蘭(穩健雙向分解)
- R naprint 調整缺失值
- R summary.nls 總結非線性最小二乘模型擬合
- R summary.manova 多元方差分析的匯總方法
- R formula 模型公式
- R nls.control 控製 nls 中的迭代
- R aggregate 計算數據子集的匯總統計
- R kruskal.test Kruskal-Wallis 秩和檢驗
- R quade.test 四方測試
- R plot.stepfun 繪製階躍函數
- R alias 查找模型中的別名(依賴項)
- R qqnorm 分位數-分位數圖
- R eff.aovlist 多層方差分析的計算效率
- R pairwise.t.test 成對 t 檢驗
注:本文由純淨天空篩選整理自R-devel大神的英文原創作品 Kernel Density Estimation。非經特殊聲明,原始代碼版權歸原作者所有,本譯文未經允許或授權,請勿轉載或複製。