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Python Graph.add_edge方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Graph.add_edge方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Graph.add_edge方法的具体用法?Python Graph.add_edge怎么用?Python Graph.add_edge使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Graph的用法示例。


示例1: genrate_actualtour

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import add_edge [as 别名]
 def genrate_actualtour(self, StartCity):
     This method generates the graph of the bestTour. 
     It calls the move_branch method with a given StartCity. From the bestTour
     stack it filters out only the interestCities by leaving out all the 
     intersection points. It then creates an instance of graph class in the same
     order as in bestTour.
     tour = Stack()  # create a new stack
     self.currentTour.push(StartCity)    # push the startCity in currentTour stack
     self.mark_visit(StartCity)  # mark it visited
     self.move_branch(StartCity) # call move_branch recursive function, with the given city
     # The following block of code removes vertices from bestTour and filters out
     # only the interest points and adds it to tour Stack
     while self.bestTour.size() != 0:    
         city = self.bestTour.pop()
         if city in self.interestCities:
     # The following block of code generates a Graph object from the tour Stack
     newGraph = Graph(tour.items)    # adds only the vertices in the graph
     for i in range(len(tour.items)-1):
         newEdge = Edge(tour.items[i], tour.items[i+1])  # create an edge within two consecutive vertices
         newGraph.add_edge(newEdge)  # add the edge to the graph
     return newGraph

示例2: main

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import add_edge [as 别名]
def main():
    read = ReadMap()
    print read.names
    grapher = BestPath(read.names[:5])
    bestTour = grapher.genrate_actualtour(Vertex(read.names[4]))
    print bestTour
    newGraph = Graph(bestTour.items)
    for i in range(len(bestTour.items) - 1):
        newEdge = Edge(bestTour.items[i], bestTour.items[i + 1])
    layout = RandomLayout(newGraph)

    # draw the graph
    gw = GraphWorld()
    gw.show_graph(newGraph, layout)

示例3: Graph

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import add_edge [as 别名]
            v = G.get_vertex(to)
            if v.get_distance() > (u.get_distance() + u.get_weight(v)):
                v.set_distance(u.get_distance() + u.get_weight(v))

    #loop over all nodes and print their distances
    for i in G.get_vertices():
        u = G.get_vertex(i)
        print "Node", u.get_vertex_ID(), "with distance", u.get_distance()

# Test Code
#create an empty graph
G = Graph()
#add vertices to the graph
for i in ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]:

#add edges to the graph - need one for each edge to make them undirected
#since the edges are unweighted, make all cost 1
G.add_edge("a", "c", 6)
G.add_edge("a", "d", 3)
G.add_edge("b", "a", 3)
G.add_edge("c", "d", 2)
G.add_edge("d", "c", 1)
G.add_edge("d", "b", 1)
G.add_edge("e", "b", 4)
G.add_edge("e", "d", 2)

bellman_ford(G, "a")

示例4: Nearest_Neighbour

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import add_edge [as 别名]
class Nearest_Neighbour(object):

    def __init__(self, labels=[], coordinates = []):
        self.cost_of_best_tour_so_far = float('inf')    # sets cost of best tour to infinity inititally
        self.cost_of_tour = 0   # cost of one tour
        self.labels = labels    # a list containing all the labels of the vertices
        self.best_label = []    # a list containing all the labels for for a given tour 
        self.best_label_so_far = [] # a list containing all the labels for the best possible tour
        self.all_coordinates = coordinates  # a list containing all the given coordinates
        self.coordinates = []   # a list containing the deep copy of the given coordinates
        self.best_coordinates = []  # a list containing the coordinates in the order of travel for a given tour
        self.best_coordinates_so_far = []   # a list containing the coordinates in the order of travel for the best possible tour
        self.unvisited_cities = []  # a list containing all the unvivited citites(list of Vertex objects)
        self.vertices = [Vertex(c) for c in self.labels]    # a list of all the cities generated using all the labels
        self.best_tour = Graph(self.vertices)   # a graph object containing a given tour
        self.best_tour_so_far = Graph(self.vertices)    # a graph object containing the best tour so far
        self.currentcity = None # Vertex object to contain the current city
        self.currentcity_coordinate = ()    # a tuple containing the coordinates for the current city
        self.startcity = None   # Vertex containing the start city
        self.nearestcity = None # Vertex containing the nearest city
        self.cost_to_nearest_city = float('inf')    # Cost of travelling to the nearest city

        for i in range(len(self.vertices)):
            self.vertices[i].pos = self.all_coordinates[i]

    def mark_unvisited_cities(self):
        Marks all cities unvisited by resetting the list of coordinates and vertices
        self.coordinates = copy.deepcopy(self.all_coordinates)  # adds all the coordinates back in self.coordiantes
        self.vertices = [Vertex(c) for c in self.labels]    # add all the vertices back in self.vertices 
        for i in range(len(self.vertices)):
            self.vertices[i].pos = self.all_coordinates[i]

    def empty_tour(self):
        Clears all the edges of the current tour
        self.best_tour = Graph(self.vertices)   # resets self.best_tour to an empty graph containing vertices
        self.best_label = []    # empties self.best_label
        self.best_coordinates =[]   # epmties self.best_coordinates

    def calculate_nearneighbor(self):
        Pre: List of all unvisitied vertices
        Post: Update the nearest city and cost of travelling to the nearest city
        for i in range(len(self.vertices)): # goes through each city
            v = self.coordinates[i] # finds the coordinate of the next city
            distance = ((self.currentcity_coordinate[0]-v[0])**2+(self.currentcity_coordinate[1]-v[1])**2)**0.5 # distance of travelling to the next city
            if distance < self.cost_to_nearest_city:    
                self.cost_to_nearest_city = distance    # if distance is less the update cost 
                self.nearestcity = self.vertices[i]     # upade nearest city
    def mark_visited(self):
        Pre: list of all unvisited citites
        Post: pop current city from self.vertices and self.labels and add the city to best_coordinates and best_label
        self.currentcity_coordinate = self.coordinates[self.vertices.index(self.currentcity)]   # gets the coordinate for current city before removing it from the list
        i = self.vertices.index(self.currentcity)   # gets index for the current city in the list of vertices
        self.vertices.pop(i)    # removes the vertex of current city from the self.vertices
        n = self.coordinates.pop(i) # removes the cooordinate of current city from self.coordinates
        self.best_label.append(self.currentcity.label)  # adds the current cities label to the best_label
        self.best_coordinates.append(n) # adds the current city to the list of best_coordinates

    def add_currcity_tour(self):
        Post: creates an edge between current city and nearest city
        e = Edge(self.currentcity, self.nearestcity)    # creates and edge between current city and nearest city
        self.best_tour.add_edge(e)  # adds the edge to the graph best_tour

    def add_tourCost(self):
        Pre: Takes in two parameters, the nearest city and the current city
        Post: Calculates the tourCost (i.e. calculates the distance between currentcity and nearest city)"""
        self.cost_of_tour += self.cost_to_nearest_city  # updates tour_cost
        self.cost_to_nearest_city = float('inf')    # resets cost_to_nearest city to infinity

示例5: generate_cfg

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import add_edge [as 别名]
    def generate_cfg(self, start_addr, ret_addr=None, start_clnum=0, end_clnum=0):
        if start_clnum == 0:
            start_clnum = self.t.get_minclnum() + 1

        if end_clnum == 0:
            end_clnum = self.t.get_maxclnum() - 1

        traces = []
        enter_call = 0
        enter_sub_call = 0

        for i in range(start_clnum, end_clnum + 1):
            pc = self.get_pc(i)
            asm = self.get_disasm(pc)
            if enter_call == 0:
                if pc == start_addr:
                    if ret_addr is None:
                        end_addr = self.get_ret_addr(i - 1)
                        print hex(end_addr)
                        end_addr = ret_addr
                    enter_call = 1
                    trace = [(i, pc, asm)]
                if end_addr == pc:
                    print 'exit call'
                    enter_call = 0
                    trace = []
                if enter_sub_call == 0:
                    trace.append((i, pc, asm))
                    if asm.startswith('call'):
                        enter_sub_call = 1
                        sub_call_ret = self.get_ret_addr(i)
                    if pc == sub_call_ret:
                        trace.append((i, pc, asm))
                        enter_sub_call = 0

        graph = Graph()

        pcs = []
        for trace in traces:
            print trace

        for trace in traces:
            exist_node = None
            exist_index = 1
            new_node = None
            for ins in trace:
                if ins[1] not in pcs:
                    if exist_node is None:
                        if new_node is None:
                            new_node = Node([Assemble(ins[1], ins[2])])
                            new_node.add_asm(Assemble(ins[1], ins[2]))
                        new_node = Node([Assemble(ins[1], ins[2])])
                        if len(exist_node.asm_seqs) == exist_index:
                            graph.add_edge(exist_node, new_node)
                            node1, node2 = graph.split_node(exist_node, exist_index, count=exist_node.count - 1)
                            graph.add_edge(node1, new_node)
                        exist_node = None
                        exist_index = 0
                    if exist_node is None:
                        if new_node is None:
                            exist_node = graph.search_and_split(ins[1])
                            exist_index = 1
                            node, index = graph.search_node(ins[1])
                            if index == 0:
                                graph.add_edge(new_node, node)
                                node2 = node
                                node1, node2 = graph.split_node(node, index)
                                if node == new_node:
                                    graph.add_edge(node2, node2)
                                    graph.add_edge(new_node, node2)
                            new_node = None
                            exist_node = node2
                            exist_index = 1
                        if new_node is None:
                            if len(exist_node.asm_seqs) == exist_index:
                                node3 = graph.search_and_split(ins[1])
                                graph.add_edge(exist_node, node3)
                                exist_node = node3
                                exist_index = 1
                                if exist_node.asm_seqs[exist_index].addr == ins[1]:
                                    exist_index += 1

示例6: Graph

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import add_edge [as 别名]
        v = G.get_vertex(t[1])

        #for each vertex w adjacent to v
        for w in v.get_connections():
            if w.get_distance() > (v.get_distance() + v.get_weight(w)):
                w.set_distance(v.get_distance() + v.get_weight(w))

        #loop over all nodes and print their distances
    for v in G:
        print "Node", v.get_vertex_ID(), "with distance", v.get_distance()

# Test Code
#create an empty graph
G = Graph()
#add vertices to the graph
for i in ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]:

#add edges to the graph - need one for each edge to make them undirected
#since the edges are unweighted, make all cost 1
G.add_edge("a", "b", 4)
G.add_edge("a", "c", 1)
G.add_edge("b", "e", 4)
G.add_edge("c", "b", 2)
G.add_edge("c", "d", 4)
G.add_edge("d", "e", 4)

dijkstra(G, "a")

示例7: Vertex

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import add_edge [as 别名]
from Graph import *
from Dist import Dist

# make the initial graph
v1 = Vertex()
v2 = Vertex()
e = Edge(v1, v2)
g = Graph([v1, v2], [e])

# add new vertices and edges
for i in range(2000):
    v1 = Vertex()
    v2 = g.random_vertex()
    e = Edge(v1, v2)

# plot the histogram of degrees
d = Dist()
vs = g.vertices()
for v in vs:



示例8: print

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import add_edge [as 别名]
        for w in v.get_connections():
            if w.get_distance() is None:
                w.set_distance(1 + v.get_distance())

    #loop over all nodes and print their distances
    for v in g:
        print("Node", v.get_vertex_ID(), "with distance", v.get_distance())

#create an empty graph
g = Graph()
#add vertices to the graph
for i in ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]:

#add edges to the graph - need one for each edge to make them undirected
#since the edges are unweighted, make all cost 1
g.add_edge("a", "b", 1)
g.add_edge("a", "d", 1)
g.add_edge("b", "d", 1)
g.add_edge("b", "e", 1)
g.add_edge("c", "a", 1)
g.add_edge("c", "f", 1)
g.add_edge("d", "f", 1)
g.add_edge("d", "g", 1)
g.add_edge("e", "g", 1)
g.add_edge("g", "f", 1)
unweighted_shortest_path(g, "a") 

示例9: TwoOpt

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import add_edge [as 别名]

    def generate_rand_graph(self):
        Pre: A list if lables and coordinates
        Post: Updates self.tour with a randomly generated graph and
            and updates self.costOfTour with the cost of that generated tour
        copyOfLabels = copy.deepcopy(self.labels)   # creates a copy of labels
        copyofCoordinates = copy.deepcopy(self.coordinates) # creates a copy of coordinates

        self.tour_edges = []    # reset tour edges
        self.tour_vertices = [] # reset tour vertices

        i = random.randrange(0, len(copyOfLabels))  # generate a random first city
        start_city = Vertex(copyOfLabels.pop(i))
        start_city.pos = copyofCoordinates.pop(i)
        previous_city = start_city  # assign start city to previous city

        self.tour_vertices.append(start_city)   # append it to tour vertices

        for x in range(len(copyOfLabels)):  # find the next random naumber
            i = random.randrange(0, len(copyOfLabels))
            v = Vertex(copyOfLabels.pop(i)) # pop that vertex at that random number
            v.pos = copyofCoordinates.pop(i)    # pop out the coordinate for that vertex and create that new vertex
            self.tour_vertices.append(v)    # append it to the list
            e = Edge(previous_city, v)  # create a new edge between the previous city and new randomly generated city
            self.tour_edges.append(e)   # append the edge to edge list
            self.costOfTour += self.cal_distance_of_edge(e) # update the cost of the tour for travelling to the new city
            previous_city = v   # assign the new city to previous city

        e = Edge(previous_city, start_city)     # join the last edge to go back to the start city
        self.tour = Graph(self.tour_vertices, self.tour_edges)
        self.costOfTour += self.cal_distance_of_edge(e) # update teh cost of the tour for going back to the start city
    def generate_rand_vertices(self):
        Pre: self.tour is a randomly generated graph
        Post: Randomly select two indices from the vertex list, whose subsequent vertices are note same.
        index_list = list(xrange(len(self.tour_vertices)))  # creates an list of indices of tour_vertices
        ran_num = random.randrange(len(index_list)-1)   # finds a random index
        self.index1 = index_list[ran_num]

        # creates a new list separating the already selected index and the indices before and after the selected index.
        if self.index1 == 0:
            new_index_list = index_list[2:-1]
        elif self.index1 == len(index_list)-1:
            new_index_list = index_list[1:len(index_list)-2]
            new_index_list = index_list[ran_num+2:]+ index_list[:ran_num-1]

        ran_num_2 = random.randrange(len(new_index_list)-1)  # find a second random index from the new list
        self.index2 = new_index_list[ran_num_2]

    def find_random_edge(self):
        find the corresponding edges from the list of vertices using the randomly generated indices
        x1 = self.tour_vertices[self.index1-1]
        y1 = self.tour_vertices[self.index1]
        x2 = self.tour_vertices[self.index2-1]
        y2 = self.tour_vertices[self.index2]
        self.edge1 = Edge(x1, y1)
        self.edge2 = Edge(x2, y2)

    def remove_edges(self):
        Pre: edge1 and edge2 should be given by generate random edges
        Post: Removes edge1 and edge2 from self.tour"""

    def find_new_edge(self):
        Switch (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) with (x1, x2) and (y1, y2) for creating two new edge
        x1 = self.tour_vertices[self.index1-1]
        y1 = self.tour_vertices[self.index1]
        x2 = self.tour_vertices[self.index2-1]
        y2 = self.tour_vertices[self.index2]
        self.new_edge1 = Edge(x1, x2)  # create a new edge by switching the vertices
        self.new_edge2 = Edge(y1, y2)

    def add_edge_reversely(self):
        Pre: self.new_edge1 and self.new_edge2 is present
        Post: Updates the self.tour with two newly generated edges

        # updates the self.tour_vertices such that vertices are in sequential order of a directed graph
        if self.index1 < self.index2:
            reverse_lis = self.tour_vertices[self.index1:self.index2]
            reverse_lis.reverse() # reverses the part of the vertices list in the middle of two chosen vertices
            self.tour_vertices = self.tour_vertices[:self.index1] + reverse_lis + self.tour_vertices[self.index2:]
            reverse_lis = self.tour_vertices[self.index2:self.index1]
            self.tour_vertices = self.tour_vertices[:self.index2] + reverse_lis + self.tour_vertices[self.index1:]

示例10: ReadMap

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import add_edge [as 别名]
class ReadMap(object):
    """This class reads a database file with .map extension
        header: a list containing the header section of the file
        filename: The name of the database
        graph: a graph object generated after reading the file, initially empty
        names: a list that only consists of the names of the buildings in the map

    def __init__(self):
        self.header = []
        self.filename = ""
        self.graph = Graph()
        self.names = []

    def read_file(self, filename):
        """Reads an ASCII file with .map extension to crate the map of campus
        Reads an An ASCII file where each line will be an edge. 
        The first column will contain a vertex, second column a vertex, and third column
        will contain distance of the edge. All the column separated by spaces.
        Update self.graph and self.names by extracting the edges from the file.
        f = open(filename, "r")
        for i in range(5):
            self.header.append(f.readline())  # reads and stores the header section of the file

        line = f.readline()
        while line != "EOF":

            sp_line = line.split()  # split the first line by spaces
            v1 = Vertex(sp_line[0])  # create the first vertex obj from the first column
            v2 = Vertex(sp_line[1])  # create second vertex obj from secomd column
            newEdge = Edge(v1, v2)  # create and edge between those two edges

            if v1 not in self.graph.vertices():  # if v1 is not already added
                self.graph.add_vertex(v1)  # add that to the graph

                # the following block is trick used to extrach the names of the buildings
                # all the vertex labels other than name of buildings have been stored as numbers
                # so every vertex label is first tried to convert into number
                # if the label is not a number, it raises the exception, and we know
                # that it is the name of the buiding
                    a = int(v1.label)

            if v2 not in self.graph.vertices():
                    a = int(v2.label)

            self.graph.add_edge(newEdge)  # add the edge to the graph
            newEdge.set_distance(int(sp_line[2]))  # set the distance of the edge
            line = f.readline()

        self.filename = filename  # updates the filename

示例11: __init__

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import add_edge [as 别名]
class VisibilityGraph:
    def __init__(self):
        self.graph = Graph()
        self.start_node_index = None
        self.goal_node_index = None
        self.obstacles = None
        self.shortest_path = None
        self.wall = None

    start_point: object of class Point
    goal_point: object of class Point
    obstacles: list of objects of class Obstacle
    def construct_visibility_graph(self, start_point, goal_point, obstacles, wall):
        self.obstacles = obstacles
        self.wall = wall

        # if start point or goal point is inside obstacles,
        # then we certainly can not find a collision-free path from start point to end point
        # here we set current_obstacle_index to -1 because start_point and end_point are not vertices of any obstacles
        # what if start_point or end_point is vertex of some obstacle? (answered)
        #     answer: no difference. no effect
        if start_point.is_in_obstacles(obstacles, -1) == True:
            print('error. start point is inside an obstacle')
        if goal_point.is_in_obstacles(obstacles, -1) == True:
            print('error. goal point is inside an obstacle')


        node_index = -2 # index of nodes, auxiliary variable to help construct graph
        node_index += 1
        start_node = Node(start_point.get_index(), start_point.get_x_coord(), start_point.get_y_coord())
        self.start_node_index = node_index
        self.graph.add_node(start_node) # add start_node to graph
        node_index += 1
        goal_node = Node(goal_point.get_index(), goal_point.get_x_coord(), goal_point.get_y_coord())
        self.goal_node_index = node_index
        self.graph.add_node(goal_node) # add goal_node to graph

        # add all visible vertices of obstacles into visibility graph
        # for a vertex of a obstacle, we should judge whether or not it inside other obstacles
        # previous: judge whether of not it is inside one obstacle (considering all obstacles)
        # previous method is unreasonable. (bug fixed)
        # add variable current_obstacle_index to keep track of the obstacle that the vertex comes from
        current_obstacle_index = 0 # the index of obstacle in obstacles (a list of object of class Obstacle)
        for obstacle in obstacles:
            for vertex in obstacle.get_all_vertices():
                node_index += 1
                if vertex.is_in_obstacles(obstacles, current_obstacle_index) == False:
                    vertex_node = Node(vertex.get_index(), vertex.get_x_coord(), vertex.get_y_coord())
            current_obstacle_index += 1

        # add all visible edges of obstacles into visibility graph
        current_obstacle_index = 0
        for obstacle in obstacles:
            for edge in obstacle.get_all_edges():
                seg_start_point =  edge.get_seg_start_point()
                seg_end_point = edge.get_seg_end_point()
                if (seg_start_point.is_visible() == True) and (seg_end_point.is_visible() == True):
                    if edge.is_intersected_with_an_obstacle(self.wall):
                    # TODO
                    copy_obstacle_index = 0
                    copy_obstacles = []
                    for copy_obstacle in obstacles:
                        if copy_obstacle_index == current_obstacle_index:
                            copy_obstacle_index += 1
                        copy_obstacle_index += 1
                    if (edge.is_in_some_obstacle(copy_obstacles) == False):
                        for other_obstacle in copy_obstacles:
                            if edge.is_intersected_with_an_obstacle(other_obstacle):
            current_obstacle_index += 1

        start_to_goal_segment = Segment(start_point, goal_point)
        if start_to_goal_segment.is_intersected_with_obstacles(obstacles, -1, -1, -1, -1, self.wall) == False:

        # add all visible edges connecting start_point to vertices of obstacles into visibility graph
        obstacle_index = 0
        for obstacle in obstacles:
            vertex_index = 0
            for vertex in obstacle.get_all_vertices():
                if vertex.is_visible() == False:
                    vertex_index += 1
