本文整理汇总了Python中htmd.molecule.molecule.Molecule.viewname方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Molecule.viewname方法的具体用法?Python Molecule.viewname怎么用?Python Molecule.viewname使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类htmd.molecule.molecule.Molecule
示例1: dock
# 需要导入模块: from htmd.molecule.molecule import Molecule [as 别名]
# 或者: from htmd.molecule.molecule.Molecule import viewname [as 别名]
>>> poses, scoring = dock(protein, ligand)
>>> poses, scoring = dock(protein, ligand, center=[ 10., 5., 12. ], extent=[ 15., 15., 15. ] )
if np.size(protein.coords, 2) != 1 or np.size(ligand.coords, 2) != 1:
raise NameError('Protein and ligand Molecules should be single frames')
buffer = 10. # Angstrom buffer around protein for whole-protein docking
c_min = np.min(protein.coords, 0).reshape((1, 3))[0]
c_max = np.max(protein.coords, 0).reshape((1, 3))[0]
if center is None:
center = (buffer + (c_max + c_min)) / 2
if extent is None:
extent = (c_max - c_min) + buffer
# babel -i pdb protein.pdb -o pdbqt protein.pdbqt -xr
# babel -i pdb ligand.pdb -o pdbqt ligand.pdbqt -xhn
# vina --ligand ligand.pdbqt --receptor protein.pdbqt --center_x 0. --center_y 0. --center_z 0. --size_x 60. --size_y 60. --size_z 60 --exhaustiveness 10
# babel -m -i pdbqt ligand_out.pdbqt -o pdb out_.pdb -xhn
protein_pdb = tempname(suffix=".pdb")
ligand_mol2 = tempname(suffix=".mol2")
output_pdb = tempname(suffix="_.pdb")
output_prefix = path.splitext(output_pdb)[0]
protein_pdbqt = tempname(suffix=".pdbqt")
ligand_pdbqt = tempname(suffix=".pdbqt")
output_pdbqt = tempname(suffix=".pdbqt")
lig2 = ligand.copy()
lig2.atomtype = lig2.element # babel does not understand mol2 atomtypes and requires elements instead
# Dirty hack to remove the 'END' line from the PDBs since babel hates it
with open(protein_pdb, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
with open(protein_pdb, 'w') as f:
# End of dirty hack
if vinaexe is None:
import platform
suffix = ''
if platform.system() == "Windows":
suffix = '.exe'
vinaexe = '{}-vina{}'.format(platform.system(), suffix)
vinaexe = shutil.which(vinaexe, mode=os.X_OK)
if not vinaexe:
raise NameError('Could not find vina, or no execute permissions are given')
raise NameError('Could not find vina, or no execute permissions are given')
babelexe = shutil.which(babelexe, mode=os.X_OK)
if babelexe is None:
raise NameError('Could not find babel, or no execute permissions are given')
raise NameError('Could not find babel, or no execute permissions are given')
call([babelexe, '-i', 'pdb', protein_pdb, '-o', 'pdbqt', '-O', protein_pdbqt, '-xr'])
if np.all(ligand.charge != 0):
logger.info('Charges detected in ligand and will be used for docking.')
call([babelexe, '-i', 'mol2', ligand_mol2, '-o', 'pdbqt', '-O', ligand_pdbqt, '-xn', '-xh'])
logger.info('Charges were not defined for all atoms. Will guess charges anew using gasteiger method.')
call([babelexe, '-i', 'mol2', ligand_mol2, '-o', 'pdbqt', '-O', ligand_pdbqt, '-xn', '-xh', '--partialcharge', 'gasteiger'])
if not path.isfile(ligand_pdbqt):
raise NameError('Ligand could not be converted to PDBQT')
if not path.isfile(protein_pdbqt):
raise NameError('Protein could not be converted to PDBQT')
call([vinaexe, '--receptor', protein_pdbqt, '--ligand', ligand_pdbqt, '--out', output_pdbqt,
'--center_x', str(center[0]), '--center_y', str(center[1]), '--center_z', str(center[2]),
'--size_x', str(extent[0]), '--size_y', str(extent[1]), '--size_z', str(extent[2]), '--num_modes', str(numposes)])
call([babelexe, '-m', '-i', 'pdbqt', output_pdbqt, '-o', 'pdb', '-O', output_pdb, '-xhn'])
from natsort import natsorted
outfiles = natsorted(glob('{}*.pdb'.format(output_prefix)))
scoring = []
poses = []
for i, ligf in enumerate(outfiles):
l = Molecule(ligf)
l.viewname = 'Pose {}'.format(i)
return poses, np.array(scoring)