本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/runningwild/haunts/game.Game.EntityById方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Game.EntityById方法的具体用法?Golang Game.EntityById怎么用?Golang Game.EntityById使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类github.com/runningwild/haunts/game.Game
示例1: Maintain
func (a *SummonAction) Maintain(dt int64, g *game.Game, ae game.ActionExec) game.MaintenanceStatus {
if ae != nil {
exec := ae.(*summonExec)
ent := g.EntityById(exec.Ent)
if ent == nil {
base.Error().Printf("Got a summon action without a valid entity.")
return game.Complete
a.ent = ent
_, a.cx, a.cy = a.ent.Game().FromVertex(exec.Pos)
a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.Ap, 0, status.Unspecified)
a.spawn = game.MakeEntity(a.Ent_name, a.ent.Game())
if a.Current_ammo > 0 {
if a.ent.Sprite().State() == "ready" {
a.ent.TurnToFace(a.cx, a.cy)
a.ent.Game().SpawnEntity(a.spawn, a.cx, a.cy)
return game.Complete
return game.InProgress
示例2: Maintain
func (a *AoeAttack) Maintain(dt int64, g *game.Game, ae game.ActionExec) game.MaintenanceStatus {
if ae != nil {
a.exec = ae.(*aoeExec)
a.targets = a.getTargetsAt(g, a.exec.X, a.exec.Y)
if a.Current_ammo > 0 {
a.ent = g.EntityById(ae.EntityId())
if !a.ent.HasLos(a.exec.X, a.exec.Y, 1, 1) {
base.Error().Printf("Entity %d tried to target position (%d, %d) with an aoe but doesn't have los to it: %v", a.ent.Id, a.exec.X, a.exec.Y, a.exec)
return game.Complete
if a.Ap > a.ent.Stats.ApCur() {
base.Error().Printf("Got an aoe attack that required more ap than available: %v", a.exec)
return game.Complete
a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.Ap, 0, status.Unspecified)
// Track this information for the ais - the attacking ent will only
// remember one ent that it hit, but that's ok
for _, target := range a.targets {
if target.Side() != a.ent.Side() {
target.Info.LastEntThatAttackedMe = a.ent.Id
a.ent.Info.LastEntThatIAttacked = target.Id
if a.ent.Sprite().State() != "ready" {
return game.InProgress
for _, target := range a.targets {
if target.Stats.HpCur() > 0 && target.Sprite().State() != "ready" {
return game.InProgress
a.ent.TurnToFace(a.exec.X, a.exec.Y)
for _, target := range a.targets {
for _, target := range a.targets {
if g.DoAttack(a.ent, target, a.Strength, a.Kind) {
for _, name := range a.Conditions {
target.Stats.ApplyDamage(0, -a.Damage, a.Kind)
if target.Stats.HpCur() <= 0 {
target.Sprite().CommandN([]string{"defend", "killed"})
} else {
target.Sprite().CommandN([]string{"defend", "damaged"})
} else {
target.Sprite().CommandN([]string{"defend", "undamaged"})
return game.Complete
示例3: Maintain
func (a *Move) Maintain(dt int64, g *game.Game, ae game.ActionExec) game.MaintenanceStatus {
if ae != nil {
exec := ae.(*moveExec)
a.ent = g.EntityById(ae.EntityId())
if len(exec.Path) == 0 {
base.Error().Printf("Got a move exec with a path length of 0: %v", exec)
return game.Complete
a.cost = exec.measureCost(a.ent, g)
if a.cost > a.ent.Stats.ApCur() {
base.Error().Printf("Got a move that required more ap than available: %v", exec)
base.Error().Printf("Path: %v", exec.Path)
return game.Complete
if a.cost == -1 {
base.Error().Printf("Got a move that followed an invalid path: %v", exec)
base.Error().Printf("Path: %v", exec.Path)
if a.ent == nil {
base.Error().Printf("ENT was Nil!")
} else {
x, y := a.ent.Pos()
v := g.ToVertex(x, y)
base.Error().Printf("Ent pos: (%d, %d) -> (%d)", x, y, v)
return game.Complete
algorithm.Map2(exec.Path, &a.path, func(v int) [2]int {
_, x, y := g.FromVertex(v)
return [2]int{x, y}
base.Log().Printf("Path Validated: %v", exec)
a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.cost, 0, status.Unspecified)
src := g.ToVertex(a.ent.Pos())
graph := g.Graph(a.ent.Side(), true, nil)
a.drawPath(a.ent, g, graph, src)
// Do stuff
factor := float32(math.Pow(2, a.ent.Walking_speed))
dist := a.ent.DoAdvance(factor*float32(dt)/200, a.path[0][0], a.path[0][1])
for dist > 0 {
if len(a.path) == 1 {
a.ent.DoAdvance(0, 0, 0)
a.ent.Info.RoomsExplored[a.ent.CurrentRoom()] = true
a.ent = nil
return game.Complete
a.path = a.path[1:]
a.ent.Info.RoomsExplored[a.ent.CurrentRoom()] = true
dist = a.ent.DoAdvance(dist, a.path[0][0], a.path[0][1])
return game.InProgress
示例4: Push
func (exec interactExec) Push(L *lua.State, g *game.Game) {
exec.BasicActionExec.Push(L, g)
if L.IsNil(-1) {
L.PushString("Toggle Door")
if exec.Toggle_door {
game.LuaPushDoor(L, g, exec.getDoor(g))
} else {
game.LuaPushEntity(L, g.EntityById(exec.Target))
示例5: Maintain
func (a *Interact) Maintain(dt int64, g *game.Game, ae game.ActionExec) game.MaintenanceStatus {
if ae != nil {
exec := ae.(*interactExec)
a.ent = g.EntityById(ae.EntityId())
if (exec.Target != 0) == (exec.Toggle_door) {
base.Error().Printf("Got an interact that tried to target a door and an entity: %v", exec)
return game.Complete
if exec.Target != 0 {
target := g.EntityById(exec.Target)
if target == nil {
base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an entity that doesn't exist: %v", exec)
return game.Complete
if target.ObjectEnt == nil {
base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an entity that wasn't an object: %v", exec)
return game.Complete
if target.Sprite().State() != "ready" {
base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an object that wasn't in its ready state: %v", exec)
return game.Complete
if distBetweenEnts(a.ent, target) > a.Range {
base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an object that was out of range: %v", exec)
return game.Complete
x, y := target.Pos()
dx, dy := target.Dims()
if !a.ent.HasLos(x, y, dx, dy) {
base.Error().Printf("Tried to interact with an object without having los: %v", exec)
return game.Complete
a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.Ap, 0, status.Unspecified)
return game.Complete
} else {
// We're interacting with a door here
if exec.Floor < 0 || exec.Floor >= len(g.House.Floors) {
base.Error().Printf("Specified an unknown floor %v", exec)
return game.Complete
floor := g.House.Floors[exec.Floor]
if exec.Room < 0 || exec.Room >= len(floor.Rooms) {
base.Error().Printf("Specified an unknown room %v", exec)
return game.Complete
room := floor.Rooms[exec.Room]
if exec.Door < 0 || exec.Door >= len(room.Doors) {
base.Error().Printf("Specified an unknown door %v", exec)
return game.Complete
door := room.Doors[exec.Door]
x, y := a.ent.Pos()
dx, dy := a.ent.Dims()
ent_rect := makeIntFrect(x, y, x+dx, y+dy)
if !ent_rect.Overlaps(makeRectForDoor(room, door)) {
base.Error().Printf("Tried to open a door that was out of range: %v", exec)
return game.Complete
_, other_door := floor.FindMatchingDoor(room, door)
if other_door != nil {
// if door.IsOpened() {
// sound.PlaySound(door.Open_sound)
// } else {
// sound.PlaySound(door.Shut_sound)
// }
a.ent.Stats.ApplyDamage(-a.Ap, 0, status.Unspecified)
} else {
base.Error().Printf("Couldn't find matching door: %v", exec)
return game.Complete
return game.Complete