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C++ shared_ptr::ConfigFactoryDefault方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C++中std::shared_ptr::ConfigFactoryDefault方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C++ shared_ptr::ConfigFactoryDefault方法的具体用法?C++ shared_ptr::ConfigFactoryDefault怎么用?C++ shared_ptr::ConfigFactoryDefault使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在std::shared_ptr的用法示例。


示例1: TalonSRXCheck

bool TalonSRXUtils::TalonSRXCheck(std::shared_ptr<WPI_TalonSRX> talonSRX, const char *subsystem, const char *name) {
	int			i;
	int			deviceID = 0;
	int			fwVersion = 0;
	bool		talonValid = false;
	ErrorCode	error = OKAY;

	// Configure subsystem and component name
    talonSRX->SetName(subsystem, name);
   	std::printf("2135: TalonSRX Subsystem %s Name %s\n", talonSRX->GetSubsystem().c_str(), talonSRX->GetName().c_str());

    // Display Talon SRX firmware versions
	deviceID = talonSRX->GetDeviceID();
	if ((error = talonSRX->GetLastError()) != OKAY) {
		std::printf("2135: ERROR: %s Motor %s GetDeviceID error - %d\n", 
			subsystem, name, error);
		return error;

	for (i = 0; i < m_retries; i++) {
		fwVersion = talonSRX->GetFirmwareVersion();
		if ((error = talonSRX->GetLastError()) != OKAY) {
			std::printf("2135: ERROR: %s Motor %s ID %d GetFirmwareVersion error - %d\n", 
				subsystem, name, deviceID, error);
			return error;
		if (fwVersion == m_reqVersion) {
			talonValid = true;
		else {
			std::printf("2135: WARNING: %s Motor %s ID %d Incorrect FW version %d.%d expected %d.%d\n",
				subsystem, name, deviceID, fwVersion/256, fwVersion%256, m_reqVersion/256, m_reqVersion%256);

	if (talonValid) {
			// Initialize Talon SRX to all factory defaults
		if ((error = talonSRX->ConfigFactoryDefault(m_timeout)) != OKAY) {
			std::printf("2135: ERROR: %s Motor %s ID %d ConfigFactoryDefault error - %d\n", 
				subsystem, name, deviceID, error);

		std::printf("2135: %s Motor %s ID %d ver %d.%d is RESPONSIVE and INITIALIZED (error %d)\n",
				subsystem, name, deviceID, fwVersion/256, fwVersion&0xff, error);
	else {
		std::printf("2135: ERROR: %s Motor %s ID %d ver %d.%d is UNRESPONSIVE, (error %d)\n",
				subsystem, name, deviceID, fwVersion/256, fwVersion&0xff, error);

	return talonValid;
