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Python Graph.fromTSPFile方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中Graph.fromTSPFile方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Graph.fromTSPFile方法的具体用法?Python Graph.fromTSPFile怎么用?Python Graph.fromTSPFile使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Graph的用法示例。


示例1: main

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import fromTSPFile [as 别名]
def main():
    Find a close solution to traveling salesman problem
    through genetic inver-over algorithm

    #variable delcaration
    populationSize = 100
    probability = .07
    filename = "cites.tsp"
    aGraph = Graph.fromTSPFile(filename)
    #aGraph = Graph.Graph(["one","two","three","four","five","six"],3,1.0)
    population = []
    path = aGraph.getNames()
    stable = 0
    repeat = True
    bestDistance = None
    oldBestDistance = None
    bestPath = []
    oldBestPath = []
    inversions = 0
    iterations = 0

    #Build the population
    for i in range(0, populationSize):

    print aGraph

    #Loop until same results occur 10 times across total population
    while (stable < 10):

        iterations = iterations + 1
        #For each path, pick a city and flip sub paths to another city
        for i in range (0, len(population)):
            testPath = copy.copy(population[i])

            city = testPath[random.randint(0, len(testPath) - 1)]
            repeat = True;
            bestDistance = None

            #While swaps can be made
            while repeat:

                #Possibly mutate and pick a city at random
                if (random.random() <= probability):
                    otherCity = testPath[random.randint(0, len(testPath) - 1)]
                    while (city == otherCity or (city == 6 and otherCity == 15) or (city == 13 and otherCity == 3) or (city == 11 and otherCity == 18) or (city == 1 and otherCity == 7) or (city == 9 and otherCity == 16)):
                        otherCity = testPath[random.randint(0, len(testPath) - 1)]

                #Otherwise look for solution from another path at random
                #By finding a node next to city
                    otherPath = population[random.randint(0, len(population) - 1)]

                    #If city is at the end of the other path, cycle to the first node
                    if (otherPath.index(city) == (len(otherPath) - 1)):
                        otherCity = otherPath[0]

                    #Else, grab the next city
                        otherCity = otherPath[otherPath.index(city) + 1]

                #If the cities to flip around are next to eachother, stop
                if ((testPath.index(otherCity) + 1 == testPath.index(city)) or
                    (testPath.index(otherCity) - 1 == testPath.index(city)) or
                    ((testPath.index(otherCity) == 0) and (testPath.index(city) == len(testPath) - 1)) or
                    ((testPath.index(city) == 0) and (testPath.index(otherCity) == len(testPath) - 1))):
                    repeat = False

                #Otherwise, flip the subpath
                    testPath = copy.copy(flip(testPath, testPath.index(city), testPath.index(otherCity)))
                    inversions = inversions + 1

            #Updates the path to faster version if needed
            if (evaluatePath(aGraph, testPath) <= evaluatePath(aGraph, population[i])):
                population[i] = copy.copy(testPath)

            #Updates the fastest distance and path for this interation of the
            #population if needed
            if (bestDistance == None) or (evaluatePath(aGraph, population[i]) < bestDistance):
                bestDistance = evaluatePath(aGraph, population[i])
                bestPath = copy.copy(population[i])

        #Updates the fastest distance and path for all iterations of the population
        #so far, if needed.
        if (oldBestDistance == None) or (bestDistance < oldBestDistance):
            oldBestDistance = bestDistance
            oldBestPath = copy.copy(bestPath)
            stable = 0

        #If no faster path is found increment the stable counter (exit condition)
            stable += 1
        print "working"

示例2: heappush

# 需要导入模块: import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from Graph import fromTSPFile [as 别名]
                            heappush(priorityQueue, newNode)

        else:  # Nothing left in priority queue is better so we're done!
            return (visitedNodes, optimalTour)

    # We've explored all the nodes in the priority queue and found none
    # really better, so return the best we found.  Note that if we
    # didn't find ANY tour, then optimalTour will be None - an
    # appropriate value to return anyway
    return (visitedNodes, optimalTour)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create a random graph with 7 vertices. 3 is the random seed for
    # populating the graph and 1.0 says it has 100% density so it's fully
    # connected - less dense graphs may or may not have a tour!
    aGraph = Graph.fromTSPFile("eil51.tsp")
    print aGraph

    # Run the Traveling Salesperson on the graph and find out how many
    # nodes we visited
    (visited, solution) = travelingSalesperson(aGraph)
    print 'Visisted ', visited, ' nodes'
    if solution:
        print 'Shortest tour is ',solution.pathLength, ' long:'
        print solution.path
        print 'No tour found'
