本文整理汇总了Python中SSUtilities.getFieldNames方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SSUtilities.getFieldNames方法的具体用法?Python SSUtilities.getFieldNames怎么用?Python SSUtilities.getFieldNames使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类SSUtilities
示例1: createCoefficientTable
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import getFieldNames [as 别名]
def createCoefficientTable(self, tableName):
"""Creates Output Coefficient Database Table for OLS.
tableName (str): catalog path to the output table
#### Set Progressor ####
ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84071))
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(tableName)
#### Set Up Field Names and Types ####
inputFields = UTILS.getFieldNames(olsCoefFieldNames, outPath)
inputTypes = ["TEXT", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE",
#### Set Up Input Data ####
inputData = []
coefList = list(self.coef.flatten())
for rowInd, rowVal in enumerate(coefList):
inputData.append( (self.varLabels[rowInd], rowVal,
self.seCoef[rowInd], self.tStats[rowInd],
self.pVals[rowInd], self.seCoefRob[rowInd],
self.tStatsRob[rowInd], self.pValsRob[rowInd],
#### Write Coefficient Table ####
UTILS.createOutputTable(tableName, inputFields,
inputTypes, inputData)
示例2: outputResults
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import getFieldNames [as 别名]
def outputResults(self):
"""Creates output feature class Local Gi*."""
#### Prepare Derived Variables for Output Feature Class ####
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(self.outputFC)
fieldOrder = UTILS.getFieldNames(giFieldNames, outPath)
fieldData = [self.gi, self.pVals]
fieldTypes = ["DOUBLE", "DOUBLE"]
#### Add Pseudo-P Field ####
if self.permutations:
#### Add Gi Bin Field ####
#### Create Alias Field Names ####
rowStandard = False
if self.wType == 8:
addString = OS.path.basename(self.weightsFile)
elif self.wType in [0, 1, 7]:
if self.maxSet:
addString = "0"
addString = str(int(self.threshold))
addString = None
aliasList = WU.createSpatialFieldAliases(
fieldOrder, addString=addString, wType=self.wType, exponent=self.exponent, rowStandard=rowStandard
if self.applyFDR:
aliasList[-1] += "_FDR"
#### Create/Populate Dictionary of Candidate Fields ####
candidateFields = {}
for fieldInd, fieldName in enumerate(fieldOrder):
fieldType = fieldTypes[fieldInd]
candidateField = SSDO.CandidateField(fieldName, fieldType, fieldData[fieldInd], alias=aliasList[fieldInd])
candidateFields[fieldName] = candidateField
#### Input Fields to Copy to Output FC ####
appendFields = [i for i in self.fieldNames]
#### Add Date-Time Field If Applicable ####
if self.swmFileBool:
if self.swm.wType == 9:
if self.ssdo.allFields.has_key(self.swm.timeField.upper()):
appendFields.insert(0, self.swm.timeField.upper())
#### Write Data to Output Feature Class ####
self.ssdo.output2NewFC(self.outputFC, candidateFields, appendFields=appendFields, fieldOrder=fieldOrder)
return fieldOrder[0], fieldOrder[1]
示例3: outputResults
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import getFieldNames [as 别名]
def outputResults(self, outputFC):
"""Creates output feature class."""
#### Shorthand Attributes ####
ssdo = self.ssdo
#### Prepare Derived Variables for Output Feature Class ####
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outputFC)
resultDict = {}
fieldOrder = UTILS.getFieldNames(olsFCFieldNames, outPath)
fieldData = [self.yHat.flatten(), self.residuals.flatten(),
#### Create/Populate Dictionary of Candidate Fields ####
candidateFields = {}
for fieldInd, fieldName in enumerate(fieldOrder):
candidateField = SSDO.CandidateField(fieldName, "DOUBLE",
candidateFields[fieldName] = candidateField
#### Write Data to Output Feature Class ####
ssdo.output2NewFC(outputFC, candidateFields,
appendFields = self.allVars,
fieldOrder = fieldOrder)
#### Set Default Symbology ####
params = ARCPY.gp.GetParameterInfo()
renderType = UTILS.renderType[ssdo.shapeType.upper()]
if renderType == 0:
renderLayerFile = "StdResidPoints.lyr"
elif renderType == 1:
renderLayerFile = "StdResidPolylines.lyr"
renderLayerFile = "StdResidPolygons.lyr"
templateDir = OS.path.dirname(OS.path.dirname(SYS.argv[0]))
fullRLF = OS.path.join(templateDir, "Templates",
"Layers", renderLayerFile)
params[2].Symbology = fullRLF
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 973)
示例4: createDiagnosticTable
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import getFieldNames [as 别名]
def createDiagnosticTable(self, tableName):
"""Creates Output Diagnostic Database Table for OLS.
tableName (str): catalog path to the output table
#### Set Progressor ####
ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84098))
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(tableName)
#### Set Up Field Names and Types ####
inputFields = UTILS.getFieldNames(olsDiagFieldNames, outPath)
inputTypes = ["TEXT", "DOUBLE", "TEXT"]
#### Set Up Input Data ####
inputData = []
diags = [84114, 84249, 84018, 84021, 84024, 84027, 84030,
84033, 84036, 84039, 84042, 84045, 84062]
desc = [84116, 84250, 84020, 84023, 84026, 84029, 84032,
84035, 84038, 84041, 84044, 84047, 84063]
diags = [ ARCPY.GetIDMessage(i) for i in diags ]
desc = [ ARCPY.GetIDMessage(i) for i in desc ]
stats = [self.aic, self.aicc, self.r2, self.r2Adj,
self.fStat, self.fProb, self.waldStat, self.waldProb,
self.BP, self.BPProb, self.JB, self.JBProb, self.s2]
for rowInd, rowVal in enumerate(stats):
inputData.append( (diags[rowInd], rowVal, desc[rowInd]) )
#### Write Diagnostic Table ####
UTILS.createOutputTable(tableName, inputFields,
inputTypes, inputData)
示例5: createOutput
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import getFieldNames [as 别名]
def createOutput(self, outputFC):
"""Creates an Output Feature Class with the Median Centers.
outputFC (str): path to the output feature class
#### Validate Output Workspace ####
#### Shorthand Attributes ####
ssdo = self.ssdo
caseField = self.caseField
attFields = self.attFields
#### Create Output Feature Class ####
ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84003))
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outputFC)
DM.CreateFeatureclass(outPath, outName, "POINT", "", ssdo.mFlag,
ssdo.zFlag, ssdo.spatialRefString)
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 210, outputFC)
raise SystemExit()
#### Add Field Names ####
dataFieldNames = UTILS.getFieldNames(mdcFieldNames, outPath)
shapeFieldNames = ["[email protected]"]
for fieldName in dataFieldNames:
UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, fieldName, "DOUBLE")
caseIsDate = False
if caseField:
fcCaseField = ssdo.allFields[caseField]
validCaseName = UTILS.validQFieldName(fcCaseField, outPath)
caseType = UTILS.convertType[fcCaseField.type]
UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, validCaseName, caseType)
if caseType.upper() == "DATE":
caseIsDate = True
if attFields:
for attField in attFields:
fcAttField = ssdo.allFields[attField]
validAttName = UTILS.validQFieldName(fcAttField, outPath)
if caseField:
if validCaseName == validAttName:
validAttName = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84195)
UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, validAttName, "DOUBLE")
outShapeFileBool = UTILS.isShapeFile(outputFC)
#### Add Median X, Y, Dim ####
allFieldNames = shapeFieldNames + dataFieldNames
rows = DA.InsertCursor(outputFC, allFieldNames)
for case in self.caseKeys:
#### Median Centers ####
medX, medY = self.medianCenter[case]
pnt = (medX, medY, ssdo.defaultZ)
rowResult = [pnt, medX, medY]
#### Set Attribute Fields ####
if caseField:
caseValue = case.item()
if caseIsDate:
caseValue = TUTILS.iso2DateTime(caseValue)
#### Set Attribute Fields ####
if attFields:
for attInd, attField in enumerate(self.attFields):
medAtt = self.attCenter[case][attInd]
#### Clean Up ####
del rows
#### Set Attribute ####
self.outputFC = outputFC
示例6: createOutput
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import getFieldNames [as 别名]
def createOutput(self, outputFC):
"""Creates an Output Feature Class with the Standard Distances.
outputFC (str): path to the output feature class
#### Validate Output Workspace ####
#### Shorthand Attributes ####
ssdo = self.ssdo
caseField = self.caseField
#### Increase Extent if not Projected ####
if ssdo.spatialRefType != "Projected":
sdValues = self.sd.values()
if len(sdValues):
maxRadius = max(sdValues)
largerExtent = UTILS.increaseExtentByConstant(ssdo.extent,
constant = maxRadius)
largerExtent = [ LOCALE.str(i) for i in largerExtent ]
ARCPY.env.XYDomain = " ".join(largerExtent)
#### Create Output Feature Class ####
ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84003))
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outputFC)
DM.CreateFeatureclass(outPath, outName, "POLYGON",
"", ssdo.mFlag, ssdo.zFlag,
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 210, outputFC)
raise SystemExit()
#### Add Fields to Output FC ####
dataFieldNames = UTILS.getFieldNames(sdFieldNames, outPath)
shapeFieldNames = ["[email protected]"]
for fieldName in dataFieldNames:
UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, fieldName, "DOUBLE")
caseIsDate = False
if caseField:
fcCaseField = ssdo.allFields[caseField]
validCaseName = UTILS.validQFieldName(fcCaseField, outPath)
caseType = UTILS.convertType[fcCaseField.type]
UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, validCaseName, caseType)
if caseType.upper() == "DATE":
caseIsDate = True
#### Write Output ####
badCaseRadians = []
allFieldNames = shapeFieldNames + dataFieldNames
rows = DA.InsertCursor(outputFC, allFieldNames)
for case in self.caseKeys:
#### Get Results ####
xVal, yVal = self.meanCenter[case]
radius = self.sd[case]
#### Create Empty Polygon Geomretry ####
poly = ARCPY.Array()
#### Check for Valid Radius ####
radiusZero = UTILS.compareFloat(0.0, radius, rTol = .0000001)
radiusNan = NUM.isnan(radius)
radiusBool = radiusZero + radiusNan
if radiusBool:
badRadian = 6
badCase = UTILS.caseValue2Print(case, self.caseIsString)
badRadian = 0
#### Calculate a Point For Each ####
#### Degree in Circle Polygon ####
for degree in NUM.arange(0, 360):
radians = NUM.pi / 180.0 * degree
pntX = xVal + (radius * NUM.cos(radians))
pntY = yVal + (radius * NUM.sin(radians))
pnt = ARCPY.Point(pntX, pntY, ssdo.defaultZ)
badRadian += 1
if badRadian == 6:
badCase = UTILS.caseValue2Print(case,
if badRadian < 6:
#### Create and Populate New Feature ####
poly = ARCPY.Polygon(poly, None, True)
rowResult = [poly, xVal, yVal, radius]
if caseField:
caseValue = case.item()
示例7: outputResults
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import getFieldNames [as 别名]
def outputResults(self):
"""Creates output feature class for Local I."""
#### Prepare Derived Variables for Output Feature Class ####
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(self.outputFC)
fieldOrder = UTILS.getFieldNames(liFieldNames, outPath)
fieldData = [self.li, self.zi, self.pVals]
#### Add Pseudo-P Field ####
if self.permutations:
#### Add CO Type Field ####
whereNull = NUM.where(self.pVals == NUM.nan)[0]
if len(whereNull):
outBins = list(self.moranBins)
for ind in whereNull:
outBins[ind] = NUM.nan
#### Create Alias Field Names ####
if self.wType == 8:
addString = OS.path.basename(self.weightsFile)
rowStandard = False
elif self.wType in [0, 1, 7]:
if self.maxSet:
addString = "0"
addString = str(int(self.threshold))
rowStandard = self.rowStandard
addString = None
rowStandard = self.rowStandard
aliasList = WU.createSpatialFieldAliases(fieldOrder,
addString = addString,
wType = self.wType,
exponent = self.exponent,
rowStandard = rowStandard)
if self.applyFDR:
aliasList[-1] += "_FDR"
#### Create/Populate Dictionary of Candidate Fields ####
candidateFields = {}
for fieldInd, fieldName in enumerate(fieldOrder):
if fieldName == liCOFieldName:
fType = "TEXT"
length = 2
fType = "DOUBLE"
length = None
candidateField = SSDO.CandidateField(fieldName, fType,
alias = aliasList[fieldInd],
length = length)
candidateFields[fieldName] = candidateField
#### Input Fields to Copy to Output FC ####
appendFields = [i for i in self.fieldNames]
#### Add Date-Time Field If Applicable ####
if self.swmFileBool:
if self.swm.wType == 9:
if self.ssdo.allFields.has_key(self.swm.timeField.upper()):
appendFields.insert(0, self.swm.timeField.upper())
#### Write Data to Output Feature Class ####
self.ssdo.output2NewFC(self.outputFC, candidateFields,
appendFields = appendFields,
fieldOrder = fieldOrder)
outFieldSet = fieldOrder[0:3] + [fieldOrder[-1]]
return outFieldSet
示例8: exportXYV
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import getFieldNames [as 别名]
def exportXYV(inputFC, fieldList, delimiter, outFile, outFieldNames=False):
"""Exports the X,Y Coords and Set of Field Values for a Given
Feature Class.
inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
fieldList (list): list of field names to export
delimiter (str): token to delimit output file with
outFile (str): path to the output text file
outFieldNames (bool): return field names in first row of text file?
outFile (file): output text file
#### Get Feature Class Properties ####
ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, useChordal=False)
inputFields = [ssdo.oidName, "[email protected]"] + fieldList
#### Create Progressor Bar ####
cnt = UTILS.getCount(inputFC)
ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84012), 0, cnt, 1)
#### Keep track of Invalid Fields ####
badIDs = []
badRecord = 0
#### Process Field Values ####
rows = DA.SearchCursor(ssdo.inputFC, inputFields, "", ssdo.spatialRefString)
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 204)
raise SystemExit()
#### Get Field Types and Set LOCALE Dictionary ####
floatTypes = ["Single", "Double"]
localeDict = {}
for field in fieldList:
fieldType = ssdo.allFields[field].type
if fieldType in floatTypes:
formatToken = "%f"
formatToken = "%s"
localeDict[field] = formatToken
#### Create Output File ####
fo = UTILS.openFile(outFile, "w")
#### Write Field Names to File ####
if outFieldNames:
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outFile)
allFieldNames = UTILS.getFieldNames(exyvFieldNames, outPath)
allFieldNames += fieldList
outRow = delimiter.join(allFieldNames)
fo.write("%s\n" % outRow.encode("utf-8"))
for row in rows:
OID = row[0]
badValues = row.count(None)
badXY = row[1].count(None)
badRow = badValues or badXY
if not badXY:
xCoord, yCoord = row[1]
x = LOCALE.format("%0.8f", xCoord)
y = LOCALE.format("%0.8f", yCoord)
x = "NULL"
y = "NULL"
#### Check to see whether field values are OK ####
rowValues = [x, y]
for ind, field in enumerate(fieldList):
value = row[ind + 2]
if value == "" or value == None:
formatValue = LOCALE.format(localeDict[field], value)
#### Keep TRack of Bad Records ####
if badRow:
#### Continue Based on Whether a Bad Row ####
outRow = delimiter.join(rowValues)
fo.write("%s\n" % outRow.encode("utf-8"))
#### Clean Up ####
del rows
#### Get Set of Bad IDs ####
badIDs = list(set(badIDs))
badIDs = [str(i) for i in badIDs]
示例9: runModels
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import getFieldNames [as 别名]
def runModels(self):
"""Performs additional validation and populates the
#### Shorthand Attributes ####
ssdo = self.ssdo
#### Create Dependent Variable ####
self.y = ssdo.fields[self.dependentVar].returnDouble()
self.n = ssdo.numObs
self.y.shape = (self.n, 1)
#### Assure that Variance is Larger than Zero ####
yVar = NUM.var(self.y)
if NUM.isnan(yVar) or yVar <= 0.0:
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 906)
raise SystemExit()
#### Validate Chosen Number of Combos ####
k = len(ssdo.fields)
if self.maxIndVars > (k - 1):
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1171, self.maxIndVars)
self.maxIndVars = k - 1
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1172, self.maxIndVars)
#### Assure Degrees of Freedom ####
withIntercept = self.maxIndVars + 1
dof = self.n - withIntercept
if dof <= 2:
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1128, 2)
dofLimit = self.n - 4
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1419, dofLimit)
self.maxIndVars = dofLimit
if self.maxIndVars < 1:
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1173)
#### Assure Min Vars is less than or equal to Max Vars ####
if self.maxIndVars < self.minIndVars:
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1174)
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1175)
self.minIndVars = self.maxIndVars
#### Gen Range Combos ####
rangeVars = range(1, k)
rangeCombos = NUM.arange(self.minIndVars, self.maxIndVars+1)
#### Create Base Design Matrix ####
self.x = NUM.ones((self.n, k), dtype = float)
for column, variable in enumerate(self.independentVars):
self.x[:,column + 1] = ssdo.fields[variable].data
#### Calculate Global VIF ####
self.globalVifVals = COLL.defaultdict(float)
if k > 2:
#### Values Less Than One Were Forced by Psuedo-Inverse ####
self.printVIF = True
self.printVIF = False
#### Create Output Table Info ####
if self.outputTable:
#### List of Results ####
self.tableResults = []
#### Valid Table Name and Type ####
self.outputTable, dbf = UTILS.returnTableName(self.outputTable)
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(self.outputTable)
#### Set Field Names (Base) ####
self.outFieldNames = UTILS.getFieldNames(erFieldNames, outPath)
self.outFieldTypes = ["LONG", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE",
#### Add Field Names (Independent Vars as X#) ####
maxRange = range(1, self.maxIndVars+1)
self.outFieldNames += [ "X" + str(j) for j in maxRange ]
self.outFieldTypes += ["TEXT"] * self.maxIndVars
#### Calculate Max Text Length for Output Fields ####
fieldLens = [ len(i) for i in self.independentVars ]
self.maxFieldLen = max(fieldLens) + 5
tableReportCount = 0
#### Set NULL Values and Flag to Reset Table Name ####
isNullable = UTILS.isNullable(self.outputTable)
if isNullable:
self.nullValue = NUM.nan
self.nullValue = UTILS.shpFileNull["DOUBLE"]
self.dbf = dbf
#### Create Output Report File ####
if self.outputReportFile:
fo = UTILS.openFile(self.outputReportFile, "w")
#### Hold Results for Every Choose Combo ####
self.resultDict = {}
self.vifVarCount = COLL.defaultdict(int)
示例10: createOutput
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import getFieldNames [as 别名]
def createOutput(self, outputTable, displayIt = False):
"""Creates K-Function Output Table.
outputTable (str): path to the output table
displayIt {bool, False}: create output graph?
#### Allow Overwrite Output ####
ARCPY.env.overwriteOutput = 1
#### Get Output Table Name With Extension if Appropriate ####
outputTable, dbf = UTILS.returnTableName(outputTable)
#### Set Progressor ####
ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84008))
#### Delete Table If Exists ####
#### Create Table ####
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outputTable)
DM.CreateTable(outPath, outName)
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 541)
raise SystemExit()
#### Add Result Fields ####
fn = UTILS.getFieldNames(kOutputFieldNames, outPath)
expectedKName, observedKName, diffKName, lowKName, highKName = fn
outputFields = [expectedKName, observedKName, diffKName]
if self.permutations:
outputFields += [lowKName, highKName]
for field in outputFields:
UTILS.addEmptyField(outputTable, field, "DOUBLE")
#### Create Insert Cursor ####
insert = DA.InsertCursor(outputTable, outputFields)
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 204)
raise SystemExit()
#### Add Rows to Output Table ####
for testIter in xrange(self.nIncrements):
distVal = self.cutoffs[testIter]
ldVal = self.ld[testIter]
diffVal = ldVal - distVal
rowResult = [distVal, ldVal, diffVal]
if self.permutations:
ldMinVal = self.ldMin[testIter]
ldMaxVal = self.ldMax[testIter]
rowResult += [ldMinVal, ldMaxVal]
#### Clean Up ####
del insert
#### Make Table Visable in TOC if *.dbf Had To Be Added ####
if dbf:
ARCPY.SetParameterAsText(1, outputTable)
#### Display Results ####
if displayIt:
if "WIN" in SYS.platform.upper():
#### Set Progressor ####
ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84186))
#### Get Image Directory ####
imageDir = UTILS.getImageDir()
#### Make List of Fields and Set Template File ####
yFields = [expectedKName, observedKName]
if self.permutations:
#### Add Confidence Envelopes ####
tee = OS.path.join(imageDir, "KFunctionPlotEnv.tee")
tee = OS.path.join(imageDir, "KFunctionPlot.tee")
xFields = [ expectedKName for i in yFields ]
#### Create Data Series String ####
dataStr = UTILS.createSeriesStr(xFields, yFields, outputTable)
#### Make Graph ####
DM.MakeGraph(tee, dataStr, "KFunction")
ARCPY.SetParameterAsText(11, "KFunction")
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Warning", 942)
示例11: createOutput
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import getFieldNames [as 别名]
def createOutput(self, outputFC):
"""Creates an Output Feature Class with the Standard Distances.
outputFC (str): path to the output feature class
#### Validate Output Workspace ####
#### Shorthand Attributes ####
ssdo = self.ssdo
caseField = self.caseField
#### Increase Extent if not Projected ####
if ssdo.spatialRefType != "Projected":
seValues = self.se.values()
if len(seValues):
maxSE = NUM.array([ i[0:2] for i in seValues ]).max()
largerExtent = UTILS.increaseExtentByConstant(ssdo.extent,
constant = maxSE)
largerExtent = [ LOCALE.str(i) for i in largerExtent ]
ARCPY.env.XYDomain = " ".join(largerExtent)
#### Create Output Feature Class ####
ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84003))
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outputFC)
DM.CreateFeatureclass(outPath, outName, "POLYGON",
"", ssdo.mFlag, ssdo.zFlag,
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 210, outputFC)
raise SystemExit()
#### Add Fields to Output FC ####
dataFieldNames = UTILS.getFieldNames(seFieldNames, outPath)
shapeFieldNames = ["[email protected]"]
for fieldName in dataFieldNames:
UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, fieldName, "DOUBLE")
caseIsDate = False
if caseField:
fcCaseField = ssdo.allFields[caseField]
validCaseName = UTILS.validQFieldName(fcCaseField, outPath)
caseType = UTILS.convertType[fcCaseField.type]
UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, validCaseName, caseType)
if caseType.upper() == "DATE":
caseIsDate = True
#### Write Output ####
badCaseRadians = []
allFieldNames = shapeFieldNames + dataFieldNames
rows = DA.InsertCursor(outputFC, allFieldNames)
for case in self.caseKeys:
#### Get Results ####
xVal, yVal = self.meanCenter[case]
seX, seY, degreeRotation, radianR1, radianR2 = self.se[case]
seX2 = seX**2.0
seY2 = seY**2.0
#### Create Empty Polygon Geomretry ####
poly = ARCPY.Array()
#### Check for Valid Radius ####
seXZero = UTILS.compareFloat(0.0, seX, rTol = .0000001)
seXNan = NUM.isnan(seX)
seXBool = seXZero + seXNan
seYZero = UTILS.compareFloat(0.0, seY, rTol = .0000001)
seYNan = NUM.isnan(seY)
seYBool = seYZero + seYNan
if seXBool or seYBool:
badRadian = 6
badCase = UTILS.caseValue2Print(case, self.caseIsString)
badRadian = 0
cosRadian = NUM.cos(radianR1)
sinRadian = NUM.sin(radianR1)
#### Calculate a Point For Each ####
#### Degree in Ellipse Polygon ####
for degree in NUM.arange(0, 360):
radians = UTILS.convert2Radians(degree)
tanVal2 = NUM.tan(radians)**2.0
dX = MATH.sqrt((seX2 * seY2) /
(seY2 + (seX2 * tanVal2)))
dY = MATH.sqrt((seY2 * (seX2 - dX**2.0)) /
#### Adjust for Quadrant ####
if 90 <= degree < 180:
dX = -dX
elif 180 <= degree < 270:
dX = -dX
dY = -dY