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C# Property.LogMapped方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中Property.LogMapped方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Property.LogMapped方法的具体用法?C# Property.LogMapped怎么用?C# Property.LogMapped使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在Property的用法示例。


示例1: CreateIdentifierProperty

		private void CreateIdentifierProperty(HbmId idSchema, PersistentClass rootClass, SimpleValue id)
			if (idSchema.name != null)
				string access = idSchema.access ?? mappings.DefaultAccess;
				id.SetTypeUsingReflection(rootClass.MappedClass == null ? null : rootClass.MappedClass.AssemblyQualifiedName, idSchema.name, access);

				var property = new Property(id) { Name = idSchema.name };

				if (property.Value.Type == null)
					throw new MappingException("could not determine a property type for: " + property.Name);

				property.PropertyAccessorName = idSchema.access ?? mappings.DefaultAccess;
				property.Cascade = mappings.DefaultCascade;
				property.IsUpdateable = true;
				property.IsInsertable = true;
				property.IsOptimisticLocked = true;
				property.Generation = PropertyGeneration.Never;
				property.MetaAttributes = GetMetas(idSchema, EmptyMeta);

				rootClass.IdentifierProperty = property;


示例2: BindProperty

		private void BindProperty(HbmVersion versionSchema, Property property, IDictionary<string, MetaAttribute> inheritedMetas)
			property.Name = versionSchema.name;

			if (property.Value.Type == null)
				throw new MappingException("could not determine a property type for: " + property.Name);

			property.PropertyAccessorName = versionSchema.access ?? mappings.DefaultAccess;
			property.Cascade = mappings.DefaultCascade;
			property.IsUpdateable = true;
			property.IsInsertable = true;
			property.IsOptimisticLocked = true;
			property.Generation = Convert(versionSchema.generated);

			if (property.Generation == PropertyGeneration.Always
				|| property.Generation == PropertyGeneration.Insert)
				// generated properties can *never* be insertable...
				if (property.IsInsertable)
					// insertable simply because that is the user did not specify
					// anything; just override it
					property.IsInsertable = false;

				// properties generated on update can never be updateable...
				if (property.IsUpdateable && property.Generation == PropertyGeneration.Always)
					// updateable only because the user did not specify 
					// anything; just override it
					property.IsUpdateable = false;

			property.MetaAttributes = GetMetas(versionSchema, inheritedMetas);

