本文整理汇总了Python中timer.Timer类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Timer类的具体用法?Python Timer怎么用?Python Timer使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: __init__
def __init__(self, screen, pos, zero_pos, rad,
cursor_rad, success_time, min_time):
# constants
self.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = 20,255,20
self.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_FAIL = 255,20,20
self.CURRENT_COLOR_ACTIVE = 40,180,40
self.CURRENT_COLOR = 40,180,40
self.NEXT_COLOR = 40,80,40
self.NEXT_NEXT_COLOR = 40,50,40
self.BG_COLOR = 40,40,40
# display
self.screen = screen
self.color = self.DEFAULT_COLOR
self.outline_color = self.DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR
# game logic
self.pos = (zero_pos[0]+pos[0],
self.outline_rad = 2
self.rad = rad
self.cursor_rad = cursor_rad
self.success_timer = Timer(success_time)
self.target_timer = Timer(success_time)
self.active_timer = Timer(min_time)
self.highlight = False
self.wait_prev_target = True
self.success = True
self.complete_success = False
示例2: acquisition
def acquisition(config):
timer = Timer()
getch = _Getch()
last_char = ""
last_char2 = ""
nl_count = 0
bs_count = 0
char_count = 0
quit = False
while not quit:
# on lit un caractère
my_char = getch()
char_count += 1
# saut de ligne:
if my_char == "\r":
nl_count += 1
# reset le dernier caractère
last_char = ""
last_char2 = ""
# autre caractère
nl_count = 0
# caractère BACKSPACE
if my_char == "\x08" or my_char == "\x7f":
# on compte le nb de backspace pour les stats
bs_count += 1
# écrire un backspace déplace simplement le curseur
# il faut effacer avec un espace
sys.stdout.write("\x08 \x08")
# reset le dernier caractère
last_char = ""
# si un précédent caractère était présent
if last_char != "":
# récupérer le temps entre deux frappes
t = timer.time()
# ajout dans la configuration si l'intervalle semble correct
if t < 1:
config.add(last_char + my_char, t)
if last_char2 != "":
config.add(last_char2 + last_char + my_char, t)
# sauvegarde du dernier caractère
last_char2 = last_char
last_char = my_char
# deux appuis simultanés sur ENTER quittent la boucle
if nl_count == 2:
quit = True
# reset du chronomètre
return float(bs_count) / float(char_count) * 100
示例3: TimerTest
class TimerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_parse_timer(self):
timer = Timer('''interval: 10
event: test_timer_event''')
self.assertEqual(timer.period, 10)
self.assertEqual(timer.event, 'test_timer_event')
def test_timer_poll(self):
reset_time = self.timer.reset()
while time() < reset_time + 1 - 0.05:
self.assertEqual(self.timer.poll(), None)
count = 0
while time() < reset_time + 1 + 0.05:
poll = self.timer.poll()
if not poll == None:
if round(poll) == 0:
count = count + 1
def test_timer_poll_count(self):
reset_time = self.timer.reset()
count = 0
while(time() < reset_time + 3.1):
if self.timer.poll() != None:
count = count + 1
示例4: __init__
def __init__(self, sim, manager):
super(ScreenIO, self).__init__()
# Keep track of the important parameters of the screen state
# (We receive these through events from the gui)
self.ctrlat = 0.0
self.ctrlon = 0.0
self.scrzoom = 1.0
self.route_acid = None
# Keep reference to parent simulation object for access to simulation data
self.sim = sim
self.manager = manager
# Timing bookkeeping counters
self.prevtime = 0.0
self.prevcount = 0
# Output event timers
self.slow_timer = Timer()
self.fast_timer = Timer()
示例5: get_pos_examples
def get_pos_examples(self):
counts = self._get_pos_counts()
for i in range(len(counts)):
_t = Timer()
roidb = self.imdb.roidb
num_images = len(roidb)
for i in range(num_images):
#im = cv2.imread(self.imdb.image_path_at(i))
#if roidb[i]['flipped']:
# im = im[:, ::-1, :]
#im = self.imdb.image_path_at(i)
gt_inds = np.where(roidb[i]['gt_classes'] > 0)[0]
gt_boxes = roidb[i]['boxes'][gt_inds]
scores, boxes, feat = self.im_detect(self.net, i, gt_boxes, self.feature_scale, gt_inds, boReturnClassifierScore = False)
#feat = self.net.blobs[self.layer].data
for j in range(1, self.imdb.num_classes):
cls_inds = np.where(roidb[i]['gt_classes'][gt_inds] == j)[0]
if len(cls_inds) > 0:
cls_feat = feat[cls_inds, :]
if i % 50 == 0:
print('get_pos_examples: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s' \
.format(i + 1, len(roidb), _t.average_time))
示例6: kruskal_wallis
def kruskal_wallis(genotype, phenVals, useTieCorrection=True):
t = Timer()
num_snps = genotype.num_snps
assert num_accessions== len(phenVals), "SNPs and phenotypes are not equal length."
ranks, group_counts = _kw_get_ranks_(phenVals)
assert len(group_counts) == len(set(ranks)), 'Somethings wrong..'
tieCorrection = 1.0
if useTieCorrection:
n_total = len(ranks)
ones_array = np.repeat(1.0, len(group_counts))
s = np.sum(group_counts * (group_counts * group_counts - ones_array))
s = s / (n_total * (n_total * n_total - 1.0))
tieCorrection = 1.0 / (1 - s)
n = len(phenVals)
ds = np.zeros(num_snps)
c = 12.0 / (n * (n + 1))
snps = genotype.get_snps_iterator()
for i, snp in enumerate(snps):
ns = np.bincount(snp)
rs = np.array([0.0, np.sum(snp * ranks)])
rs[0] = np.sum(ranks) - rs[1]
nominator = 0.0
mean_r = (n + 1) / 2.0
for j in range(2):
v = (rs[j] / ns[j]) - mean_r
nominator += ns[j] * v * v
ds[i] = (c * nominator) * tieCorrection
ps = sp.stats.chi2.sf(ds, 1)
log.info('Took %s' % t.stop(True))
return {"ps":ps, "ds":ds}
示例7: getPostById
def getPostById():
totalRuns = config.executions
connection = pymysql.connect(**config.dbConfig)
cursor = connection.cursor()
timer = Timer()
meanTime = 0
percentConfig = totalRuns / 100
print("==================================== Post By Id Query ====================================")
print("SELECT obj FROM wp_posts WHERE id = post_id;")
for run in range(totalRuns):
postId = randint(1, config.totalPosts)
query = "SELECT {} FROM wp_posts WHERE id = {}".format('text', postId)
meanTime += timer.get_seconds()
percent = (run / totalRuns) * 100
if (run % percentConfig) == 0:
print("Completed: {:.0f} % ".format(percent), end = '\r')
print("Completed 100 %")
print("Mean query execution time : {:.10f} seconds".format(meanTime / totalRuns))
print("Example Query")
return meanTime / totalRuns
示例8: request_file
def request_file(self, file_requested = None):
file_size = self.proxy.getFileSize(file_requested)
print ('File size: ' + str(file_size) + ' Bytes')
file_download = open(file_requested, 'w')
timer = Timer()
# 1.5 MB = 137 sec (1 KB)
# 1.5 MB = 16 sec (10 KB)
# 1.5 MB = 4 sec (50 KB)
# 1.5 MB = 2.84 sec (100 KB)
# 1.5 MB = 2.67 sec (150 KB)
# 1.5 MB = 2.26 sec (500 KB)
# 700 MB = 961 sec (16 min) (150 kb) 747 KB/s
for size in range(0, file_size, self.DEFAULT_CHUNK_FILE_SIZE): # Loop each chunk size KB
#print 'Requesting size: ' + str(size)
async_result = self.proxy.begin_getFileChunk(file_requested, size, self.DEFAULT_CHUNK_FILE_SIZE) # Chunks
#print 'Async call processed (' + str(size) + ')'
data = self.proxy.end_getFileChunk(async_result) # Ice::MemoryLimitException or timeout
except Ice.CommunicatorDestroyedException as e: #@UndefinedVariable ::Ice::CommunicatorDestroyedException
sys.stderr.write('Error: The connection to comunicator was destroyed.\nClient abort.\n')
return -1
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write('Error: unknown exception in request_file %s\nClient abort.\n' % str(e))
#print 'Message:' + e.message
#print 'Error:' + str(e.unknown)
#print 'ice_name:' + str(e.ice_name())
#print 'String:' + e.__str__()
return -1
speed = size / timer.duration_in_seconds()
if size / 1024.0 < 1024:
size = str(round(size / 1024.0, 2)) + ' KB'
elif size / (1024.0 * 1024.0) < 1024:
size = str(round(size / (1024.0 * 1024.0), 2)) + ' MB'
elif size / float(1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0) < 1024:
size = str(round(size / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0), 2)) + ' GB'
if speed / 1024.0 < 1024:
speed = str(round(speed / 1024.0, 2)) + ' KB/s'
elif speed / (1024.0 * 1024.0) < 1024:
speed = str(round(speed / (1024.0 * 1024.0), 2)) + ' MB/s'
elif speed / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0) < 1024:
speed = str(round(speed / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0), 2)) + ' GB/s'
print ('Received (' + str(size) + ') ' + 'Speed: ' + str(speed))
print ('Data saved in ' + str(timer.duration_in_seconds()) + ' seconds')
示例9: collectionQuery3
def collectionQuery3():
totalRuns = config.executions
connection = pymysql.connect(**config.dbConfig)
cursor = connection.cursor()
percentConfig = totalRuns / 100
timer = Timer()
meanTime = 0
limit = 20
print("=================================== Collection Query 3 ===================================")
print(" SELECT text_id AS id, p_text AS text, p_published AS published FROM tag_query3 LEFT JOIN text ON text_id = text.id WHERE p_country = 1 p_type = 'postType' AND p_rank < `postRank` AND p_site = 'site' ORDER BY p_rank DESC LIMIT 20;")
for run in range(totalRuns):
postType = config.postTypes[randint(0, 9)]
postRank = randint(1, config.totalPosts - 1)
country = config.countries[randint(0, 3)]
site = config.siteConfig[randint(0, 19)]
query = "SELECT text_id AS id, p_text AS text, p_published AS published FROM tag_query3 LEFT JOIN text ON text_id = text.id WHERE p_{} = 1 AND p_type = '{}' AND p_rank < {} AND p_site = '{}' ORDER BY p_rank DESC LIMIT {}".format(country, postType, postRank, site, limit)
meanTime += timer.get_seconds()
percent = (run / totalRuns) * 100
if (run % percentConfig) == 0:
print("Completed: {:.0f} % ".format(percent), end = '\r')
print("Completed 100 %")
print("Mean query execution time : {:.10f} seconds".format(meanTime / totalRuns))
print("Example Query")
return meanTime / totalRuns
示例10: solve
def solve(self, presents_to_place):
if self.make_timer:
timer = Timer()
num_total_presents = len(presents_to_place)
gc_collect_count = 0
presents_index = 0
presents_last_index = len(presents_to_place)
while 1:
priority_pick = self.priority_pick
new_layer = MaxRectSolver(self.width, self.height)
presents_index = new_layer.solve(presents_to_place, presents_index, self.scorer, priority_pick)
print("{} more presents".format(presents_last_index - presents_index))
if presents_index == presents_last_index - 1:
except NoFit:
priority_pick -= 10
assert priority_pick > 1
if self.make_timer:
ratio = presents_index / num_total_presents
print("Time left: {}; End time: {}".format(timer.time_left(ratio), timer.time_end(ratio)))
print("Solved with total depth {}".format(self.total_depth))
if self.make_timer:
print("Time taken: {}".format(timer.time_taken()))
if self.gc_collect_cycle:
gc_collect_count += 1
if gc_collect_count == self.gc_collect_cycle:
gc_collect_count = 0
print("GC collect")
示例11: collectionQuery2
def collectionQuery2():
fake = Faker()
totalRuns = config.executions
connection = pymysql.connect(**config.dbConfig)
cursor = connection.cursor()
limit = 20
timer = Timer()
meanTime = 0
percentConfig = totalRuns / 100
tags = []
print("=================================== Collection Query 2 ===================================")
print("SELECT text_id AS id, p_text AS text FROM wp_tags AS t LEFT JOIN post2tag ON t.id = tag_id LEFT JOIN tag_query2 ON post_id = text_id LEFT JOIN text ON text_id = text.id WHERE t.name = 'tagName' AND p_site = 'site' AND p_country = 1 AND p_rank < rank ORDER BY p_rank DESC LIMIT 20")
for run in range(totalRuns):
tagName = tags[randint(0, config.totalTags - 1)]
postRank = randint(1, config.totalPosts)
site = config.siteConfig[randint(0, 19)]
country = config.countries[randint(0, 3)]
query = "SELECT text_id AS id, p_text AS text FROM wp_tags AS t LEFT JOIN post2tag ON t.id = tag_id LEFT JOIN tag_query2 ON post_id = text_id LEFT JOIN text ON text_id = text.id WHERE t.name = '{}' AND p_site = '{}' AND p_{} = 1 AND p_rank < {} ORDER BY p_rank DESC LIMIT {}".format(tagName, site, country, postRank, limit)
meanTime += timer.get_seconds()
percent = (run / totalRuns) * 100
if (run % percentConfig) == 0:
print("Completed: {:.0f} % ".format(percent), end = '\r')
print("Completed 100 %")
print("Mean query execution time : {:.10f} seconds".format(meanTime / totalRuns))
print("Example Query")
return meanTime / totalRuns
示例12: save
def save(self,file):
file: where to save (utf-8 encoding)
file = self.__test_file(file,'w')
n_word = len(self)
buffer = ""
sys.stderr.write("Saving the %i-grams...\n" % self.__max_arity)
t = Timer(n_word,out=sys.stderr)
for i in range(self.__max_arity):
for word in self.__get_sorted_grams(i,(0,i+1)):
buffer += "#".join(word)+"%"+str(self.__ngrams[i][word])+"\n"
if len(buffer) > 1000:
buffer = ""
示例13: Fuzzie
class Fuzzie(TextEntity):
def __init__(self, layer, vel_x, vel_y):
TextEntity.__init__(self, None, layer, char = '*')
#self.setPos(self.pos_x, s.pos_y)
self.vel_x = vel_x
self.vel_y = vel_y
self.visible = True
self.liveTimer = Timer()
self.name = 'Fuzzie'
def death(self, attacker=None, deathtype=None):
self.health = -1
def think(self, frameDT):
if len(self.touching): self.collideHandler()
if not self.health: self.death()
def collideHandler(self):
for partner in self.touching:
if partner[0]:
if partner[0].getChar() == '+':
#print "Hit by bullet!"
self.health = 0
self.touching = []
示例14: _get_feature_scale
def _get_feature_scale(self, num_images=100):
_t = Timer()
roidb = self.imdb.roidb
total_norm = 0.0
total_sum = 0.0
count = 0.0
num_images = min(num_images, self.imdb.num_images)
inds = np.random.choice(range(self.imdb.num_images), size=num_images, replace=False)
for i_, i in enumerate(inds):
#im = cv2.imread(self.imdb.image_path_at(i))
#if roidb[i]['flipped']:
# im = im[:, ::-1, :]
#im = self.imdb.image_path_at(i)
scores, boxes, feat = self.im_detect(self.net, i, roidb[i]['boxes'], boReturnClassifierScore = False)
#feat = self.net.blobs[self.layer].data
total_norm += np.sqrt((feat ** 2).sum(axis=1)).sum()
total_sum += 1.0 * sum(sum(feat)) / len(feat)
count += feat.shape[0]
print('{}/{}: avg feature norm: {:.3f}, average value: {:.3f}'.format(i_ + 1, num_images,
total_norm / count, total_sum / count))
return self.svm_targetNorm * 1.0 / (total_norm / count)
示例15: runScript
def runScript(fn,argv=[]):
"""Play a formex script from file fn.
fn is the name of a file holding a pyFormex script.
A list of arguments can be passed. They will be available under the name
argv. This variable can be changed by the script and the resulting argv
is returned to the caller.
from timer import Timer
t = Timer()
msg = "Running script (%s)" % fn
if pf.GUI:
pf.debug(" Executing with arguments: %s" % argv,pf.DEBUG.SCRIPT)
pye = fn.endswith('.pye')
if pf.GUI and getcfg('check_print'):
pf.debug("Testing script for use of print function",pf.DEBUG.SCRIPT)
scr = checkPrintSyntax(fn)
# TODO: if scr is a compiled object, we could just execute it
res = playScript(file(fn,'r'),fn,fn,argv,pye)
pf.debug(" Arguments left after execution: %s" % argv,pf.DEBUG.SCRIPT)
msg = "Finished script %s in %s seconds" % (fn,t.seconds())
if pf.GUI:
return res