本文整理汇总了C#中WorldObject.Values方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# WorldObject.Values方法的具体用法?C# WorldObject.Values怎么用?C# WorldObject.Values使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类WorldObject
示例1: Create
public static MyWorldObject Create(WorldObject wo)
MyWorldObject mwo = new MyWorldObject();
Dictionary<int, bool> boolValues = new Dictionary<int,bool>();
Dictionary<int, double> doubleValues = new Dictionary<int,double>();
Dictionary<int, int> intValues = new Dictionary<int, int>();
Dictionary<int, string> stringValues = new Dictionary<int,string>();
List<int> activeSpells = new List<int>();
List<int> spells = new List<int>();
foreach (var key in wo.BoolKeys)
boolValues.Add(key, wo.Values((BoolValueKey)key));
foreach (var key in wo.DoubleKeys)
doubleValues.Add(key, wo.Values((DoubleValueKey)key));
foreach (var key in wo.LongKeys)
intValues.Add(key, wo.Values((LongValueKey)key));
foreach (var key in wo.StringKeys)
stringValues.Add(key, wo.Values((StringValueKey)key));
for (int i = 0 ; i < wo.ActiveSpellCount ; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < wo.SpellCount; i++)
mwo.Init(wo.HasIdData, wo.Id, wo.LastIdTime, (int)wo.ObjectClass, boolValues, doubleValues, intValues, stringValues, activeSpells, spells);
return mwo;
示例2: CapturedWorldObject
internal CapturedWorldObject(WorldObject wo)
this.Id = wo.Id;
this.Name = wo.Name;
this.ObjectClass = wo.ObjectClass;
this.Behavior = wo.Behavior;
this.Category = wo.Category;
this.Container = wo.Container;
this.GameDataFlags1 = wo.GameDataFlags1;
this.Icon = wo.Icon;
this.LastIdTime = wo.LastIdTime;
this.PhysicsDataFlags = wo.PhysicsDataFlags;
this.Type = wo.Type;
this.HasIdData = wo.HasIdData;
this._coordinates = wo.Coordinates();
this._orientation = wo.Orientation();
this._offset = wo.Offset();
this._rawCoordinates = wo.RawCoordinates();
var tmpIntList = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < wo.ActiveSpellCount; i++)
this._activeSpells = General.ListOperations.Capture(tmpIntList).AsReadOnly();
for (int i = 0; i < wo.SpellCount; i++)
this._spells = General.ListOperations.Capture(tmpIntList).AsReadOnly();
foreach (var key in wo.BoolKeys)
_boolValues.Add(key, wo.Values((BoolValueKey)key));
foreach (var key in wo.DoubleKeys)
_doubleValues.Add(key, wo.Values((DoubleValueKey)key));
foreach (var key in wo.LongKeys)
this._longValues.Add(key, wo.Values((LongValueKey)key));
foreach (var key in wo.StringKeys)
_stringValues.Add(key, wo.Values((StringValueKey)key));
示例3: InspectorPickSalvage
private List<int> InspectorPickSalvage(WorldObject SalvageBag)
SalvageRule sr = new SalvageRule();
//Find an applicable material rule.
List<SalvageRule> materialrules = (from allrules in SalvageRulesList
where (allrules.material == SalvageBag.Values(LongValueKey.Material)) &&
(SalvageBag.Values(DoubleValueKey.SalvageWorkmanship) >= allrules.minwork) &&
(SalvageBag.Values(DoubleValueKey.SalvageWorkmanship) <= (allrules.maxwork +0.99))
select allrules).ToList();
if(materialrules.Count > 0){sr = materialrules.First();}
sr.material = SalvageBag.Values(LongValueKey.Material);
sr.minwork = 1;
sr.maxwork = 10;
sr.ruleid = "Default Rule";
List<WorldObject> PartialBags = Core.WorldFilter.GetInventory().Where(x => x.ObjectClass == ObjectClass.Salvage && x.Id != SalvageBag.Id &&
x.Values(LongValueKey.Material) == sr.material && x.Values(LongValueKey.UsesRemaining) < 100 &&
x.Values(DoubleValueKey.SalvageWorkmanship) >= sr.minwork && x.Values(DoubleValueKey.SalvageWorkmanship) <= (sr.maxwork + 0.99)
//Why work if you don't have to.
if(PartialBags.Count == 0) {return new List<int>();}
List<int> CombineBagsList = new List<int>();
int salvagesum = SalvageBag.Values(LongValueKey.UsesRemaining);
foreach(WorldObject salvbag in PartialBags)
if(salvagesum < 100)
if(salvagesum + salvbag.Values(LongValueKey.UsesRemaining) < 125)
salvagesum += salvbag.Values(LongValueKey.UsesRemaining);
if(salvagesum >= 100) {break;}
return CombineBagsList;
}catch(Exception ex){LogError(ex); return new List<int>();}
示例4: LogLandblock
public void LogLandblock(WorldObject container, Queue<string> LandBlockStrings)
location.Length = 0;
//The below check should only log outdoor monsters if my reading is correct.
if(!((container.Values(LongValueKey.Landblock) & (long)0xFF00) != 0))
location.Append(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "," + container.Values(LongValueKey.Landblock) + "," + container.Id.ToString() + "," + container.Name);
示例5: RecaclulteState
private EquipmentTrackedItemState RecaclulteState(WorldObject wo)
// We need basic IdData to determine if an item is active
if (!wo.HasIdData)
return EquipmentTrackedItemState.Unknown;
// If this item has no spells, its not activateable
if (wo.SpellCount == 0 || wo.Values(LongValueKey.MaximumMana) == 0)
return EquipmentTrackedItemState.NotActivatable;
// If this item has no mana in it, it's not active
if (wo.Values(LongValueKey.CurrentMana, 0) == 0)
return EquipmentTrackedItemState.NotActive;
// Go through and find all of our current active spells (enchantments)
List<int> activeSpellsOnChar = new List<int>();
foreach (EnchantmentWrapper wrapper in CoreManager.Current.CharacterFilter.Enchantments)
// Only add ones that are cast by items (have no duration)
if (wrapper.TimeRemaining <= 0)
FileService service = CoreManager.Current.Filter<FileService>();
// Lets check if the item is not active We check to see if this item has any spells that are not activated.
bool inactiveSpellFound = false;
// Go through all of this items spells to determine if all are active.
for (int i = 0 ; i < wo.SpellCount ; i++)
int spellOnItemId = wo.Spell(i);
if (wo.Exists(LongValueKey.AssociatedSpell) && (wo.Values(LongValueKey.AssociatedSpell) == spellOnItemId))
Spell spellOnItem = service.SpellTable.GetById(spellOnItemId);
// If it is offensive, it is probably a cast on strike spell
if (spellOnItem.IsDebuff || spellOnItem.IsOffensive)
// Check if this particular spell is active
bool thisSpellIsActive = false;
// Check to see if this item cast any spells on itself.
for (int j = 0 ; j < wo.ActiveSpellCount ; j++)
int activeSpellOnItemId = wo.ActiveSpell(j);
if ((service.SpellTable.GetById(activeSpellOnItemId).Family == spellOnItem.Family) && (service.SpellTable.GetById(activeSpellOnItemId).Difficulty >= spellOnItem.Difficulty))
thisSpellIsActive = true;
if (thisSpellIsActive)
// Check to see if this item cast any spells on the player.
foreach (int j in activeSpellsOnChar)
if (service.SpellTable.GetById(j) != null && (service.SpellTable.GetById(j).Family == spellOnItem.Family) && (service.SpellTable.GetById(j).Difficulty >= spellOnItem.Difficulty))
thisSpellIsActive = true;
if (thisSpellIsActive)
// This item has not cast this particular spell.
inactiveSpellFound = true;
if (inactiveSpellFound)
return EquipmentTrackedItemState.NotActive;
return EquipmentTrackedItemState.Active;
示例6: PropertySet
public void PropertySet(WorldObject wo)
ObjectClass = wo.ObjectClass.ToString();
foreach (var key in wo.BoolKeys)
KeyBool kb = new KeyBool();
kb.Key = key;
kb.bValue = wo.Values((BoolValueKey)key);
foreach (var key in wo.DoubleKeys)
KeyDouble kd = new KeyDouble();
kd.Key = key;
kd.dValue = wo.Values((DoubleValueKey)key);
foreach (var key in wo.LongKeys)
KeyLong kl = new KeyLong();
kl.Key = key;
kl.lValue = wo.Values((LongValueKey)key);
foreach (var key in wo.StringKeys)
KeyString ks = new KeyString();
ks.Key = key;
ks.sValue = wo.Values((StringValueKey)key);
for (int i = 0; i < wo.SpellCount; i++)
示例7: ItemIsEquippedByMe
bool ItemIsEquippedByMe(WorldObject obj)
if (obj.Values(LongValueKey.EquippedSlots) <= 0)
return false;
// Weapons are in the -1 slot
if (obj.Values(LongValueKey.Slot, -1) == -1)
return (obj.Container == CoreManager.Current.CharacterFilter.Id);
return true;
示例8: ProcessPortalTie
private void ProcessPortalTie(WorldObject spellTarget, RouteStartType type)
RouteStart startLoc = GetStartLocationByType(type);
Coordinates coords;
string dest = spellTarget.Values(StringValueKey.PortalDestination, "<None>");
if (Coordinates.TryParse(dest, out coords))
if (startLoc.Coords != coords)
startLoc.Coords = coords;
if (startLoc.Enabled)
Util.Message(startLoc.Name + " start location set to " + startLoc.Coords);
startLoc.Coords = Coordinates.NO_COORDINATES;
if (startLoc.Enabled)
Util.Message("Could not determine destination of primary portal tie. "
+ startLoc.Name + " start location set to " + startLoc.Coords);
示例9: LogItem
private void LogItem(WorldObject item)
if (itemsLogged.Contains(item.Id))
DirectoryInfo pluginPersonalFolder = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + @"\Decal Plugins\Mag-LootLogger");
if (!pluginPersonalFolder.Exists)
FileInfo logFile = new FileInfo(pluginPersonalFolder.FullName + @"\Loot.csv");
if (!logFile.Exists)
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(logFile.FullName, true))
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(logFile.FullName, true))
MyWorldObject mwo = MyWorldObjectCreator.Create(item);
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
output.Append(String.Format("{0:u}", DateTime.UtcNow) + ",");
string containerName = CoreManager.Current.WorldFilter[item.Container] != null ? CoreManager.Current.WorldFilter[item.Container].Name : null;
output.Append('"' + containerName + '"' + ",");
output.Append(item.Id + ",");
output.Append('"' + item.Name + '"' + ",");
output.Append(item.ObjectClass.ToString() + ",");
string skillName = Constants.SkillInfo.ContainsKey(item.Values(LongValueKey.EquipSkill)) ? Constants.SkillInfo[item.Values(LongValueKey.EquipSkill)] : null;
output.Append((item.Values(LongValueKey.EquipSkill) > 0 ? skillName : String.Empty) + ",");
string masteryName = Constants.MasteryInfo.ContainsKey(item.Values((LongValueKey)353)) ? Constants.MasteryInfo[item.Values((LongValueKey)353)] : null;
output.Append((item.Values((LongValueKey)353) > 0 ? masteryName : String.Empty) + ",");
if (item.Values(LongValueKey.DamageType) > 0)
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.DamageType) & 1) == 1) output.Append("Slash");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.DamageType) & 2) == 2) output.Append("Pierce");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.DamageType) & 4) == 4) output.Append("Bludge");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.DamageType) & 8) == 8) output.Append("Cold");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.DamageType) & 16) == 16) output.Append("Fire");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.DamageType) & 32) == 32) output.Append("Acid");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.DamageType) & 64) == 64) output.Append("Electrical");
else if (item.Values(LongValueKey.WandElemDmgType) > 0)
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.WandElemDmgType) & 1) == 1) output.Append("Slash");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.WandElemDmgType) & 2) == 2) output.Append("Pierce");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.WandElemDmgType) & 4) == 4) output.Append("Bludge");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.WandElemDmgType) & 8) == 8) output.Append("Cold");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.WandElemDmgType) & 16) == 16) output.Append("Fire");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.WandElemDmgType) & 32) == 32) output.Append("Acid");
if ((item.Values(LongValueKey.WandElemDmgType) & 64) == 64) output.Append("Electrical");
output.Append((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.Variance) > 0 ? item.Values(DoubleValueKey.Variance).ToString("N3") : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(LongValueKey.MaxDamage) > 0 ? item.Values(LongValueKey.MaxDamage).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(LongValueKey.ElementalDmgBonus, 0) != 0 ? item.Values(LongValueKey.ElementalDmgBonus).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.DamageBonus, 1) != 1 ? Math.Round(((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.DamageBonus) - 1) * 100)).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.ElementalDamageVersusMonsters, 1) != 1 ? Math.Round(((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.ElementalDamageVersusMonsters) - 1) * 100)).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.AttackBonus, 1) != 1 ? Math.Round(((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.AttackBonus) - 1) * 100)).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.MeleeDefenseBonus, 1) != 1 ? Math.Round(((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.MeleeDefenseBonus) - 1) * 100)).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.MagicDBonus, 1) != 1 ? Math.Round(((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.MagicDBonus) - 1) * 100), 1).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.MissileDBonus, 1) != 1 ? Math.Round(((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.MissileDBonus) - 1) * 100), 1).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.ManaCBonus) != 0 ? Math.Round((item.Values(DoubleValueKey.ManaCBonus) * 100)).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((mwo.GetBuffedIntValueKey((int)LongValueKey.MaxDamage) > 0 ? mwo.GetBuffedIntValueKey((int)LongValueKey.MaxDamage).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((mwo.GetBuffedIntValueKey((int)LongValueKey.ElementalDmgBonus) > 0 ? mwo.GetBuffedIntValueKey((int)LongValueKey.ElementalDmgBonus).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((mwo.GetBuffedDoubleValueKey((int)DoubleValueKey.DamageBonus, 1) != 1 ? Math.Round(((mwo.GetBuffedDoubleValueKey((int)DoubleValueKey.DamageBonus) - 1) * 100)).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((mwo.BuffedElementalDamageVersusMonsters != -1 ? Math.Round(((mwo.BuffedElementalDamageVersusMonsters - 1) * 100)).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((mwo.BuffedAttackBonus != -1 ? Math.Round(((mwo.BuffedAttackBonus - 1) * 100)).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((mwo.BuffedMeleeDefenseBonus != -1 ? Math.Round(((mwo.BuffedMeleeDefenseBonus - 1) * 100)).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((mwo.BuffedManaCBonus != -1 ? Math.Round(mwo.BuffedManaCBonus * 100).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(LongValueKey.WieldReqValue) > 0 ? item.Values(LongValueKey.WieldReqValue).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(LongValueKey.Workmanship) > 0 ? item.Values(LongValueKey.Workmanship).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(LongValueKey.Value) > 0 ? item.Values(LongValueKey.Value).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");
output.Append((item.Values(LongValueKey.Burden) > 0 ? item.Values(LongValueKey.Burden).ToString() : String.Empty) + ",");