本文整理汇总了Python中msct_image.Image.copy方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Image.copy方法的具体用法?Python Image.copy怎么用?Python Image.copy使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类msct_image.Image
示例1: multicomponent_merge
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import copy [as 别名]
def multicomponent_merge(fname_list):
from numpy import zeros, reshape
# WARNING: output multicomponent is not optimal yet, some issues may be related to the use of this function
im_0 = Image(fname_list[0])
new_shape = list(im_0.data.shape)
if len(new_shape) == 3:
new_shape = tuple(new_shape)
data_out = zeros(new_shape)
for i, fname in enumerate(fname_list):
im = Image(fname)
dat = im.data
if len(dat.shape) == 2:
data_out[:, :, 0, 0, i] = dat.astype('float32')
elif len(dat.shape) == 3:
data_out[:, :, :, 0, i] = dat.astype('float32')
elif len(dat.shape) == 4:
data_out[:, :, :, :, i] = dat.astype('float32')
del im
del dat
im_out = im_0.copy()
im_out.data = data_out.astype('float32')
im_out.hdr.set_intent('vector', (), '')
return im_out
示例2: ProcessLabels
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import copy [as 别名]
image_output = Image(self.image_input)
image_output.data *= 0
coordinates_input = self.image_input.getNonZeroCoordinates()
# for all points with non-zeros neighbors, force the neighbors to 0
for coord in coordinates_input:
image_output.data[:,:,coord.z-width:coord.z+width] = offset + gap * coord.value
return image_output
def plan_ref(self):
This function generate a plan in the reference space for each label present in the input image
image_output = Image(self.image_ref)
image_output.data *= 0
coordinates_input = self.image_input.getNonZeroCoordinates()
# for all points with non-zeros neighbors, force the neighbors to 0
for coord in coordinates_input:
image_output.data[:, :, coord.z] = coord.value
return image_output
def cubic_to_point(self):
This function calculates the center of mass of each group of labels and returns a file of same size with only a label by group at the center of mass.
It is to be used after applying homothetic warping field to a label file as the labels will be dilated.
from scipy import ndimage
from numpy import array
data = self.image_input.data
image_output = self.image_input.copy()
data_output = image_output.data
data_output *= 0
nx = image_output.data.shape[0]
ny = image_output.data.shape[1]
nz = image_output.data.shape[2]
print '.. matrix size: '+str(nx)+' x '+str(ny)+' x '+str(nz)
z_centerline = [iz for iz in range(0, nz, 1) if data[:,:,iz].any() ]
nz_nonz = len(z_centerline)
if nz_nonz==0 :
print '\nERROR: Label file is empty'
x_centerline = [0 for iz in range(0, nz_nonz, 1)]
y_centerline = [0 for iz in range(0, nz_nonz, 1)]
print '\nGet center of mass for each slice of the label file ...'
for iz in xrange(len(z_centerline)):
x_centerline[iz], y_centerline[iz] = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(array(data[:,:,z_centerline[iz]]))
## Calculate mean coordinate according to z for each cube of labels:
list_cube_labels_x = [[]]
list_cube_labels_y = [[]]
list_cube_labels_z = [[]]
count = 0
for i in range(nz_nonz-1):
# Make a list of group of slices that contains a non zero value
if z_centerline[i] - z_centerline[i+1] == -1:
# Verify if the value has already been recovered and add if not
#If the group is empty add first value do not if it is not empty as it will copy it for a second time
if len(list_cube_labels_z[count]) == 0 :#or list_cube_labels[count][-1] != z_centerline[i]:
示例3: vertebral_detection
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import copy [as 别名]
def vertebral_detection(fname, fname_seg, contrast):
shift_AP = 14 # shift the centerline on the spine in mm default : 17 mm
size_AP = 3 # mean around the centerline in the anterior-posterior direction in mm
size_RL = 3 # mean around the centerline in the right-left direction in mm
verbose = param.verbose
if verbose:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# open anatomical volume
img = Image(fname)
# orient to RPI
# get dimension
nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = img.dim
# Compute intensity profile across vertebrae
shift_AP = shift_AP * py
size_AP = size_AP * py
size_RL = size_RL * px
# orient segmentation to RPI
run('sct_orientation -i ' + fname_seg + ' -s RPI')
# smooth segmentation/centerline
path_centerline, file_centerline, ext_centerline = extract_fname(fname_seg)
x, y, z, Tx, Ty, Tz = smooth_centerline(path_centerline + file_centerline + '_RPI' + ext_centerline)
# build intensity profile along the centerline
I = np.zeros((len(y), 1))
# mask where intensity profile will be taken
if verbose == 2:
mat = img.copy()
mat.data = np.zeros(mat.dim)
for iz in range(len(z)):
# define vector orthogonal to the cord in RL direction
P1 = np.array([1, 0, -Tx[iz]/Tz[iz]])
P1 = P1/np.linalg.norm(P1)
# define vector orthogonal to the cord in AP direction
P2 = np.array([0, 1, -Ty[iz]/Tz[iz]])
P2 = P2/np.linalg.norm(P2)
# define X and Y coordinates of the voxels to extract intensity profile from
indexRL = range(-np.int(round(size_RL)), np.int(round(size_RL)))
indexAP = range(0, np.int(round(size_AP)))+np.array(shift_AP)
# loop over coordinates of perpendicular plane
for i_RL in indexRL:
for i_AP in indexAP:
i_vect = np.round(np.array([x[iz], y[iz], z[iz]])+P1*i_RL+P2*i_AP)
i_vect = np.minimum(np.maximum(i_vect, 0), np.array([nx, ny, nz])-1) # check if index stays in image dimension
I[iz] = I[iz] + img.data[i_vect[0], i_vect[1], i_vect[2]]
# create a mask with this perpendicular plane
if verbose == 2:
mat.data[i_vect[0], i_vect[1], i_vect[2]] = 1
if verbose == 2:
mat.file_name = 'mask'
# Detrending Intensity
start_centerline_y = y[0]
X = np.where(I == 0)
mask2 = np.ones((len(y), 1), dtype=bool)
mask2[X, 0] = False
# low pass filtering
import scipy.signal
frequency = 2/pz
Wn = 0.1/frequency
N = 2 #Order of the filter
# b, a = scipy.signal.butter(N, Wn, btype='low', analog=False, output='ba')
b, a = scipy.signal.iirfilter(N, Wn, rp=None, rs=None, btype='high', analog=False, ftype='bessel', output='ba')
I_detrend = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, I[:, 0], axis=-1, padtype='constant', padlen=None)
I_detrend = I_detrend/(np.amax(I_detrend))
# step 1 : Find the First Peak
if contrast == 't1':
I_detrend2 = np.diff(I_detrend)
elif contrast == 't2':
space = np.linspace(-10/pz, 10/pz, round(21/pz), endpoint=True)
pattern = (np.sinc((space*pz)/20)) ** 20
I_corr = scipy.signal.correlate(-I_detrend.squeeze().squeeze()+1,pattern,'same')
b, a = scipy.signal.iirfilter(N, Wn, rp=None, rs=None, btype='high', analog=False, ftype='bessel', output='ba')
I_detrend2 = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, I_corr, axis=-1, padtype='constant', padlen=None)
I_detrend2[I_detrend2 < 0.2] = 0
ind_locs = np.squeeze(scipy.signal.argrelextrema(I_detrend2, np.greater))
# remove peaks that are too closed
locsdiff = np.diff(z[ind_locs])
ind = locsdiff > 10
示例4: vertebral_detection
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import copy [as 别名]
yct = int(round(nyt/2)) # direction AP
# define mean distance (in voxel) between adjacent discs: [C1/C2 -> C2/C3], [C2/C3 -> C4/C5], ..., [L1/L2 -> L2/L3]
centerline_level = data_disc_template[xct, yct, :]
# attribute value to each disc. Starts from max level, then decrease.
min_level = centerline_level[centerline_level.nonzero()].min()
max_level = centerline_level[centerline_level.nonzero()].max()
list_disc_value_template = range(min_level, max_level)
# add disc above top one
list_disc_value_template.insert(int(0), min_level - 1)
printv('\nDisc values from template: ' + str(list_disc_value_template), verbose)
# get diff to find transitions (i.e., discs)
diff_centerline_level = np.diff(centerline_level)
# get disc z-values
list_disc_z_template = diff_centerline_level.nonzero()[0].tolist()
printv('Z-values for each disc: ' + str(list_disc_z_template), verbose)
list_distance_template = (
np.diff(list_disc_z_template) * (-1)).tolist() # multiplies by -1 to get positive distances
printv('Distances between discs (in voxel): ' + str(list_distance_template), verbose)
# if automatic mode, find C2/C3 disc
if init_disc == [] and initc2 == 'auto':
printv('\nDetect C2/C3 disk...', verbose)
zrange = range(0, nz)
ind_c2 = list_disc_value_template.index(2)
z_peak = compute_corr_3d(src=data, target=data_template, x=xc, xshift=0, xsize=param.size_RL_initc2, y=yc, yshift=param.shift_AP_initc2, ysize=param.size_AP_initc2, z=0, zshift=param.shift_IS_initc2, zsize=param.size_IS_initc2, xtarget=xct, ytarget=yct, ztarget=list_disc_z_template[ind_c2], zrange=zrange, verbose=verbose, save_suffix='_initC2', gaussian_weighting=True, path_output=path_output)
init_disc = [z_peak, 2]
# if manual mode, open viewer for user to click on C2/C3 disc
if init_disc == [] and initc2 == 'manual':
from sct_viewer import ClickViewer
# reorient image to SAL to be compatible with viewer
im_input_SAL = im_input.copy()
viewer = ClickViewer(im_input_SAL, orientation_subplot=['sag', 'ax'])
viewer.number_of_slices = 1
pz = 1
viewer.gap_inter_slice = int(10 / pz)
viewer.help_url = 'https://sourceforge.net/p/spinalcordtoolbox/wiki/sct_label_vertebrae/attachment/label_vertebrae_viewer.png'
# start the viewer that ask the user to enter a few points along the spinal cord
mask_points = viewer.start()
if mask_points:
# create the mask containing either the three-points or centerline mask for initialization
mask_filename = sct.add_suffix(fname, "_mask_viewer")
sct.run("sct_label_utils -i " + fname + " -create " + mask_points + " -o " + mask_filename, verbose=False)
sct.printv('\nERROR: the viewer has been closed before entering all manual points. Please try again.', verbose, type='error')
# assign new init_disc_z value, which corresponds to the first vector of mask_points. Note, we need to substract from nz due to SAL orientation: in the viewer, orientation is S-I while in this code, it is I-S.
init_disc = [nz-int(mask_points.split(',')[0]), 2]
# display init disc
if verbose == 2:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.matshow(np.mean(data[xc-param.size_RL:xc+param.size_RL, :, :], axis=0).transpose(), fignum=50, cmap=plt.cm.gray, clim=[0, 800], origin='lower')
plt.title('Anatomical image')
plt.autoscale(enable=False) # to prevent autoscale of axis when displaying plot
plt.figure(50), plt.scatter(yc + param.shift_AP_visu, init_disc[0], c='yellow', s=50)
plt.text(yc + param.shift_AP_visu + 4, init_disc[0], str(init_disc[1]) + '/' + str(init_disc[1] + 1),
verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='left', color='pink', fontsize=15), plt.draw()
# plt.ion() # enables interactive mode
示例5: interpolate_im_to_ref
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import copy [as 别名]
def interpolate_im_to_ref(im_input, im_input_sc, new_res=0.3, sq_size_size_mm=22.5, interpolation_mode=3):
nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = im_input.dim
im_input_sc = im_input_sc.copy()
im_input= im_input.copy()
# keep only spacing and origin in qform to avoid rotation issues
input_qform = im_input.hdr.get_qform()
for i in range(4):
for j in range(4):
if i!=j and j!=3:
input_qform[i, j] = 0
im_input_sc.hdr = im_input.hdr
sq_size = int(sq_size_size_mm/new_res)
# create a reference image : square of ones
im_ref = Image(np.ones((sq_size, sq_size, 1), dtype=np.int), dim=(sq_size, sq_size, 1, 0, new_res, new_res, pz, 0), orientation='RPI')
# copy input qform matrix to reference image
# set correct header to reference image
im_ref.hdr.set_data_shape((sq_size, sq_size, 1))
im_ref.hdr.set_zooms((new_res, new_res, pz))
# save image to set orientation to RPI (not properly done at the creation of the image)
fname_ref = 'im_ref.nii.gz'
im_ref = set_orientation(im_ref, 'RPI', fname_out=fname_ref)
# set header origin to zero to get physical coordinates of the center of the square
im_ref.hdr.as_analyze_map()['qoffset_x'] = 0
im_ref.hdr.as_analyze_map()['qoffset_y'] = 0
im_ref.hdr.as_analyze_map()['qoffset_z'] = 0
[[x_square_center_phys, y_square_center_phys, z_square_center_phys]] = im_ref.transfo_pix2phys(coordi=[[int(sq_size / 2), int(sq_size / 2), 0]])
list_interpolate_images = []
# iterate on z dimension of input image
for iz in range(nz):
# copy reference image: one reference image per slice
im_ref_slice_iz = im_ref.copy()
# get center of mass of SC for slice iz
x_seg, y_seg = (im_input_sc.data[:, :, iz] > 0).nonzero()
x_center, y_center = np.mean(x_seg), np.mean(y_seg)
[[x_center_phys, y_center_phys, z_center_phys]] = im_input_sc.transfo_pix2phys(coordi=[[x_center, y_center, iz]])
# center reference image on SC for slice iz
im_ref_slice_iz.hdr.as_analyze_map()['qoffset_x'] = x_center_phys - x_square_center_phys
im_ref_slice_iz.hdr.as_analyze_map()['qoffset_y'] = y_center_phys - y_square_center_phys
im_ref_slice_iz.hdr.as_analyze_map()['qoffset_z'] = z_center_phys
# interpolate input image to reference image
im_input_interpolate_iz = im_input.interpolate_from_image(im_ref_slice_iz, interpolation_mode=interpolation_mode, border='nearest')
# reshape data to 2D if needed
if len(im_input_interpolate_iz.data.shape) == 3:
im_input_interpolate_iz.data = im_input_interpolate_iz.data.reshape(im_input_interpolate_iz.data.shape[:-1])
# add slice to list
return list_interpolate_images
示例6: ProcessLabels
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import copy [as 别名]
if type_process == 'vert-continuous':
elif type_process != 'plan_ref':
def add(self, value):
This function add a specified value to all non-zero voxels.
image_output = Image(self.image_input, self.verbose)
# image_output.data *= 0
coordinates_input = self.image_input.getNonZeroCoordinates()
# for all points with non-zeros neighbors, force the neighbors to 0
for i, coord in enumerate(coordinates_input):
image_output.data[int(coord.x), int(coord.y), int(coord.z)] = image_output.data[int(coord.x), int(coord.y), int(coord.z)] + float(value)
return image_output
def create_label(self, add=False):
Create an image with labels listed by the user.
This method works only if the user inserted correct coordinates.
self.coordinates is a list of coordinates (class in msct_types).
a Coordinate contains x, y, z and value.
If only one label is to be added, coordinates must be completed with '[]'
For one label: object_define=ProcessLabels( fname_label, coordinates=[coordi]) where coordi is a 'Coordinate' object from msct_types
For two labels: object_define=ProcessLabels( fname_label, coordinates=[coordi1, coordi2]) where coordi1 and coordi2 are 'Coordinate' objects from msct_types
image_output = self.image_input.copy()
if not add:
image_output.data *= 0
# loop across labels
for i, coord in enumerate(self.coordinates):
# display info
sct.printv('Label #' + str(i) + ': ' + str(coord.x) + ',' + str(coord.y) + ',' + str(coord.z) + ' --> ' +
str(coord.value), 1)
image_output.data[int(coord.x), int(coord.y), int(coord.z)] = coord.value
return image_output
def cross(self):
create a cross.
output_image = Image(self.image_input, self.verbose)
nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = Image(self.image_input.absolutepath).dim
coordinates_input = self.image_input.getNonZeroCoordinates()
d = self.cross_radius # cross radius in pixel
dx = d / px # cross radius in mm
dy = d / py
# clean output_image
output_image.data *= 0
cross_coordinates = self.get_crosses_coordinates(coordinates_input, dx, self.image_ref, self.dilate)
for coord in cross_coordinates:
示例7: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import copy [as 别名]
class Vesselness:
def __init__(self, fname):
self.image = Image(fname)
self.pretreated_im = self.pretreat()
self.result_im = self.image.copy()
self.result_im.file_name = self.image.file_name + '_vessel_mask'
self.result_im.path = './'
self.hess = hessian(self.pretreated_im.data)
self.vessel_mask = self.compute_vessel_mask()
self.result_im.data = self.vessel_mask
def pretreat(self):
import scipy.ndimage.filters as scp_filters
status, orientation = sct.run('sct_orientation.py -i ' + self.image.path + self.image.file_name + self.image.ext)
orientation = orientation[4:7]
if orientation != 'RPI':
sct.run('sct_orientation.py -i ' + self.image.path + self.image.file_name + self.image.ext + ' -s RPI')
fname = self.image.file_name[:-7] + '_RPI.nii.gz'
fname = self.image.file_name
pretreated = self.image.copy()
pretreated.file_name = fname
nx, ny, nz, nt, px, py, pz, pt = sct.get_dimension(pretreated.file_name)
sc_size = 3 # in mm
sc_npix = ((sc_size/px) + (sc_size/py))/2.0
pretreated.data = scp_filters.gaussian_filter(pretreated.data, sigma=sc_npix)
pretreated.file_name = pretreated.file_name + '_gaussian'
return pretreated
def compute_vessel_mask(self):
vessel_mask = np.zeros(self.pretreated_im.data.shape)
print 'Image shape : ', str(self.pretreated_im.data.shape)
for x in range(self.pretreated_im.data.shape[0]):
print '----------> x =', x
now_x = time.time()
for y in range(self.pretreated_im.data.shape[1]):
for z in range(self.pretreated_im.data.shape[2]):
# H = self.hess[x][y][z]
H = self.get_hessian(x, y, z)
vals, vects = np.linalg.eig(H)
l1, l2, l3 = sort_eigen_vals(vals)
vessel_mask[x][y][z] = line_filter(l1, l2, l3)
print 'x ' + str(x) + ' --> in ' + str(time.time() - now_x) + ' sec'
return vessel_mask
def get_hessian(self, x, y, z):
Hxx = self.hess[0][0][x][y][z]
Hxy = self.hess[0][1][x][y][z]
Hxz = self.hess[0][2][x][y][z]
Hyx = self.hess[1][0][x][y][z]
Hyy = self.hess[1][1][x][y][z]
Hyz = self.hess[1][2][x][y][z]
Hzx = self.hess[2][0][x][y][z]
Hzy = self.hess[2][1][x][y][z]
Hzz = self.hess[2][2][x][y][z]
H = [[Hxx, Hxy, Hxz],
[Hyx, Hyy, Hyz],
[Hzx, Hzy, Hzz]]
return H
示例8: amu_processing
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import copy [as 别名]
def amu_processing(data_path):
get a segmentation image of the spinal cord an of the graymatter from a three level mask
:param data_path: path to the data
im_ext = '.nii'
if data_path[-1] == '/':
data_path = data_path[:-1]
original_path = os.path.abspath('.')
for subject_dir in os.listdir('.'):
subject_path = data_path + '/' + subject_dir
if os.path.isdir(subject_dir):
sc_seg_list = []
gm_seg_list = []
im_list = []
for file_name in os.listdir('.'):
ext = sct.extract_fname(file_name)[2]
if 'mask' in file_name and ext != '.hdr':
mask_im = Image(file_name)
sc_seg_im = mask_im.copy()
sc_seg_im.file_name = sct.extract_fname(file_name)[1][:-5] + '_manual_sc_seg'
sc_seg_im.ext = '.nii.gz'
sc_seg_im.data = (sc_seg_im.data > 1).astype(int)
# sc_seg_im = Image(param=sc_seg, absolutepath=subject_path + '/' + sct.extract_fname(file_name)[1][:-5] + '_manual_sc_seg.nii.gz')
# sc_seg_im.orientation = 'RPI'
sc_seg_list.append(sc_seg_im.file_name + sc_seg_im.ext)
gm_seg_im = mask_im.copy()
gm_seg_im.file_name = sct.extract_fname(file_name)[1][:-5] + '_manual_gm_seg'
gm_seg_im.ext = '.nii.gz'
gm_seg_im.data = (gm_seg_im.data > 2).astype(int)
# gm_seg_im = Image(param=gm_seg, absolutepath=subject_path + '/' + sct.extract_fname(file_name)[1][:-5] + '_manual_gm_seg.nii.gz')
# gm_seg_im.orientation = 'RPI'
gm_seg_list.append(gm_seg_im.file_name + gm_seg_im.ext)
im_list.append(file_name[:2] + im_ext)
# merging the slice images into a 3D image
cmd_merge = 'fslmerge -z '
im_name = subject_dir + '_im.nii.gz '
cmd_merge_im = cmd_merge + im_name
gmseg_name = subject_dir + '_manual_gmseg.nii.gz '
cmd_merge_gm_seg = cmd_merge + gmseg_name
scseg_name = subject_dir + '_manual_scseg.nii.gz '
cmd_merge_sc_seg = cmd_merge + scseg_name
for im_i, gm_i, sc_i in zip(im_list, gm_seg_list, sc_seg_list):
cmd_merge_im += im_i + ' '
cmd_merge_gm_seg += gm_i + ' '
cmd_merge_sc_seg += sc_i + ' '
# creating a level image
level_label = {0: '', 1: 'C1', 2: 'C2', 3: 'C3', 4: 'C4', 5: 'C5', 6: 'C6', 7: 'C7', 8: 'T1', 9: 'T2', 10: 'T3', 11: 'T4', 12: 'T5', 13: 'T6'}
level_dat = np.zeros((mask_im.data.shape[0], mask_im.data.shape[1], len(im_list)))
for i, im_i_name in enumerate(im_list):
level_dat.T[:][:][i] = get_key_from_val(level_label, im_i_name[:2].upper())
Image(param=level_dat, absolutepath=subject_dir + '_levels.nii.gz').save()
# resampling
resample_image(gmseg_name, binary=True, thr=0.45)
resample_image(scseg_name, binary=True, thr=0.55)
# organizing data
sct.run('mkdir original_data/')
sct.run('mkdir extracted_data/')
sct.run('mkdir 3d_data/')
sct.run('mkdir 3d_resampled_data/')
for file_name in os.listdir('.'):
if 'mask' in file_name:
sct.run('mv ' + file_name + ' original_data/')
elif 'manual' in file_name and 'G1' not in file_name:
sct.run('mv ' + file_name + ' extracted_data/')
elif 'resampled.nii' in file_name:
sct.run('mv ' + file_name + ' 3d_resampled_data/')
elif 'G1' in file_name:
sct.run('mv ' + file_name + ' 3d_data/')
elif not os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath('.') + '/' + file_name):
sct.run('mv ' + file_name + ' original_data/')
示例9: vanderbilt_processing
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import copy [as 别名]
def vanderbilt_processing(data_path):
get a segmentation image of the spinal cord an of the graymatter from a three level mask
:param data_path: path to the data
im_ext = '.nii.gz'
if data_path[-1] == '/':
data_path = data_path[:-1]
original_path = os.path.abspath('.')
for subject_dir in os.listdir('.'):
if os.path.isdir(subject_dir):
sc_seg_list = []
gm_seg_list = []
im_list = []
for file_name in os.listdir('.'):
if 'seg' in file_name:
mask_im = Image(file_name)
sc_seg_im = mask_im.copy()
sc_seg_im.file_name = sct.extract_fname(file_name)[1][:-4] + '_manual_sc_seg'
sc_seg_im.ext = '.nii.gz'
sc_seg_im.data = (sc_seg_im.data > 0).astype(int)
sc_seg_list.append(sc_seg_im.file_name + sc_seg_im.ext)
gm_seg_im = mask_im.copy()
gm_seg_im.file_name = sct.extract_fname(file_name)[1][:-4] + '_manual_gm_seg'
gm_seg_im.ext = '.nii.gz'
gm_seg_im.data = (gm_seg_im.data > 1).astype(int)
gm_seg_list.append(gm_seg_im.file_name + gm_seg_im.ext)
im_list.append(file_name[:17] + im_ext)
# merging the slice images into a 3D image
cmd_merge = 'fslmerge -z '
im_name = subject_dir + '_im.nii.gz'
cmd_merge_im = cmd_merge + im_name
gmseg_name = subject_dir + '_manual_gmseg.nii.gz'
cmd_merge_gm_seg = cmd_merge + gmseg_name
scseg_name = subject_dir + '_manual_scseg.nii.gz'
cmd_merge_sc_seg = cmd_merge + scseg_name
for im_i, gm_i, sc_i in zip(im_list, gm_seg_list, sc_seg_list):
cmd_merge_im += ' ' + im_i
cmd_merge_gm_seg += ' ' + gm_i
cmd_merge_sc_seg += ' ' + sc_i
label_slices = [im_slice.split('_')[-1][2:4] for im_slice in im_list]
i_slice_to_level = {0: 6, 1: 6, 2: 6, 3: 6, 4: 6, 5: 5, 6: 5, 7: 5, 8: 5, 9: 5, 10: 4, 11: 4, 12: 4, 13: 4, 14: 4, 15: 3, 16: 3, 17: 3, 18: 3, 19: 3, 20: 3, 21: 2, 22: 2, 23: 2, 24: 2, 25: 1, 26: 1, 27: 1, 28: 1, 29: 1}
level_dat = np.zeros((mask_im.data.shape[0], mask_im.data.shape[1], len(im_list)))
for i, l_slice in enumerate(label_slices):
i_slice = int(l_slice) - 1
level_dat.T[:][:][i] = i_slice_to_level[i_slice]
Image(param=level_dat, absolutepath=subject_dir + '_levels.nii.gz').save()
# resampling
resample_image(gmseg_name, binary=True)
resample_image(scseg_name, binary=True)
# organizing data
sct.run('mkdir original_data/')
sct.run('mkdir extracted_data/')
sct.run('mkdir 3d_data/')
sct.run('mkdir 3d_resampled_data/')
sct.run('mkdir dic_data/')
for file_name in os.listdir('.'):
if '_manual_gm_seg' in file_name and 'sl' in file_name:
sct.run('cp ' + file_name + ' dic_data/')
sct.run('cp ' + file_name[:-21] + '.nii.gz dic_data/')
for file_name in os.listdir('.'):
if 'sl' in file_name and 'manual' not in file_name:
sct.run('mv ' + file_name + ' original_data/')
elif 'manual' in file_name and 'sl' in file_name:
sct.run('mv ' + file_name + ' extracted_data/')
elif 'resampled.nii' in file_name:
sct.run('mv ' + file_name + ' 3d_resampled_data/')
elif '_sl' not in file_name and not os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath('.') + '/' + file_name) or 'level' in file_name:
sct.run('mv ' + file_name + ' 3d_data/')
elif not os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath('.') + '/' + file_name):
sct.run('mv ' + file_name + ' original_data/')
示例10: ProcessLabels
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import copy [as 别名]
# clean output_image
output_image.data *= 0
cross_coordinates = self.get_crosses_coordinates(coordinates_input, dx, self.image_ref, self.dilate)
for coord in cross_coordinates:
output_image.data[round(coord.x), round(coord.y), round(coord.z)] = coord.value
return output_image
# >>>
def plan(self, width, offset=0, gap=1):
This function creates a plan of thickness="width" and changes its value with an offset and a gap between labels.
image_output = Image(self.image_input, self.verbose)
image_output.data *= 0
coordinates_input = self.image_input.getNonZeroCoordinates()
# for all points with non-zeros neighbors, force the neighbors to 0
for coord in coordinates_input:
image_output.data[:,:,coord.z-width:coord.z+width] = offset + gap * coord.value
return image_output
def plan_ref(self):
This function generate a plan in the reference space for each label present in the input image
image_output = Image(self.image_ref, self.verbose)
image_output.data *= 0
image_input_neg = Image(self.image_input, self.verbose).copy()
image_input_pos = Image(self.image_input, self.verbose).copy()
image_input_neg.data *=0
image_input_pos.data *=0
X, Y, Z = (self.image_input.data< 0).nonzero()
for i in range(len(X)):
image_input_neg.data[X[i], Y[i], Z[i]] = -self.image_input.data[X[i], Y[i], Z[i]] # in order to apply getNonZeroCoordinates
X_pos, Y_pos, Z_pos = (self.image_input.data> 0).nonzero()
for i in range(len(X_pos)):
image_input_pos.data[X_pos[i], Y_pos[i], Z_pos[i]] = self.image_input.data[X_pos[i], Y_pos[i], Z_pos[i]]
coordinates_input_neg = image_input_neg.getNonZeroCoordinates()
coordinates_input_pos = image_input_pos.getNonZeroCoordinates()
for coord in coordinates_input_neg:
image_output.data[:, :, coord.z] = -coord.value #PB: takes the int value of coord.value
for coord in coordinates_input_pos:
image_output.data[:, :, coord.z] = coord.value
return image_output
def cubic_to_point(self):
This function calculates the center of mass of each group of labels and returns a file of same size with only a
label by group at the center of mass of this group.
It is to be used after applying homothetic warping field to a label file as the labels will be dilated.
Be careful: this algorithm computes the center of mass of voxels with same value, if two groups of voxels with
the same value are present but separated in space, this algorithm will compute the center of mass of the two
groups together.
:return: image_output
from scipy import ndimage
示例11: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from msct_image import Image [as 别名]
# 或者: from msct_image.Image import copy [as 别名]
class MultiLabelRegistration:
def __init__(
if param is None:
self.param = Param()
self.param = param
self.im_gm = Image(fname_gm)
self.im_wm = Image(fname_wm)
self.path_template = sct.slash_at_the_end(path_template, 1)
if "MNI-Poly-AMU_GM.nii.gz" in os.listdir(self.path_template + "template/"):
self.im_template_gm = Image(self.path_template + "template/MNI-Poly-AMU_GM.nii.gz")
self.im_template_wm = Image(self.path_template + "template/MNI-Poly-AMU_WM.nii.gz")
self.template = "MNI-Poly-AMU"
self.im_template_gm = Image(self.path_template + "template/PAM50_gm.nii.gz")
self.im_template_wm = Image(self.path_template + "template/PAM50_wm.nii.gz")
self.template = "PAM50"
# Previous warping fields:
self.fname_warp_template2target = fname_warp_template2target
self.fname_warp_target2template = fname_warp_target2template
# new warping fields:
self.fname_warp_template2gm = ""
self.fname_wwarp_gm2template = ""
# temporary fix - related to issue #871
self.apply_warp_template = apply_warp_template
def register(self):
# accentuate separation WM/GM
self.im_gm = thr_im(self.im_gm, 0.01, self.param.thr)
self.im_wm = thr_im(self.im_wm, 0.01, self.param.thr)
self.im_template_gm = thr_im(self.im_template_gm, 0.01, self.param.thr)
self.im_template_wm = thr_im(self.im_template_wm, 0.01, self.param.thr)
## create multilabel images:
# copy GM images to keep header information
im_automatic_ml = self.im_gm.copy()
im_template_ml = self.im_template_gm.copy()
# create multi-label segmentation with GM*200 + WM*100 (100 and 200 encoded in self.param.gap)
im_automatic_ml.data = self.param.gap[1] * self.im_gm.data + self.param.gap[0] * self.im_wm.data
im_template_ml.data = (
self.param.gap[1] * self.im_template_gm.data + self.param.gap[0] * self.im_template_wm.data
# set new names
fname_automatic_ml = "multilabel_automatic_seg.nii.gz"
fname_template_ml = "multilabel_template_seg.nii.gz"
# Create temporary folder and put files in it
tmp_dir = sct.tmp_create()
path_gm, file_gm, ext_gm = sct.extract_fname(fname_gm)
path_warp_template2target, file_warp_template2target, ext_warp_template2target = sct.extract_fname(
convert(fname_gm, tmp_dir + file_gm + ext_gm)
convert(fname_warp_template, tmp_dir + file_warp_template2target + ext_warp_template2target, squeeze_data=0)
if self.fname_warp_target2template is not None:
path_warp_target2template, file_warp_target2template, ext_warp_target2template = sct.extract_fname(
tmp_dir + file_warp_target2template + ext_warp_target2template,
# save images
# apply template2image warping field
if self.apply_warp_template == 1:
fname_template_ml_new = sct.add_suffix(fname_template_ml, "_r")
"sct_apply_transfo -i "
+ fname_template_ml
+ " -d "
+ fname_automatic_ml
+ " -w "
+ file_warp_template2target
+ ext_warp_template2target
+ " -o "
+ fname_template_ml_new