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C# TSPlayer.SendSuccessMessage方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中TShockAPI.TSPlayer.SendSuccessMessage方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# TSPlayer.SendSuccessMessage方法的具体用法?C# TSPlayer.SendSuccessMessage怎么用?C# TSPlayer.SendSuccessMessage使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在TShockAPI.TSPlayer的用法示例。


示例1: DisplaySearchResults

 public static void DisplaySearchResults(TSPlayer Player, List<object> Results, int Page)
     if (Results[0] is Item)
         Player.SendInfoMessage("Item Search:");
     else if (Results[0] is NPC)
         Player.SendInfoMessage("NPC Search:");
     var sb = new StringBuilder();
     if (Results.Count > (8 * (Page - 1)))
         for (int j = (8 * (Page - 1)); j < (8 * Page); j++)
             if (sb.Length != 0)
                 sb.Append(" | ");
             if (Results[j] is Item)
                 sb.Append(((Item)Results[j]).netID).Append(": ").Append(((Item)Results[j]).name);
             else if (Results[j] is NPC)
                 sb.Append(((NPC)Results[j]).netID).Append(": ").Append(((NPC)Results[j]).name);
             if (j == Results.Count - 1)
             if ((j + 1) % 2 == 0)
     if (Results.Count > (8 * Page))
         Player.SendInfoMessage("Type /spage {0} for more Results.", Page + 1);

示例2: SendEmail

        public static void SendEmail(TSPlayer player, string email, User user)
            MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(AccountRecovery.Config.EmailFrom, email);
            SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
            client.Timeout = 15000;
            client.Host = AccountRecovery.Config.HostSMTPServer;
            client.Port = AccountRecovery.Config.HostPort;
            client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
            client.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
            client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(AccountRecovery.Config.ServerEmailAddress, AccountRecovery.Config.ServerEmailPassword);
            client.EnableSsl = true;
            //client.ServicePoint.MaxIdleTime = 1;
            mail.Subject = AccountRecovery.Config.EmailSubjectLine;
            mail.Body = AccountRecovery.Config.EmailBodyLine;
            mail.IsBodyHtml = AccountRecovery.Config.UseHTML;

            string passwordGenerated = GeneratePassword(AccountRecovery.Config.GeneratedPasswordLength);
            TShock.Users.SetUserPassword(user, passwordGenerated);
            TShock.Log.ConsoleInfo("{0} has requested a new password succesfully.", user.Name);

            mail.Body = string.Format(mail.Body.Replace("$NEW_PASSWORD", passwordGenerated));
            mail.Body = string.Format(mail.Body.Replace("$USERNAME", user.Name));

            player.SendSuccessMessage("A new password has been generated and sent to {0} for {1}.", email, user.Name);
            TShock.Log.ConsoleInfo("A new password has been generated and sent to {0} for {1}.", email, user.Name);

示例3: Success

 public static void Success(TSPlayer to, string message)
     if (to is TSServerPlayer)
     to.SendMessage(message, Color.MediumSeaGreen);

示例4: DisplaySearchResults

 public static void DisplaySearchResults(TSPlayer Player, string type, Dictionary<string, int> Results, int Page)
     Player.SendInfoMessage(type + " Search:");
       var sb = new StringBuilder();
       if (Results.Count > (8 * (Page - 1))) {
     for (int j = (8 * (Page - 1)); j < (8 * Page); j++) {
       if (sb.Length != 0)
     sb.Append(" | ");
       sb.Append(Results.ElementAt(j).Key).Append(": ").Append(Results.ElementAt(j).Value);
       if (j == Results.Count - 1) {
       if ((j + 1) % 2 == 0) {
       if (Results.Count > (8 * Page)) {
     Player.SendInfoMessage("Type /spage {0} for more Results.", Page + 1);

示例5: TryCreateAutoProtection

        private bool TryCreateAutoProtection(TSPlayer forPlayer, DPoint location)
            try {
            this.ProtectionManager.CreateProtection(forPlayer, location, false);

            if (this.Config.NotifyAutoProtections)
              forPlayer.SendSuccessMessage(string.Format("This {0} has been protected.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName((BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[location].type)));

            return true;
              } catch (PlayerNotLoggedInException) {
              "This {0} will not be protected because you're not logged in.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName((BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[location].type)
              } catch (LimitEnforcementException) {
              "This {0} will not be protected because you've reached the protection limit.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName((BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[location].type)
              } catch (TileProtectedException) {
            this.PluginTrace.WriteLineError("Error: A block was tried to be auto protected where tile placement should not be possible.");
              } catch (AlreadyProtectedException) {
            this.PluginTrace.WriteLineError("Error: A block was tried to be auto protected on the same position of an existing protection.");
              } catch (Exception ex) {
            this.PluginTrace.WriteLineError("Unexpected exception was thrown during auto protection: \n" + ex);

              return false;

示例6: TryCreateProtection

        private bool TryCreateProtection(TSPlayer player, DPoint tileLocation, bool sendFailureMessages = true)
            if (!player.IsLoggedIn) {
            if (sendFailureMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("You have to be logged in in order protect blocks or objects.");

            return false;

              try {
            this.ProtectionManager.CreateProtection(player, tileLocation);

            BlockType blockType = (BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation].type;
            player.SendSuccessMessage(string.Format("This {0} is now protected.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType)));

            return true;
              } catch (ArgumentException ex) {
            if (ex.ParamName == "tileLocation" && sendFailureMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("Nothing to protect here.");

              } catch (InvalidBlockTypeException ex) {
            if (sendFailureMessages) {
              string messageFormat;
              if (TerrariaUtils.Tiles.IsSolidBlockType(ex.BlockType, true))
            messageFormat = "Blocks of type {0} can not be protected.";
            messageFormat = "Objects of type {0} can not be protected.";

              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format(messageFormat, TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(ex.BlockType)));
              } catch (LimitEnforcementException) {
            if (sendFailureMessages) {
            string.Format("You can't create new protections because you've reached the maximum number of protections: {0}.",
              } catch (AlreadyProtectedException) {
            if (sendFailureMessages) {
              BlockType blockType = (BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation].type;
              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format("This {0} is already protected.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType)));
              } catch (TileProtectedException) {
            if (sendFailureMessages) {
              BlockType blockType = (BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation].type;
              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format("This {0} is protected by someone else or is inside of a protected region.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType)));
              } catch (Exception ex) {
            player.SendErrorMessage("An unexpected internal error occured.");
            this.PluginTrace.WriteLineError("Error on creating protection: ", ex.ToString());


              return false;

示例7: PerformTrade

        private void PerformTrade(TSPlayer player, ProtectionEntry protection, Inventory chestInventory, Item sellItem, Item payItem)
            Inventory playerInventory = new Inventory(new PlayerItemsAdapter(player.Index, player.TPlayer.inventory, 0, 53), specificPrefixes: false);

              ItemData sellItemData = ItemData.FromItem(sellItem);
              ItemData payItemData = ItemData.FromItem(payItem);
              ItemData?[] playerInvUpdates;
              try {
            playerInvUpdates = playerInventory.Remove(payItemData);
            playerInventory.Add(playerInvUpdates, sellItemData);
              } catch (InvalidOperationException) {
            player.SendErrorMessage($"You either don't have the needed {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(payItem)} to purchase {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(sellItem)} or your inventory is full.");

              bool isRefillChest = (protection.RefillChestData != null);
              ItemData?[] chestInvUpdates;
              try {
            if (isRefillChest) {
              chestInvUpdates = chestInventory.Add(payItemData);
            } else {
              chestInvUpdates = chestInventory.Remove(sellItemData);
              chestInventory.Add(chestInvUpdates, payItemData);
              } catch (InvalidOperationException) {
            player.SendErrorMessage("The items in the trade chest are either sold out or there's no space in it to add your payment.");

              try {
              } catch (InvalidOperationException) {
            player.SendErrorMessage($"The vendor doesn't allow more than {protection.TradeChestData.LootLimitPerPlayer} purchases per player.");


              protection.TradeChestData.AddJournalEntry(player.Name, sellItem, payItem);
              player.SendSuccessMessage($"You've just purchased {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(sellItem)} for {TShock.Utils.ItemTag(payItem)} from {TShock.Utils.ColorTag(GetUserName(protection.Owner), Color.Red)}.");

示例8: TryAlterProtectionShare

        private bool TryAlterProtectionShare(
            TSPlayer player, DPoint tileLocation, bool isShareOrUnshare, bool isGroup, bool isShareAll,
            object shareTarget, string shareTargetName, bool sendFailureMessages = true
            if (!player.IsLoggedIn) {
            if (sendFailureMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("You have to be logged in to alter protections.");

            return false;

              try {
            BlockType blockType = (BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation].type;
            if (isShareAll) {
              this.ProtectionManager.ProtectionShareAll(player, tileLocation, isShareOrUnshare, true);

              if (isShareOrUnshare) {
              "This {0} is now shared with everyone.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType)
              } else {
              "This {0} is not shared with everyone anymore.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType)
            } else if (!isGroup) {
              this.ProtectionManager.ProtectionShareUser(player, tileLocation, (int)shareTarget, isShareOrUnshare, true);

              if (isShareOrUnshare) {
              "This {0} is now shared with player \"{1}\".",
              TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType), shareTargetName
              } else {
              "This {0} is not shared with player \"{1}\" anymore.",
              TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType), shareTargetName
            } else {
              this.ProtectionManager.ProtectionShareGroup(player, tileLocation, (string)shareTarget, isShareOrUnshare, true);

              if (isShareOrUnshare) {
              "This {0} is now shared with group \"{1}\".",
              TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType), shareTargetName
              } else {
              "This {0} is not shared with group \"{1}\" anymore.",
              TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType), shareTargetName

            return true;
              } catch (ProtectionAlreadySharedException) {
            string blockName = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName((BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation].type);

            if (isShareAll) {
              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format("This {0} is already shared with everyone.", blockName));
            } else if (!isGroup) {
              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format("This {0} is already shared with {1}.", blockName, shareTargetName));
            } else {
            "This {0} is already shared with group {1}.", blockName, shareTargetName

            return false;
              } catch (ProtectionNotSharedException) {
            string blockName = TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName((BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation].type);

            if (isShareAll) {
              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format("This {0} isn't shared with everyone.", blockName));
            } else if (!isGroup) {
              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format("This {0} isn't shared with {1}.", blockName, shareTargetName));
            } else {
            "This {0} isn't shared with group {1}.", blockName, shareTargetName

            return false;
              } catch (InvalidBlockTypeException ex) {
            if (sendFailureMessages) {
              string messageFormat;
              if (TerrariaUtils.Tiles.IsSolidBlockType(ex.BlockType, true))
            messageFormat = "Protections of {0} blocks are not shareable.";
            messageFormat = "Protections of {0} objects are not shareable.";

              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format(messageFormat, TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(ex.BlockType)));

            return false;
              } catch (MissingPermissionException ex) {
            BlockType blockType = (BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation].type;
            if (sendFailureMessages) {

示例9: TrySetUpRefillChest

        /// <exception cref="FormatException">The format item in <paramref name="format" /> is invalid.-or- The index of a format item is not zero. </exception>
        public bool TrySetUpRefillChest(
            TSPlayer player, DPoint tileLocation, TimeSpan? refillTime, bool? oneLootPerPlayer, int? lootLimit, bool? autoLock,
            bool? autoEmpty, bool sendMessages = true
            if (!player.IsLoggedIn) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("You have to be logged in in order to set up refill chests.");

            return false;

              if (!this.ProtectionManager.CheckBlockAccess(player, tileLocation, true) && !player.Group.HasPermission(ProtectorPlugin.ProtectionMaster_Permission)) {
            player.SendErrorMessage("You don't own the protection of this chest.");
            return false;

              try {
            if (this.ChestManager.SetUpRefillChest(
              player, tileLocation, refillTime, oneLootPerPlayer, lootLimit, autoLock, autoEmpty, false, true
            )) {
              if (sendMessages) {
            player.SendSuccessMessage("Refill chest successfully set up.");

            if (this.Config.AllowRefillChestContentChanges)
              player.SendSuccessMessage("As you are the owner of it, you may still freely modify its contents.");
            } else {
              if (sendMessages) {
            if (refillTime != null) {
              if (refillTime != TimeSpan.Zero)
                player.SendSuccessMessage($"Set the refill timer of this chest to {refillTime.Value.ToLongString()}.");
                player.SendSuccessMessage("This chest will now refill instantly.");
            if (oneLootPerPlayer != null) {
              if (oneLootPerPlayer.Value)
                player.SendSuccessMessage("This chest can now be looted one single time by each player.");
                player.SendSuccessMessage("This chest can now be looted freely.");
            if (lootLimit != null) {
              if (lootLimit.Value != -1)
                player.SendSuccessMessage($"This chest can now be looted only {lootLimit} more times.");
                player.SendSuccessMessage("This chest can now be looted endlessly.");
            if (autoLock != null) {
              if (autoLock.Value)
                player.SendSuccessMessage("This chest locks itself automatically when it gets looted.");
                player.SendSuccessMessage("This chest will not lock itself automatically anymore.");
            if (autoEmpty != null) {
              if (autoEmpty.Value)
                player.SendSuccessMessage("This chest empties itself automatically when it gets looted.");
                player.SendSuccessMessage("This chest will not empty itself automatically anymore.");

            if (this.Config.AutoShareRefillChests) {
              foreach (ProtectionEntry protection in this.ProtectionManager.EnumerateProtectionEntries(tileLocation)) {
            protection.IsSharedWithEveryone = true;

            return true;
              } catch (ArgumentException ex) {
            if (ex.ParamName == "tileLocation") {
              if (sendMessages)
            player.SendErrorMessage("There is no chest here.");

              return false;

              } catch (MissingPermissionException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("You are not allowed to define refill chests.");

            return false;
              } catch (NoProtectionException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("The chest needs to be protected to be converted to a refill chest.");

            return false;
              } catch (ChestIncompatibilityException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("A chest can not be a refill- and bank chest at the same time.");

            return false;
              } catch (NoChestDataException) {
            if (sendMessages) {
              player.SendErrorMessage("Error: There are no chest data for this chest available. This world's data might be");

示例10: TrySetUpTradeChest

        public bool TrySetUpTradeChest(TSPlayer player, DPoint tileLocation, int sellAmount, int sellItemId, int payAmount, int payItemId, int lootLimit = 0, bool sendMessages = true)
            if (!player.IsLoggedIn) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("You have to be logged in in order to set up trade chests.");

            return false;

              if (!this.ProtectionManager.CheckBlockAccess(player, tileLocation, true) && !player.Group.HasPermission(ProtectorPlugin.ProtectionMaster_Permission)) {
            player.SendErrorMessage("You don't own the protection of this chest.");
            return false;

              try {
            this.ChestManager.SetUpTradeChest(player, tileLocation, sellAmount, sellItemId, payAmount, payItemId, lootLimit, true);

            player.SendSuccessMessage("Trade chest was successfully created / updated.");
            return true;
              } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("Invalid item amount given.");

            return false;
              } catch (ArgumentException ex) {
            if (ex.ParamName == "tileLocation") {
              if (sendMessages)
            player.SendErrorMessage("There is no chest here.");

              return false;

              } catch (MissingPermissionException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("You are not allowed to define trade chests.");
              } catch (PaymentException ex) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("You don't have the necessary amount of {0} {1} to set up a trade chest!", ex.PaymentAmount, this.PluginCooperationHandler.Seconomy_MoneyName());
              } catch (InvalidBlockTypeException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("Only chests can be converted to trade chests.");
              } catch (NoProtectionException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("The chest needs to be protected to be converted to a trade chest.");
              } catch (ChestTypeAlreadyDefinedException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("The chest is already a trade chest.");
              } catch (ChestIncompatibilityException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("A trade chest can not be a bank chest at the same time.");
              } catch (NoChestDataException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("Error: There are no chest data for this chest available. This world's data might be corrupted.");

              return false;

示例11: TrySetUpBankChest

        public bool TrySetUpBankChest(TSPlayer player, DPoint tileLocation, int bankChestIndex, bool sendMessages = true)
            if (!player.IsLoggedIn) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("You have to be logged in in order to set up bank chests.");

            return false;

              if (!this.ProtectionManager.CheckBlockAccess(player, tileLocation, true) && !player.Group.HasPermission(ProtectorPlugin.ProtectionMaster_Permission)) {
            player.SendErrorMessage("You don't own the protection of this chest.");
            return false;

              try {
            this.ChestManager.SetUpBankChest(player, tileLocation, bankChestIndex, true);

              $"This chest is now an instance of your bank chest with the number {TShock.Utils.ColorTag(bankChestIndex.ToString(), Color.Red)}."

            return true;
              } catch (ArgumentException ex) {
            if (ex.ParamName == "tileLocation") {
              if (sendMessages)
            player.SendErrorMessage("There is no chest here.");

              return false;
            } else if (ex.ParamName == "bankChestIndex") {
              ArgumentOutOfRangeException actualEx = (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)ex;
              if (sendMessages) {
            string messageFormat;
            if (!player.Group.HasPermission(ProtectorPlugin.NoBankChestLimits_Permision))
              messageFormat = "The bank chest number must be between 1 and {0}.";
              messageFormat = "The bank chest number must be greater than 1.";

            player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format(messageFormat, actualEx.ActualValue));

              return false;

              } catch (MissingPermissionException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("You are not allowed to define bank chests.");

            return false;
              } catch (InvalidBlockTypeException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("Only chests can be converted to bank chests.");

            return false;
              } catch (NoProtectionException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("The chest needs to be protected to be converted to a bank chest.");

            return false;
              } catch (ChestNotEmptyException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("The chest has to be empty in order to restore a bank chest here.");

            return false;
              } catch (ChestTypeAlreadyDefinedException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("The chest is already a bank chest.");

            return false;
              } catch (ChestIncompatibilityException) {
            if (sendMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("A bank chest can not be a refill- or trade chest at the same time.");

            return false;
              } catch (NoChestDataException) {
            if (sendMessages) {
              player.SendErrorMessage("Error: There are no chest data for this chest available. This world's data might be");

            return false;
              } catch (BankChestAlreadyInstancedException) {
            if (sendMessages) {
              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format("There is already an instance of your bank chest with the index {0} in", bankChestIndex));
              player.SendErrorMessage("this world.");

            return false;

示例12: SendPage

        public static void SendPage(
			TSPlayer player, int pageNumber, Dictionary<string, int> dictionary, int dataToPaginateCount,
			FormatSettings settings = null)
            if (settings == null)
                settings = new FormatSettings();

            if (dataToPaginateCount == 0)
                if (settings.NothingToDisplayString != null)
                    if (!player.RealPlayer)
                        player.SendMessage(settings.NothingToDisplayString, settings.HeaderTextColor);

            var pageCount = ((dataToPaginateCount - 1)/settings.MaxLinesPerPage) + 1;
            if (settings.PageLimit > 0 && pageCount > settings.PageLimit)
                pageCount = settings.PageLimit;
            if (pageNumber > pageCount)
                pageNumber = pageCount;

            if (settings.IncludeHeader)
                if (!player.RealPlayer)
                    player.SendSuccessMessage(string.Format(settings.HeaderFormat, pageNumber, pageCount));
                    player.SendMessage(string.Format(settings.HeaderFormat, pageNumber, pageCount),

            var listOffset = (pageNumber - 1)*settings.MaxLinesPerPage;
            var offsetCounter = 0;
            var lineCounter = 0;

            foreach (var lineData in dictionary)
                if (offsetCounter++ < listOffset)
                if (lineCounter++ == settings.MaxLinesPerPage)

                var lineColor = Color.Yellow;
                var hsName = lineData.Key;
                var hsScore = lineData.Value;
                var index = dictionary.Keys.ToList().IndexOf(hsName) + 1;

                if (index == 1)
                    lineColor = Color.Cyan;
                if (index == 2)
                    lineColor = Color.ForestGreen;
                if (index == 3)
                    lineColor = Color.OrangeRed;

                if (string.Equals(hsName, player.UserAccountName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    lineColor = Color.White;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hsName))
                    if (!player.RealPlayer)
                        player.SendInfoMessage("{0}. {1} with {2} point{3}",
                            index, hsName, hsScore, hsScore.Suffix());
                        player.SendMessage(string.Format("{0}. {1} with {2} point{3}",
                            index, hsName, hsScore, hsScore.Suffix()), lineColor);

            if (lineCounter == 0)
                if (settings.NothingToDisplayString != null)
                    if (!player.RealPlayer)
                        player.SendMessage(settings.NothingToDisplayString, settings.HeaderTextColor);
            else if (settings.IncludeFooter && pageNumber + 1 <= pageCount)
                if (!player.RealPlayer)
                    player.SendInfoMessage(string.Format(settings.FooterFormat, pageNumber + 1, pageNumber, pageCount));
                    player.SendMessage(string.Format(settings.FooterFormat, pageNumber + 1, pageNumber, pageCount),

示例13: TryRemoveProtection

        private bool TryRemoveProtection(TSPlayer player, DPoint tileLocation, bool sendFailureMessages = true)
            if (!player.IsLoggedIn) {
            if (sendFailureMessages)
              player.SendErrorMessage("You have to be logged in to alter protections.");

            return false;

              try {
            this.ProtectionManager.RemoveProtection(player, tileLocation);

            BlockType blockType = (BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation].type;
              string.Format("This {0} is not protected anymore.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType))

            return true;
              } catch (InvalidBlockTypeException ex) {
            if (sendFailureMessages) {
              string messageFormat;
              if (TerrariaUtils.Tiles.IsSolidBlockType(ex.BlockType, true))
            messageFormat = "Deprotecting {0} blocks is not allowed.";
            messageFormat = "Deprotecting {0} objects is not allowed.";

              player.SendErrorMessage(string.Format(messageFormat, TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(ex.BlockType)));

            return false;
              } catch (NoProtectionException) {
            BlockType blockType = (BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation].type;
            if (sendFailureMessages) {
            "This {0} is not protected by Protector at all.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType)

            return false;
              } catch (TileProtectedException) {
            BlockType blockType = (BlockType)TerrariaUtils.Tiles[tileLocation].type;
              "This {0} is owned by someone else, you can't deprotect it.", TerrariaUtils.Tiles.GetBlockTypeName(blockType)

            return false;

示例14: Update

        public void Update(TSPlayer player)
            if ((DateTime.Now - lastDisabled).TotalSeconds > 10)
                disabled = false;
                lastDisabled = DateTime.Now;

            bool bypassFlag = BypassFlag(player);

            bool warning = ((DateTime.Now - lastWarned).TotalSeconds > 1);
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("HEAL"))
                if (regionStorage.healinterval < 0 || regionStorage.healamount < 0)
                if ((DateTime.Now - lastHealUpdate).TotalSeconds >= regionStorage.healinterval)
                    lastHealUpdate = DateTime.Now;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("MANA"))
                if (regionStorage.manainterval < 0 || regionStorage.healamount < 0)
                if ((DateTime.Now - lastManaUpdate).TotalSeconds >= regionStorage.manainterval)
                    lastManaUpdate = DateTime.Now;
                    var matches = TShock.Utils.GetItemByIdOrName("184");
                    Item star = matches[0];
                    player.GiveItem(star.netID, star.name, star.width, star.height, regionStorage.healamount);
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("PRIVATE") && !bypassFlag)
                if (!gotWarnMessage)
                    player.Teleport(lastPos.X, lastPos.Y, 1);
                    player.SendErrorMessage("No permission to enter private region!");
                    gotWarnMessage = true;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("PVP") && !bypassFlag)
                if (!player.TPlayer.hostile)
                    player.SendSuccessMessage("PVP arena entered, pvp enabled.");
                    player.TPlayer.hostile = true;
                    NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.TogglePvp, -1, -1, "", player.Index);
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("NOPVP") && !bypassFlag)
                if (player.TPlayer.hostile)
                    player.SendSuccessMessage("PVP arena entered, pvp disabled.");
                    player.TPlayer.hostile = false;
                    NetMessage.SendData((int)PacketTypes.TogglePvp, -1, -1, "", player.Index);
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("TEMPGROUP") && !bypassFlag)
                if (!groupset)
                    player.tempGroup = regionStorage.tempgroup;
                    player.SendSuccessMessage("Your group has been temporarily set to \"{0}\"!", regionStorage.tempgroup.Name);
                    groupset = true;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("DEATH") && !bypassFlag)
                if (!killed)
                    player.SendErrorMessage("You entered a death zone! RIP");
                    killed = true;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("HURT") && !bypassFlag)
                if (regionStorage.damageinterval < 0 || regionStorage.damageamount< 0)
                if ((DateTime.Now - lastDamageUpdate).TotalSeconds >= regionStorage.damageinterval)
                    lastDamageUpdate = DateTime.Now;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("COMMAND") && !bypassFlag)
                if (!executedcommand)
                    if (regionStorage.command != null && regionStorage.command != "")
                        Commands.HandleCommand(TSPlayer.Server, "/" + regionStorage.command);
                        executedcommand = true;
            if (regionStorage.flags.Contains("PROMOTE") && !bypassFlag)

示例15: setUpConfig

        private void setUpConfig(TSPlayer player = null)
                if (File.Exists(configPath))
                    config = eConfig.Read(configPath);


                if (player != null)
                    player.SendSuccessMessage("Reloaded event stopper plugin's configuration");
            catch (Exception x)
                Log.ConsoleError("Error occured on reloading event stopper plugin's configuration");
                player.SendErrorMessage("Error occured on reloading event stopper plugin's configuration");
