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Python wsgiref.validate.validator用法及代码示例



application并返回一个新的 WSGI 应用程序对象。返回的应用程序会将所有请求转发给原始应用程序application, 并将检查两者application并且调用它的服务器符合 WSGI 规范和RFC 2616.

任何检测到的不符合项都会引发AssertionError;但是请注意,如何处理这些错误是server-dependent。例如,wsgiref.simple_server 和其他基于wsgiref.handlers 的服务器(不覆盖错误处理方法来做其他事情)将简单地输出一条错误发生的消息,并将回溯转储到sys.stderr 或一些其他错误流。

这个包装器也可以使用warnings模块来指示有问题但实际上可能未被禁止的行为 PEP 3333.除非使用 Python 命令行 选项或warningsAPI,任何此类警告都将写入sys.stderr(not wsgi.errors,除非它们碰巧是同一个对象)。


from wsgiref.validate import validator
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server

# Our callable object which is intentionally not compliant to the
# standard, so the validator is going to break
def simple_app(environ, start_response):
    status = '200 OK'  # HTTP Status
    headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]  # HTTP Headers
    start_response(status, headers)

    # This is going to break because we need to return a list, and
    # the validator is going to inform us
    return b"Hello World"

# This is the application wrapped in a validator
validator_app = validator(simple_app)

with make_server('', 8000, validator_app) as httpd:
    print("Listening on port 8000....")


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