本文整理汇总了C#中Joystick.GetCurrentState方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Joystick.GetCurrentState方法的具体用法?C# Joystick.GetCurrentState怎么用?C# Joystick.GetCurrentState使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Joystick
示例1: InitializeController
public void InitializeController(Guid initGuid)
controllerGuid = Guid.Empty;
var deviceInst = input.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameControl, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly);
if (deviceInst.Count == 0)
deviceInst = input.GetDevices(DeviceType.Joystick, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly);
if (deviceInst.Count > 0)
foreach (var device in deviceInst)
if (device.InstanceGuid == initGuid)
controllerGuid = initGuid;
if (controllerGuid == Guid.Empty)
controllerGuid = deviceInst[0].InstanceGuid;
controller = new Joystick(input, controllerGuid);
defaultControllerState = controller.GetCurrentState();
示例2: getFirstPressedButton
public void getFirstPressedButton()
while (listening)
foreach (var deviceInstance in directInput.GetDevices(DeviceType.Driving,
Guid joystickGuid = deviceInstance.InstanceGuid;
if (joystickGuid == Guid.Empty)
listening = false;
// Instantiate the joystick
var joystick = new Joystick(directInput, joystickGuid);
Console.WriteLine("Found Joystick/Gamepad with GUID: {0}", joystickGuid);
// Acquire the joystick
JoystickState state = joystick.GetCurrentState();
Boolean[] buttons = state.Buttons;
Boolean useThisJoystick = false;
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count(); i++)
if (buttons[i])
this.joystickToUse = joystick;
this.buttonIndex = i;
Console.WriteLine("Using button index " + buttonIndex + " for device guid " + joystickGuid);
listening = false;
useThisJoystick = true;
if (!useThisJoystick)
Console.WriteLine("Got button " + buttonIndex);
示例3: UpdateFrom
public void UpdateFrom(Joystick device, out JoystickState state)
if (!AppHelper.IsSameDevice(device, deviceInstanceGuid))
deviceInstanceGuid = Guid.Empty;
if (device != null)
deviceInstanceGuid = device.Information.InstanceGuid;
isWheel = device.Information.Type == SharpDX.DirectInput.DeviceType.Driving;
state = null;
if (device != null)
state = device.GetCurrentState();
catch (Exception ex)
var error = ex;
示例4: ShowDirectInputState
List<string> ShowDirectInputState(Joystick device)
JoystickState state = null;
if (device != null)
state = device.GetCurrentState();
catch (Exception ex)
var error = ex;
if (state == null || state.Equals(oldState)) return actions;
// Fill axis.
Axis[0] = state.X;
Axis[1] = state.Y;
Axis[2] = state.Z;
Axis[3] = state.RotationX;
Axis[4] = state.RotationY;
Axis[5] = state.RotationZ;
oldState = state;
// X-axis.
DiAxisTable.Rows[0][1] = state.X;
DiAxisTable.Rows[0][2] = state.RotationX;
DiAxisTable.Rows[0][3] = state.AccelerationX;
DiAxisTable.Rows[0][4] = state.AngularAccelerationX;
DiAxisTable.Rows[0][5] = state.ForceX;
DiAxisTable.Rows[0][6] = state.TorqueX;
DiAxisTable.Rows[0][7] = state.VelocityX;
DiAxisTable.Rows[0][8] = state.AngularVelocityX;
// Y-axis.
DiAxisTable.Rows[1][1] = state.Y;
DiAxisTable.Rows[1][2] = state.RotationY;
DiAxisTable.Rows[1][3] = state.AccelerationY;
DiAxisTable.Rows[1][4] = state.AngularAccelerationY;
DiAxisTable.Rows[1][5] = state.ForceY;
DiAxisTable.Rows[1][6] = state.TorqueY;
DiAxisTable.Rows[1][7] = state.VelocityY;
DiAxisTable.Rows[1][8] = state.AngularVelocityY;
// Z-axis.
DiAxisTable.Rows[2][1] = state.Z;
DiAxisTable.Rows[2][2] = state.RotationZ;
DiAxisTable.Rows[2][3] = state.AccelerationZ;
DiAxisTable.Rows[2][4] = state.AngularAccelerationZ;
DiAxisTable.Rows[2][5] = state.ForceZ;
DiAxisTable.Rows[2][6] = state.TorqueZ;
DiAxisTable.Rows[2][7] = state.VelocityZ;
DiAxisTable.Rows[2][8] = state.AngularVelocityZ;
var rows = DiAxisTable.Rows;
var cols = DiAxisTable.Columns;
int v;
int axisNum;
for (int r = 0; r < rows.Count; r++)
for (int c = 1; c < cols.Count; c++)
if (System.DBNull.Value == rows[r][c]) continue;
v = (int)rows[r][c];
axisNum = (c - 1) * rows.Count + r + 1;
addAction(actions, v, "Axis", axisNum);
bool[] buttons = state.Buttons;
DiButtonsTextBox.Text = "";
if (buttons != null)
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length; i++)
if (buttons[i])
actions.Add(string.Format("Button {0}", i + 1));
if (DiButtonsTextBox.Text.Length > 0) DiButtonsTextBox.Text += " ";
DiButtonsTextBox.Text += (i + 1).ToString("00");
// Sliders
var sNum = 1;
ProcessSlider(actions, state.Sliders, DiUvSliderTextBox, ref sNum);
ProcessSlider(actions, state.AccelerationSliders, DiASliderTextBox, ref sNum);
ProcessSlider(actions, state.ForceSliders, DiFSliderTextBox, ref sNum);
ProcessSlider(actions, state.VelocitySliders, DiVSliderTextBox, ref sNum);
// Point of view buttons
int[] dPad = state.PointOfViewControllers;
DiDPadTextBox.Text = "";
if (dPad != null)
for (int i = 0; i < dPad.Length; i++)
v = dPad[i];
示例5: LoadJoysticks
private void LoadJoysticks()
DirectInput di = new DirectInput();
List<DeviceInstance> devices = new List<DeviceInstance>();
devices.AddRange(di.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly));
foreach (DeviceInstance i in devices) {
if (i.Type == DeviceType.Joystick) {
Joystick j = new Joystick(di, i.InstanceGuid);
// set up a timer to poll joystick state at 10Hz
timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 100);
示例6: StickHandlingLogic
void StickHandlingLogic(Joystick stick, int id)
// Creates an object from the class JoystickState.
JoystickState state = new JoystickState();
state = stick.GetCurrentState(); //Gets the state of the joystick
//These are for the thumbstick readings
yValue = -state.Y;
xValue = state.X;
zValue = state.Z;
rotationZValue = state.RotationZ;
rotationXValue = state.RotationY;
rotationYValue = state.RotationX;
int th = 0;
int[] z = state.GetSliders();
th= z[0];
if (z[0] == 0 && isFirst)
th = 0;
if(isFirst) isFirst = false;
if (th >= 0)
th = 50 - th / 2;
th = -th / 2 + 50;
Console.Write("thrust = " + th);
Console.WriteLine(" x = " + xValue + " y = " + yValue + " z = " + zValue + " rot x = " + rotationXValue + " rot y = " + rotationYValue + " rot Z = " + rotationZValue);
bool[] buttons = state.GetButtons(); // Stores the number of each button on the gamepad into the bool[] butons.
// Console.WriteLine("# of button = " + buttons.Length);
//Here is an example on how to use this for the joystick in the first index of the array list
if (id == 0)
// This is when button 0 of the gamepad is pressed, the label will change. Button 0 should be the square button.
if (buttons[0])
示例7: tm1939StickHandlingLogic
void tm1939StickHandlingLogic(Joystick stick, int id)
var state = stick.GetCurrentState();
bool[] buttons = state.GetButtons(); // Stores the number of each button on the gamepad into the bool[] butons.
String strButtonMap = tm1939GetButtonMap(buttons, id);
_form.UseButtonMap(id, strButtonMap);
示例8: scanJoystickInputs
private void scanJoystickInputs(NodeDevice device, Joystick joystick)
var state = joystick.GetCurrentState();
foreach (var discreteInput in device.NodeDiscreteInputChildren)
int buttonIndex = Convert.ToInt32(discreteInput.Address.ToString());
var buttons = state.GetButtons();
discreteInput.Value = buttons[buttonIndex];
foreach (var analogInput in device.NodeAnalogInputChildren)
int rawValue = 0;
if (analogInput.Code.ToString().StartsWith(Resources.Strings.PoVHat))
var povIndex = Convert.ToInt32(analogInput.Address.ToString());
rawValue = state.GetPointOfViewControllers()[povIndex];
switch (analogInput.Address.ToString())
case "X":
rawValue = state.X;
case "Y":
rawValue = state.Y;
case "Z":
rawValue = state.Z;
case "RotationX":
rawValue = state.RotationX;
case "RotationY":
rawValue = state.RotationY;
case "RotationZ":
rawValue = state.RotationZ;
analogInput.Value = rawValue;
示例9: getFirstPressedButton
private Boolean getFirstPressedButton(System.Windows.Forms.Form parent, ControllerData controllerData, ButtonAssignment buttonAssignment)
listenForAssignment = true;
// Instantiate the joystick
var joystick = new Joystick(directInput, controllerData.guid);
// Acquire the joystick
joystick.SetCooperativeLevel(parent, (CooperativeLevel.NonExclusive | CooperativeLevel.Background));
joystick.Properties.BufferSize = 128;
Boolean gotAssignment = false;
while (listenForAssignment)
Boolean[] buttons = joystick.GetCurrentState().Buttons;
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count(); i++)
if (buttons[i])
Console.WriteLine("Got button at index " + i);
removeAssignmentsForControllerAndButton(controllerData.guid, i);
buttonAssignment.controller = controllerData;
buttonAssignment.joystick = joystick;
buttonAssignment.buttonIndex = i;
listenForAssignment = false;
gotAssignment = true;
if (!gotAssignment)
return gotAssignment;
示例10: procesar
private void procesar(Joystick stick)
JoystickState state = new JoystickState();
state = stick.GetCurrentState();
string nombre = stick.Information.InstanceName; //instance name
lblNombre.Text = nombre;
bool[] botones = state.GetButtons();
if (botones.Length >= 10)
if (botones[0] == true)
boton0.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
if (botones[1] == true)
boton1.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
if (botones[2] == true)
boton2.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
if (botones[3] == true)
boton3.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
if (botones[4] == true)
boton4.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
if (botones[5] == true)
boton5.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
if (botones[6] == true)
boton6.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
if (botones[7] == true)
boton7.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
if (botones[8] == true)
boton8.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
if (botones[9] == true)
boton9.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
int sx = state.X;
int sy = state.Y;
if (sx == -1000)
boton13.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
else if (sx == 1000)
boton11.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
if (sy == -1000)
boton10.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
else if (sy == 1000)
boton12.Image = muestraActivado.Image;
MessageBox.Show("El dispositivo no es del tipo adecuado o está dañado.", "Dispositivo incorrecto", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
catch (Exception ex)
示例11: getFirstPressedButton
private Boolean getFirstPressedButton(System.Windows.Forms.Form parent, ControllerData controllerData, ButtonAssignment buttonAssignment)
Boolean gotAssignment = false;
if (controllerData.guid == NETWORK_CONSOLE_CONTROLLER_GUID)
PCarsUDPreader gameDataReader = (PCarsUDPreader)GameStateReaderFactory.getInstance().getGameStateReader(GameDefinition.pCarsNetwork);
int assignedButton = gameDataReader.getButtonIndexForAssignment();
if (assignedButton != -1)
removeAssignmentsForControllerAndButton(controllerData.guid, assignedButton);
buttonAssignment.controller = controllerData;
buttonAssignment.buttonIndex = assignedButton;
listenForAssignment = false;
gotAssignment = true;
listenForAssignment = true;
// Instantiate the joystick
var joystick = new Joystick(directInput, controllerData.guid);
// Acquire the joystick
joystick.SetCooperativeLevel(parent, (CooperativeLevel.NonExclusive | CooperativeLevel.Background));
joystick.Properties.BufferSize = 128;
while (listenForAssignment)
Boolean[] buttons = joystick.GetCurrentState().Buttons;
for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Count(); i++)
if (buttons[i])
Console.WriteLine("Got button at index " + i);
removeAssignmentsForControllerAndButton(controllerData.guid, i);
buttonAssignment.controller = controllerData;
buttonAssignment.joystick = joystick;
buttonAssignment.buttonIndex = i;
listenForAssignment = false;
gotAssignment = true;
if (!gotAssignment)
return gotAssignment;
示例12: RefreshJoystickState
private void RefreshJoystickState(Joystick joystick, ZXSpectrum.Joystick zxJoystick)
// Set BufferSize in order to use buffered data.
// joystick.Properties.BufferSize = 128;
// Poll events from joystick
// joystick.Poll();
// var datas = joystick.GetBufferedData();
JoystickState currentState = joystick.GetCurrentState();
ZXSpectrum.JoystickHorizontalPosition newHorizontalPosition = ZXSpectrum.JoystickHorizontalPosition.Center;
if (currentState.X < 16383)
newHorizontalPosition = ZXSpectrum.JoystickHorizontalPosition.Left;
else if (currentState.X > 49150)
newHorizontalPosition = ZXSpectrum.JoystickHorizontalPosition.Right;
ZXSpectrum.JoystickVerticalPosition newVerticalPosition = ZXSpectrum.JoystickVerticalPosition.Center;
if (currentState.Y < 16383)
newVerticalPosition = ZXSpectrum.JoystickVerticalPosition.Up;
else if (currentState.Y > 49150)
newVerticalPosition = ZXSpectrum.JoystickVerticalPosition.Down;
bool newButtonPressedState = currentState.Buttons[0];
zxJoystick.RefreshCurrentPosition(newVerticalPosition, newHorizontalPosition, newButtonPressedState);