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Python Terminal.hidden_cursor方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中blessed.Terminal.hidden_cursor方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Terminal.hidden_cursor方法的具体用法?Python Terminal.hidden_cursor怎么用?Python Terminal.hidden_cursor使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在blessed.Terminal的用法示例。


示例1: main

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
def main(logfilepath):
    term = Terminal()
    mngr = Manager(term, num_divisions=1, logfilepath=logfilepath)
    cursor, scrn = mngr.get_focus_cursor_and_screen()
    with term.hidden_cursor(), \
            term.raw(), \
            term.location(), \
            term.fullscreen(), \
        inp = None
        while True:
            inp = term.inkey(timeout=0.2)
            if inp != u'':
                signal = mngr.handle_input(inp)
                if signal == -1:
                    # got exit signal
            if mngr.logger != None:

示例2: start

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
def start():
        t = Terminal()
        with t.hidden_cursor():
            view = Views(kodi,t)
    except (OSError,ConnectionError):
        print("Can't connect to Kodi host. Is it running? Are host '{}' and port '{}' correct?".format(kodi.host,kodi.port))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

示例3: ascii_credits

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
def ascii_credits():
    Asciimatics credits!
    term = Terminal()
    with term.fullscreen():
        with term.hidden_cursor():
            with term.cbreak():
                while True:
                    except ResizeScreenError:

示例4: main

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
def main():
    term = Terminal()
    csr = Cursor(0, 0, term)
    screen = {}
    with term.hidden_cursor(), \
            term.raw(), \
            term.location(), \
            term.fullscreen(), \
        inp = None
        while True:
            echo_yx(csr, term.reverse(screen.get((csr.y, csr.x), u' ')))
            inp = term.inkey()

            if inp == chr(3):
                # ^c exits

            elif inp == chr(19):
                # ^s saves
                        term.ljust(term.bold_white('Filename: ')))
                echo_yx(right_of(home(bottom(csr)), len('Filename: ')), u'')
                save(screen, readline(term))
                echo_yx(home(bottom(csr)), term.clear_eol)
                redraw(term=term, screen=screen,

            elif inp == chr(12):
                # ^l refreshes
                redraw(term=term, screen=screen)

            n_csr = lookup_move(inp.code, csr, term)
            if n_csr != csr:
                # erase old cursor,
                echo_yx(csr, screen.get((csr.y, csr.x), u' '))
                csr = n_csr

            elif not inp.is_sequence and inp.isprintable():
                echo_yx(csr, inp)
                screen[(csr.y, csr.x)] = inp.__str__()
                n_csr = right_of(csr, 1)
                if n_csr == csr:
                    # wrap around margin
                    n_csr = home(below(csr, 1))
                csr = n_csr

示例5: main

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
def main(opts):
    """Program entry point."""
    term = Terminal()
    style = Style()

    # if the terminal supports colors, use a Style instance with some
    # standout colors (magenta, cyan).
    if term.number_of_colors:
        style = Style(attr_major=term.magenta, attr_minor=term.bright_cyan, alignment=opts["--alignment"])
    style.name_len = term.width - 15

    screen = Screen(term, style, wide=opts["--wide"])
    pager = Pager(term, screen, opts["character_factory"])

    with term.location(), term.cbreak(), term.fullscreen(), term.hidden_cursor():
        pager.run(writer=echo, reader=term.inkey)
    return 0

示例6: monitor

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
def monitor(run_once=False):
    term = Terminal()
    r = redis_client
    with term.fullscreen(), term.hidden_cursor(), term.cbreak():
        val = None
        start_width = int(term.width / 8)
        while val not in (u'q', u'Q',):
            col_width = int(term.width / 8)
            # In case of resize
            if col_width != start_width:
                start_width = col_width
            print(term.move(0, 0) + term.black_on_green(term.center('Host', width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 1 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('Id', width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 2 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('Status', width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 3 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('Pool', width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 4 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('TQ', width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 5 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('RQ', width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 6 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('RC', width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 7 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('Up', width=col_width - 1)))
            i = 2
            stats = Stat.get_all(r=r)
            for stat in stats:
                # color status
                if stat.status == Conf.WORKING:
                    status = term.green(Conf.WORKING)
                elif stat.status == Conf.STOPPED:
                    status = term.red(Conf.STOPPED)
                elif stat.status == Conf.IDLE:
                    status = Conf.IDLE
                    status = term.yellow(stat.status)
                # color q's
                tasks = stat.task_q_size
                if tasks > 0:
                    tasks = term.cyan(str(tasks))
                results = stat.done_q_size
                if results > 0:
                    results = term.cyan(str(results))
                # color workers
                workers = len(stat.workers)
                if workers < Conf.WORKERS:
                    workers = term.yellow(str(workers))
                # format uptime
                uptime = (timezone.now() - stat.tob).total_seconds()
                hours, remainder = divmod(uptime, 3600)
                minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
                uptime = '%d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, minutes, seconds)
                # print to the terminal
                print(term.move(i, 0) + term.center(stat.host[:col_width - 1], width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 1 * col_width) + term.center(stat.cluster_id, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 2 * col_width) + term.center(status, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 3 * col_width) + term.center(workers, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 4 * col_width) + term.center(tasks, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 5 * col_width) + term.center(results, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 6 * col_width) + term.center(stat.reincarnations, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 7 * col_width) + term.center(uptime, width=col_width - 1))
                i += 1
            # for testing
            if run_once:
                return Stat.get_all(r=r)
            print(term.move(i + 2, 0) + term.center('[Press q to quit]'))
            val = term.inkey(timeout=1)

示例7: main

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
def main():
    """Program entry point."""
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    #         Too many local variables (20/15)
    term = Terminal()
    worm = [Location(x=term.width // 2, y=term.height // 2)]
    worm_length = 2
    bearing = Direction(*LEFT)
    direction = left_of
    nibble = Nibble(location=worm[0], value=0)
    color_nibble = term.black_on_green
    color_worm = term.yellow_reverse
    color_head = term.red_reverse
    color_bg = term.on_blue
    echo(term.move(1, 1))

    # speed is actually a measure of time; the shorter, the faster.
    speed = 0.1
    modifier = 0.93
    inp = None

    echo(term.move(term.height, 0))
    with term.hidden_cursor(), term.cbreak(), term.location():
        while inp not in (u'q', u'Q'):

            # delete the tail of the worm at worm_length
            if len(worm) > worm_length:
                echo(color_bg(u' '))

            # compute head location
            head = worm.pop()

            # check for hit against self; hitting a wall results in the (y, x)
            # location being clipped, -- and death by hitting self (not wall).
            if hit_any(head, worm):

            # get the next nibble, which may be equal to ours unless this
            # nibble has been struck by any portion of our worm body.
            n_nibble = next_nibble(term, nibble, head, worm)

            # get the next worm_length and speed, unless unchanged.
            worm_length = next_wormlength(nibble, head, worm_length)
            speed = next_speed(nibble, head, speed, modifier)

            if n_nibble != nibble:
                # erase the old one, careful to redraw the nibble contents
                # with a worm color for those portions that overlay.
                for (yloc, xloc) in nibble_locations(*nibble):
                        term.move(yloc, xloc),
                        (color_worm if (yloc, xloc) == head
                         else color_bg)(u' '),
                # and draw the new,
                echo(term.move(*n_nibble.location) + (

            # display new worm head
            echo(term.move(*head) + color_head(head_glyph(direction)))

            # and its old head (now, a body piece)
            if worm:
                echo(color_worm(u' '))

            # wait for keyboard input, which may indicate
            # a new direction (up/down/left/right)
            inp = term.inkey(timeout=speed)

            # discover new direction, given keyboard input and/or bearing.
            nxt_direction = next_bearing(term, inp.code, bearing)

            # discover new bearing, given new direction compared to prev
            nxt_bearing = change_bearing(nxt_direction, head, term)

            # disallow new bearing/direction when flipped: running into
            # oneself, for example traveling left while traveling right.
            if not bearing_flipped(bearing, nxt_bearing):
                direction = nxt_direction
                bearing = nxt_bearing

            # append the prior `head' onto the worm, then
            # a new `head' for the given direction.
            worm.extend([head, direction(head, term)])

            # re-assign new nibble,
            nibble = n_nibble

    score = (worm_length - 1) * 100
    echo(u''.join((term.move(term.height - 1, 1), term.normal)))
    echo(u''.join((u'\r\n', u'score: {}'.format(score), u'\r\n')))

示例8: monitor

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
def monitor(run_once=False, broker=None):
    if not broker:
        broker = get_broker()
    term = Terminal()
    with term.fullscreen(), term.hidden_cursor(), term.cbreak():
        val = None
        start_width = int(term.width / 8)
        while val not in (u'q', u'Q',):
            col_width = int(term.width / 8)
            # In case of resize
            if col_width != start_width:
                start_width = col_width
            print(term.move(0, 0) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('Host'), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 1 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('Id'), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 2 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('State'), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 3 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('Pool'), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 4 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('TQ'), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 5 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('RQ'), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 6 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('RC'), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 7 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('Up'), width=col_width - 1)))
            i = 2
            stats = Stat.get_all(broker=broker)
            for stat in stats:
                status = stat.status
                # color status
                if stat.status == Conf.WORKING:
                    status = term.green(str(Conf.WORKING))
                elif stat.status == Conf.STOPPING:
                    status = term.yellow(str(Conf.STOPPING))
                elif stat.status == Conf.STOPPED:
                    status = term.red(str(Conf.STOPPED))
                elif stat.status == Conf.IDLE:
                    status = str(Conf.IDLE)
                # color q's
                tasks = str(stat.task_q_size)
                if stat.task_q_size > 0:
                    tasks = term.cyan(str(stat.task_q_size))
                    if Conf.QUEUE_LIMIT and stat.task_q_size == Conf.QUEUE_LIMIT:
                        tasks = term.green(str(stat.task_q_size))
                results = stat.done_q_size
                if results > 0:
                    results = term.cyan(str(results))
                # color workers
                workers = len(stat.workers)
                if workers < Conf.WORKERS:
                    workers = term.yellow(str(workers))
                # format uptime
                uptime = (timezone.now() - stat.tob).total_seconds()
                hours, remainder = divmod(uptime, 3600)
                minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
                uptime = '%d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, minutes, seconds)
                # print to the terminal
                print(term.move(i, 0) + term.center(stat.host[:col_width - 1], width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 1 * col_width) + term.center(stat.cluster_id, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 2 * col_width) + term.center(status, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 3 * col_width) + term.center(workers, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 4 * col_width) + term.center(tasks, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 5 * col_width) + term.center(results, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 6 * col_width) + term.center(stat.reincarnations, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 7 * col_width) + term.center(uptime, width=col_width - 1))
                i += 1
            # bottom bar
            i += 1
            queue_size = broker.queue_size()
            lock_size = broker.lock_size()
            if lock_size:
                queue_size = '{}({})'.format(queue_size, lock_size)
            print(term.move(i, 0) + term.white_on_cyan(term.center(broker.info(), width=col_width * 2)))
            print(term.move(i, 2 * col_width) + term.black_on_cyan(term.center(_('Queued'), width=col_width)))
            print(term.move(i, 3 * col_width) + term.white_on_cyan(term.center(queue_size, width=col_width)))
            print(term.move(i, 4 * col_width) + term.black_on_cyan(term.center(_('Success'), width=col_width)))
            print(term.move(i, 5 * col_width) + term.white_on_cyan(
                term.center(models.Success.objects.count(), width=col_width)))
            print(term.move(i, 6 * col_width) + term.black_on_cyan(term.center(_('Failures'), width=col_width)))
            print(term.move(i, 7 * col_width) + term.white_on_cyan(
                term.center(models.Failure.objects.count(), width=col_width)))
            # for testing
            if run_once:
                return Stat.get_all(broker=broker)
            print(term.move(i + 2, 0) + term.center(_('[Press q to quit]')))
            val = term.inkey(timeout=1)

示例9: monitor

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
def monitor(run_once=False):
    term = Terminal()
    r = redis_client
    except Exception as e:
        print(term.red("Can not connect to Redis server."))
        raise e
    with term.fullscreen(), term.hidden_cursor(), term.cbreak():
        val = None
        start_width = int(term.width / 8)
        while val not in (u"q", u"Q"):
            col_width = int(term.width / 8)
            # In case of resize
            if col_width != start_width:
                start_width = col_width
            print(term.move(0, 0) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("Host"), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 1 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("Id"), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 2 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("State"), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 3 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("Pool"), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 4 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("TQ"), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 5 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("RQ"), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 6 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("RC"), width=col_width - 1)))
            print(term.move(0, 7 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("Up"), width=col_width - 1)))
            i = 2
            stats = Stat.get_all(r=r)
            for stat in stats:
                status = stat.status
                # color status
                if stat.status == Conf.WORKING:
                    status = term.green(str(Conf.WORKING))
                elif stat.status == Conf.STOPPING:
                    status = term.yellow(str(Conf.STOPPING))
                elif stat.status == Conf.STOPPED:
                    status = term.red(str(Conf.STOPPED))
                elif stat.status == Conf.IDLE:
                    status = str(Conf.IDLE)
                # color q's
                tasks = stat.task_q_size
                if tasks > 0:
                    tasks = term.cyan(str(tasks))
                results = stat.done_q_size
                if results > 0:
                    results = term.cyan(str(results))
                # color workers
                workers = len(stat.workers)
                if workers < Conf.WORKERS:
                    workers = term.yellow(str(workers))
                # format uptime
                uptime = (timezone.now() - stat.tob).total_seconds()
                hours, remainder = divmod(uptime, 3600)
                minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
                uptime = "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
                # print to the terminal
                print(term.move(i, 0) + term.center(stat.host[: col_width - 1], width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 1 * col_width) + term.center(stat.cluster_id, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 2 * col_width) + term.center(status, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 3 * col_width) + term.center(workers, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 4 * col_width) + term.center(tasks, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 5 * col_width) + term.center(results, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 6 * col_width) + term.center(stat.reincarnations, width=col_width - 1))
                print(term.move(i, 7 * col_width) + term.center(uptime, width=col_width - 1))
                i += 1
            # for testing
            if run_once:
                return Stat.get_all(r=r)
            print(term.move(i + 2, 0) + term.center(_("[Press q to quit]")))
            val = term.inkey(timeout=1)

示例10: right_of

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
    b.term.KEY_RIGHT: right_of(b, 1),
    b.term.KEY_DOWN: below(b, 1),
    b.term.KEY_UP: above(b, 1),
    # shift + arrows
    b.term.KEY_SLEFT: left_of(b, 10),
    b.term.KEY_SRIGHT: right_of(b, 10),
    b.term.KEY_SDOWN: below(b, 10),
    b.term.KEY_SUP: above(b, 10),
    # carriage return
    b.term.KEY_ENTER: home(below(b, 1)),
    b.term.KEY_HOME: home(b),
}.get(inp_code, b)

term = Terminal()
csr = Cursor(1, 1, term)
with term.hidden_cursor(), term.raw(), term.location(), term.fullscreen():
    inp = None
    while True:
        echo_xy(csr, term.reverse(u' '))
        inp = term.inkey()
        if inp.code == term.KEY_ESCAPE or inp == chr(3):
        echo_xy(csr, u' ')
        n_csr = lookup_move(inp.code, csr)
        if n_csr != csr:
            echo_xy(n_csr, u' ')
            csr = n_csr
        elif not inp.is_sequence:
            echo_xy(csr, inp)
            csr = right_of(csr, 1)

示例11: main

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
def main():
    """Program entry point."""
    above = lambda csr, n: (
        Cursor(y=max(0, csr.y - n),

    below = lambda csr, n: (
        Cursor(y=min(csr.term.height - 1, csr.y + n),

    right_of = lambda csr, n: (
               x=min(csr.term.width - 1, csr.x + n),

    left_of = lambda csr, n: (
               x=max(0, csr.x - n),

    home = lambda csr: (

    end = lambda csr: (
               x=csr.term.width - 1,

    bottom = lambda csr: (
        Cursor(y=csr.term.height - 1,

    center = lambda csr: Cursor(
        csr.term.height // 2,
        csr.term.width // 2,

    lookup_move = lambda inp_code, csr, term: {
        # arrows, including angled directionals
        csr.term.KEY_END: below(left_of(csr, 1), 1),
        csr.term.KEY_KP_1: below(left_of(csr, 1), 1),

        csr.term.KEY_DOWN: below(csr, 1),
        csr.term.KEY_KP_2: below(csr, 1),

        csr.term.KEY_PGDOWN: below(right_of(csr, 1), 1),
        csr.term.KEY_LR: below(right_of(csr, 1), 1),
        csr.term.KEY_KP_3: below(right_of(csr, 1), 1),

        csr.term.KEY_LEFT: left_of(csr, 1),
        csr.term.KEY_KP_4: left_of(csr, 1),

        csr.term.KEY_CENTER: center(csr),
        csr.term.KEY_KP_5: center(csr),

        csr.term.KEY_RIGHT: right_of(csr, 1),
        csr.term.KEY_KP_6: right_of(csr, 1),

        csr.term.KEY_HOME: above(left_of(csr, 1), 1),
        csr.term.KEY_KP_7: above(left_of(csr, 1), 1),

        csr.term.KEY_UP: above(csr, 1),
        csr.term.KEY_KP_8: above(csr, 1),

        csr.term.KEY_PGUP: above(right_of(csr, 1), 1),
        csr.term.KEY_KP_9: above(right_of(csr, 1), 1),

        # shift + arrows
        csr.term.KEY_SLEFT: left_of(csr, 10),
        csr.term.KEY_SRIGHT: right_of(csr, 10),
        csr.term.KEY_SDOWN: below(csr, 10),
        csr.term.KEY_SUP: above(csr, 10),

        # carriage return
        csr.term.KEY_ENTER: home(below(csr, 1)),
    }.get(inp_code, csr)

    term = Terminal()
    csr = Cursor(0, 0, term)
    screen = {}
    with term.hidden_cursor(), \
            term.raw(), \
            term.location(), \
            term.fullscreen(), \
        inp = None
        while True:
            echo_yx(csr, term.reverse(screen.get((csr.y, csr.x), u' ')))
            inp = term.inkey()

            if inp == chr(3):
                # ^c exits

            elif inp == chr(19):

示例12: main

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]
def main(argv=None):
    """ Execute the application CLI.

    Arguments are taken from sys.argv by default.


    args = _cmdline(argv)
    logger.debug("starting execution")

    #  get repo and initialize GitHeat instance
        g = Git(os.getcwd())
    except (InvalidGitRepositoryError, GitCommandError, GitCommandNotFound):
        print("Are you sure you're in an initialized git directory?")
        return 0
    githeat = Githeat(g, **vars(args))
    matrix = githeat.compute_graph_matrix()

    term = Terminal()
    matrix_width = githeat.get_matrix_width(matrix)
    if matrix_width > term.width:
        print("Your terminal width is smaller than the heatmap. Please consider using "
              "the --width {thin, reg, thick} argument, resizing your terminal, or "
              "merging months by including --month-merge.")
        return 0
    new_width = (term.width - matrix_width) // 2
    csr = Cursor(term.height // 2 - 3, new_width, term)

    screen = {}
    screen_dates = {}
    with term.hidden_cursor(), \
         term.raw(), \
         term.location(), \
         term.fullscreen(), \

        # Print header
        print_header_left(term, unicode(os.getcwd()), screen)
        text = u'GitHeat {}'.format(__version__)
        print_header_center(term, text, screen)
        text = u'ESC, ^c to exit'
        print_header_right(term, text, screen)

        # Print footer
        text = u'Please move cursor to navigate through map'
        print_footer_left(term, term.bold(text), screen)

        graph_right_most_x = term.width  # initialized at terminal width
        graph_left_most_x = csr.x
        graph_top_most_y = csr.y
        graph_x, graph_y = csr.x, csr.y

        #  get graph boundaries
        for i in range(7):
            #  for the week column in the matrix
            for week in matrix:
                if githeat.month_merge:
                    #  check if value in that week is just empty spaces and not colorize
                    if week.col[i][1] == githeat.width:
                graph_x += len(githeat.width)

            graph_right_most_x = graph_x
            graph_x = graph_left_most_x  # reset x
            graph_y += 1
        graph_bottom_most_y = graph_y - 1

        #  print graph
        graph_x, graph_y = csr.x, csr.y
        print_graph(term, screen, screen_dates, graph_x, graph_y,
                    graph_left_most_x, matrix, githeat)

        # print legend
        block_separation_width = 4
        legend_x = (term.width - len(githeat.colors) * block_separation_width) // 2
        legend_y = graph_bottom_most_y + 5
        if not githeat.hide_legend:
            print_graph_legend(legend_x, legend_y,

        while True:
            cursor_color = colorize(githeat.width, ansi=15, ansi_bg=15)
            echo_yx(csr, cursor_color)
            inp = term.inkey()

            if inp in QUIT_KEYS:
                # Esc or ^c pressed
            elif inp == chr(99):
                # c pressed, thus change color

示例13: range

# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import hidden_cursor [as 别名]

    return line

for i in range(layers_length):
    offset = 1 if i < last else 0

    for j in range(term.height - offset):
        layers[i].append(generate_line(i + 1))

for i in range(prog_len - 1):
    progress[progress_template[i]] = progress_template[i + 1]

progress[progress_template[prog_len - 1]] = progress_template[prog_len - 1]

with term.fullscreen(), term.hidden_cursor():
    while not term.inkey(timeout=0.15):
        out = term.move(0, 0)

        for i in range(term.height - 1):
            for j in range(term.width):
                any = False

                for k in reversed(range(len(layers))):
                    if layers[k][i][j]:
                        any = True
                        out += snow[k]

                if not any:
                    out += u' '
