本文整理汇总了Python中pyqtcore.QList.takeFirst方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python QList.takeFirst方法的具体用法?Python QList.takeFirst怎么用?Python QList.takeFirst使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类pyqtcore.QList
示例1: updateBrush
# 需要导入模块: from pyqtcore import QList [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyqtcore.QList import takeFirst [as 别名]
def updateBrush(self, cursorPos, _list = None):
# get the current tile layer
currentLayer = self.currentTileLayer()
layerWidth = currentLayer.width()
layerHeight = currentLayer.height()
numTiles = layerWidth * layerHeight
paintCorner = 0
# if we are in vertex paint mode, the bottom right corner on the map will appear as an invalid tile offset...
if (self.mBrushMode == BrushMode.PaintVertex):
if (cursorPos.x() == layerWidth):
cursorPos.setX(cursorPos.x() - 1)
paintCorner |= 1
if (cursorPos.y() == layerHeight):
cursorPos.setY(cursorPos.y() - 1)
paintCorner |= 2
# if the cursor is outside of the map, bail out
if (not currentLayer.bounds().contains(cursorPos)):
terrainTileset = None
terrainId = -1
if (self.mTerrain):
terrainTileset = self.mTerrain.tileset()
terrainId = self.mTerrain.id()
# allocate a buffer to build the terrain tilemap (TODO: this could be retained per layer to save regular allocation)
newTerrain = []
for i in range(numTiles):
# allocate a buffer of flags for each tile that may be considered (TODO: this could be retained per layer to save regular allocation)
checked = array('B')
for i in range(numTiles):
# create a consideration list, and push the start points
transitionList = QList()
initialTiles = 0
if (_list):
# if we were supplied a list of start points
for p in _list:
initialTiles += 1
initialTiles = 1
brushRect = QRect(cursorPos, cursorPos)
# produce terrain with transitions using a simple, relative naive approach (considers each tile once, and doesn't allow re-consideration if selection was bad)
while (not transitionList.isEmpty()):
# get the next point in the consideration list
p = transitionList.takeFirst()
x = p.x()
y = p.y()
i = y*layerWidth + x
# if we have already considered this point, skip to the next
# TODO: we might want to allow re-consideration if prior tiles... but not for now, this would risk infinite loops
if (checked[i]):
tile = currentLayer.cellAt(p).tile
currentTerrain = terrain(tile)
# get the tileset for this tile
tileset = None
if (terrainTileset):
# if we are painting a terrain, then we'll use the terrains tileset
tileset = terrainTileset
elif (tile):
# if we're erasing terrain, use the individual tiles tileset (to search for transitions)
tileset = tile.tileset()
# no tile here and we're erasing terrain, not much we can do
# calculate the ideal tile for this position
preferredTerrain = 0xFFFFFFFF
mask = 0
if (initialTiles):
# for the initial tiles, we will insert the selected terrain and add the surroundings for consideration
if (self.mBrushMode == BrushMode.PaintTile):
# set the whole tile to the selected terrain
preferredTerrain = makeTerrain(terrainId)
mask = 0xFFFFFFFF
# Bail out if encountering a tile from a different tileset
if (tile and tile.tileset() != tileset):
# calculate the corner mask
mask = 0xFF << (3 - paintCorner)*8
# mask in the selected terrain
preferredTerrain = (currentTerrain & ~mask) | (terrainId << (3 - paintCorner)*8)
initialTiles -= 1
# if there's nothing to paint... skip this tile
if (preferredTerrain == currentTerrain and (not tile or tile.tileset() == tileset)):
# Bail out if encountering a tile from a different tileset
if (tile and tile.tileset() != tileset):
示例2: fillRegion
# 需要导入模块: from pyqtcore import QList [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyqtcore.QList import takeFirst [as 别名]
def fillRegion(layer, fillOrigin):
# Create that region that will hold the fill
fillRegion = QRegion()
# Silently quit if parameters are unsatisfactory
if (not layer.contains(fillOrigin)):
return fillRegion
# Cache cell that we will match other cells against
matchCell = layer.cellAt(fillOrigin)
# Grab map dimensions for later use.
layerWidth = layer.width()
layerHeight = layer.height()
layerSize = layerWidth * layerHeight
# Create a queue to hold cells that need filling
fillPositions = QList()
# Create an array that will store which cells have been processed
# This is faster than checking if a given cell is in the region/list
processedCellsVec = QVector()
for i in range(layerSize):
processedCells = processedCellsVec
# Loop through queued positions and fill them, while at the same time
# checking adjacent positions to see if they should be added
while (not fillPositions.empty()):
currentPoint = fillPositions.takeFirst()
startOfLine = currentPoint.y() * layerWidth
# Seek as far left as we can
left = currentPoint.x()
while (left > 0 and layer.cellAt(left - 1, currentPoint.y()) == matchCell):
left -= 1
# Seek as far right as we can
right = currentPoint.x()
while (right + 1 < layerWidth and layer.cellAt(right + 1, currentPoint.y()) == matchCell):
right += 1
# Add cells between left and right to the region
fillRegion += QRegion(left, currentPoint.y(), right - left + 1, 1)
# Add cell strip to processed cells
for i in range(startOfLine + left, right + startOfLine, 1):
processedCells[i] = 1
# These variables cache whether the last cell was added to the queue
# or not as an optimization, since adjacent cells on the x axis
# do not need to be added to the queue.
lastAboveCell = False
lastBelowCell = False
# Loop between left and right and check if cells above or
# below need to be added to the queue
for x in range(left, right+1):
fillPoint = QPoint(x, currentPoint.y())
# Check cell above
if (fillPoint.y() > 0):
aboveCell = QPoint(fillPoint.x(), fillPoint.y() - 1)
if (not processedCells[aboveCell.y() * layerWidth + aboveCell.x()] and layer.cellAt(aboveCell) == matchCell):
# Do not add the above cell to the queue if its
# x-adjacent cell was added.
if (not lastAboveCell):
lastAboveCell = True
lastAboveCell = False
processedCells[aboveCell.y() * layerWidth + aboveCell.x()] = 1
# Check cell below
if (fillPoint.y() + 1 < layerHeight):
belowCell = QPoint(fillPoint.x(), fillPoint.y() + 1)
if (not processedCells[belowCell.y() * layerWidth + belowCell.x()] and layer.cellAt(belowCell) == matchCell):
# Do not add the below cell to the queue if its
# x-adjacent cell was added.
if (not lastBelowCell):
lastBelowCell = True
lastBelowCell = False
processedCells[belowCell.y() * layerWidth + belowCell.x()] = 1
return fillRegion