本文整理汇总了Python中vector.Vector.norm方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Vector.norm方法的具体用法?Python Vector.norm怎么用?Python Vector.norm使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类vector.Vector
示例1: move
# 需要导入模块: from vector import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from vector.Vector import norm [as 别名]
def move(self, directions, *args):
""" Move around in 3D space using the keyboard.
Takes an array containing X , Y and Z axis directions.
Directions must be either 1, -1 or 0."""
acceleration = args[0]
direction = Vector(directions)
if direction.norm():
direction = direction.normalize() * self._speed
self._velocity = self._velocity + acceleration
# Calculate new position
movementDir = self._velocity + direction
movement = movementDir.get_value()
self._xPos += movement[0]
self._yPos += movement[1]
self._zPos += movement[2]
return movementDir
示例2: Car
# 需要导入模块: from vector import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from vector.Vector import norm [as 别名]
self.sprite.position = self.position.pair()
self.last_ground = self.position
def move(self, new_position):
"""move the car"""
path = bresenham(self.position, new_position)
for i, c in enumerate(path):
if not self.state.aerial: # a flying car can move over anything
if self.race.track.type(c, hit=True) is WALL:
# hit a wall
if i == 0:
# car is stuck in a wall
return self.lakitu()
# the car bounces against the wall
if path[i - 1][0] != c[0]:
self.set_speed(Vector(-0.5 * self.speed.x, 0.5 * self.speed.y))
self.set_speed(Vector(0.5 * self.speed.x, -0.5 * self.speed.y))
new_position = self.position # do not move
if not self.state.jump:
if self.race.track.type(c) is DEEP:
# car is in a hole
return self.lakitu()
if self.racer.item is ITEMS[0] and self.race.track.type(c, special=True) is ITEM:
# the car touched an item block
block = self.race.track.item_blocks[(c[0], c[1])] # find the block that was touched
if not block.delay:
if self.race.track.type(c) is JUMP:
# touch a bumper
if self.speed.norm() < 100:
if self.race.track.type(c) is BOOST and self.speed.norm() < 300.0:
# touch a booster
def stop(self):
"""stops the car by killing its speed"""
self.set_speed(Vector(0.0, 0.0))
def set_speed(self, new_speed):
"""changes the speed of the car"""
self.speed = new_speed
def get_direction_vector(self):
"""returns the orientation of the car as a unit vector"""
return Vector(math.cos(self.direction), math.sin(self.direction))
def set_direction(self, new_direction):
"""changes the orientation of the car"""
self.direction = new_direction % (2 * math.pi)
self.sprite.image = self.choose_sprite() # update the sprite of the car
def collision(self, car):
"""simulate an elastic collision between two cars"""
direction_p = (car.position - self.position).normalize(1.0)
direction_o = Vector(-direction_p.y, direction_p.x)
u1p, u1o = self.speed * direction_p, self.speed * direction_o
u2p, u2o = car.speed * direction_p, car.speed * direction_o
if u1p > u2p:
m1, m2 = self.mass(), car.mass()
示例3: Surface
# 需要导入模块: from vector import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from vector.Vector import norm [as 别名]
class Surface(Shape):
""" Defines a surface """
def __init__(
center=[0.0, constants.GROUND_LEVEL, 0.0],
self._color = color
self._length = length # (if normal is 'e_y', this is size in z-direction)
self._width = width # (if normal is 'e_y', this is size in x-direction)
self._normal = normal
self._friction = friction
if self._normal.norm() != 1.0:
if self._normal.norm() == 0.0:
raise Exception("The normal cannot be a zero vector!")
self._normal = self._normal.normalize()
self._center = center
# The direction in which the "length will be drawn"
self._lengthDir = Vector("e_x").cross(self._normal)
if self._lengthDir.norm() == 0.0: # The normal is parallell to 'e_x'
self._lengthDir = Vector("e_z")
# The direction in which the "width will be drawn"
self._widthDir = self._normal.cross(Vector("e_z"))
if self._widthDir.norm() == 0.0: # The normal is parallell to 'e_z'
self._widthDir = Vector("e_x")
# The "absolute value of the length-position of the points"
lengthPos = self._lengthDir * self._length
# The "absolute value of the width-position of the points"
widthPos = self._widthDir * self._width
self._initPoints = [
((lengthPos + widthPos) * -1.0).get_value(),
(widthPos - lengthPos).get_value(),
(lengthPos + widthPos).get_value(),
(lengthPos - widthPos).get_value(),
# TODO: Quite ugly solution, fix?
self._points = self._initPoints
super(Surface, self).__init__()
def draw_shape(self):
for point in self._points:
def update_points(self):
""" Updates the surfaces points to the current location of the surface """
self._points = [
(Vector(self._initPoints[0]) + Vector(self._center)).get_value(),
(Vector(self._initPoints[1]) + Vector(self._center)).get_value(),
(Vector(self._initPoints[2]) + Vector(self._center)).get_value(),
(Vector(self._initPoints[3]) + Vector(self._center)).get_value(),
# TODO: Remove? Do we need them?
self._edges = [
[self._points[0], self._points[1]],
[self._points[1], self._points[2]],
[self._points[2], self._points[3]],
[self._points[3], self._points[0]],
def get_points(self):
return self._points
def get_edges(self):
return self._edges
def get_normal(self):
return self._normal
def get_surface_vectors(self):
return [self._widthDir, self._normal, self._lengthDir]
def get_size(self):
return [self._length, self._width]
def get_friction(self):
return self._friction
示例4: Protagonist
# 需要导入模块: from vector import Vector [as 别名]
# 或者: from vector.Vector import norm [as 别名]
class Protagonist(object):
def __init__(self, texture, program, x, y, position, collisionMap, mesh):
super(Protagonist, self).__init__()
self.tex = texture
self.prog = program
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
self.cooldown = 0.0
self.collisionMap = collisionMap
self.health = 100
self.velocity = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
self.position = Vector(position[0], self.y/2, position[1])
self.maxSpeed = 4
self.modelview = Matrix().translate(position[0], self.y/2, position[1])
self.moved = False
self.angle = 0
self.mesh = mesh
with nested(self.tex):
def update(self, delta, state):
self.cooldown-= delta
if self.moved:
self.moved = False
self.velocity = self.velocity * 0.8
if self.velocity.len() < 0.1:
self.velocity = Vector()
facingVelocity = self.velocity.rotatey(self.angle)
movedBy = facingVelocity * delta
if not self.collisionMap.collision(self.position + movedBy, self.x/4):
self.position = self.position + movedBy
self.modelview = Matrix().translate(self.position.x, self.position.y, self.position.z) * Matrix().rotatey(-self.angle)
def move(self, dvel):
self.moved = True
if self.velocity.len() == self.maxSpeed:
self.velocity = self.velocity + dvel
if self.velocity.len() > self.maxSpeed:
def teleport(self, x, y):
self.position.x = x
self.position.z = y
def turn(self, angle):
self.angle = self.angle + angle
def point(self, angle):
self.angle = angle
def draw(self, projection, camera, player_position, r):
self.prog.vars.mvp = projection * camera * self.modelview
self.prog.vars.playerLight = r*0.1 + 0.9
self.prog.vars.playerPosition = player_position.tuple()
self.prog.vars.modelview = self.modelview
with nested(self.prog, self.tex):
def hit(self):
self.health -= 10
def within(self, position):
position = position - self.position
for i in xfrange(0.0, 1.0, 0.05):
point = self.position + (position * i)
if self.collisionMap.collision(point, self.x/4):
return False
return True
def depth(self, proj_cam):
mat = proj_cam * self.modelview
vector = mat.col(3)
return -vector.z