本文整理汇总了Python中msct_image.Image.getCoordinatesAveragedByValue方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Image.getCoordinatesAveragedByValue方法的具体用法?Python Image.getCoordinatesAveragedByValue怎么用?Python Image.getCoordinatesAveragedByValue使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类msct_image.Image
示例1: register_landmarks
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import getCoordinatesAveragedByValue [as 别名]
def register_landmarks(fname_src, fname_dest, dof, fname_affine="affine.txt", verbose=1, path_qc="./"):
Register two NIFTI volumes containing landmarks
:param fname_src: fname of source landmarks
:param fname_dest: fname of destination landmarks
:param dof: degree of freedom. Separate with "_". Example: Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Sz
:param fname_affine: output affine transformation
:param verbose: 0, 1, 2
from msct_image import Image
# open src label
im_src = Image(fname_src)
# coord_src = im_src.getNonZeroCoordinates(sorting='value') # landmarks are sorted by value
coord_src = im_src.getCoordinatesAveragedByValue() # landmarks are sorted by value
# open dest labels
im_dest = Image(fname_dest)
# coord_dest = im_dest.getNonZeroCoordinates(sorting='value')
coord_dest = im_dest.getCoordinatesAveragedByValue()
# Reorganize landmarks
points_src, points_dest = [], []
for coord in coord_src:
point_src = im_src.transfo_pix2phys([[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z]])
# convert NIFTI to ITK world coordinate
# points_src.append([point_src[0][0], point_src[0][1], point_src[0][2]])
points_src.append([-point_src[0][0], -point_src[0][1], point_src[0][2]])
for coord in coord_dest:
point_dest = im_dest.transfo_pix2phys([[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z]])
# convert NIFTI to ITK world coordinate
# points_dest.append([point_dest[0][0], point_dest[0][1], point_dest[0][2]])
points_dest.append([-point_dest[0][0], -point_dest[0][1], point_dest[0][2]])
# display
sct.printv("Labels src: " + str(points_src), verbose)
sct.printv("Labels dest: " + str(points_dest), verbose)
sct.printv("Degrees of freedom (dof): " + dof, verbose)
if len(coord_src) != len(coord_dest):
raise Exception(
"Error: number of source and destination landmarks are not the same, so landmarks cannot be paired."
# estimate transformation
# N.B. points_src and points_dest are inverted below, because ITK uses inverted transformation matrices, i.e., src->dest is defined in dest instead of src.
# (rotation_matrix, translation_array, points_moving_reg, points_moving_barycenter) = getRigidTransformFromLandmarks(points_dest, points_src, constraints=dof, verbose=verbose, path_qc=path_qc)
(rotation_matrix, translation_array, points_moving_reg, points_moving_barycenter) = getRigidTransformFromLandmarks(
points_src, points_dest, constraints=dof, verbose=verbose, path_qc=path_qc
# writing rigid transformation file
# N.B. x and y dimensions have a negative sign to ensure compatibility between Python and ITK transfo
text_file = open(fname_affine, "w")
text_file.write("#Insight Transform File V1.0\n")
text_file.write("#Transform 0\n")
text_file.write("Transform: AffineTransform_double_3_3\n")
"Parameters: %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f %.9f\n"
% (
rotation_matrix[0, 0],
rotation_matrix[0, 1],
rotation_matrix[0, 2],
rotation_matrix[1, 0],
rotation_matrix[1, 1],
rotation_matrix[1, 2],
rotation_matrix[2, 0],
rotation_matrix[2, 1],
rotation_matrix[2, 2],
translation_array[0, 0],
translation_array[0, 1],
translation_array[0, 2],
"FixedParameters: %.9f %.9f %.9f\n"
% (points_moving_barycenter[0], points_moving_barycenter[1], points_moving_barycenter[2])
示例2: main
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import getCoordinatesAveragedByValue [as 别名]
# Label preparation:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove unused label on template. Keep only label present in the input label image
sct.printv('\nRemove unused label on template. Keep only label present in the input label image...', verbose)
sct.run('sct_label_utils -p remove -i '+ftmp_template_label+' -o '+ftmp_template_label+' -r '+ftmp_label)
# Dilating the input label so they can be straighten without losing them
sct.printv('\nDilating input labels using 3vox ball radius')
sct.run('sct_maths -i '+ftmp_label+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_dilate')+' -dilate 3')
ftmp_label = add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_dilate')
# Apply straightening to labels
sct.printv('\nApply straightening to labels...', verbose)
sct.run('sct_apply_transfo -i '+ftmp_label+' -o '+add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_straight')+' -d '+add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_straight')+' -w warp_curve2straight.nii.gz -x nn')
ftmp_label = add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_straight')
# Create crosses for the template labels and get coordinates
sct.printv('\nCreate a 15 mm cross for the template labels...', verbose)
template_image = Image(ftmp_template_label)
coordinates_input = template_image.getNonZeroCoordinates(sorting='value')
# jcohenadad, issue #628 <<<<<
# landmark_template = ProcessLabels.get_crosses_coordinates(coordinates_input, gapxy=15)
landmark_template = coordinates_input
# >>>>>
if verbose == 2:
# TODO: assign cross to image before saving
template_image.setFileName(add_suffix(ftmp_template_label, '_cross'))
# Create crosses for the input labels into straight space and get coordinates
sct.printv('\nCreate a 15 mm cross for the input labels...', verbose)
label_straight_image = Image(ftmp_label)
coordinates_input = label_straight_image.getCoordinatesAveragedByValue() # landmarks are sorted by value
# jcohenadad, issue #628 <<<<<
# landmark_straight = ProcessLabels.get_crosses_coordinates(coordinates_input, gapxy=15)
landmark_straight = coordinates_input
# >>>>>
if verbose == 2:
# TODO: assign cross to image before saving
label_straight_image.setFileName(add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_cross'))
# Reorganize landmarks
points_fixed, points_moving = [], []
for coord in landmark_straight:
point_straight = label_straight_image.transfo_pix2phys([[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z]])
points_moving.append([point_straight[0][0], point_straight[0][1], point_straight[0][2]])
for coord in landmark_template:
point_template = template_image.transfo_pix2phys([[coord.x, coord.y, coord.z]])
points_fixed.append([point_template[0][0], point_template[0][1], point_template[0][2]])
# Register curved landmarks on straight landmarks based on python implementation
sct.printv('\nComputing rigid transformation (algo=translation-scaling-z) ...', verbose)
import msct_register_landmarks
# for some reason, the moving and fixed points are inverted between ITK transform and our python-based transform.
# and for another unknown reason, x and y dimensions have a negative sign (at least for translation and center of rotation).
if verbose == 2:
show_transfo = True
show_transfo = False
(rotation_matrix, translation_array, points_moving_reg, points_moving_barycenter) = msct_register_landmarks.getRigidTransformFromLandmarks(points_moving, points_fixed, constraints='translation-scaling-z', show=show_transfo)
# writing rigid transformation file
text_file = open("straight2templateAffine.txt", "w")
示例3: main
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import getCoordinatesAveragedByValue [as 别名]
# register src --> dest
# TODO: display param for debugging
warp_forward_out, warp_inverse_out = register(src, dest, paramreg, param, str(i_step))
# Concatenate transformations:
sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations: anat --> template...', verbose)
sct.run('sct_concat_transfo -w warp_curve2straightAffine.nii.gz,'+','.join(warp_forward)+' -d template.nii -o warp_anat2template.nii.gz', verbose)
# sct.run('sct_concat_transfo -w warp_curve2straight.nii.gz,straight2templateAffine.txt,'+','.join(warp_forward)+' -d template.nii -o warp_anat2template.nii.gz', verbose)
sct.printv('\nConcatenate transformations: template --> anat...', verbose)
sct.run('sct_concat_transfo -w '+','.join(warp_inverse)+',-straight2templateAffine.txt,warp_straight2curve.nii.gz -d data.nii -o warp_template2anat.nii.gz', verbose)
# register template->subject
elif ref == 'subject':
# Change orientation of input images to RPI
sct.printv('\nChange orientation of input images to RPI...', verbose)
sct.run('sct_image -i ' + ftmp_data + ' -setorient RPI -o ' + add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_rpi'))
ftmp_data = add_suffix(ftmp_data, '_rpi')
sct.run('sct_image -i ' + ftmp_seg + ' -setorient RPI -o ' + add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_rpi'))
ftmp_seg = add_suffix(ftmp_seg, '_rpi')
sct.run('sct_image -i ' + ftmp_label + ' -setorient RPI -o ' + add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_rpi'))
ftmp_label = add_suffix(ftmp_label, '_rpi')
# Remove unused label on template. Keep only label present in the input label image
sct.printv('\nRemove unused label on template. Keep only label present in the input label image...', verbose)
sct.run('sct_label_utils -i '+ftmp_template_label+' -o '+ftmp_template_label+' -remove '+ftmp_label)
# Add one label because at least 3 orthogonal labels are required to estimate an affine transformation. This new label is added at the level of the upper most label (lowest value), at 1cm to the right.
for i_file in [ftmp_label, ftmp_template_label]:
im_label = Image(i_file)
coord_label = im_label.getCoordinatesAveragedByValue() # N.B. landmarks are sorted by value
# Create new label
from copy import deepcopy
new_label = deepcopy(coord_label[0])
# move it 5mm to the left (orientation is RAS)
nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_label.dim
new_label.x = round(coord_label[0].x + 5.0 / px)
# assign value 99
new_label.value = 99
# Add to existing image
im_label.data[new_label.x, new_label.y, new_label.z] = new_label.value
# Overwrite label file
# im_label.setFileName('label_rpi_modif.nii.gz')
# Bring template to subject space using landmark-based transformation
sct.printv('\nEstimate transformation for step #0...', verbose)
from msct_register_landmarks import register_landmarks
warp_forward = ['template2subjectAffine.txt']
warp_inverse = ['-template2subjectAffine.txt']
register_landmarks(ftmp_template_label, ftmp_label, paramreg.steps['0'].dof, fname_affine=warp_forward[0], verbose=verbose, path_qc=param.path_qc)
except Exception:
sct.printv('ERROR: input labels do not seem to be at the right place. Please check the position of the labels. See documentation for more details: https://sourceforge.net/p/spinalcordtoolbox/wiki/create_labels/', verbose=verbose, type='error')
# loop across registration steps
for i_step in range(1, len(paramreg.steps)):
sct.printv('\nEstimate transformation for step #'+str(i_step)+'...', verbose)
# identify which is the src and dest
if paramreg.steps[str(i_step)].type == 'im':
src = ftmp_template
dest = ftmp_data
interp_step = 'linear'