本文整理汇总了Python中SSUtilities.formatValue方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SSUtilities.formatValue方法的具体用法?Python SSUtilities.formatValue怎么用?Python SSUtilities.formatValue使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类SSUtilities
示例1: createCoefficientReport
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import formatValue [as 别名]
def createCoefficientReport(self):
"""Creates a formatted summary table of the OLS
#### Table Title ####
header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84075)
aFoot = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84080)
bFoot = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84086)
cFoot = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84103)
coefColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84049) + " " + aFoot
probColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84055) + " " + bFoot
robColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84102) + " " + bFoot
vifColLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84284) + " " + cFoot
#### Column Labels ####
total = [[ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84068), coefColLab,
ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84051), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84053),
probColLab, ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84097),
ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84101), robColLab]]
if self.vif:
#### Loop Through Explanatory Variables ####
for row in xrange(self.k):
#### Variable Name ####
rowVals = [self.varLabels[row]]
#### Standard Values ####
rowVals.append(UTILS.formatValue(self.coef[row, 0]))
rowVals.append(UTILS.writePVal(self.pVals[row], padNonSig = True))
#### Robust Values ####
padNonSig = True))
#### VIF ####
if self.vif:
if row == 0:
rowVIF = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84092)
rowVIF = self.vifVal[(row - 1)]
if abs(rowVIF) > 1000:
rowVIF = "> 1000.0"
rowVIF = LOCALE.format("%0.6f", rowVIF)
#### Append Row to Result List ####
#### Finalize Coefficient Table ####
self.coefTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(total, header = header,
pad = 1, justify = "right")
self.coefRaw = total
示例2: report
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import formatValue [as 别名]
def report(self, orderType = 0, formatStr = "%0.6f", addModel = True):
"""Reports the results of the OLS run.
orderType {int, 0}: Sort by - 0:R2, 1:Jarque-Bera, 2:Moran
formatStr (str): format string, E.g. "%0.6f"
addModel {bool, True}: Add model to report?
#### Set Output Moran's I p-value ####
if self.allMIPass:
#### Make p-value NA ####
miVal = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84499)
if self.miPVal is None:
miVal = ""
miVal = self.miPVal
vifInd = -2
if orderType == 0:
resultList = [ self.r2, self.aic, self.jb, self.bp,
self.maxVIFValue, miVal ]
elif orderType == 1:
resultList = [ self.jb, self.r2, self.aic, self.bp,
self.maxVIFValue, miVal ]
resultList = [ miVal, self.r2, self.aic, self.jb, self.bp,
self.maxVIFValue ]
vifInd = -1
resultListVals = []
for val in resultList:
outValue = UTILS.formatValue(val, formatStr)
outValue = val
if self.maxVIFValue >= 1000:
resultListVals[vifInd] = ">" + LOCALE.format("%0.2f", 1000.)
if addModel:
return resultListVals
示例3: createOutputGraphic
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import formatValue [as 别名]
LOCALE.format("%0.6f", ei),
justify = "right")
grid.writeCell((grid.rowCount, 3),
LOCALE.format("%0.6f", vi),
justify = "right")
grid.writeCell((grid.rowCount, 4),
LOCALE.format("%0.6f", zi),
justify = "right")
grid.writeCell((grid.rowCount, 5),
LOCALE.format("%0.6f", pv),
justify = "right")
if grid.rowCount <= 19:
grid.createLineRow(grid.rowCount, startCol = 0, endCol = 7)
#### Add Footnotes, Peaks, Linear Unit, No Neighbor Message ####
footNotes = []
#### Report Peaks ####
firstPeakMess = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84419)
decimalSep = UTILS.returnDecimalChar()
if decimalSep == ".":
numSep = ","
numSep = ";"
if self.firstPeakInd != None:
zi = LOCALE.format("%0.6f", self.giResults[self.firstPeakInd,4])
d = LOCALE.format("%0.2f", round(self.firstPeakDistance, 2))
firstPeakMess = firstPeakMess.format(d, numSep, zi)
firstPeakMess = firstPeakMess.format("None",numSep, "None")
footNotes += REPORT.splitFootnote(firstPeakMess, 145)
maxPeakMess = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84420)
if self.maxPeakInd != None:
zi = LOCALE.format("%0.6f", self.giResults[self.maxPeakInd,4])
d = LOCALE.format("%0.2f", round(self.maxPeakDistance, 2))
maxPeakMess = maxPeakMess.format(d, numSep, zi)
maxPeakMess = maxPeakMess.format("None",numSep, "None")
footNotes += REPORT.splitFootnote(maxPeakMess, 145)
#### Add Linear/Angular Unit ####
distanceOut = self.ssdo.distanceInfo.outputString
dmsg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84344)
distanceMeasuredStr = dmsg.format(distanceOut)
footNotes += REPORT.splitFootnote(distanceMeasuredStr, 145)
#### Add No Neighbor Message ####
if hasNoNeighs:
noNeighMess = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84417)
footNotes += REPORT.splitFootnote(noNeighMess, 145)
for line in footNotes:
if grid.rowCount >= 19:
#### Finalize Page ####
#### New Page ####
report = REPORT.startNewReport(7, title = titlePlus,
landscape = True,
titleFont = REPORT.ssTitleFont)
grid = report.grid
#### Write Footnote ####
grid.writeCell((grid.rowCount, 0), line,
colspan = 7, justify = "left")
#### Add To PDF ####
##### Add Dataset/Parameter Info ####
paramLabels = [84253, 84016, 84374, 84375, 84376, 84235, 84236, 84418]
paramLabels = [ ARCPY.GetIDMessage(i) for i in paramLabels ]
paramValues = [self.ssdo.inputFC, self.varName,
"%i" % self.nIncrements,
self.concept, "%s" % self.rowStandard,
title = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84373)
REPORT.createParameterPage(paramLabels, paramValues,
title = title,
pdfOutput = pdfOutput,
titleFont = REPORT.ssTitleFont)
#### Finish Up ####
示例4: construct
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import formatValue [as 别名]
def construct(self):
"""Constructs the neighborhood structure for each feature and
dispatches the appropriate values for the calculation of the
#### Shorthand Attributes ####
ssdo = self.ssdo
numObs = ssdo.numObs
master2Order = ssdo.master2Order
masterField = ssdo.masterField
concept = self.concept
iterVals = range(numObs)
rowStandard = self.rowStandard
wType = 1
yVar = NUM.var(self.y)
if NUM.isnan(yVar) or yVar <= 0.0:
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 906)
raise SystemExit()
#### Create Deviation Variables ####
self.yBar = NUM.mean(self.y)
self.yDev = self.y - self.yBar
#### Create Results Array ####
self.giResults = NUM.zeros((self.nIncrements, 6))
#### Run Max Distance and Bin NN ####
msgProg = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84423)
self.rowSum = NUM.zeros((numObs, self.nIncrements), float)
self.weightVals = NUM.ones((numObs, self.nIncrements), float)
self.noNeighs = NUM.zeros((self.nIncrements,), int)
self.breaks = COLL.defaultdict(NUM.array)
self.numFeatures = NUM.ones((self.nIncrements,), int) * ssdo.numObs
self.totalNeighs = NUM.zeros((self.nIncrements,), float)
ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", msgProg, 0, ssdo.numObs, 1)
if not self.silent:
ARCPY.AddMessage("\n" + msgProg)
gaSearch = GAPY.ga_nsearch(ssdo.gaTable)
gaSearch.init_nearest(self.stepMax, 0, concept.lower())
gaTable = ssdo.gaTable
numCalcs = 0
warnThrown = (self.silent == True) or (self.allDefaults == True)
self.warnNeighsExceeded = warnThrown
self.maxNeighsExceeded = warnThrown
self.completed = False
nb = ARC._ss.NeighborBins(gaTable, gaSearch, self.cutoffs)
c = 0
for counts, breaks in nb:
numDists = len(breaks)
if numDists:
#### Add Warning if Possibly Going to Run out of Memory ####
numCalcs += numDists
if numCalcs > 20000000 and not warnThrown:
if not self.silent:
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1389)
warnThrown = True
self.breaks[c] = breaks
noNeighInd = NUM.where(counts == 0)[0]
if len(noNeighInd):
for noInd in noNeighInd:
self.noNeighs[noInd] += 1
self.numFeatures[noInd] -= 1
if rowStandard:
self.weightVals[c] = 1./counts
self.rowSum[c] = 1.0
self.rowSum[c] = counts * 1.0
self.totalNeighs += counts
#### Never Included in Spatial Autocorrelation ####
for ind in xrange(self.nIncrements):
self.noNeighs[ind] += 1
self.numFeatures[ind] -= 1
#### Warn Number of Neighs ####
if numDists >= WU.warnNumberOfNeighbors:
if not self.warnNeighsExceeded:
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1420,
self.warnNeighsExceeded = True
c += 1
#### Report if All Features Have No Neighbors ####
self.s0 = self.rowSum.sum(0)
noNeighsAllInd = NUM.where(self.s0 == 0.0)[0]
if len(noNeighsAllInd):
cutoffNoNeighs = self.cutoffs[noNeighsAllInd]
dist = [UTILS.formatValue(i, "%0.2f") for i in cutoffNoNeighs]
distanceStr = ", ".join(dist)
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 1388, distanceStr)
raise SystemExit()
#### Report on Features with Large Number of Neighbors ####
throwWarnings = (self.silent == True) or (self.allDefaults == True)
if not throwWarnings:
示例5: endSummary
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import formatValue [as 别名]
def endSummary(self):
"""Creates End Summary for Report File."""
#### Passing Model Global Summary ####
passHeader = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84294)
emptyValue = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84092)
perfectMultiStr = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84368)
perfectInterStr = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84369)
perfectInterStr += " (%s)" % LOCALE.format("%0.2f", 100)
passResults = [ [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84295),
ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84299)] ]
cutoffList = [ "> " + UTILS.formatValue(self.minR2, "%0.2f"),
"< " + UTILS.formatValue(self.maxCoef, "%0.2f"),
"< " + UTILS.formatValue(self.maxVIF, "%0.2f"),
"> " + UTILS.formatValue(self.minJB, "%0.2f"),
"> " + UTILS.formatValue(self.minMI, "%0.2f") ]
categories = [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84300), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84301),
ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84302), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84303),
boolPerc = [ returnPerc(i, self.sumRuns) for i in self.boolResults ]
boolPerc.append( returnPerc(self.sumMoranPass, self.sumMoranRuns) )
boolOut = list(self.boolResults) + [self.sumMoranPass]
sumOut = [ self.sumRuns for i in self.boolResults ]
sumOut += [self.sumMoranRuns]
for ind, category in enumerate(categories):
outValue = LOCALE.format("%0.2f", boolPerc[ind])
outCutoff = cutoffList[ind]
outTrial = sumOut[ind]
outCount = boolOut[ind]
passResults.append( [category, outCutoff, outTrial,
outCount, outValue] )
self.passReport = UTILS.outputTextTable(passResults,
header = passHeader,
pad = 1, justify = "right")
##### Variable Significance and VIF Reports ####
##### Create Table Headers ####
signHeader = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84305)
vifHeader = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84306)
#### Create Column Labels and Result Lists ####
signColInfo = [ [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84068), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84307),
ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84366), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84367)] ]
signResults = []
vifResults = [ [ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84068), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84284),
ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84308), ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84309)] ]
##### Get Covariate Total ####
percVarRes = []
totalTogether = 0
for resultKey, result in UTILS.iteritems(self.resultDict):
totalTogether += result.eachAppears
##### Populate Result Lists ####
for ind, varName in enumerate(self.independentVars):
totalNeg = 0
totalPos = 0
totalSign = 0
totalRan = 0
totalViolations = 0
totalCovariates = COLL.defaultdict(int)
for resultKey, result in UTILS.iteritems(self.resultDict):
#### Significance Results ####
numRan, numSign = result.signDict[varName]
totalSign += numSign
totalRan += numRan
numNeg, numPos = result.varSignDict[varName]
totalNeg += numNeg
totalPos += numPos
#### VIF Results ####
numViolate, covariates = result.vifDict[varName]
totalViolations += numViolate
for covariate in covariates:
if covariate != varName:
totalCovariates[covariate] += 1
#### Add Perfect Multicollinearity Results * ####
successfulRun = totalRan > 0
#### Complete Significance Row ####
if successfulRun:
percentSign = ((totalSign * 1.0) / totalRan) * 100.0
percentNeg = ((totalNeg * 1.0) / totalRan) * 100.0
percentPos = ((totalPos * 1.0) / totalRan) * 100.0
rowRes = [varName, LOCALE.format("%0.2f", percentSign),
LOCALE.format("%0.2f", percentNeg),
LOCALE.format("%0.2f", percentPos)]
percentSign = -1.0
rowRes = [varName, emptyValue, emptyValue, emptyValue]
示例6: createDiagnosticReport
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import formatValue [as 别名]
def createDiagnosticReport(self):
"""Creates a formatted summary table of the OLS
#### Create PValue Array ####
allPVals = NUM.array( [self.fProb, self.waldProb,
self.BPProb, self.JBProb] )
#### Check For Any Significance for Extra Padding ####
signFlag = NUM.any(allPVals <= 0.05)
#### Table Title ####
header = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84076)
feet = [84104, 84105, 84106, 84107]
feet = [ ARCPY.GetIDMessage(i) for i in feet ]
dFoot, eFoot, fFoot, gFoot = feet
dFoot = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84104)
row1 = [UTILS.addColon(ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84253)),
' ' + UTILS.addColon(ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84254)),
UTILS.padValue(self.depVarName, significant = signFlag)]
aiccLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84251) + " " + dFoot
row2 = [UTILS.addColon(ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84093)),
str(self.n), ' ' + UTILS.addColon(aiccLab),
significant = signFlag)]
r2Lab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84019) + " " + dFoot
adjR2Lab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84022) + " " + dFoot
row3 = [UTILS.addColon(r2Lab), UTILS.formatValue(self.r2),
' ' + UTILS.addColon(adjR2Lab),
significant = signFlag)]
fdofLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84028)
fLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84025) + " " + eFoot
row4 = [UTILS.addColon(fLab), UTILS.formatValue(self.fStat),
" " + UTILS.addColon(fdofLab.format(self.q, self.dof)),
UTILS.writePVal(self.fProb, padNonSig = True)]
chiMess = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84034)
wLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84031) + " " + eFoot
row5 = [UTILS.addColon(wLab), UTILS.formatValue(self.waldStat),
" " + UTILS.addColon(chiMess.format(self.q)),
UTILS.writePVal(self.waldProb, padNonSig = True)]
kLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84037) + " " + fFoot
row6 = [UTILS.addColon(kLab), UTILS.formatValue(self.BP),
' '+ UTILS.addColon(chiMess.format(self.q)),
UTILS.writePVal(self.BPProb, padNonSig = True)]
jbLab = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84043) + " " + gFoot
row7 = [UTILS.addColon(jbLab), UTILS.formatValue(self.JB),
' '+ UTILS.addColon(chiMess.format(2)),
UTILS.writePVal(self.JBProb, padNonSig = True)]
#### Finalize Diagnostic Table ####
diagTotal = [ row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7 ]
diagJustify = ["left", "right", "left", "right"]
self.diagTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(diagTotal,
header = header, pad = 1,
justify = diagJustify)
self.diagRaw = diagTotal
self.diagJustify = diagJustify
示例7: report
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import formatValue [as 别名]
def report(self):
#### Report Strings Across Tables ####
minStr = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84271)
maxStr = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84272)
meanStr = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84261)
stdStr = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84509)
attStr = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84507)
inStr = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84508)
#### Warn that Targets are Average of Inputs ####
if self.ssdoBase.numObs > 1:
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("WARNING", 1583)
#### Additional Averaged Summary ####
title = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84503)
avgList = [ [attStr, minStr, maxStr, stdStr, meanStr] ]
for ind, fieldName in enumerate(self.fieldNames):
avgList.append( [fieldName,
UTILS.formatValue(self.baseMin[ind], "%0.4f"),
UTILS.formatValue(self.baseMax[ind], "%0.4f"),
UTILS.formatValue(self.baseStd[ind], "%0.4f"),
UTILS.formatValue(self.baseMean[ind], "%0.4f") ] )
outputTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(avgList, header = title,
pad = 1,
justify = ['left', 'right',
'right', 'right',
#### Attribute Summary ####
title = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84504)
avgList = [ [attStr, minStr, maxStr, stdStr, meanStr, inStr] ]
for ind, fieldName in enumerate(self.fieldNames):
avgList.append( [fieldName,
UTILS.formatValue(self.attMin[ind], "%0.4f"),
UTILS.formatValue(self.attMax[ind], "%0.4f"),
UTILS.formatValue(self.attStd[ind], "%0.4f"),
UTILS.formatValue(self.attMean[ind], "%0.4f"),
UTILS.formatValue(self.baseMean[ind], "%0.4f") ] )
outputTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(avgList, header = title,
pad = 1,
justify = ['left', 'right',
'right', 'right',
'right', 'right'])
if self.numResults > ssMaxTextTableResults:
firstLabel = "Top {0} of {1}".format(ssMaxTextTableResults,
iters = ssMaxTextTableResults
firstLabel = self.numResults
iters = self.numResults
matchString = outputTabInfo[self.matchMethod]
if self.similarType in ['MOST_SIMILAR', 'BOTH']:
title = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84505).format(firstLabel,
withinSS = self.totalDist[self.topIDs[:iters]].sum()
outNames = ["OID"] + matchFieldInfo['MOST_SIMILAR'][0:-1]
tableRows = [ outNames ]
for ind in xrange(iters):
orderID = self.topIDs[ind]
rank = str(ind+1)
masterID = str(self.ssdoCand.order2Master[orderID])
ss = UTILS.formatValue(self.totalDist[orderID], "%0.4f")
rowInfo = [masterID, rank, ss]
fin = ["", "", UTILS.formatValue(withinSS, "%0.4f")]
topTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(tableRows, header = title,
justify = "right", pad = 1)
if self.similarType in ['LEAST_SIMILAR', 'BOTH']:
title = ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84506).format(firstLabel,
withinSS = self.totalDist[self.botIDs[:iters]].sum()
outNames = ["OID"] + matchFieldInfo['LEAST_SIMILAR'][0:-1]
tableRows = [ outNames ]
for ind in xrange(iters):
orderID = self.botIDs[ind]
rank = str(ind+1)
masterID = str(self.ssdoCand.order2Master[orderID])
ss = UTILS.formatValue(self.totalDist[orderID], "%0.4f")
rowInfo = [masterID, rank, ss]
fin = ["", "", UTILS.formatValue(withinSS, "%0.4f")]
topTable = UTILS.outputTextTable(tableRows, header = title,
justify = "right", pad = 1)