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Python Terminal.get_location方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中blessed.Terminal.get_location方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Terminal.get_location方法的具体用法?Python Terminal.get_location怎么用?Python Terminal.get_location使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在blessed.Terminal的用法示例。


示例1: main

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import get_location [as 别名]
def main():
    """Program entry point."""
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    #         Invalid variable name "Position"
    Position = collections.namedtuple('Position', ('row', 'column'))

    # particularly strange, we use sys.stderr as our output stream device,
    # this 'stream' file descriptor is only used for side effects, of which
    # this application uses two: the term.location() has an implied write,
    # as does get_position().
    # the reason we chose stderr is to ensure that the terminal emulator
    # receives our bytes even when this program is wrapped by shell eval
    # `resize.py`; backticks gather stdout but not stderr in this case.
    term = Terminal(stream=sys.stderr)

    # Move the cursor to the farthest lower-right hand corner that is
    # reasonable.  Due to word size limitations in older protocols, 999,999
    # is our most reasonable and portable edge boundary.  Telnet NAWS is just
    # two unsigned shorts: ('!HH' in python struct module format).
    with term.location(999, 999):

        # We're not likely at (999, 999), but a well behaved terminal emulator
        # will do its best to accommodate our request, positioning the cursor
        # to the farthest lower-right corner.  By requesting the current
        # position, we may negotiate about the window size directly with the
        # terminal emulator connected at the distant end.
        pos = Position(*term.get_location(timeout=5.0))

        if -1 not in pos:
            # true size was determined
            lines, columns = pos.row, pos.column

            # size could not be determined. Oh well, the built-in blessed
            # properties will use termios if available, falling back to
            # existing environment values if it has to.
            lines, columns = term.height, term.width

    print("COLUMNS={columns};\nLINES={lines};\nexport COLUMNS LINES;"
          .format(columns=columns, lines=lines))

示例2: RokuCLI

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import get_location [as 别名]
class RokuCLI():
    """ Command-line interpreter for processing user input and relaying
    commands to Roku """
    def __init__(self):
        self.term = Terminal()
        self.roku = None

    def parseargs(self):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
                description='Interactive command-line control of Roku devices')
                help=('IP address of Roku to connect to. By default, will ' +
                      'automatically detect Roku within LAN.'))
        return parser.parse_args()

    def text_entry(self):
        """ Relay literal text entry from user to Roku until
        <Enter> or <Esc> pressed. """

        allowed_sequences = set(['KEY_ENTER', 'KEY_ESCAPE', 'KEY_DELETE'])

        sys.stdout.write('Enter text (<Esc> to abort) : ')

        # Track start column to ensure user doesn't backspace too far
        start_column = self.term.get_location()[1]
        cur_column = start_column

        with self.term.cbreak():
            val = ''
            while val != 'KEY_ENTER' and val != 'KEY_ESCAPE':
                val = self.term.inkey()
                if not val:
                elif val.is_sequence:
                    val = val.name
                    if val not in allowed_sequences:

                if val == 'KEY_ENTER':
                elif val == 'KEY_ESCAPE':
                elif val == 'KEY_DELETE':
                    if cur_column > start_column:
                        sys.stdout.write(u'\b \b')
                        cur_column -= 1
                    cur_column += 1

            # Clear to beginning of line
            sys.stdout.write(self.term.move(self.term.height, 0))

    def run(self):
        ipaddr = self.parseargs().ipaddr

        # If IP not specified, use Roku discovery and let user choose
        if ipaddr:
            self.roku = Roku(ipaddr)
            self.roku = discover_roku()

        if not self.roku:


        cmd_func_map = {
            'B':          self.roku.back,
            'KEY_DELETE': self.roku.back,
            'H':          self.roku.home,
            'h':          self.roku.left,
            'KEY_LEFT':   self.roku.left,
            'j':          self.roku.down,
            'KEY_DOWN':   self.roku.down,
            'k':          self.roku.up,
            'KEY_UP':     self.roku.up,
            'l':          self.roku.right,
            'KEY_RIGHT':  self.roku.right,
            'KEY_ENTER':  self.roku.select,
            'R':          self.roku.replay,
            'i':          self.roku.info,
            'r':          self.roku.reverse,
            'f':          self.roku.forward,
            ' ':          self.roku.play,
            '/':          self.text_entry}

        # Main interactive loop
        with self.term.cbreak():
            val = ''
            while val.lower() != 'q':
                val = self.term.inkey()
