本文整理汇总了Python中blessed.Terminal.black_on_green方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Terminal.black_on_green方法的具体用法?Python Terminal.black_on_green怎么用?Python Terminal.black_on_green使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类blessed.Terminal
示例1: monitor
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import black_on_green [as 别名]
def monitor(run_once=False):
term = Terminal()
r = redis_client
with term.fullscreen(), term.hidden_cursor(), term.cbreak():
val = None
start_width = int(term.width / 8)
while val not in (u'q', u'Q',):
col_width = int(term.width / 8)
# In case of resize
if col_width != start_width:
start_width = col_width
print(term.move(0, 0) + term.black_on_green(term.center('Host', width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 1 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('Id', width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 2 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('Status', width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 3 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('Pool', width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 4 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('TQ', width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 5 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('RQ', width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 6 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('RC', width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 7 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center('Up', width=col_width - 1)))
i = 2
stats = Stat.get_all(r=r)
for stat in stats:
# color status
if stat.status == Conf.WORKING:
status = term.green(Conf.WORKING)
elif stat.status == Conf.STOPPED:
status = term.red(Conf.STOPPED)
elif stat.status == Conf.IDLE:
status = Conf.IDLE
status = term.yellow(stat.status)
# color q's
tasks = stat.task_q_size
if tasks > 0:
tasks = term.cyan(str(tasks))
results = stat.done_q_size
if results > 0:
results = term.cyan(str(results))
# color workers
workers = len(stat.workers)
if workers < Conf.WORKERS:
workers = term.yellow(str(workers))
# format uptime
uptime = (timezone.now() - stat.tob).total_seconds()
hours, remainder = divmod(uptime, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
uptime = '%d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, minutes, seconds)
# print to the terminal
print(term.move(i, 0) + term.center(stat.host[:col_width - 1], width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 1 * col_width) + term.center(stat.cluster_id, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 2 * col_width) + term.center(status, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 3 * col_width) + term.center(workers, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 4 * col_width) + term.center(tasks, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 5 * col_width) + term.center(results, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 6 * col_width) + term.center(stat.reincarnations, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 7 * col_width) + term.center(uptime, width=col_width - 1))
i += 1
# for testing
if run_once:
return Stat.get_all(r=r)
print(term.move(i + 2, 0) + term.center('[Press q to quit]'))
val = term.inkey(timeout=1)
示例2: monitor
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import black_on_green [as 别名]
def monitor(run_once=False, broker=None):
if not broker:
broker = get_broker()
term = Terminal()
with term.fullscreen(), term.hidden_cursor(), term.cbreak():
val = None
start_width = int(term.width / 8)
while val not in (u'q', u'Q',):
col_width = int(term.width / 8)
# In case of resize
if col_width != start_width:
start_width = col_width
print(term.move(0, 0) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('Host'), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 1 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('Id'), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 2 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('State'), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 3 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('Pool'), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 4 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('TQ'), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 5 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('RQ'), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 6 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('RC'), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 7 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_('Up'), width=col_width - 1)))
i = 2
stats = Stat.get_all(broker=broker)
for stat in stats:
status = stat.status
# color status
if stat.status == Conf.WORKING:
status = term.green(str(Conf.WORKING))
elif stat.status == Conf.STOPPING:
status = term.yellow(str(Conf.STOPPING))
elif stat.status == Conf.STOPPED:
status = term.red(str(Conf.STOPPED))
elif stat.status == Conf.IDLE:
status = str(Conf.IDLE)
# color q's
tasks = str(stat.task_q_size)
if stat.task_q_size > 0:
tasks = term.cyan(str(stat.task_q_size))
if Conf.QUEUE_LIMIT and stat.task_q_size == Conf.QUEUE_LIMIT:
tasks = term.green(str(stat.task_q_size))
results = stat.done_q_size
if results > 0:
results = term.cyan(str(results))
# color workers
workers = len(stat.workers)
if workers < Conf.WORKERS:
workers = term.yellow(str(workers))
# format uptime
uptime = (timezone.now() - stat.tob).total_seconds()
hours, remainder = divmod(uptime, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
uptime = '%d:%02d:%02d' % (hours, minutes, seconds)
# print to the terminal
print(term.move(i, 0) + term.center(stat.host[:col_width - 1], width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 1 * col_width) + term.center(stat.cluster_id, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 2 * col_width) + term.center(status, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 3 * col_width) + term.center(workers, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 4 * col_width) + term.center(tasks, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 5 * col_width) + term.center(results, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 6 * col_width) + term.center(stat.reincarnations, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 7 * col_width) + term.center(uptime, width=col_width - 1))
i += 1
# bottom bar
i += 1
queue_size = broker.queue_size()
lock_size = broker.lock_size()
if lock_size:
queue_size = '{}({})'.format(queue_size, lock_size)
print(term.move(i, 0) + term.white_on_cyan(term.center(broker.info(), width=col_width * 2)))
print(term.move(i, 2 * col_width) + term.black_on_cyan(term.center(_('Queued'), width=col_width)))
print(term.move(i, 3 * col_width) + term.white_on_cyan(term.center(queue_size, width=col_width)))
print(term.move(i, 4 * col_width) + term.black_on_cyan(term.center(_('Success'), width=col_width)))
print(term.move(i, 5 * col_width) + term.white_on_cyan(
term.center(models.Success.objects.count(), width=col_width)))
print(term.move(i, 6 * col_width) + term.black_on_cyan(term.center(_('Failures'), width=col_width)))
print(term.move(i, 7 * col_width) + term.white_on_cyan(
term.center(models.Failure.objects.count(), width=col_width)))
# for testing
if run_once:
return Stat.get_all(broker=broker)
print(term.move(i + 2, 0) + term.center(_('[Press q to quit]')))
val = term.inkey(timeout=1)
示例3: info
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import black_on_green [as 别名]
def info(broker=None):
if not broker:
broker = get_broker()
term = Terminal()
stat = Stat.get_all(broker=broker)
# general stats
clusters = len(stat)
workers = 0
reincarnations = 0
for cluster in stat:
workers += len(cluster.workers)
reincarnations += cluster.reincarnations
# calculate tasks pm and avg exec time
tasks_per = 0
per = _('day')
exec_time = 0
last_tasks = models.Success.objects.filter(stopped__gte=timezone.now() - timedelta(hours=24))
tasks_per_day = last_tasks.count()
if tasks_per_day > 0:
# average execution time over the last 24 hours
if not connection.vendor == 'sqlite':
exec_time = last_tasks.aggregate(time_taken=Sum(F('stopped') - F('started')))
exec_time = exec_time['time_taken'].total_seconds() / tasks_per_day
# can't sum timedeltas on sqlite
for t in last_tasks:
exec_time += t.time_taken()
exec_time = exec_time / tasks_per_day
# tasks per second/minute/hour/day in the last 24 hours
if tasks_per_day > 24 * 60 * 60:
tasks_per = tasks_per_day / (24 * 60 * 60)
per = _('second')
elif tasks_per_day > 24 * 60:
tasks_per = tasks_per_day / (24 * 60)
per = _('minute')
elif tasks_per_day > 24:
tasks_per = tasks_per_day / 24
per = _('hour')
tasks_per = tasks_per_day
# print to terminal
col_width = int(term.width / 6)
_('-- {} {} on {} --').format(Conf.PREFIX.capitalize(), '.'.join(str(v) for v in VERSION),
print(term.cyan(_('Clusters')) +
term.move_x(1 * col_width) +
term.white(str(clusters)) +
term.move_x(2 * col_width) +
term.cyan(_('Workers')) +
term.move_x(3 * col_width) +
term.white(str(workers)) +
term.move_x(4 * col_width) +
term.cyan(_('Restarts')) +
term.move_x(5 * col_width) +
print(term.cyan(_('Queued')) +
term.move_x(1 * col_width) +
term.white(str(broker.queue_size())) +
term.move_x(2 * col_width) +
term.cyan(_('Successes')) +
term.move_x(3 * col_width) +
term.white(str(models.Success.objects.count())) +
term.move_x(4 * col_width) +
term.cyan(_('Failures')) +
term.move_x(5 * col_width) +
print(term.cyan(_('Schedules')) +
term.move_x(1 * col_width) +
term.white(str(models.Schedule.objects.count())) +
term.move_x(2 * col_width) +
term.cyan(_('Tasks/{}'.format(per))) +
term.move_x(3 * col_width) +
term.white('{0:.2f}'.format(tasks_per)) +
term.move_x(4 * col_width) +
term.cyan(_('Avg time')) +
term.move_x(5 * col_width) +
return True
示例4: monitor
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import black_on_green [as 别名]
def monitor(run_once=False):
term = Terminal()
r = redis_client
except Exception as e:
print(term.red("Can not connect to Redis server."))
raise e
with term.fullscreen(), term.hidden_cursor(), term.cbreak():
val = None
start_width = int(term.width / 8)
while val not in (u"q", u"Q"):
col_width = int(term.width / 8)
# In case of resize
if col_width != start_width:
start_width = col_width
print(term.move(0, 0) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("Host"), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 1 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("Id"), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 2 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("State"), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 3 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("Pool"), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 4 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("TQ"), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 5 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("RQ"), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 6 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("RC"), width=col_width - 1)))
print(term.move(0, 7 * col_width) + term.black_on_green(term.center(_("Up"), width=col_width - 1)))
i = 2
stats = Stat.get_all(r=r)
for stat in stats:
status = stat.status
# color status
if stat.status == Conf.WORKING:
status = term.green(str(Conf.WORKING))
elif stat.status == Conf.STOPPING:
status = term.yellow(str(Conf.STOPPING))
elif stat.status == Conf.STOPPED:
status = term.red(str(Conf.STOPPED))
elif stat.status == Conf.IDLE:
status = str(Conf.IDLE)
# color q's
tasks = stat.task_q_size
if tasks > 0:
tasks = term.cyan(str(tasks))
results = stat.done_q_size
if results > 0:
results = term.cyan(str(results))
# color workers
workers = len(stat.workers)
if workers < Conf.WORKERS:
workers = term.yellow(str(workers))
# format uptime
uptime = (timezone.now() - stat.tob).total_seconds()
hours, remainder = divmod(uptime, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
uptime = "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
# print to the terminal
print(term.move(i, 0) + term.center(stat.host[: col_width - 1], width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 1 * col_width) + term.center(stat.cluster_id, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 2 * col_width) + term.center(status, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 3 * col_width) + term.center(workers, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 4 * col_width) + term.center(tasks, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 5 * col_width) + term.center(results, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 6 * col_width) + term.center(stat.reincarnations, width=col_width - 1))
print(term.move(i, 7 * col_width) + term.center(uptime, width=col_width - 1))
i += 1
# for testing
if run_once:
return Stat.get_all(r=r)
print(term.move(i + 2, 0) + term.center(_("[Press q to quit]")))
val = term.inkey(timeout=1)
示例5: Terminal
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import black_on_green [as 别名]
elif args.host:
queue = []
t = Terminal()
for host in hosts:
if urlparse(host).netloc:
if args.base_dir:
fdb = FDB(
host = host,
extensions= args.extensions,
print_warning("Malformed host {host} line".format(host=host))
fdbc = FDBController(terminal=t)
with t.location(0,args.threads+5):
print(t.center(t.black_on_green("All FDBs completed.")))
with t.cbreak():
示例6: info
# 需要导入模块: from blessed import Terminal [as 别名]
# 或者: from blessed.Terminal import black_on_green [as 别名]
def info(r=redis_client):
term = Terminal()
stat = Stat.get_all(r)
# general stats
clusters = len(stat)
workers = 0
reincarnations = 0
for cluster in stat:
workers += len(cluster.workers)
reincarnations += cluster.reincarnations
# calculate tasks pm and avg exec time
tasks_per = 0
per = _("day")
exec_time = 0
last_tasks = models.Success.objects.filter(stopped__gte=timezone.now() - timedelta(hours=24))
tasks_per_day = last_tasks.count()
if tasks_per_day > 0:
# average execution time over the last 24 hours
if not connection.vendor == "sqlite":
exec_time = last_tasks.aggregate(time_taken=Sum(F("stopped") - F("started")))
exec_time = exec_time["time_taken"].total_seconds() / tasks_per_day
# can't sum timedeltas on sqlite
for t in last_tasks:
exec_time += t.time_taken()
exec_time = exec_time / tasks_per_day
# tasks per second/minute/hour/day in the last 24 hours
if tasks_per_day > 24 * 60 * 60:
tasks_per = tasks_per_day / (24 * 60 * 60)
per = _("second")
elif tasks_per_day > 24 * 60:
tasks_per = tasks_per_day / (24 * 60)
per = _("minute")
elif tasks_per_day > 24:
tasks_per = tasks_per_day / 24
per = _("hour")
tasks_per = tasks_per_day
# print to terminal
col_width = int(term.width / 6)
print(term.black_on_green(term.center(_("-- {} summary --").format(Conf.PREFIX))))
+ term.move_x(1 * col_width)
+ term.white(str(clusters))
+ term.move_x(2 * col_width)
+ term.cyan(_("Workers"))
+ term.move_x(3 * col_width)
+ term.white(str(workers))
+ term.move_x(4 * col_width)
+ term.cyan(_("Restarts"))
+ term.move_x(5 * col_width)
+ term.white(str(reincarnations))
+ term.move_x(1 * col_width)
+ term.white(str(r.llen(Conf.Q_LIST)))
+ term.move_x(2 * col_width)
+ term.cyan(_("Successes"))
+ term.move_x(3 * col_width)
+ term.white(str(models.Success.objects.count()))
+ term.move_x(4 * col_width)
+ term.cyan(_("Failures"))
+ term.move_x(5 * col_width)
+ term.white(str(models.Failure.objects.count()))
+ term.move_x(1 * col_width)
+ term.white(str(models.Schedule.objects.count()))
+ term.move_x(2 * col_width)
+ term.cyan(_("Tasks/{}".format(per)))
+ term.move_x(3 * col_width)
+ term.white("{0:.2f}".format(tasks_per))
+ term.move_x(4 * col_width)
+ term.cyan(_("Avg time"))
+ term.move_x(5 * col_width)
+ term.white("{0:.4f}".format(exec_time))
return True