本文整理汇总了C#中Body.ApplyPosition方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Body.ApplyPosition方法的具体用法?C# Body.ApplyPosition怎么用?C# Body.ApplyPosition使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类Body
示例1: FixedHingeJoint
public FixedHingeJoint(Body body, Vector2D anchor, Lifespan lifetime)
: base(lifetime)
if (body == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("body"); }
this.body = body;
this.anchor = anchor;
Vector2D.Transform(ref body.Matrices.ToBody, ref anchor, out this.localAnchor1);
this.softness = 0.001f;
this.biasFactor = 0.2f;
this.distanceTolerance = Scalar.PositiveInfinity;
示例2: HingeJoint
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new HingeJoint Instance.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="body1">One of the bodies to be Jointed.</param>
/// <param name="body2">One of the bodies to be Jointed.</param>
/// <param name="anchor">The location of the Hinge.</param>
/// <param name="lifeTime">A object Describing how long the object will be in the engine.</param>
public HingeJoint(Body body1, Body body2, Vector2D anchor, Lifespan lifetime)
: base(lifetime)
if (body1 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("body1"); }
if (body2 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("body2"); }
if (body1 == body2) { throw new ArgumentException("You cannot add a joint to a body to itself"); }
this.body1 = body1;
this.body2 = body2;
Vector2D.Transform(ref body1.Matrices.ToBody, ref anchor, out this.localAnchor1);
Vector2D.Transform(ref body2.Matrices.ToBody, ref anchor, out this.localAnchor2);
this.softness = 0.001f;
this.biasFactor = 0.2f;
this.distanceTolerance = Scalar.PositiveInfinity;
示例3: AddLine
public static Body AddLine(DemoOpenInfo info, Vector2D point1, Vector2D point2, Scalar thickness, Scalar mass)
Vector2D line = point1 - point2;
Vector2D avg = (point1 + point2) * .5f;
Scalar length = line.Magnitude;
Scalar angle = line.Angle;
Scalar Hd2 = thickness * .5f;
Scalar Wd2 = length * .5f;
int curveEdgeCount = 5;
Scalar da = MathHelper.Pi / curveEdgeCount;
List<Vector2D> vertexes = new List<Vector2D>();
vertexes.Add(new Vector2D(Wd2, Hd2));
vertexes.Add(new Vector2D(-Wd2, Hd2));
for (Scalar angle2 = MathHelper.PiOver2 + da; angle2 < MathHelper.ThreePiOver2; angle2 += da)
vertexes.Add(new Vector2D(-Wd2, 0) + Vector2D.FromLengthAndAngle(Hd2, angle2));
vertexes.Add(new Vector2D(-Wd2, -Hd2));
vertexes.Add(new Vector2D(Wd2, -Hd2));
for (Scalar angle2 = -MathHelper.PiOver2 + da; angle2 < MathHelper.PiOver2; angle2 += da)
vertexes.Add(new Vector2D(Wd2, 0) + Vector2D.FromLengthAndAngle(Hd2, angle2));
IShape shape = ShapeFactory.CreateColoredPolygon(vertexes.ToArray(), thickness / 4);
Body body = new Body(
new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D(0, avg)),
new Lifespan());
body.Transformation = Matrix2x3.FromRotationZ(angle);
return body;
示例4: CreateTank
public static DisposeCallback CreateTank(DemoOpenInfo info, Vector2D position,List<Body> result)
Lifespan avatarLifespan = new Lifespan();
IShape shape = ShapeFactory.CreateSprite(Cache<SurfacePolygons>.GetItem("tank.png"), 4, 18, 2);
ObjectIgnorer ignorer = new ObjectIgnorer();
Body tankBody = new Body(new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D(0, 0, 0)),
300,//new MassInfo(40, Scalar.PositiveInfinity),
new Coefficients(0, 1),
tankBody.State.Position.Linear += position;
tankBody.CollisionIgnorer = ignorer;
BodyGraphic graphic = CreateGraphic(tankBody);
graphic.ZOrder = 2;
Scalar wheelSize = 18;
Scalar wheelSpacing = -9;
Scalar lenghtPercent = .84f;
Matrix2x3 ident = Matrix2x3.Identity;
BoundingRectangle rect;
shape.CalcBoundingRectangle(ref ident, out rect);
Scalar y = (rect.Max.Y + 4);
Body lastWheel = null;
BoundingPolygon polygon = new BoundingPolygon(shape.Vertexes);
Ray ray2 = new Ray(new Vector2D(rect.Max.X, y), -Vector2D.YAxis);
Scalar y3 = y - polygon.Intersects(ray2);
Vector2D avatarBarrelOffset = new Vector2D(rect.Max.X + 10, y3);
CircleShape wheelShape = ShapeFactory.CreateColoredCircle(wheelSize, 30);
Scalar force = 0;
for (Scalar x = rect.Min.X + wheelSize; x < (rect.Max.X - wheelSize) * lenghtPercent; x += (wheelSize * 2 + wheelSpacing))
Ray ray = new Ray(new Vector2D(x, y), -Vector2D.YAxis);
Scalar y2 = y - polygon.Intersects(ray);
Vector2D offset = new Vector2D(x, y2);
Body wheel = new Body(
new PhysicsState(new ALVector2D(0, offset + position)),
new Coefficients(0, 3),// coefficients.Duplicate(),
wheel.CollisionIgnorer = ignorer;
wheel.AngularDamping = .9f;
wheel.Updated += delegate(object sender, UpdatedEventArgs e)
wheel.State.ForceAccumulator.Angular += force;
HingeJoint joint = new HingeJoint(tankBody, wheel, offset + position, avatarLifespan);
joint.Softness = .1f;
if (lastWheel != null)
AngleJoint joint2 = new AngleJoint(lastWheel, wheel, avatarLifespan);
lastWheel = wheel;
CircleShape weaponShape = ShapeFactory.CreateColoredCircle(5, 8);
//now begins the abuse of anominous delegates (BIG TIME)
EventHandler<KeyboardEventArgs> keyDownHandler = delegate(object sender, KeyboardEventArgs e)
switch (e.Key)
case Key.LeftArrow:
force = -1500000;
case Key.RightArrow:
force = 1500000;
case Key.Space:
Scalar velocity = 2000;
Matrix2x3 toWorld = tankBody.Matrices.ToWorld;
Matrix2x2 toWorldNormal = tankBody.Matrices.ToWorldNormal;
// Matrix2D mat = avatarBodies[0].Matrices.ToWorld;
Vector2D direction = toWorldNormal * Vector2D.XAxis;
示例5: BasicDemoSetup
public static DisposeCallback BasicDemoSetup(DemoOpenInfo info)
DisposeCallback dispose = null;
IShape bombShape = ShapeFactory.CreateSprite(Cache<SurfacePolygons>.GetItem("rocket.png"), 2, 16, 3);
dispose += DemoHelper.RegisterBombLaunching(info, bombShape, 120);
dispose += DemoHelper.RegisterMousePicking(info);
dispose += DemoHelper.RegisterBodyStreamSpawning(info,
new Body(new PhysicsState(), ParticleShape.Default, 1, Coefficients.Duplicate(), new Lifespan(.5f)), 2, 120, 1000, Key.B);
dispose += DemoHelper.RegisterMaintainSpawning(info, SdlDotNet.Input.Key.N,
delegate(Vector2D position)
ExplosionLogic result = new ExplosionLogic(position, Vector2D.Zero, 9000, .1f, 600, new Lifespan(.25f));
return result;
List<RaySegment> segments = new List<RaySegment>();
for (Scalar angle = 0; angle < MathHelper.PiOver2; angle += .05f)
RaySegment seg = new RaySegment();
seg.Length = 500;
seg.RayInstance = new Ray(Vector2D.Zero, Vector2D.FromLengthAndAngle(1, angle));
IShape rayShape = ShapeFactory.CreateRays(segments.ToArray());
dispose += DemoHelper.RegisterMaintainSpawning(info, SdlDotNet.Input.Key.M,
delegate(Vector2D position)
Body lazer = new Body(new PhysicsState(), rayShape, 1, new Coefficients(1, 1), new Lifespan());
lazer.State.Position.Linear = position;
lazer.State.Velocity.Angular = .91f;
lazer.IgnoresGravity = true;
return lazer;
return dispose;
示例6: CreateClipper
void CreateClipper()
int width = 800;
int height = 600;
PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(VertexHelper.CreateRectangle(width, height), 100);
clipper = new Body(new PhysicsState(), shape,1, new Coefficients(0, 0), new Lifespan());
clipper.State.Position.Linear.X = width / 2f;
clipper.State.Position.Linear.Y = height / 2f;
clipper.IsBroadPhaseOnly = true;
clipper.IsEventable = false;
clipper.IgnoresGravity = true;
clipper.IgnoresPhysicsLogics = true;
clipper.Collided += new EventHandler<CollisionEventArgs>(clipper_Collided);
clipper.Updated += new EventHandler<UpdatedEventArgs>(clipper_Updated);
示例7: AddRays
void AddRays()
List<RaySegment> segments = new List<RaySegment>();
for (Scalar angle = 0; angle < MathHelper.PiOver2; angle += .05f)
RaySegment seg = new RaySegment();
seg.Length = 500;
seg.RayInstance = new Ray(Vector2D.Zero, Vector2D.FromLengthAndAngle(1, angle));
lazer = new Body(new PhysicsState(), new RaySegmentsShape(segments.ToArray()), 1, new Coefficients(1, 1), new Lifespan());
lazer.State.Position.Linear = sparkPoint;
lazer.State.Velocity.Angular = .91f;
lazer.IgnoresGravity = true;
lazerLogic = new RaySegmentsCollisionLogic(lazer);
lock (objects)
OpenGlObject o = new OpenGlObject(lazer, lazerLogic);
lazer.Tag = o;
示例8: OpenGlObject
public OpenGlObject(Body entity)
this.points = new List<Vector2D>();
this.entity = entity;
this.entity.PositionChanged += entity_NewState;
this.entity.Removed += entity_Removed;
Matrix2x3 mat = entity.Matrices.ToWorld;
Matrix2x3.Copy2DToOpenGlMatrix(ref mat, matrix);
if (entity.Shape is RaySegmentsShape)
/*RaySegmentsShape se = (RaySegmentsShape)entity.Shape;
entity.Collided += new EventHandler<CollisionEventArgs>(entity_Collided);
distances = new Scalar[se.Segments.Length];
entity.Updated += new EventHandler<UpdatedEventArgs>(entity_Updated);*/
else if (DrawCollisionPoints && !(entity.Shape is ParticleShape))
entity.Collided += entity_Collided2;