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C# WoWUnit.IsBoss方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中WoWUnit.IsBoss方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# WoWUnit.IsBoss方法的具体用法?C# WoWUnit.IsBoss怎么用?C# WoWUnit.IsBoss使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在WoWUnit的用法示例。


示例1: ValidUnit

        static bool ValidUnit(WoWUnit p)
            if (IgnoreMobs.Contains(p.Entry))
                return false;

            // Ignore shit we can't select/attack
            if (!p.CanSelect || !p.Attackable)
                return false;

            // Ignore friendlies!
            if (p.IsFriendly)
                return false;

            // Duh
            if (p.Dead)
                return false;

            // Dummies/bosses are valid by default. Period.
            if (p.IsTrainingDummy() || p.IsBoss())
                return true;

            // If its a pet, lets ignore it please.
            if (p.IsPet || p.OwnedByRoot != null)
                return false;

            // And ignore critters/non-combat pets
            if (p.IsNonCombatPet || p.IsCritter)
                return false;

            return true;

示例2: CheckTarget

        private void CheckTarget(WoWUnit unit, ref WoWGuid prevGuid, string description, OnTargetChange onchg)
            // there are moments where CurrentTargetGuid != 0 but CurrentTarget == null. following
            // .. tries to handle by only checking CurrentTarget reference and treating null as guid = 0
            if (unit == null)
                if (prevGuid.IsValid)
                    prevGuid = WoWGuid.Empty;
                    if (SingularSettings.Debug)
                        Logger.WriteDebug(description + ": changed to: (null)");
            else if (unit.Guid != prevGuid)
                prevGuid = unit.Guid;
                if (SingularSettings.Debug)
                    //Logger.WriteDebug( "GuidInfo: {0}", unit.Guid.ToString());
                    //Logger.WriteDebug("GuidInfo: {0:X4} {1:X4} {2:X4} {3:X4}", unit.Guid.Highest, unit.Guid.Higher, unit.Guid.Lower, unit.Guid.Lowest);
                    string info = "";
                    if (Styx.CommonBot.POI.BotPoi.Current.Guid == Me.CurrentTargetGuid)
                        info += string.Format(", IsBotPoi={0}", Styx.CommonBot.POI.BotPoi.Current.Type);

                    if (Styx.CommonBot.Targeting.Instance.TargetList.Contains(Me.CurrentTarget))
                        info += string.Format(", TargetIndex={0}", Styx.CommonBot.Targeting.Instance.TargetList.IndexOf(Me.CurrentTarget) + 1);

                    string playerInfo = "N";
                    if (unit.IsPlayer)
                        WoWPlayer p = unit.ToPlayer();
                        playerInfo = string.Format("Y, Friend={0}, IsPvp={1}, CtstPvp={2}, FfaPvp={3}", Me.IsHorde == p.IsHorde, p.IsPvPFlagged, p.ContestedPvPFlagged, p.IsFFAPvPFlagged);
                        info += string.Format(", creature={0}, tagme={1}, tagother={2}, tapall={3}",

                    Logger.WriteDebug(description + ": changed to: {0} lvl={1} h={2:F1}%, maxh={3}, d={4:F1} yds, box={5:F1}, boss={6}, trivial={7}, player={8}, attackable={9}, neutral={10}, hostile={11}, entry={12}, faction={13}, loss={14}, facing={15}, blacklist={16}, combat={17}, flying={18}, abovgrnd={19}" + info,

                        Blacklist.Contains(unit.Guid, BlacklistFlags.Combat).ToYN(),

示例3: ValidUnit

        public static bool ValidUnit(WoWUnit p, bool showReason = false)
            if (p == null || !p.IsValid)
                return false;

            if (StyxWoW.Me.IsInInstance && IgnoreMobs.Contains(p.Entry))
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} is an Instance Ignore Mob", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // Ignore shit we can't select
            if (!p.CanSelect )
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} cannot be Selected", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // Ignore shit we can't attack
            if (!p.Attackable)
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} cannot be Attacked", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // Duh
            if (p.IsDead)
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} is already Dead", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // check for enemy players here as friendly only seems to work on npc's
            if (p.IsPlayer)
                return p.ToPlayer().IsHorde != StyxWoW.Me.IsHorde;

            // Ignore friendlies!
            if (p.IsFriendly)
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} is Friendly", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // Dummies/bosses are valid by default. Period.
            if (p.IsTrainingDummy() || p.IsBoss())
                return true;

            // If it is a pet/minion/totem, lets find the root of ownership chain
            WoWUnit pOwner = GetPlayerParent(p);

            // ignore if owner is player, alive, and not blacklisted then ignore (since killing owner kills it)
            if (pOwner != null && pOwner.IsAlive && !Blacklist.Contains(pOwner, BlacklistFlags.Combat))
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} has a Player as Parent", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // And ignore critters (except for those ferocious ones) /non-combat pets
            if (p.IsNonCombatPet)
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "{0} is a Noncombat Pet", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // And ignore critters (except for those ferocious ones) /non-combat pets
            if (p.IsCritter && p.ThreatInfo.ThreatValue == 0 && !p.IsTargetingMyRaidMember)
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "{0} is a Critter", p.SafeName());
                return false;
                        if (p.CreatedByUnitGuid != 0 || p.SummonedByUnitGuid != 0)
                            return false;
            return true;

示例4: HmmContext

 // always create passing the existing context so it is preserved for delegate usage
 internal HmmContext(WoWUnit tank, WoWUnit target, object ctx)
     this.tank = tank;
     this.target = target;
     this.context = ctx;
     behind = target != null && target.IsBoss() && !Singular.Lists.BossList.AvoidRearBosses.Contains(target.Entry);

示例5: ValidUnit

        public static bool ValidUnit(WoWUnit p, bool showReason = false)
            if (p == null || !p.IsValid)
                return false;

            if (StyxWoW.Me.IsInInstance && IgnoreMobs.Contains(p.Entry))
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} is an Instance Ignore Mob", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // Ignore shit we can't select
            if (!p.CanSelect )
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} cannot be Selected", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // Ignore shit we can't attack
            if (!p.Attackable)
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} cannot be Attacked", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // Duh
            if (p.IsDead)
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} is already Dead", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // check for enemy players here as friendly only seems to work on npc's
            if (p.IsPlayer)
                WoWPlayer pp = p.ToPlayer();
                if (pp.IsHorde == StyxWoW.Me.IsHorde && !pp.IsHostile)
                    if (showReason)
                        Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack player {0} not a hostile enemy", p.SafeName());
                    return false;

                if (!pp.CanWeAttack())
                    if (showReason)
                        Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack player {0} cannot be Attacked currently", p.SafeName());
                    return false;

                return true;

            // Ignore evading NPCs
            if (p.IsEvading())
                if (showReason)
                    Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid unit, {0} game flagged as evading", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // Ignore friendlies!
            if (p.IsFriendly)
                if (showReason) Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} is Friendly", p.SafeName());
                return false;

            // Dummies/bosses are valid by default. Period.
            if (p.IsTrainingDummy() || p.IsBoss())
                return true;

            // If it is a pet/minion/totem, lets find the root of ownership chain
            WoWPlayer pOwner = GetPlayerParent(p);

            // ignore if owner is player, alive, and not blacklisted then ignore (since killing owner kills it)
            // .. following .IsMe check to prevent treating quest mob summoned by us that we need to kill as invalid
            if (pOwner != null && pOwner.IsAlive && !pOwner.IsMe)
                if (!ValidUnit(pOwner))
                    if (showReason)
                        Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} - pets parent not an attackable Player", p.SafeName());
                    return false;
                if (!StyxWoW.Me.IsPvPFlagged)
                    if (showReason)
                        Logger.Write(invalidColor, "valid attackable player {0} but I am not PvP Flagged", p.SafeName());
                    return false;
                if (Blacklist.Contains(pOwner, BlacklistFlags.Combat))
                    if (showReason)
                        Logger.Write(invalidColor, "invalid attack unit {0} - Parent blacklisted for combat", p.SafeName());
                    return false;

                return true;
