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Python Graph.findPath方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Graph.findPath方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Graph.findPath方法的具体用法?Python Graph.findPath怎么用?Python Graph.findPath使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Graph的用法示例。


示例1: raw_input

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import findPath [as 别名]
                print "What else would you like to know?"
                print "0 = artists similar to a given artist"
                print "1 = if an artist is connected to another artist through similar artists"
                print "To exit, type 'exit' at any time"               
                print "I'm sorry, we aren't that hip."
                print "We don't have any information on that artist."
                print "Try another one?"

        elif cmnd == "1":
            cmnd = raw_input("Please specify the first artist: ")
            foo = raw_input("Please specify the second artist: ")

            if cmnd in artists and foo in artists:
                print "The path from %s to %s is: " % (cmnd, foo)
                path = g.findPath(cmnd, foo)
                for p in path: print p
                print ""
                print "What else would you like to know?"
                print "0 = artists similar to a given artist"
                print "1 = if an artist is connected to another artist through similar artists"
                print "To exit, type 'exit' at any time" 
                print "I'm sorry, we aren't that hip."
                print "We don't have any information on that artist."
                print "Try another one?"

        elif cmnd == "exit":

示例2: Graph

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import findPath [as 别名]

from Graph import *

folder_name1 = '../../Example Input/Graph1'
folder_name2 = '../Graph2'
g1 = Graph(folder_name1)
print g1
print "----------------------------------"
for i in g1.nodes:
    for j in g1.nodes:
        if i==j:
        print '\n'
        print "all paths between " + str(i) + " and " + str(j) + ":"
        print g1.findPath(i, j)
        print "shortest path between " + str(i) + " and " + str(j) + ":"
        print g1.findShortestPath(i, j)
print "----------------------------------"
print '\n\n'
g2 = Graph(folder_name2)
print g2
print "----------------------------------"
for i in g2.nodes:
    for j in g2.nodes:
        if i==j:
        print '\n'
        print "all paths between " + str(i) + " and " + str(j) + ":"
        print g2.findPath(i, j)
        print "shortest path between " + str(i) + " and " + str(j) + ":"

示例3: Graph

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import findPath [as 别名]
Created on Apr 24, 2009

@author: Peter

from Graph import *

g = Graph('folder_name')

for nodeID in range(1,g.numNodes()): 
    path = g.findPath(0, node)    # path is a structure {‘nodepath’: […], ‘length’: float}
    print "The path goes through %s and has a length of %s"  \
                               % ( path['nodepath'], path['length'] )
