本文整理汇总了Python中types.SimpleNamespace.breadcrumb方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SimpleNamespace.breadcrumb方法的具体用法?Python SimpleNamespace.breadcrumb怎么用?Python SimpleNamespace.breadcrumb使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类types.SimpleNamespace
示例1: render_page
# 需要导入模块: from types import SimpleNamespace [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.SimpleNamespace import breadcrumb [as 别名]
def render_page(state: State, path, filename, env):
logging.debug("generating %s.html", '.'.join(path))
# Call all registered page begin hooks
for hook in state.hooks_pre_page: hook()
# Render the file
with open(filename, 'r') as f: pub = publish_rst(state, f.read())
# Extract metadata from the page
metadata = {}
for docinfo in pub.document.traverse(docutils.nodes.docinfo):
for element in docinfo.children:
if element.tagname == 'field':
name_elem, body_elem = element.children
name = name_elem.astext()
if name in state.config['FORMATTED_METADATA']:
# If the metadata are formatted, format them. Use a special
# translator that doesn't add <dd> tags around the content,
# also explicitly disable the <p> around as we not need it
# always.
# TODO: uncrapify this a bit
visitor = m.htmlsanity._SaneFieldBodyTranslator(pub.document)
visitor.compact_field_list = True
value = visitor.astext()
value = body_elem.astext()
metadata[name.lower()] = value
# Breadcrumb, we don't do page hierarchy yet
assert len(path) == 1
breadcrumb = [(pub.writer.parts.get('title'), path[0] + '.html')]
page = Empty()
page.url = breadcrumb[-1][1]
page.breadcrumb = breadcrumb
page.prefix_wbr = path[0]
# Set page content and add extra metadata from there
page.content = pub.writer.parts.get('body').rstrip()
for key, value in metadata.items(): setattr(page, key, value)
if not hasattr(page, 'summary'): page.summary = ''
render(state.config, 'page.html', page, env)
# Index entry for this page, return only if it's not an index
if path == ['index']: return []
index_entry = IndexEntry()
index_entry.kind = 'page'
index_entry.name = breadcrumb[-1][0]
index_entry.url = page.url
index_entry.summary = page.summary
return [index_entry]
示例2: render_module
# 需要导入模块: from types import SimpleNamespace [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.SimpleNamespace import breadcrumb [as 别名]
def render_module(state: State, path, module, env):
logging.debug("generating %s.html", '.'.join(path))
# Call all registered page begin hooks
for hook in state.hooks_pre_page: hook()
url_base = ''
breadcrumb = []
for i in path:
url_base += i + '.'
breadcrumb += [(i, url_base + 'html')]
page = Empty()
page.summary = extract_summary(state, state.module_docs, path, module.__doc__)
page.url = breadcrumb[-1][1]
page.breadcrumb = breadcrumb
page.prefix_wbr = '.<wbr />'.join(path + [''])
page.modules = []
page.classes = []
page.enums = []
page.functions = []
page.data = []
page.has_enum_details = False
# External page content, if provided
path_str = '.'.join(path)
if path_str in state.module_docs:
page.content = render_rst(state, state.module_docs[path_str]['content'])
state.module_docs[path_str]['used'] = True
# Index entry for this module, returned together with children at the end
index_entry = IndexEntry()
index_entry.kind = 'module'
index_entry.name = breadcrumb[-1][0]
index_entry.url = page.url
index_entry.summary = page.summary
# List of inner modules and classes to render, these will be done after the
# current class introspection is done to have some better memory allocation
# pattern
modules_to_render = []
classes_to_render = []
# This is actually complicated -- if the module defines __all__, use that.
# The __all__ is meant to expose the public API, so we don't filter out
# underscored things.
if hasattr(module, '__all__'):
# Names exposed in __all__ could be also imported from elsewhere, for
# example this is a common pattern with native libraries and we want
# Foo, Bar, submodule and *everything* in submodule to be referred to
# as `library.RealName` (`library.submodule.func()`, etc.) instead of
# `library._native.Foo`, `library._native.sub.func()` etc.
# from ._native import Foo as PublicName
# from ._native import sub as submodule
# __all__ = ['PublicName', 'submodule']
# The name references can be cyclic so extract the mapping in a
# separate pass before everything else.
for name in module.__all__:
# Everything available in __all__ is already imported, so get those
# directly
object = getattr(module, name)
subpath = path + [name]
# Modules have __name__ while other objects have __module__, need
# to check both.
if inspect.ismodule(object) and object.__name__ != '.'.join(subpath):
assert object.__name__ not in state.module_mapping
state.module_mapping[object.__name__] = '.'.join(subpath)
elif hasattr(object, '__module__'):
subname = object.__module__ + '.' + object.__name__
if subname != '.'.join(subpath):
assert subname not in state.module_mapping
state.module_mapping[subname] = '.'.join(subpath)
# Now extract the actual docs
for name in module.__all__:
object = getattr(module, name)
subpath = path + [name]
# We allow undocumented submodules (since they're often in the
# standard lib), but not undocumented classes etc. Render the
# submodules and subclasses recursively.
if inspect.ismodule(object):
page.modules += [extract_module_doc(state, subpath, object)]
index_entry.children += [render_module(state, subpath, object, env)]
elif inspect.isclass(object) and not is_enum(state, object):
page.classes += [extract_class_doc(state, subpath, object)]
index_entry.children += [render_class(state, subpath, object, env)]
elif inspect.isclass(object) and is_enum(state, object):
enum_ = extract_enum_doc(state, subpath, object)
page.enums += [enum_]
if enum_.has_details: page.has_enum_details = True
elif inspect.isfunction(object) or inspect.isbuiltin(object):
page.functions += extract_function_doc(state, module, subpath, object)
# Assume everything else is data. The builtin help help() (from
# pydoc) does the same:
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/d29b3dd9227cfc4a23f77e99d62e20e063272de1/Lib/pydoc.py#L113
# TODO: unify this query
示例3: render_class
# 需要导入模块: from types import SimpleNamespace [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.SimpleNamespace import breadcrumb [as 别名]
def render_class(state: State, path, class_, env):
logging.debug("generating %s.html", '.'.join(path))
# Call all registered page begin hooks
for hook in state.hooks_pre_page: hook()
url_base = ''
breadcrumb = []
for i in path:
url_base += i + '.'
breadcrumb += [(i, url_base + 'html')]
page = Empty()
page.summary = extract_summary(state, state.class_docs, path, class_.__doc__)
page.url = breadcrumb[-1][1]
page.breadcrumb = breadcrumb
page.prefix_wbr = '.<wbr />'.join(path + [''])
page.classes = []
page.enums = []
page.classmethods = []
page.staticmethods = []
page.dunder_methods = []
page.methods = []
page.properties = []
page.data = []
page.has_enum_details = False
# External page content, if provided
path_str = '.'.join(path)
if path_str in state.class_docs:
page.content = render_rst(state, state.class_docs[path_str]['content'])
state.class_docs[path_str]['used'] = True
# Index entry for this module, returned together with children at the end
index_entry = IndexEntry()
index_entry.kind = 'class'
index_entry.name = breadcrumb[-1][0]
index_entry.url = page.url
index_entry.summary = page.summary
# List of inner classes to render, these will be done after the current
# class introspection is done to have some better memory allocation pattern
classes_to_render = []
# Get inner classes
for name, object in inspect.getmembers(class_, lambda o: inspect.isclass(o) and not is_enum(state, o)):
if name in ['__base__', '__class__']: continue # TODO
if name.startswith('_'): continue
subpath = path + [name]
if not object.__doc__: logging.warning("%s is undocumented", '.'.join(subpath))
page.classes += [extract_class_doc(state, subpath, object)]
classes_to_render += [(subpath, object)]
# Get enums
for name, object in inspect.getmembers(class_, lambda o: is_enum(state, o)):
if name.startswith('_'): continue
subpath = path + [name]
if not object.__doc__: logging.warning("%s is undocumented", '.'.join(subpath))
enum_ = extract_enum_doc(state, subpath, object)
page.enums += [enum_]
if enum_.has_details: page.has_enum_details = True
# Get methods
for name, object in inspect.getmembers(class_, inspect.isroutine):
# Filter out underscored methods (but not dunder methods)
if is_internal_function_name(name): continue
# Filter out dunder methods that don't have their own docs
if name.startswith('__') and (name, object.__doc__) in _filtered_builtin_functions: continue
subpath = path + [name]
if not object.__doc__: logging.warning("%s() is undocumented", '.'.join(subpath))
for function in extract_function_doc(state, class_, subpath, object):
if name.startswith('__'):
page.dunder_methods += [function]
elif function.is_classmethod:
page.classmethods += [function]
elif function.is_staticmethod:
page.staticmethods += [function]
page.methods += [function]
# Get properties
for name, object in inspect.getmembers(class_, inspect.isdatadescriptor):
if (name, object.__doc__) in _filtered_builtin_properties:
if name.startswith('_'): continue # TODO: are there any dunder props?
subpath = path + [name]
if not object.__doc__: logging.warning("%s is undocumented", '.'.join(subpath))
page.properties += [extract_property_doc(state, subpath, object)]
# Get data
# TODO: unify this query
示例4: run
# 需要导入模块: from types import SimpleNamespace [as 别名]
# 或者: from types.SimpleNamespace import breadcrumb [as 别名]
# Set up extra plugin paths. The one for m.css plugins was added above.
for path in config['PLUGIN_PATHS']:
if path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(os.path.join(config['INPUT'], path))
# Import plugins
for plugin in ['m.htmlsanity'] + config['PLUGINS']:
module = importlib.import_module(plugin)
# Call all registered page begin hooks for the first time
for hook in state.hooks_pre_page: hook()
# First process the doc input files so we have all data for rendering
# module pages
for file in config['INPUT_DOCS']:
render_doc(state, os.path.join(basedir, file))
for module in config['INPUT_MODULES']:
if isinstance(module, str):
module_name = module
module = importlib.import_module(module)
module_name = module.__name__
state.class_index += [render_module(state, [module_name], module, env)]
# Warn if there are any unused contents left after processing everything
unused_module_docs = [key for key, value in state.module_docs.items() if not 'used' in value]
unused_class_docs = [key for key, value in state.class_docs.items() if not 'used' in value]
unused_data_docs = [key for key, value in state.data_docs.items() if not 'used' in value]
if unused_module_docs:
logging.warning("The following module doc contents were unused: %s", unused_module_docs)
if unused_class_docs:
logging.warning("The following class doc contents were unused: %s", unused_class_docs)
if unused_data_docs:
logging.warning("The following data doc contents were unused: %s", unused_data_docs)
for page in config['INPUT_PAGES']:
state.page_index += render_page(state, [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(page))[0]], os.path.join(config['INPUT'], page), env)
# Recurse into the tree and mark every node that has nested modules with
# has_nestaable_children.
def mark_nested_modules(list: List[IndexEntry]):
has_nestable_children = False
for i in list:
if i.kind != 'module': continue
has_nestable_children = True
i.has_nestable_children = mark_nested_modules(i.children)
return has_nestable_children
# Create module and class index
index = Empty()
index.classes = state.class_index
index.pages = state.page_index
for file in ['modules.html', 'classes.html', 'pages.html']:
template = env.get_template(file)
rendered = template.render(index=index, FILENAME=file, **config)
with open(os.path.join(config['OUTPUT'], file), 'wb') as f:
# Add back a trailing newline so we don't need to bother with
# patching test files to include a trailing newline to make Git
# happy
# TODO could keep_trailing_newline fix this better?
# Create index.html if it was not provided by the user
if 'index.rst' not in [os.path.basename(i) for i in config['INPUT_PAGES']]:
logging.debug("writing index.html for an empty main page")
page = Empty()
page.breadcrumb = [(config['PROJECT_TITLE'], 'index.html')]
page.url = page.breadcrumb[-1][1]
render(config, 'page.html', page, env)
# Copy referenced files
for i in config['STYLESHEETS'] + config['EXTRA_FILES'] + ([config['FAVICON'][0]] if config['FAVICON'] else []) + list(state.external_data) + ([] if config['SEARCH_DISABLED'] else ['search.js']):
# Skip absolute URLs
if urllib.parse.urlparse(i).netloc: continue
# If file is found relative to the conf file, use that
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config['INPUT'], i)):
i = os.path.join(config['INPUT'], i)
# Otherwise use path relative to script directory
i = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), i)
logging.debug("copying %s to output", i)
shutil.copy(i, os.path.join(config['OUTPUT'], os.path.basename(i)))
# Call all registered finalization hooks for the first time
for hook in state.hooks_post_run: hook()