本文整理汇总了Python中SSUtilities.ssRange方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SSUtilities.ssRange方法的具体用法?Python SSUtilities.ssRange怎么用?Python SSUtilities.ssRange使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类SSUtilities
示例1: report
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import ssRange [as 别名]
def report(self):
"""Reports the results from exploratory regression analysis."""
#### Set Title ####
title = self.label
#### Column Labels ####
labs = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84021), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84249),
ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84042), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84036),
ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84284), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84292),
r2Info = [ labs ]
#### Adjusted R2, Sorted Highest to Lowest with ID Tie Breaks ####
header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84287)
numRes = UTILS.ssRange(len(self.bestR2Res))
r2Data = []
for i in numRes:
r2Val = self.bestR2Vals[i]
idVal = int(self.bestR2Res[i].split(":")[-1])
r2Data.append((r2Val, idVal))
r2Data = NUM.array(r2Data, dtype = [('r2', float), ('ids', int)])
r2SortedInds = r2Data.argsort(order = ('r2', 'ids'))
sortIndex = reversed(r2SortedInds)
for ind in sortIndex:
olsID = self.bestR2Res[ind]
olsRes = self.olsResults[olsID]
olsOut = olsRes.report(formatStr = "%0.2f")
r2Report = UTILS.outputTextTable(r2Info, header = header,
justify = masterJustify)
#### Passing Models ####
header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84288)
passList = [ labs ]
r2Values = []
olsIDs = []
for olsID in self.passBools:
olsRes = self.olsResults[olsID]
sortIndex = NUM.argsort(r2Values).tolist()
for ind in sortIndex:
olsID = olsIDs[ind]
olsRes = self.olsResults[olsID]
olsOut = olsRes.report(formatStr = "%0.6f")
passingReport = UTILS.outputTextTable(passList, header = header)
#### Print Report ####
starMess = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84289) * 78
finalReport = [starMess, title, r2Report, passingReport]
finalReport = "\n".join(finalReport)
finalReport = finalReport + "\n"
return finalReport
示例2: createCoefficientReport
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import ssRange [as 别名]
def createCoefficientReport(self):
"""Creates a formatted summary table of the OLS
#### Table Title ####
header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84075)
aFoot = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84080)
bFoot = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84086)
cFoot = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84103)
coefColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84049) + " " + aFoot
probColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84055) + " " + bFoot
robColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84102) + " " + bFoot
vifColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84284) + " " + cFoot
#### Column Labels ####
total = [[ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84068), coefColLab,
ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84051), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84053),
probColLab, ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84097),
ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84101), robColLab]]
if self.vif:
#### Loop Through Explanatory Variables ####
for row in UTILS.ssRange(self.k):
#### Variable Name ####
rowVals = [self.varLabels[row]]
#### Standard Values ####
rowVals.append(UTILS.formatValue(self.coef[row, 0]))
rowVals.append(UTILS.writePVal(self.pVals[row], padNonSig = True))
#### Robust Values ####
padNonSig = True))
#### VIF ####
if self.vif:
if row == 0:
rowVIF = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84092)
rowVIF = self.vifVal[(row - 1)]
if abs(rowVIF) > 1000:
rowVIF = "> 1000.0"
rowVIF = LOCALE.format("%0.6f", rowVIF)
#### Append Row to Result List ####
#### Finalize Coefficient Table ####
self.coefTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(total, header = header,
pad = 1, justify = "right")
self.coefRaw = total
示例3: swm2Weights
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import ssRange [as 别名]
def swm2Weights(ssdo, swmfile):
"""Converts ArcGIS Sparse Spatial Weights Matrix (*.swm) file to
PySAL Sparse Spatial Weights Class.
ssdo (class): instance of SSDataObject [1,2]
swmFile (str): full path to swm file
(1) Data must already be obtained using ssdo.obtainData()
(2) The masterField for the swm file and the ssdo object must be
the same and may NOT be the OID/FID/ObjectID
neighbors = {}
weights = {}
#### Create SWM Reader Object ####
swm = WU.SWMReader(swmfile)
#### SWM May NOT be a Subset of the Data ####
if ssdo.numObs > swm.numObs:
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 842, ssdo.numObs, swm.numObs)
raise SystemExit()
if swm.masterField != ssdo.masterField:
ARCPY.AddWarning("ERROR", 938)
raise SystemExit()
#### Parse All SWM Records ####
for r in UTILS.ssRange(swm.numObs):
info = swm.swm.readEntry()
masterID, nn, nhs, w, sumUnstandard = info
#### Must Have at Least One Neighbor ####
if nn:
#### Must be in Selection Set (If Exists) ####
if masterID in ssdo.master2Order:
outNHS = []
outW = []
#### Transform Master ID to Order ID ####
orderID = ssdo.master2Order[masterID]
#### Neighbors and Weights Adjusted for Selection ####
for nhInd, nhVal in enumerate(nhs):
nhOrder = ssdo.master2Order[nhVal]
weightVal = w[nhInd]
if swm.rowStandard:
weightVal = weightVal * sumUnstandard[0]
except KeyError:
#### Add Selected Neighbors/Weights ####
if len(outNHS):
neighbors[orderID] = outNHS
weights[orderID] = outW
#### Construct PySAL Spatial Weights and Standardize as per SWM ####
w = PYSAL.W(neighbors, weights)
if swm.rowStandard:
w.transform = 'R'
return w
示例4: calculate
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import ssRange [as 别名]
def calculate(self, comboX):
"""Performs OLS and related diagnostics."""
#### Shorthand Attributes ####
ssdo = self.ssdo
x = comboX
n, k = NUM.shape(comboX)
y = self.y
#### General Information ####
fn = n * 1.0
dof = n - k
fdof = dof * 1.0
xt = x.T
yt = y.T
xx = NUM.dot(xt, x)
#### Check for Perfect Multicollinearity ####
U, s, V = LA.svd(xx)
if UTILS.compareFloat(0.0, s[-1]):
return False
#### Attempt to Invert Design Matrix ####
xxi = LA.inv(xx)
#### Perfect multicollinearity, cannot proceed ####
return False
#### Bad Probabilities - Near Multicollinearity ####
badProbs = False
#### Compute Coefficients ####
xy = NUM.dot(xt, y)
coef = NUM.dot(xxi, xy)
#### Residuals, Sum Of Squares, R2, Etc. ####
yHat = NUM.dot(x, coef)
yBar = (y.sum())/fn
e = y - yHat
ess = ( NUM.dot(e.T, e) )[0][0]
s2 = (ess / fdof)
s2mle = (ess / fn)
seResiduals = NUM.sqrt(s2)
ss = y - yBar
tss = ( NUM.dot(ss.T, ss) )[0][0]
r2 = 1.0 - (ess/tss)
r2Adj = 1.0 - ( (ess / (fdof)) / (tss / (fn-1)) )
u2 = e * e
#### Variance-Covariance for Coefficients ####
varBeta = xxi * s2
#### Standard Errors / t-Statistics ####
seBeta = NUM.sqrt(varBeta.diagonal())
tStat = (coef.T / seBeta).flatten()
#### White's Robust Standard Errors ####
dofScale = (int( n / (n - k) )) * 1.0
sHat = NUM.dot((u2 * x).T, x) * dofScale
varBetaRob = NUM.dot(NUM.dot(xxi, sHat), xxi)
seBetaRob = NUM.sqrt(varBetaRob.diagonal())
tStatRob = (coef.T / seBetaRob).flatten()
#### DOF Warning Once for t-Stats ####
silentVector = [ True for i in range(k) ]
if (2 <= dof <= 4) and not self.warnedTProb:
silentVector[0] = False
self.warnedTProb = True
#### Coefficient t-Tests ####
pVals = []
pValsRob = []
for varInd in UTILS.ssRange(k):
#### General ####
p = STATS.tProb(tStat[varInd], dof, type = 2,
silent = silentVector[varInd])
p = NUM.nan
badProbs = True
#### Robust ####
p = STATS.tProb(tStatRob[varInd], dof, type = 2,
silent = True)
p = NUM.nan
badProbs = True
#### Jarque-Bera Test For Normality of the Residuals ####
muE = (e.sum()) / fn
devE = e - muE
u3 = (devE**3.0).sum() / fn
u4 = (devE**4.0).sum() / fn
denomS = s2mle**1.5
denomK = s2mle**2.0
skew = u3 / denomS
示例5: createOutputGraphic
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import ssRange [as 别名]
def createOutputGraphic(self, fileName):
"""Create OLS Output Report File.
fileName (str): path to output report file (*.pdf)
#### Set Progressor ####
writeMSG = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84186)
ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", writeMSG, 0, 6, 1)
#### Set Colors ####
colors = NUM.array(["#4575B5", "#849EBA", "#C0CCBE", "#FFFFBF",
"#FAB984", "#ED7551", "#D62F27"])
cutoffs = NUM.array([-2.5, -1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5])
#### Set Data ####
stdRes = self.stdRedisuals.flatten()
predicted = self.yHat.flatten()
#### Create PDF Output ####
pdfOutput = REPORT.openPDF(fileName)
##### Make Coefficient Table ####
title = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84075) + " - " + ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84370)
contStr = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84377)
varTitlePlus = title + " " + contStr
numCols = 9
report = REPORT.startNewReport(9, title = title, landscape = True,
titleFont = REPORT.ssTitleFont)
grid = report.grid
colLabs = self.coefRaw[0]
tabVals = self.coefRaw[1:]
#### Create Column Labels ####
writeVarColHeaders(grid, colLabs)
#### Loop Through Explanatory Variables ####
for row in UTILS.ssRange(self.k):
if grid.rowCount >= 20:
#### Finalize Page ####
#### New Page ####
report = REPORT.startNewReport(9, title = varTitlePlus,
landscape = True,
titleFont = REPORT.ssTitleFont)
grid = report.grid
writeVarColHeaders(grid, colLabs)
#### Variable Name ####
rowVals = tabVals[row]
for ind, val in enumerate(rowVals):
justify = "right"
gridCell = PLT.subplot2grid(grid.gridInfo,
(grid.rowCount, ind))
if ind in [4, 7]:
if not val.count("*"):
x0 = .925
elif ind == 0:
justify = "left"
x0 = 0.0
x0 = 1.0
#### Limit Col Value Length to 12 ####
if ind in [0, 1, 2, 5, 8]:
val = val[0:12]
PLT.text(x0, 0.5, val,
fontproperties = REPORT.ssFont,
horizontalalignment = justify,
grid.createLineRow(grid.rowCount, startCol = 0, endCol = numCols)
#### Add To PDF ####
#### Diagnostic Table/Interpret Tables ####
numCols = 6
title = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84076)
titlePlus = title + " " + contStr
report = REPORT.startNewReport(numCols, title = title,
landscape = True, numRows = 22,
titleFont = REPORT.ssTitleFont)
grid = report.grid
ind2Col = {0:0, 1:1, 2:3, 3:5}
for row in self.diagRaw:
for ind, val in enumerate(row):
#### Limit Col Length to 23 ####
if ind not in [0,2]: