本文整理汇总了Python中ij.ImagePlus.setCalibration方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ImagePlus.setCalibration方法的具体用法?Python ImagePlus.setCalibration怎么用?Python ImagePlus.setCalibration使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类ij.ImagePlus
示例1: extract_stack_under_arealist
# 需要导入模块: from ij import ImagePlus [as 别名]
# 或者: from ij.ImagePlus import setCalibration [as 别名]
def extract_stack_under_arealist():
# Check that a Display is open
display = Display.getFront()
if display is None:
IJ.log("Open a TrakEM2 Display first!")
# Check that an AreaList is selected and active:
ali = display.getActive()
if ali is None or not isinstance(ali, AreaList):
IJ.log("Please select an AreaList first!")
# Get the range of layers to which ali paints:
ls = display.getLayerSet()
ifirst = ls.indexOf(ali.getFirstLayer())
ilast = ls.indexOf(ali.getLastLayer())
layers = display.getLayerSet().getLayers().subList(ifirst, ilast +1)
# Create a stack with the dimensions of ali
bounds = ali.getBoundingBox()
stack = ImageStack(bounds.width, bounds.height)
# Using 16-bit. To change to 8-bit, use GRAY8 and ByteProcessor in the two lines below:
type = ImagePlus.GRAY16
ref_ip = ShortProcessor(bounds.width, bounds.height)
for layer in layers:
area = ali.getArea(layer)
z = layer.getZ()
ip = ref_ip.createProcessor(bounds.width, bounds.height)
if area is None:
stack.addSlice(str(z), bp)
# Create a ROI from the area of ali at layer:
aff = ali.getAffineTransformCopy()
aff.translate(-bounds.x, -bounds.y)
roi = ShapeRoi(area.createTransformedArea(aff))
# Create a cropped snapshot of the images at layer under ali:
flat = Patch.makeFlatImage(type, layer, bounds, 1.0, layer.getDisplayables(Patch), Color.black)
b = roi.getBounds()
ip.insert(flat.crop(), b.x, b.y)
# Clear the outside of ROI (ShapeRoi is a non-rectangular ROI type)
bimp = ImagePlus("", ip)
IJ.run(bimp, "Clear Outside", "")
# Accumulate slices
stack.addSlice(str(z), ip)
imp = ImagePlus("AreaList stack", stack)
示例2: create_registered_hyperstack
# 需要导入模块: from ij import ImagePlus [as 别名]
# 或者: from ij.ImagePlus import setCalibration [as 别名]
def create_registered_hyperstack(imp, channel, target_folder, virtual):
""" Takes the imp, determines the x,y,z drift for each pair of time points, using the preferred given channel,
and outputs as a hyperstack."""
shifts = compute_frame_translations(imp, channel)
# Make shifts relative to 0,0,0 of the original imp:
shifts = concatenate_shifts(shifts)
print "shifts concatenated:"
for s in shifts:
print s.x, s.y, s.z
# Compute bounds of the new volume,
# which accounts for all translations:
minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = compute_min_max(shifts)
# Make shifts relative to new canvas dimensions
# so that the min values become 0,0,0
for shift in shifts:
shift.x -= minx
shift.y -= miny
shift.z -= minz
print "shifts relative to new dimensions:"
for s in shifts:
print s.x, s.y, s.z
# new canvas dimensions:
width = imp.width + maxx - minx
height = maxy - miny + imp.height
slices = maxz - minz + imp.getNSlices()
print "New dimensions:", width, height, slices
# Prepare empty slice to pad in Z when necessary
empty = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height)
# if it's RGB, fill the empty slice with blackness
if isinstance(empty, ColorProcessor):
# Write all slices to files:
stack = imp.getStack()
if virtual is False:
registeredstack = ImageStack(width, height, imp.getProcessor().getColorModel())
names = []
for frame in range(1, imp.getNFrames()+1):
shift = shifts[frame-1]
fr = "t" + zero_pad(frame, len(str(imp.getNFrames())))
# Pad with empty slices before reaching the first slice
for s in range(shift.z):
ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s + 1, len(str(slices))) # slices start at 1
for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"
if virtual is True:
currentslice = ImagePlus("", empty)
currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
empty = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height)
registeredstack.addSlice(str(name), empty)
# Add all proper slices
stack = imp.getStack()
for s in range(1, imp.getNSlices()+1):
ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s + shift.z, len(str(slices)))
for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
ip = stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch, s, frame))
ip2 = ip.createProcessor(width, height) # potentially larger
ip2.insert(ip, shift.x, shift.y)
name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"
if virtual is True:
currentslice = ImagePlus("", ip2)
currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"));
FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
registeredstack.addSlice(str(name), ip2)
# Pad the end
for s in range(shift.z + imp.getNSlices(), slices):
ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s + 1, len(str(slices)))
for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"
if virtual is True:
currentslice = ImagePlus("", empty)
currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
registeredstack.addSlice(str(name), empty)
if virtual is True:
# Create virtual hyper stack with the result
registeredstack = VirtualStack(width, height, None, target_folder)
for name in names:
registeredstack_imp = ImagePlus("registered time points", registeredstack)
registeredstack_imp.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), len(names) / (imp.getNChannels() * imp.getNFrames()), imp.getNFrames())
示例3: scaleandfilter
# 需要导入模块: from ij import ImagePlus [as 别名]
# 或者: from ij.ImagePlus import setCalibration [as 别名]
def scaleandfilter(infile,outfile,scalex,scaley,scalez,anisofilter,runtube):
print ("infile is: "+infile)
imp = Opener().openImage(infile)
print imp
print "scalex = %f; scaley = %f ; scalez = %f" % (scalex,scaley,scalez)
# Rescale
cal = imp.getCalibration()
iml = ImgLib.wrap(imp)
scaledimg = Scale3D(iml, scalex, scaley, scalez)
# find range of pixel values for scaled image
from mpicbg.imglib.algorithm.math import ComputeMinMax
# (for imglib2 will be: net.imglib2.algorithm.stats)
# Make a copy of the stack (converting to 8 bit as we go)
stack = ImageStack(imp2.width, imp2.height)
print "min = %e, max =%e" % (min,max)
for i in xrange(1, imp2.getNSlices()+1):
# set range
stack.addSlice(str(i), ip.convertToByte(True))
# save copy of calibration info
# close original image
# make an image plus with the copy
scaled = ImagePlus(imp2.title, stack)
# Deal with calibration info which didn't seem to come along for the ride
print "dx = %f; dy=%f; dz=%f" % (cal.pixelWidth,cal.pixelHeight,cal.pixelDepth)
if anisofilter.upper() != 'FALSE':
print("saving input file as "+intif)
# anisotropic filtering
anisopts="-scanrange:10 -tau:2 -nsteps:2 -lambda:0.1 -ipflag:0 -anicoeff1:1 -anicoeff2:0 -anicoeff3:0"
anisopts=anisopts+" -dx:%f -dy:%f -dz:%f" % (cal.pixelWidth,cal.pixelHeight,cal.pixelDepth)
if sys.version_info > (2, 4):
#for testing
# subprocess.check_call(["cp",intif,outtif])
subprocess.check_call([anisofilter]+anisopts.split(' ')+[intif,outtif])
os.system(" ".join([anisofilter]+anisopts.split(' ')+[intif,outtif]))
# Open anisofilter output back into Fiji
print("Opening output tif: "+outtif)
scaled = Opener().openImage(outtif)
# Hessian (tubeness)
print("Running tubeness")
result = tp.generateImage(scaled)
IJ.run(result, "8-bit","")
# Save out file
fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(outfile)
print("Saving as "+fileExtension+": "+outfile)
if fileExtension.lower()=='.nrrd':
# Save to PIC
IJ.run(result,"Biorad ...", "biorad=["+outfile+"]")
示例4: ImagePlus
# 需要导入模块: from ij import ImagePlus [as 别名]
# 或者: from ij.ImagePlus import setCalibration [as 别名]
i += 1
orig = ImagePlus(fi)
strName = os.path.basename(fi)
strName = strName.split('.')[0]
lStr = strName.split('-')
l = len(lStr)
strNum = lStr[l-1]
iNum = int(strNum)
cal = orig.getCalibration()
strUnit = cal.getUnit()
if strUnit == "micron":
mu = IJ.micronSymbol
strUnit = mu + "m"
# IJ.run(orig, "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35")
IJ.run(orig, "16-bit", "")
outPth = sTifPath + strName + ".tif"
IJ.saveAs(orig, "Tiff", outPth)
toc = time.time()
elapsed = toc - tic
print("analyzed %g images" % i)
print("completed in %g sec" % elapsed )
示例5: register_hyperstack_subpixel
# 需要导入模块: from ij import ImagePlus [as 别名]
# 或者: from ij.ImagePlus import setCalibration [as 别名]
def register_hyperstack_subpixel(imp, channel, shifts, target_folder, virtual):
""" Takes the imp, determines the x,y,z drift for each pair of time points, using the preferred given channel,
and outputs as a hyperstack.
The shifted image is computed using TransformJ allowing for sub-pixel shifts using interpolation.
This is quite a bit slower than just shifting the image by full pixels as done in above function register_hyperstack().
However it significantly improves the result by removing pixel jitter.
# Compute bounds of the new volume,
# which accounts for all translations:
minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = compute_min_max(shifts)
# Make shifts relative to new canvas dimensions
# so that the min values become 0,0,0
for shift in shifts:
shift.x -= minx
shift.y -= miny
shift.z -= minz
# new canvas dimensions:
width = int(imp.width + maxx - minx)
height = int(maxy - miny + imp.height)
slices = int(maxz - minz + imp.getNSlices())
print "New dimensions:", width, height, slices
# prepare stack for final results
stack = imp.getStack()
if virtual is True:
names = []
registeredstack = ImageStack(width, height, imp.getProcessor().getColorModel())
# prepare empty slice for padding
empty = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height)
# get raw data as stack
stack = imp.getStack()
# loop across frames
for frame in range(1, imp.getNFrames()+1):
IJ.showProgress(frame / float(imp.getNFrames()+1))
fr = "t" + zero_pad(frame, len(str(imp.getNFrames()))) # for saving files in a virtual stack
# get and report current shift
shift = shifts[frame-1]
print "frame",frame,"correcting drift",-shift.x-minx,-shift.y-miny,-shift.z-minz
IJ.log(" frame "+str(frame)+" correcting drift "+str(round(-shift.x-minx,2))+","+str(round(-shift.y-miny,2))+","+str(round(-shift.z-minz,2)))
# loop across channels
for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
tmpstack = ImageStack(width, height, imp.getProcessor().getColorModel())
# get all slices of this channel and frame
for s in range(1, imp.getNSlices()+1):
ip = stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch, s, frame))
ip2 = ip.createProcessor(width, height) # potentially larger
ip2.insert(ip, 0, 0)
tmpstack.addSlice("", ip2)
# Pad the end (in z) of this channel and frame
for s in range(imp.getNSlices(), slices):
tmpstack.addSlice("", empty)
# subpixel translation
imp_tmpstack = ImagePlus("", tmpstack)
imp_translated = translate_single_stack_using_imglib2(imp_tmpstack, shift.x, shift.y, shift.z)
# add translated stack to final time-series
translated_stack = imp_translated.getStack()
for s in range(1, translated_stack.getSize()+1):
ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s, len(str(slices)))
ip = translated_stack.getProcessor(s).duplicate() # duplicate is important as otherwise it will only be a reference that can change its content
if virtual is True:
name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"
currentslice = ImagePlus("", ip)
currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"));
FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
registeredstack.addSlice("", ip)
if virtual is True:
# Create virtual hyper stack
registeredstack = VirtualStack(width, height, None, target_folder)
for name in names:
registeredstack_imp = ImagePlus("registered time points", registeredstack)
registeredstack_imp.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
registeredstack_imp = HyperStackConverter.toHyperStack(registeredstack_imp, imp.getNChannels(), slices, imp.getNFrames(), "xyzct", "Composite");
return registeredstack_imp
示例6: xrange
# 需要导入模块: from ij import ImagePlus [as 别名]
# 或者: from ij.ImagePlus import setCalibration [as 别名]
import os
from ij import IJ, ImagePlus
orig = IJ.getImage()
cal = orig.getCalibration()
inf = orig.getProperty("Info")
new = orig.duplicate()
ti = orig.getShortTitle()
IJ.run(new, "32-bit", "")
new.setTitle(ti + "-32")
ip = new.getProcessor()
minV = ip.getMin()
maxV = ip.getMax()
delta = maxV-minV
factor = 1.0/delta
pixels = ip.getPixels()
for i in xrange(len(pixels)):
pixels[i] -= minV
pixels[i] *= factor
new = ImagePlus(ti + "-32", ip)
new.setDisplayRange(0.0, 1.0)
new.setProperty("Info", inf)
# print(minV, maxV)
示例7: register_hyperstack_subpixel
# 需要导入模块: from ij import ImagePlus [as 别名]
# 或者: from ij.ImagePlus import setCalibration [as 别名]
def register_hyperstack_subpixel(imp, channel, shifts, target_folder, virtual):
""" Takes the imp, determines the x,y,z drift for each pair of time points, using the preferred given channel,
and outputs as a hyperstack.
The shifted image is computed using TransformJ allowing for sub-pixel shifts using interpolation.
This is quite a bit slower than just shifting the image by full pixels as done in above function register_hyperstack().
However it significantly improves the result by removing pixel jitter.
# Compute bounds of the new volume,
# which accounts for all translations:
minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = compute_min_max(shifts)
# Make shifts relative to new canvas dimensions
# so that the min values become 0,0,0
for shift in shifts:
shift.x -= minx
shift.y -= miny
shift.z -= minz
# new canvas dimensions:
width = int(imp.width + maxx - minx)
height = int(maxy - miny + imp.height)
slices = int(maxz - minz + imp.getNSlices())
print "New dimensions:", width, height, slices
# prepare stack for final results
stack = imp.getStack()
if virtual is True:
names = []
registeredstack = ImageStack(width, height, imp.getProcessor().getColorModel())
# prepare empty slice for padding
empty = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height)
for frame in range(1, imp.getNFrames()+1):
IJ.showProgress(frame / float(imp.getNFrames()+1))
fr = "t" + zero_pad(frame, len(str(imp.getNFrames()))) # for saving files in a virtual stack
# init
shift = shifts[frame-1]
tmpstack = ImageStack(width, height, imp.getProcessor().getColorModel())
print "frame",frame,"correcting drift",-shift.x-minx,-shift.y-miny,-shift.z-minz
IJ.log(" frame "+str(frame)+" correcting drift "+str(round(-shift.x-minx,2))+","+str(round(-shift.y-miny,2))+","+str(round(-shift.z-minz,2)))
# for doing the same with imglib2 i would have to put the channel loop
# to the outside and translate each individual channel as long as i don't figure out
# to two wrap a composite imglib2 image into an imp
# Add all slices of this frame
stack = imp.getStack()
for s in range(1, imp.getNSlices()+1):
for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
ip = stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch, s, frame))
ip2 = ip.createProcessor(width, height) # potentially larger
ip2.insert(ip, 0, 0)
tmpstack.addSlice("", ip2)
# Pad the end (in z) of this frame
for s in range(imp.getNSlices(), slices):
for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
tmpstack.addSlice("", empty)
# Set correct dimensions of this frame
# ..it is important *not* to set the calibration as translation should be in pixels units
imp_tmpstack = ImagePlus("registered time points", tmpstack)
imp_tmpstack.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
imp_tmpstack.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), slices, 1)
# subpixel translation
imp_translated = translate_using_imagescience(imp_tmpstack, shift.x, shift.y, shift.z)
#imp_translated = translate_using_imglib2(imp_tmpstack, shift.x, shift.y, shift.z)
imp_translated.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
imp_translated.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), slices, 1)
# Add translated frame to final time-series
stack = imp_translated.getStack()
for s in range(1, imp_translated.getNSlices()+1):
ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s, len(str(slices)))
for ch in range(1, imp_translated.getNChannels()+1):
ip = stack.getProcessor(imp_translated.getStackIndex(ch, s, 1))
if virtual is True:
name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"
currentslice = ImagePlus("", ip)
currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"));
FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
registeredstack.addSlice("", ip)
if virtual is True:
# Create virtual hyper stack with the result
示例8: destination
# 需要导入模块: from ij import ImagePlus [as 别名]
# 或者: from ij.ImagePlus import setCalibration [as 别名]
#this is te destination (we will display as composite)
newStack = ImageStack(imp1.width, imp1.height)
#fuse the 2 stacks inter intwoven stack
for i in xrange(1, imp1.getNSlices()+1):
# Get the ColorProcessor slice at index i
cp1 = stack1.getProcessor(i)
cp2 = stack2.getProcessor(i)
# Add both to the new stack
newStack.addSlice(None, cp1)
newStack.addSlice(None, cp2)
# Create a new ImagePlus with the new stack newStack
newImp = ImagePlus("my composite", newStack)
# Tell the ImagePlus to represent the slices in its stack
# in hyperstack form, and open it as a CompositeImage:
nChannels = 2 # two color channels
nSlices = stack1.getSize() # the number of slices of the original stack
nFrames = 1 # only one time point
newImp.setDimensions(nChannels, nSlices, nFrames)
#comp = ImagePlus.CompositeImage(newImp, CompositeImage.COMPOSITE)
comp = ImagePlus.CompositeImage(newImp)
imp1 = comp
print "Opening single channel:"
print "\t" + filepath1
示例9: regBf
# 需要导入模块: from ij import ImagePlus [as 别名]
# 或者: from ij.ImagePlus import setCalibration [as 别名]
refImp = ImagePlus("ref", stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(refC, refZ, refT)))
tr = TurboReg_()
for t in xrange(1, nFrames+1):
IJ.showProgress(t-1, nFrames)
# print "t ", t
# do TurboReg on reference channel
toRegId = imp.getStackIndex(refC, refZ, t)
toRegImp = ImagePlus("toReg", stack.getProcessor(toRegId))
regArg = "-align " +\
"-window " + toRegImp.getTitle() + " " +\
"0 0 " + str(width - 1) + " " + str(height - 1) + " " +\
"-window " + refImp.getTitle() + " " +\
"0 0 " + str(width - 1) + " " + str(height - 1) + " " +\
"-rigidBody " +\
str(width / 2) + " " + str(height / 2) + " " +\
str(width / 2) + " " + str(height / 2) + " " +\
"0 " + str(height / 2) + " " +\
"0 " + str(height / 2) + " " +\
str(width - 1) + " " + str(height / 2) + " " +\
str(width - 1) + " " + str(height / 2) + " " +\
tr = TurboReg_()
registeredImp = tr.getTransformedImage()
sourcePoints = tr.getSourcePoints()
targetPoints = tr.getTargetPoints()
registeredStack.setProcessor(registeredImp.getProcessor(), toRegId)
# toRegImp.flush()
# apply transformation on other channels
for c in xrange(1, nChannels+1):
# print "c ", c
if c == refC:
toTransformId = imp.getStackIndex(c, 1, t)
toTransformImp = ImagePlus("toTransform", stack.getProcessor(toTransformId))
transformArg = "-transform " +\
"-window " + toTransformImp.getTitle() + " " +\
str(width) + " " + str(height) + " " +\
"-rigidBody " +\
str(sourcePoints[0][0]) + " " +\
str(sourcePoints[0][1]) + " " +\
str(targetPoints[0][0]) + " " +\
str(targetPoints[0][1]) + " " +\
str(sourcePoints[1][0]) + " " +\
str(sourcePoints[1][1]) + " " +\
str(targetPoints[1][0]) + " " +\
str(targetPoints[1][1]) + " " +\
str(sourcePoints[2][0]) + " " +\
str(sourcePoints[2][1]) + " " +\
str(targetPoints[2][0]) + " " +\
str(targetPoints[2][1]) + " " +\
tr = TurboReg_()
registeredStack.setProcessor(tr.getTransformedImage().getProcessor(), toTransformId)
# toTransformImp.flush()
sourcePoints = None
targetPoints = None
IJ.showProgress(t, nFrames)
IJ.showStatus("Frames registered: " + str(t) + "/" + str(nFrames))
imp2 = ImagePlus("reg_"+imp.getTitle(), registeredStack)
imp2.setDimensions(nChannels, nSlices, nFrames)
# print "type ", imp.getType()
# print "type ", imp2.getType()
# print nChannels, " ", nSlices, " ", nFrames
# print registeredStack.getSize()
for key in imp.getProperties().stringPropertyNames():
imp2.setProperty(key, imp.getProperty(key))
# comp = CompositeImage(imp2, CompositeImage.COLOR)
# comp.show()
# imp2 = imp.clone()
# imp2.setStack(registeredStack)
# imp2.setTitle("reg"+imp.getTitle())
# imp2.show()
# imp.show()
return imp2