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C# RenderTarget.GetView方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中RenderTarget.GetView方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# RenderTarget.GetView方法的具体用法?C# RenderTarget.GetView怎么用?C# RenderTarget.GetView使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在RenderTarget的用法示例。


示例1: Draw

 public override void Draw(RenderTarget r)
     var text = ((int)(1000/EntityManager.FrameTime)).ToString () + " FPS";
     DebugText = new Text(text, DebugText.Font)
     {Position = r.GetView ().Center - r.GetView ().Size/2, Color = DebugText.Color};
     r.Draw (DebugText);

示例2: Draw

        public override void Draw(RenderTarget rt)

            var textBackSize = new Vector2f(150, 54);
            var textBack = new RectangleShape(textBackSize);
            textBack.FillColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 150);
            textBack.Origin = textBackSize / 2;
            textBack.Position = rt.GetView().Center;

            var text = new Text("PAUSED", Assets.LoadFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf"), 32);
            text.Color = Color.White;
            text.Position = rt.GetView().Center;


示例3: Draw

 public static void Draw(RenderTarget surface)
     if (EntityToFollow != null)
         surface.SetView (new View(EntityToFollow.GetPosition (), surface.GetView ().Size));
     surface.Clear (BackgroundColor);
     foreach (Entity e in Entities)
         e._Draw (surface);

示例4: Draw

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the widget on the render target
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(RenderTarget target, RenderStates states)
            // Calculate the scale factor of the view
            float scaleViewX = target.Size.X / target.GetView().Size.X;
            float scaleViewY = target.Size.Y / target.GetView().Size.Y;

            // Get the global position
            Vector2f topLeftPosition = states.Transform.TransformPoint(Position - target.GetView().Center + (target.GetView().Size / 2.0f));
            Vector2f bottomRightPosition = states.Transform.TransformPoint(Position + m_Size - target.GetView().Center + (target.GetView().Size / 2.0f));

            // Adjust the transformation
            states.Transform *= Transform;

            // Calculate the scale of the slider
            Vector2f scaling;
            scaling.X = m_Size.X / m_TextureTrackNormal.Size.X;
            scaling.Y = m_Size.Y / m_TextureTrackNormal.Size.Y;

            // Set the scale of the slider

            // Draw the track image
            if (m_SeparateHoverImage)
                if (m_MouseHover && (m_WidgetPhase & (byte)WidgetPhase.Hover) != 0)
                    target.Draw(m_TextureTrackHover.sprite, states);
                    target.Draw(m_TextureTrackNormal.sprite, states);
            else // The hover image should be drawn on top of the normal image
                target.Draw(m_TextureTrackNormal.sprite, states);

                if (m_MouseHover && (m_WidgetPhase & (byte)WidgetPhase.Hover) != 0)
                    target.Draw(m_TextureTrackHover.sprite, states);

            // Undo the scale
            states.Transform.Scale(1.0f / scaling.X, 1.0f / scaling.Y);

            // Check if the thumb should be scaled together with the slider
            if (m_FixedThumbSize)
                states.Transform.Translate((((m_Value.X - m_Minimum.X) / (m_Maximum.X - m_Minimum.X)) * m_TextureTrackNormal.Size.X * scaling.X) - (m_TextureThumbNormal.Size.X * 0.5f),
                                           (((m_Value.Y - m_Minimum.Y) / (m_Maximum.Y - m_Minimum.Y)) * m_TextureTrackNormal.Size.Y * scaling.Y) - (m_TextureThumbNormal.Size.Y * 0.5f));
            else // The thumb must be scaled
                states.Transform.Translate((((m_Value.X - m_Minimum.X) / (m_Maximum.X - m_Minimum.X)) * m_TextureTrackNormal.Size.X * scaling.X) - (m_TextureThumbNormal.Size.X * 0.5f * scaling.Y),
                                           (((m_Value.Y - m_Minimum.Y) / (m_Maximum.Y - m_Minimum.Y)) * m_TextureTrackNormal.Size.Y * scaling.Y) - (m_TextureThumbNormal.Size.Y * 0.5f * scaling.X));

                // Set the scale for the thumb

            // Get the old clipping area
            int[] scissor = new int[4];
            Gl.glGetIntegerv(Gl.GL_SCISSOR_BOX, scissor);

            // Calculate the clipping area
            int scissorLeft = System.Math.Max((int)(topLeftPosition.X * scaleViewX), scissor[0]);
            int scissorTop = System.Math.Max((int)(topLeftPosition.Y * scaleViewY), (int)(target.Size.Y) - scissor[1] - scissor[3]);
            int scissorRight = System.Math.Min((int)(bottomRightPosition.X * scaleViewX), scissor[0] + scissor[2]);
            int scissorBottom = System.Math.Min((int)(bottomRightPosition.Y * scaleViewY), (int)(target.Size.Y) - scissor[1]);

            // If the object outside the window then don't draw anything
            if (scissorRight < scissorLeft)
                scissorRight = scissorLeft;
            else if (scissorBottom < scissorTop)
                scissorTop = scissorBottom;

            // Set the clipping area
            Gl.glScissor(scissorLeft, (int)(target.Size.Y - scissorBottom), scissorRight - scissorLeft, scissorBottom - scissorTop);

            // Draw the thumb image
            if (m_SeparateHoverImage)
                if (m_MouseHover && (m_WidgetPhase & (byte)WidgetPhase.Hover) != 0)
                    target.Draw(m_TextureThumbHover.sprite, states);
                    target.Draw(m_TextureThumbNormal.sprite, states);
            else // The hover image should be drawn on top of the normal image
                target.Draw(m_TextureThumbNormal.sprite, states);

                if (m_MouseHover && (m_WidgetPhase & (byte)WidgetPhase.Hover) != 0)
                    target.Draw(m_TextureThumbHover.sprite, states);

            // Reset the old clipping area
            Gl.glScissor(scissor[0], scissor[1], scissor[2], scissor[3]);

示例5: CalcVisibleBounds

 public IntRect CalcVisibleBounds(RenderTarget target) {
     var vp = target.GetView();
     float leftBorder = Math.Max(0, vp.Center.X - vp.Size.X / 2);
     float topBorder = Math.Max(0, vp.Center.Y - vp.Size.Y / 2);
     float regionWidth = Math.Min(Width - leftBorder + 1, vp.Size.X + 1);
     float regionHeight = Math.Min(Height - topBorder + 1, vp.Size.Y + 1);
     return new IntRect((int) leftBorder, (int) topBorder,
         (int) regionWidth, (int) regionHeight);

示例6: CalcView

 public View CalcView(RenderTarget app) {
     var view = app.GetView();
     // Can't view to the right, left, above or below of the map.
     var x = player.Box.Position.X.Clamp(view.Size.X / 2, level.Width - view.Size.X / 2);
     var y = player.Box.Position.Y.Clamp(view.Size.Y / 2, level.Height - view.Size.Y / 2);
     view.Center = new Vector2f(x, y);
     return view;

示例7: Draw

        public void Draw(RenderTarget target, RenderStates states) {
            View view = new View(target.GetView());

            View bgView = new View(view);
            bgView.Center = v2f(bgView.Size.X + bgView.Center.X * 0.5F, bgView.Center.Y);
            background.Draw(target, states);
            DrawBlocks(target, states, CalcVisibleBounds(target));

示例8: WindowContainsLight

        bool WindowContainsLight(RenderTarget window, LightEffect effect)
            const float DRAW_MARGIN = 20F;
            Vector2f viewTopLeft = window.GetView().Center - window.GetView().Size / 2F;
            Vector2f viewBottomRight = viewTopLeft + window.GetView().Size;

            FloatRect viewRect = new FloatRect(
                viewTopLeft.X - DRAW_MARGIN,
                viewTopLeft.Y - DRAW_MARGIN,
                viewBottomRight.X + DRAW_MARGIN,
                viewBottomRight.Y + DRAW_MARGIN);

            return !(
                effect.Right < viewRect.Left ||
                effect.Bottom < viewRect.Top ||
                effect.Left >= viewRect.Right ||
                effect.Top >= viewRect.Bottom);

示例9: Draw

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the widget on the render target
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(RenderTarget target, RenderStates states)
            // Calculate the scale factor of the view
            float scaleViewX = target.Size.X / target.GetView().Size.X;
            float scaleViewY = target.Size.Y / target.GetView().Size.Y;

            Vector2f viewPosition = (target.GetView ().Size / 2.0f) - target.GetView ().Center;

            // Get the global position
            Vector2f topLeftPosition = states.Transform.TransformPoint(Position + viewPosition);
            Vector2f bottomRightPosition = states.Transform.TransformPoint(Position.X + m_ListBox.Size.X - (m_TextureArrowDownNormal.Size.X * ((float)(m_ListBox.ItemHeight) / m_TextureArrowDownNormal.Size.Y)) + viewPosition.X,
                                                                           Position.Y + m_ListBox.Size.Y + viewPosition.Y);

            // Adjust the transformation
            states.Transform *= Transform;

            // Remember the current transformation
            Transform oldTransform = states.Transform;

            // Draw left border
            RectangleShape border = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(m_Borders.Left, m_ListBox.ItemHeight + m_Borders.Top));
            border.Position = new Vector2f(-(float)m_Borders.Left, -(float)m_Borders.Top);
            border.FillColor = m_ListBox.BorderColor;
            target.Draw(border, states);

            // Draw top border
            border.Size = new Vector2f(m_ListBox.Size.X + m_Borders.Right, m_Borders.Top);
            border.Position = new Vector2f(0, -(float)m_Borders.Top);
            target.Draw(border, states);

            // Draw right border
            border.Size = new Vector2f(m_Borders.Right, m_ListBox.ItemHeight + m_Borders.Bottom);
            border.Position = new Vector2f(m_ListBox.Size.X, 0);
            target.Draw(border, states);

            // Draw bottom border
            border.Size = new Vector2f(m_ListBox.Size.X + m_Borders.Left, m_Borders.Bottom);
            border.Position = new Vector2f(-(float)m_Borders.Left, m_ListBox.ItemHeight);
            target.Draw(border, states);

            // Draw the combo box
            RectangleShape front = new RectangleShape (new Vector2f((float)(m_ListBox.Size.X), (float)(m_ListBox.ItemHeight)));
            front.FillColor = m_ListBox.BackgroundColor;
            target.Draw(front, states);

            // Create a text widget to draw it
            Text tempText = new Text("kg", m_ListBox.TextFont);
            tempText.CharacterSize = m_ListBox.ItemHeight;
            tempText.CharacterSize = (uint)(tempText.CharacterSize - tempText.GetLocalBounds().Top);
            tempText.Color = m_ListBox.TextColor;

            // Get the old clipping area
            int[] scissor = new int[4];
            Gl.glGetIntegerv(Gl.GL_SCISSOR_BOX, scissor);

            // Calculate the clipping area
            int scissorLeft = System.Math.Max((int)(topLeftPosition.X * scaleViewX), scissor[0]);
            int scissorTop = System.Math.Max((int)(topLeftPosition.Y * scaleViewY), (int)(target.Size.Y) - scissor[1] - scissor[3]);
            int scissorRight = System.Math.Min((int)(bottomRightPosition.X  * scaleViewX), scissor[0] + scissor[2]);
            int scissorBottom = System.Math.Min((int)(bottomRightPosition.Y * scaleViewY), (int)(target.Size.Y) - scissor[1]);

            // If the widget outside the window then don't draw anything
            if (scissorRight < scissorLeft)
                scissorRight = scissorLeft;
            else if (scissorBottom < scissorTop)
                scissorTop = scissorBottom;

            // Set the clipping area
            Gl.glScissor(scissorLeft, (int)(target.Size.Y - scissorBottom), scissorRight - scissorLeft, scissorBottom - scissorTop);

            // Draw the selected item
            states.Transform.Translate(2, (float)System.Math.Floor((m_ListBox.ItemHeight - tempText.GetLocalBounds().Height) / 2.0f -  tempText.GetLocalBounds().Top));
            tempText.DisplayedString = m_ListBox.GetSelectedItem();
            target.Draw(tempText, states);

            // Reset the old clipping area
            Gl.glScissor(scissor[0], scissor[1], scissor[2], scissor[3]);

            // Reset the transformations
            states.Transform = oldTransform;

            // Set the arrow like it should (down when list box is invisible, up when it is visible)
            if (m_ListBox.Visible)
                float scaleFactor =  (float)(m_ListBox.ItemHeight) / m_TextureArrowUpNormal.Size.Y;
                states.Transform.Translate(m_ListBox.Size.X - m_TextureArrowUpNormal.Size.X * scaleFactor, 0);
                states.Transform.Scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

                // Draw the arrow
                if (m_SeparateHoverImage)
                    if ((m_MouseHover) && ((m_WidgetPhase & (byte)WidgetPhase.Hover) != 0))
                        target.Draw(m_TextureArrowUpHover.sprite, states);

示例10: Draw

        public void Draw(RenderTarget rt)
            var view = rt.GetView();

            var tileSize = GameOptions.TileSize;
            var chunkSize = GameOptions.TileChunkSize;

            var startX = (int)Math.Max(0, ((view.Center.X - (view.Size.X / 2)) / tileSize) / chunkSize);
            var startY = (int)Math.Max(0, ((view.Center.Y - (view.Size.Y / 2)) / tileSize) / chunkSize);
            var endX = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Min(chunks.GetUpperBound(0) + 1, startX + 1 + ((view.Size.X / tileSize) / chunkSize)));
            var endY = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Min(chunks.GetUpperBound(1) + 1, startY + 1 + ((view.Size.Y / tileSize) / chunkSize)));

            for (var y = startY; y < endY; y++)
                for (var x = startX; x < endX; x++)
                    rt.Draw(chunks[x, y]);

示例11: Draw

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the widget on the render target
        /// </summary>
        public override void Draw(RenderTarget target, RenderStates states)
            // Get the old clipping area
            int[] scissor = new int[4];
            Gl.glGetIntegerv(Gl.GL_SCISSOR_BOX, scissor);

            // Calculate the scale factor of the view
            float scaleViewX = target.Size.X / target.GetView().Size.X;
            float scaleViewY = target.Size.Y / target.GetView().Size.Y;

            // Apply the transformations
            states.Transform *= Transform;

            float scalingY = m_TabHeight / (float)(m_TextureNormal_M.Size.Y);
            bool clippingRequired = false;
            uint tabWidth;
            FloatRect realRect;
            FloatRect defaultRect;
            Text tempText = new Text(m_Text);

            // Calculate the height and top of all strings
            tempText.DisplayedString = "kg";
            defaultRect = tempText.GetLocalBounds();

            // Loop through all tabs
            for (int i = 0; i < m_TabNames.Count; ++i)
                // Find the tab height
                if (m_MaximumTabWidth != 0)
                    if (m_MaximumTabWidth < m_NameWidth[i] + (2 * m_DistanceToSide))
                        tabWidth = m_MaximumTabWidth;
                        clippingRequired = true;
                        tabWidth = (uint)(m_NameWidth[i] + (2 * m_DistanceToSide));
                    tabWidth = (uint)(m_NameWidth[i] + (2 * m_DistanceToSide));

                // There is a minimum tab width
                if (tabWidth < 2 * m_DistanceToSide)
                    tabWidth = 2 * m_DistanceToSide;

                // Check if the image is split
                if (m_SplitImage)
                    // There is another minimum when using SplitImage
                    float minimumWidth = (m_TextureNormal_L.Size.X + m_TextureNormal_R.Size.X) * scalingY;
                    if (tabWidth < minimumWidth)
                        tabWidth = (uint)(minimumWidth);

                    // Set the scaling
                    states.Transform.Scale(scalingY, scalingY);

                    // Draw the left tab image
                    if (m_SeparateSelectedImage)
                        if ((m_SelectedTab == i) && ((m_WidgetPhase & (byte)WidgetPhase.Selected) != 0))
                            target.Draw(m_TextureSelected_L.sprite, states);
                            target.Draw(m_TextureNormal_L.sprite, states);
                    else // There is no separate selected image
                        target.Draw(m_TextureNormal_L.sprite, states);

                        if ((m_SelectedTab == i) && ((m_WidgetPhase & (byte)WidgetPhase.Selected) != 0))
                            target.Draw(m_TextureSelected_L.sprite, states);

                    // Check if the middle image may be drawn
                    if ((scalingY * (m_TextureNormal_L.Size.X + m_TextureNormal_R.Size.X)) < tabWidth)
                        // Calculate the scale for our middle image
                        float scaleX = (tabWidth / (float)(m_TextureNormal_M.Size.X)) - (((m_TextureNormal_L.Size.X + m_TextureNormal_R.Size.X) * scalingY) / m_TextureNormal_M.Size.X);

                        // Put the middle image on the correct position
                        states.Transform.Translate((float)(m_TextureNormal_L.Size.X), 0);

                        // Set the scale for the middle image
                        states.Transform.Scale(scaleX / scalingY, 1);

                        // Draw the middle tab image
                        if (m_SeparateSelectedImage)
                            if ((m_SelectedTab == i) && ((m_WidgetPhase & (byte)WidgetPhase.Selected) != 0))
                                target.Draw(m_TextureSelected_M.sprite, states);
                                target.Draw(m_TextureNormal_M.sprite, states);
                        else // There is no separate selected image

示例12: Draw

        public void Draw(RenderTarget window)
            int left = (int)(window.GetView().Center.X - window.GetView().Size.X / 2) / GameData.TILE_SIZE - GameData.GROUND_DRAW_MARGIN;
            int top = (int)(window.GetView().Center.Y - window.GetView().Size.Y / 2) / GameData.TILE_SIZE - GameData.GROUND_DRAW_MARGIN;
            int right = (int)(window.GetView().Center.X + window.GetView().Size.X / 2) / GameData.TILE_SIZE + GameData.GROUND_DRAW_MARGIN;
            int bottom = (int)(window.GetView().Center.Y + window.GetView().Size.Y / 2) / GameData.TILE_SIZE + GameData.GROUND_DRAW_MARGIN;

            int minLeft = 0;
            int minTop = 0;
            int maxRight = Width;
            int maxBottom = Height;

            if (left < minLeft)
                left = minLeft;
            if (top < minTop)
                top = minTop;
            if (right > maxRight)
                right = maxRight;
            if (bottom > maxBottom)
                bottom = maxBottom;

            for (int line = top; line < bottom; ++line)
                for (int column = left; column < right; ++column)
                    GetCell(column, line).Draw(window);

示例13: Draw

        public void Draw(RenderTarget target, RenderStates states)
            var view = target.GetView();

            // get dimensions of viewing window
            var topLeft = new Vector2i((int) (view.Center.X - view.Size.X / 2f),
                (int) (view.Center.Y - view.Size.Y / 2f));
            var bottomRight = new Vector2i((int) (view.Center.X + view.Size.X / 2f),
                (int) (view.Center.Y + view.Size.Y / 2f));

            topLeft /= CellSize;
            bottomRight /= CellSize;

            // pad / restrict bounds
            if (topLeft.X >= 2) topLeft.X -= 2;
            if (topLeft.X < 0) topLeft.X = 0;

            if (topLeft.Y >= 2) topLeft.Y -= 2;
            if (topLeft.Y < 0) topLeft.Y = 0;

            if (bottomRight.X < Size.X) bottomRight.X += 2;
            if (bottomRight.X > Size.X) bottomRight.X = Size.X;

            if (bottomRight.Y < Size.Y) bottomRight.Y += 2;
            if (bottomRight.Y > Size.Y) bottomRight.Y = Size.Y;

            // draw world

            for (var x = topLeft.X; x < bottomRight.X; x++)
                for (var y = topLeft.Y; y < bottomRight.Y; y++)
                    // draw layer 0 tiles (floors, etc)
                    Layer0Cells[x, y].Draw(target, states);

                    // draw layer 1 tiles (walls, collidables)
                    Layer1Cells[x, y].Draw(target, states);

            // draw entities
            foreach (var e in _entities)
                e.Update(target, this);

            // draw layer 2 tiles (non - collidables)
            for (var x = topLeft.X; x < bottomRight.X; x++)
                for (var y = topLeft.Y; y < bottomRight.Y; y++)
                    if (Layer2Cells[x, y].IsEmpty()) continue;

                    Layer2Cells[x, y].Draw(target, states);

            // draw lights to light texture buffer

            foreach (var light in _lights)


            // multiply the light texture with the screen
            _lightSprite.Draw(target, new RenderStates(BlendMode.Multiply));

示例14: Draw

        public void Draw(RenderTarget rt, RenderStates states)
            var view = rt.GetView();

            //states.Texture = tilesettexture;

            foreach (var kv in vertexArrays)
                states.Texture = tilesetTextures[kv.Key];
                kv.Value.Draw(rt, states);

            for ( var y = 0; y < Height - 1; y++ )
                for ( var x = 0; x < Width - 1; x++ )
                    Tile tile = tiles[x, y];
                    var sprite = new Sprite(tilesettexture);
                    sprite.Position = new Vector2f(
                        (y * 96 / 2) + (x * 96 / 2),
                        (x * 48 / 2) - (y * 48 / 2)


示例15: Draw

        public void Draw(RenderTarget window)
            if (!IsActive)


            foreach (LightEffect effect in DynamicEffects)
                if (WindowContainsLight(window, effect))

            foreach (LightEffect effect in StaticEffects)
                if (WindowContainsLight(window, effect))


            Sprite sprite = new Sprite(RenderTexture.Texture);
            sprite.BlendMode = BlendMode.Multiply;
            sprite.Position = window.GetView().Center - window.GetView().Size / 2F;
            window.Draw(sprite, BlurEffect);
