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Python Graph.plot_data方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Graph.plot_data方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Graph.plot_data方法的具体用法?Python Graph.plot_data怎么用?Python Graph.plot_data使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Graph的用法示例。


示例1: create_plots

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import plot_data [as 别名]
def create_plots():
    Execute simulations, gather data and plot it

    First choose the graph sizes for which plots should be generated,
    then the number of samples for each size.
    Generate random graphs and perform each broadcasting algorithm on it.
    Then get the number of retransmitting nodes, sent messages and max load of any node.
    Finally plot it according to the graph's connectivity.

    Plot a graph with possibility to arrange and save it manually
    # max_size = 1
    samples = 100

    # x_lst = [i for i in range(2, max_size+1)]
    x_lst = [3]

    fig3 = plt.figure('Max buffer-length')
    fig2 = plt.figure('Messages sent')
    fig1 = plt.figure('Retransmitting nodes')

    for index in range(len(x_lst)):
        size = x_lst[index]
        print size
        if len(x_lst) == 1:
            ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(1, 1, index + 1)
            ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(1, 1, index + 1)
            ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(1, 1, index + 1)
            ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(round(len(x_lst)/2, 0), 2, index + 1)
            ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(round(len(x_lst)/2, 0), 2, index + 1)
            ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(round(len(x_lst)/2, 0), 2, index + 1)

        flood_mes = {}
        ahbp_mes = {}
        sba_mes = {}

        flood_rebroad = {}
        ahbp_rebroad = {}
        sba_rebroad = {}

        flood_max = {}
        ahbp_max = {}
        sba_max = {}

        # for a in range(samples):
        for a in range(samples):
            conn = -1
            while conn < 0:
                graph, laplacian = random_graph(x_lst[index])
                if x_lst[index] > 20:
                    conn = round(get_connectivity(laplacian), 4)
                elif x_lst[index] == 20:
                    conn = round(get_connectivity(laplacian), 3)
                    conn = round(get_connectivity(laplacian), 2)
            # get values for flooding
            flood_rebroad, flood_mes, flood_max = gather_data(graph, conn, flood_rebroad, flood_mes, flood_max)
            # set all the sender flags to false again
            # so one can reuse the same graph
            # get values for AHBP
            ahbp_rebroad, ahbp_mes, ahbp_max = gather_data(graph, conn, ahbp_rebroad, ahbp_mes, ahbp_max)
            # get values for SBA
            setup_sending_SBA(graph, 2)
            sba_rebroad, sba_mes, sba_max = gather_data(graph, conn, sba_rebroad, sba_mes, sba_max)

        # plot number of retransmitting nodes
        flood_rebroad = average_std(flood_rebroad)
        ahbp_rebroad = average_std(ahbp_rebroad)
        sba_rebroad = average_std(sba_rebroad)
        Graph.plot_data(flood_rebroad, ahbp_rebroad, sba_rebroad, ax1)

        # plot number of messages sent
        flood_mes = average_std(flood_mes)
        ahbp_mes = average_std(ahbp_mes)
        sba_mes = average_std(sba_mes)
        Graph.plot_data(flood_mes, ahbp_mes, sba_mes, ax2)

        #plot max load of any node in the graph
        flood_max, ahbp_max, sba_max = arrange_data(size, flood_max, ahbp_max, sba_max)
        Graph.plot_maxload(flood_max, ax3, 'flood')
        Graph.plot_maxload(ahbp_max, ax3, 'ahbp')
        Graph.plot_maxload(sba_max, ax3, 'sba')

        #format the plots
        Graph.format_plots(ax1, size, 'retransmission')
        Graph.format_plots(ax2, size, 'messages')
        Graph.format_plots(ax3, size, 'max_load')

    # add axis notations and stuff
    Graph.format_figure(fig1, 'retransmission')
