本文整理汇总了Python中SSUtilities.clearExtent方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python SSUtilities.clearExtent方法的具体用法?Python SSUtilities.clearExtent怎么用?Python SSUtilities.clearExtent使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类SSUtilities
示例1: setStudyArea
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import clearExtent [as 别名]
def setStudyArea(self):
"""Sets the study area for the nearest neighbor stat."""
#### Attribute Shortcuts ####
ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84248))
ssdo = self.ssdo
if self.studyArea == None:
#### Create Min Enc Rect ####
studyAreaFC = UTILS.returnScratchName("regularBound_FC")
clearedMinBoundGeom = UTILS.clearExtent(UTILS.minBoundGeomPoints)
clearedMinBoundGeom(ssdo.xyCoords, studyAreaFC,
spatialRef = ssdo.spatialRef)
polyInfo = UTILS.returnPolygon(studyAreaFC,
spatialRef = ssdo.spatialRefString,
useGeodesic = ssdo.useChordal)
studyAreaPoly, studyArea = polyInfo
if studyArea == None:
#### Invalid Study Area ####
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("Error", 932)
raise SystemExit()
self.studyArea = studyArea
示例2: createOutput
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import clearExtent [as 别名]
def createOutput(self, outputFC):
"""Creates an Output Feature Class with the Directional Mean
outputFC (str): path to the output feature class
#### Validate Output Workspace ####
#### Shorthand Attributes ####
ssdo = self.ssdo
caseField = self.caseField
#### Create Output Feature Class ####
ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84003))
tempCFLayer = "tmpCFLayer"
DM.MakeFeatureLayer(ssdo.inputFC, tempCFLayer)
first = True
for key, value in self.cf.iteritems():
oids = value[0]
for oid in oids:
sqlString = ssdo.oidName + '=' + str(oid)
if first:
first = False
UTILS.clearExtent(DM.CopyFeatures(tempCFLayer, outputFC))
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 210, outputFC)
raise SystemExit()
#### Set Attribute ####
self.outputFC = outputFC
示例3: setupOptHotSpot
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import clearExtent [as 别名]
def setupOptHotSpot():
"""Retrieves the parameters from the User Interface and executes the
appropriate commands."""
#### Input Parameters ####
inputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(0)
outputFC = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(1)
varName = UTILS.getTextParameter(2, fieldName = True)
aggMethod = UTILS.getTextParameter(3)
if aggMethod:
aggType = aggTypes[aggMethod.upper()]
aggType = 1
boundaryFC = UTILS.getTextParameter(4)
polygonFC = UTILS.getTextParameter(5)
outputRaster = UTILS.getTextParameter(6)
makeFeatureLayerNoExtent = UTILS.clearExtent(DM.MakeFeatureLayer)
selectLocationNoExtent = UTILS.clearExtent(DM.SelectLayerByLocation)
featureLayer = "InputOHSA_FC"
makeFeatureLayerNoExtent(inputFC, featureLayer)
if boundaryFC:
selectLocationNoExtent(featureLayer, "INTERSECT",
boundaryFC, "#",
polygonFC = None
if polygonFC:
selectLocationNoExtent(featureLayer, "INTERSECT",
polygonFC, "#",
boundaryFC = None
#### Create SSDO ####
ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(featureLayer, templateFC = outputFC,
useChordal = True)
hs = OptHotSpots(ssdo, outputFC, varName = varName, aggType = aggType,
polygonFC = polygonFC, boundaryFC = boundaryFC,
outputRaster = outputRaster)
示例4: calculateAreas
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import clearExtent [as 别名]
def calculateAreas(inputFC, outputFC):
"""Creates a new feature class from the input polygon feature class
and adds a field that includes the area of the polygons.
inputFC (str): path to the input feature class
outputFC (str): path to the output feature class
#### Validate Output Workspace ####
outPath, outName = OS.path.split(outputFC)
#### Create SSDataObject ####
ssdo = SSDO.SSDataObject(inputFC, templateFC = outputFC,
useChordal = False)
#### Assure Polygon FC ####
if ssdo.shapeType.lower() != "polygon":
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 931)
raise SystemExit()
#### Check Number of Observations ####
cnt = UTILS.getCount(inputFC)
ERROR.errorNumberOfObs(cnt, minNumObs = 1)
#### Copy Features ####
clearCopy = UTILS.clearExtent(DM.CopyFeatures)
clearCopy(inputFC, outputFC)
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 210, outputFC)
raise SystemExit()
#### Add Area Field ####
areaFieldNameOut = ARCPY.ValidateFieldName(areaFieldName, outPath)
if not ssdo.allFields.has_key(areaFieldNameOut):
UTILS.addEmptyField(outputFC, areaFieldNameOut, "DOUBLE")
#### Calculate Field ####
clearCalc = UTILS.clearExtent(DM.CalculateField)
clearCalc(outputFC, areaFieldNameOut, "!shape.area!", "PYTHON_9.3")
示例5: output2NewFC
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import clearExtent [as 别名]
fieldType = "LONG"
alias = fieldName
setOutNullable = False
fieldLength = None
fieldPrecision = None
masterOutField = self.allFields[self.masterField.upper()]
fieldType = masterOutField.type
alias = masterOutField.baseName
setOutNullable = setNullable
fieldLength = masterOutField.length
fieldPrecision = masterOutField.precision
#### Append Fields ####
sourceFieldName = appendFields[ind-1]
outField = self.allFields[sourceFieldName]
fieldType = outField.type
alias = outField.baseName
setOutNullable = setNullable
fieldLength = outField.length
fieldPrecision = outField.precision
#### Create Candidate Field ####
outCandidate = CandidateField(fieldName, fieldType, None,
alias = alias,
precision = fieldPrecision,
length = fieldLength)
#### Create Output Field Map ####
outFieldMap = UTILS.createOutputFieldMap(self.inputFC,
outFieldCandidate = outCandidate,
setNullable = setOutNullable)
#### Add Output Field Map to New Field Mapping ####
#### Do FC2FC Without Extent Env Var ####
FC2FC = UTILS.clearExtent(CONV.FeatureClassToFeatureClass)
FC2FC(self.inputFC, outPath, outName, "", outputFieldMaps)
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 210, self.outputFC)
raise SystemExit()
#### Create/Verify Result Field Order ####
fieldKeys = candidateFields.keys()
if len(fieldOrder) == len(fieldKeys):
fKeySet = set(fieldKeys)
fieldOrderSet = set(fieldOrder)
if fieldOrderSet == fKeySet:
fieldKeys = fieldOrder
del fKeySet, fieldOrderSet
#### Add Empty Output Analysis Fields ####
outputFieldNames = [masterOutName]
for fieldInd, fieldName in enumerate(fieldKeys):
field = candidateFields[fieldName]
#### Replace NaNs for Shapefiles ####
if outIsShapeFile:
if field.type != "TEXT":
isNaN = NUM.isnan(field.data)
if NUM.any(isNaN):
field.data[isNaN] = UTILS.shpFileNull[field.type]
#### Populate Output Feature Class with Values ####
ARCPY.SetProgressor("step", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84003),
0, self.numObs, 1)
outRows = DA.UpdateCursor(self.outputFC, outputFieldNames)
for row in outRows:
masterID = row[0]
if self.master2Order.has_key(masterID):
order = self.master2Order[masterID]
#### Create Output Row from Input ####
resultValues = [masterID]
#### Add Result Values ####
for fieldName in fieldKeys:
field = candidateFields[fieldName]
fieldValue = field.data.item(order)
#### Insert Values into Output ####
#### Bad Record ####
#### Clean Up ####
del outRows
示例6: initialize
# 需要导入模块: import SSUtilities [as 别名]
# 或者: from SSUtilities import clearExtent [as 别名]
def initialize(self):
"""Reads data into a GA structure for neighborhood searching and
sets the study area envelope."""
#### Shorthand Attributes ####
ssdo = self.ssdo
weightField = self.weightField
if weightField:
fieldList = [weightField]
fieldList = []
#### Create GA Data Structure ####
ssdo.obtainDataGA(ssdo.oidName, fieldList, minNumObs = 3,
warnNumObs = 30)
N = len(ssdo.gaTable)
#### Get Weights ####
if weightField:
weights = ssdo.fields[weightField].returnDouble()
#### Report No Weights ####
weightSum = weights.sum()
if not weightSum > 0.0:
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 898)
raise SystemExit()
#### Set Study Area ####
ARCPY.SetProgressor("default", ARCPY.GetIDMessage(84248))
clearedMinBoundGeom = UTILS.clearExtent(UTILS.minBoundGeomPoints)
#### Set Initial Study Area FC ####
if self.studyAreaMethod == 1 and self.studyAreaFC:
#### Assure Only A Single Polygon in Study Area FC ####
polyCount = UTILS.getCount(self.studyAreaFC)
if polyCount != 1:
ARCPY.AddIDMessage("ERROR", 936)
raise SystemExit()
self.tempStudyArea = False
#### Read User Provided Study Area ####
polyInfo = UTILS.returnPolygon(self.studyAreaFC,
spatialRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)
self.studyAreaPoly, self.studyArea = polyInfo
#### Create Temp Min. Enc. Rectangle and Class ####
tempMBG_FC = UTILS.returnScratchName("tempMBG_FC")
clearedMinBoundGeom(self.studyAreaPoly, tempMBG_FC,
spatialRef = ssdo.spatialRef)
self.minRect = UTILS.MinRect(tempMBG_FC)
#### Create Min. Enc. Rectangle ####
self.studyAreaFC = UTILS.returnScratchName("regularBound_FC")
self.tempStudyArea = True
clearedMinBoundGeom(ssdo.xyCoords, self.studyAreaFC,
spatialRef = ssdo.spatialRef)
polyInfo = UTILS.returnPolygon(self.studyAreaFC,
spatialRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)
self.studyAreaPoly, self.studyArea = polyInfo
#### Create Min. Enc. Rectangle Class ####
self.minRect = UTILS.MinRect(self.studyAreaFC)
if self.reduce:
#### Only Need To Create FC if Reduce Buffer ####
UTILS.createPolygonFC(self.studyAreaFC, self.studyAreaPoly,
spatialRef = ssdo.spatialRefString)
#### Set Extent and Envelope and Min Rect ####
self.envelope = UTILS.Envelope(ssdo.extent)
self.maxDistance = self.minRect.maxLength * 0.25
if self.maxDistance > (self.minRect.minLength * .5):
#### 25% of Max Extent is Larger Than Half Min Extent ####
#### Results in Reduced Study Area Failure ####
if self.reduce:
self.maxDistance = self.minRect.minLength * 0.25
#### Determine Distance Increment ####
if not self.dIncrement:
if self.begDist:
distRange = self.maxDistance - self.begDist
distRange = self.maxDistance
self.dIncrement = float(distRange / self.nIncrements)
#### Determine Starting Distance ####
if not self.begDist:
self.begDist = self.dIncrement
#### Determine All Distance Cutoffs ####
rangeInc = xrange(self.nIncrements)
cutoffs = []
for inc in rangeInc:
val = (inc * self.dIncrement) + self.begDist