本文整理汇总了Python中blessed.Terminal.raw方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Terminal.raw方法的具体用法?Python Terminal.raw怎么用?Python Terminal.raw使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类blessed.Terminal
示例1: main
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import raw [as 别名]
def main():
Displays all known key capabilities that may match the terminal.
As each key is pressed on input, it is lit up and points are scored.
from x84.bbs import getterminal, echo
term = getterminal()
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
from blessed import Terminal
import sys
term = Terminal()
def echo(text):
echo(u"".join((term.normal, term.height * u"\r\n", term.home, term.clear_eos)))
with term.raw():
inp = u""
echo(u"Press Q to exit.\r\n")
while inp.upper() != "Q":
inp = term.inkey(timeout=10.0)
disp_inp = inp.__str__() if inp.is_sequence else inp
echo(u"{0!r}: code={1!r} name={2!r}\r\n".format(disp_inp, inp.code, inp.name))
示例2: main
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import raw [as 别名]
def main(logfilepath):
term = Terminal()
mngr = Manager(term, num_divisions=1, logfilepath=logfilepath)
cursor, scrn = mngr.get_focus_cursor_and_screen()
with term.hidden_cursor(), \
term.raw(), \
term.location(), \
term.fullscreen(), \
inp = None
while True:
inp = term.inkey(timeout=0.2)
if inp != u'':
signal = mngr.handle_input(inp)
if signal == -1:
# got exit signal
if mngr.logger != None:
示例3: main
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import raw [as 别名]
def main():
"""Program entry point."""
term = Terminal()
score = level = hit_highbit = hit_unicode = 0
dirty = True
gameboard = build_gameboard(term)
inps = []
with term.raw(), term.keypad(), term.location():
inp = term.inkey(timeout=0)
while inp != chr(3):
if dirty:
refresh(term, gameboard, level, score, inps)
dirty = False
inp = term.inkey(timeout=5.0)
dirty = True
if (inp.is_sequence and
inp.name in gameboard and
0 == gameboard[inp.name]['hit']):
gameboard[inp.name]['hit'] = 1
score, level = add_score(score, 100, level)
elif inp and not inp.is_sequence and 128 <= ord(inp) <= 255:
hit_highbit += 1
if hit_highbit < 5:
score, level = add_score(score, 100, level)
elif inp and not inp.is_sequence and ord(inp) > 256:
hit_unicode += 1
if hit_unicode < 5:
score, level = add_score(score, 100, level)
with term.cbreak():
u'{term.clear_eol}Your final score was {score} '
u'at level {level}{term.clear_eol}\n'
u'{term.clear_eol}You hit {hit_highbit} '
u' 8-bit characters\n{term.clear_eol}\n'
u'{term.clear_eol}You hit {hit_unicode} '
u' unicode characters.\n{term.clear_eol}\n'
u'{term.clear_eol}press any key\n'.format(
score=score, level=level,
示例4: main
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import raw [as 别名]
def main():
term = Terminal()
csr = Cursor(0, 0, term)
screen = {}
with term.hidden_cursor(), \
term.raw(), \
term.location(), \
term.fullscreen(), \
inp = None
while True:
echo_yx(csr, term.reverse(screen.get((csr.y, csr.x), u' ')))
inp = term.inkey()
if inp == chr(3):
# ^c exits
elif inp == chr(19):
# ^s saves
term.ljust(term.bold_white('Filename: ')))
echo_yx(right_of(home(bottom(csr)), len('Filename: ')), u'')
save(screen, readline(term))
echo_yx(home(bottom(csr)), term.clear_eol)
redraw(term=term, screen=screen,
elif inp == chr(12):
# ^l refreshes
redraw(term=term, screen=screen)
n_csr = lookup_move(inp.code, csr, term)
if n_csr != csr:
# erase old cursor,
echo_yx(csr, screen.get((csr.y, csr.x), u' '))
csr = n_csr
elif not inp.is_sequence and inp.isprintable():
echo_yx(csr, inp)
screen[(csr.y, csr.x)] = inp.__str__()
n_csr = right_of(csr, 1)
if n_csr == csr:
# wrap around margin
n_csr = home(below(csr, 1))
csr = n_csr
示例5: main
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import raw [as 别名]
def main():
Displays all known key capabilities that may match the terminal.
As each key is pressed on input, it is lit up and points are scored.
term = Terminal()
score = level = hit_highbit = hit_unicode = 0
dirty = True
def refresh(term, board, level, score, inp):
sys.stdout.write(term.home + term.clear)
level_color = level % 7
if level_color == 0:
level_color = 4
bottom = 0
for keycode, attr in board.items():
term.move(attr['row'], attr['column']),
(term.reverse if attr['hit'] else term.bold),
bottom = max(bottom, attr['row'])
sys.stdout.write(term.move(term.height, 0)
+ 'level: %s score: %s' % (level, score,))
if bottom >= (term.height - 5):
'\n' * (term.height / 2) +
term.center(term.red_underline('cheater!')) + '\n')
term.center("(use a larger screen)") +
'\n' * (term.height / 2))
for row, inp in enumerate(inps[(term.height - (bottom + 2)) * -1:]):
sys.stdout.write(term.move(bottom + row+1))
sys.stdout.write('%r, %s, %s' % (inp.__str__() if inp.is_sequence
else inp, inp.code, inp.name, ))
def build_gameboard(term):
column, row = 0, 0
board = dict()
spacing = 2
for keycode in sorted(term._keycodes.values()):
if (keycode.startswith('KEY_F')
and keycode[-1].isdigit()
and int(keycode[len('KEY_F'):]) > 24):
if column + len(keycode) + (spacing * 2) >= term.width:
column = 0
row += 1
board[keycode] = {'column': column,
'row': row,
'hit': 0,
column += len(keycode) + (spacing * 2)
return board
def add_score(score, pts, level):
lvl_multiplier = 10
score += pts
if 0 == (score % (pts * lvl_multiplier)):
level += 1
return score, level
gb = build_gameboard(term)
inps = []
with term.raw():
inp = term.inkey(timeout=0)
while inp.upper() != 'Q':
if dirty:
refresh(term, gb, level, score, inps)
dirty = False
inp = term.inkey(timeout=5.0)
dirty = True
if (inp.is_sequence and
inp.name in gb and
0 == gb[inp.name]['hit']):
gb[inp.name]['hit'] = 1
score, level = add_score(score, 100, level)
elif inp and not inp.is_sequence and 128 <= ord(inp) <= 255:
hit_highbit += 1
if hit_highbit < 5:
score, level = add_score(score, 100, level)
elif inp and not inp.is_sequence and ord(inp) > 256:
hit_unicode += 1
if hit_unicode < 5:
score, level = add_score(score, 100, level)
with term.cbreak():
u'Your final score was %s' % (score,),
u' at level %s' % (level,),
示例6: Terminal
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import raw [as 别名]
signal handler. Meanwhile, blocking keyboard input is displayed to stdout.
If a resize event is discovered, an empty string is returned by term.inkey()
when _intr_continue is False, as it is here.
import signal
from blessed import Terminal
term = Terminal()
def on_resize(sig, action):
# Its generally not a good idea to put blocking functions (such as print)
# within a signal handler -- if another SIGWINCH is recieved while this
# function blocks, an error will occur. In most programs, you'll want to
# set some kind of 'dirty' flag, perhaps by a Semaphore or global variable.
print('height={t.height}, width={t.width}\r'.format(t=term))
signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, on_resize)
# note that, a terminal driver actually writes '\r\n' when '\n' is found, but
# in raw mode, we are allowed to write directly to the terminal without the
# interference of such driver -- so we must write \r\n ourselves; as python
# will append '\n' to our print statements, we simply end our statements with
# \r.
with term.raw():
print("press 'X' to stop.\r")
inp = None
while inp != 'X':
inp = term.inkey(_intr_continue=False)
print(repr(inp) + u'\r')
示例7: right_of
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import raw [as 别名]
b.term.KEY_RIGHT: right_of(b, 1),
b.term.KEY_DOWN: below(b, 1),
b.term.KEY_UP: above(b, 1),
# shift + arrows
b.term.KEY_SLEFT: left_of(b, 10),
b.term.KEY_SRIGHT: right_of(b, 10),
b.term.KEY_SDOWN: below(b, 10),
b.term.KEY_SUP: above(b, 10),
# carriage return
b.term.KEY_ENTER: home(below(b, 1)),
b.term.KEY_HOME: home(b),
}.get(inp_code, b)
term = Terminal()
csr = Cursor(1, 1, term)
with term.hidden_cursor(), term.raw(), term.location(), term.fullscreen():
inp = None
while True:
echo_xy(csr, term.reverse(u' '))
inp = term.inkey()
if inp.code == term.KEY_ESCAPE or inp == chr(3):
echo_xy(csr, u' ')
n_csr = lookup_move(inp.code, csr)
if n_csr != csr:
echo_xy(n_csr, u' ')
csr = n_csr
elif not inp.is_sequence:
echo_xy(csr, inp)
csr = right_of(csr, 1)
示例8: main
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import raw [as 别名]
def main():
"""Program entry point."""
above = lambda csr, n: (
Cursor(y=max(0, csr.y - n),
below = lambda csr, n: (
Cursor(y=min(csr.term.height - 1, csr.y + n),
right_of = lambda csr, n: (
x=min(csr.term.width - 1, csr.x + n),
left_of = lambda csr, n: (
x=max(0, csr.x - n),
home = lambda csr: (
end = lambda csr: (
x=csr.term.width - 1,
bottom = lambda csr: (
Cursor(y=csr.term.height - 1,
center = lambda csr: Cursor(
csr.term.height // 2,
csr.term.width // 2,
lookup_move = lambda inp_code, csr, term: {
# arrows, including angled directionals
csr.term.KEY_END: below(left_of(csr, 1), 1),
csr.term.KEY_KP_1: below(left_of(csr, 1), 1),
csr.term.KEY_DOWN: below(csr, 1),
csr.term.KEY_KP_2: below(csr, 1),
csr.term.KEY_PGDOWN: below(right_of(csr, 1), 1),
csr.term.KEY_LR: below(right_of(csr, 1), 1),
csr.term.KEY_KP_3: below(right_of(csr, 1), 1),
csr.term.KEY_LEFT: left_of(csr, 1),
csr.term.KEY_KP_4: left_of(csr, 1),
csr.term.KEY_CENTER: center(csr),
csr.term.KEY_KP_5: center(csr),
csr.term.KEY_RIGHT: right_of(csr, 1),
csr.term.KEY_KP_6: right_of(csr, 1),
csr.term.KEY_HOME: above(left_of(csr, 1), 1),
csr.term.KEY_KP_7: above(left_of(csr, 1), 1),
csr.term.KEY_UP: above(csr, 1),
csr.term.KEY_KP_8: above(csr, 1),
csr.term.KEY_PGUP: above(right_of(csr, 1), 1),
csr.term.KEY_KP_9: above(right_of(csr, 1), 1),
# shift + arrows
csr.term.KEY_SLEFT: left_of(csr, 10),
csr.term.KEY_SRIGHT: right_of(csr, 10),
csr.term.KEY_SDOWN: below(csr, 10),
csr.term.KEY_SUP: above(csr, 10),
# carriage return
csr.term.KEY_ENTER: home(below(csr, 1)),
}.get(inp_code, csr)
term = Terminal()
csr = Cursor(0, 0, term)
screen = {}
with term.hidden_cursor(), \
term.raw(), \
term.location(), \
term.fullscreen(), \
inp = None
while True:
echo_yx(csr, term.reverse(screen.get((csr.y, csr.x), u' ')))
inp = term.inkey()
if inp == chr(3):
# ^c exits
elif inp == chr(19):
示例9: main
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import raw [as 别名]
def main(argv=None):
""" Execute the application CLI.
Arguments are taken from sys.argv by default.
args = _cmdline(argv)
logger.debug("starting execution")
# get repo and initialize GitHeat instance
g = Git(os.getcwd())
except (InvalidGitRepositoryError, GitCommandError, GitCommandNotFound):
print("Are you sure you're in an initialized git directory?")
return 0
githeat = Githeat(g, **vars(args))
matrix = githeat.compute_graph_matrix()
term = Terminal()
matrix_width = githeat.get_matrix_width(matrix)
if matrix_width > term.width:
print("Your terminal width is smaller than the heatmap. Please consider using "
"the --width {thin, reg, thick} argument, resizing your terminal, or "
"merging months by including --month-merge.")
return 0
new_width = (term.width - matrix_width) // 2
csr = Cursor(term.height // 2 - 3, new_width, term)
screen = {}
screen_dates = {}
with term.hidden_cursor(), \
term.raw(), \
term.location(), \
term.fullscreen(), \
# Print header
print_header_left(term, unicode(os.getcwd()), screen)
text = u'GitHeat {}'.format(__version__)
print_header_center(term, text, screen)
text = u'ESC, ^c to exit'
print_header_right(term, text, screen)
# Print footer
text = u'Please move cursor to navigate through map'
print_footer_left(term, term.bold(text), screen)
graph_right_most_x = term.width # initialized at terminal width
graph_left_most_x = csr.x
graph_top_most_y = csr.y
graph_x, graph_y = csr.x, csr.y
# get graph boundaries
for i in range(7):
# for the week column in the matrix
for week in matrix:
if githeat.month_merge:
# check if value in that week is just empty spaces and not colorize
if week.col[i][1] == githeat.width:
graph_x += len(githeat.width)
graph_right_most_x = graph_x
graph_x = graph_left_most_x # reset x
graph_y += 1
graph_bottom_most_y = graph_y - 1
# print graph
graph_x, graph_y = csr.x, csr.y
print_graph(term, screen, screen_dates, graph_x, graph_y,
graph_left_most_x, matrix, githeat)
# print legend
block_separation_width = 4
legend_x = (term.width - len(githeat.colors) * block_separation_width) // 2
legend_y = graph_bottom_most_y + 5
if not githeat.hide_legend:
print_graph_legend(legend_x, legend_y,
while True:
cursor_color = colorize(githeat.width, ansi=15, ansi_bg=15)
echo_yx(csr, cursor_color)
inp = term.inkey()
if inp in QUIT_KEYS:
# Esc or ^c pressed
elif inp == chr(99):
# c pressed, thus change color
示例10: main
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import raw [as 别名]
def main():
term = Terminal()
worm = [Location(x=term.width // 2, y=term.height // 2)]
worm_length = 2
bearing = Direction(*LEFT)
direction = left_of
nibble = Nibble(location=worm[0], value=0)
color_nibble = term.black_on_green
color_worm = term.yellow_reverse
color_head = term.red_reverse
color_bg = term.on_blue
echo(term.move(1, 1))
# speed is actually a measure of time; the shorter, the faster.
speed = 0.1
modifier = 0.93
inp = None
with term.hidden_cursor(), term.raw():
while inp not in (u"q", u"Q"):
# delete the tail of the worm at worm_length
if len(worm) > worm_length:
echo(color_bg(u" "))
# compute head location
head = worm.pop()
# check for hit against self; hitting a wall results in the (y, x)
# location being clipped, -- and death by hitting self (not wall).
if hit_any(head, worm):
# get the next nibble, which may be equal to ours unless this
# nibble has been struck by any portion of our worm body.
n_nibble = next_nibble(term, nibble, head, worm)
# get the next worm_length and speed, unless unchanged.
worm_length = next_wormlength(nibble, head, worm_length)
speed = next_speed(nibble, head, speed, modifier)
if n_nibble != nibble:
# erase the old one, careful to redraw the nibble contents
# with a worm color for those portions that overlay.
for (y, x) in nibble_locations(*nibble):
echo(term.move(y, x) + (color_worm if (y, x) == head else color_bg)(u" "))
# and draw the new,
echo(term.move(*n_nibble.location) + (color_nibble("{}".format(n_nibble.value))))
# display new worm head
echo(term.move(*head) + color_head(head_glyph(direction)))
# and its old head (now, a body piece)
if worm:
echo(color_worm(u" "))
# wait for keyboard input, which may indicate
# a new direction (up/down/left/right)
inp = term.inkey(speed)
# discover new direction, given keyboard input and/or bearing.
nxt_direction = next_bearing(term, inp.code, bearing)
# discover new bearing, given new direction compared to prev
nxt_bearing = change_bearing(nxt_direction, head, term)
# disallow new bearing/direction when flipped (running into
# oneself, fe. travelling left while traveling right)
if not bearing_flipped(bearing, nxt_bearing):
direction = nxt_direction
bearing = nxt_bearing
# append the prior `head' onto the worm, then
# a new `head' for the given direction.
worm.extend([head, direction(head, term)])
# re-assign new nibble,
nibble = n_nibble
score = (worm_length - 1) * 100
echo(u"".join((term.move(term.height - 1, 1), term.normal)))
echo(u"".join((u"\r\n", u"score: {}".format(score), u"\r\n")))